62 research outputs found

    The Cross-Cultural Competence Inventory : validity and psychometric properties of a Polish adaptation

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    Due to changes in Polish society resulting from a significant inflow of immigrants to Poland, the need to develop the cultural competences of various professional groups who have contact with immigrants in their work has increased. These groups should include healthcare professionals, especially because of the significant increase in the number of culturally diverse patients. Therefore, medical education in Poland has had to rapidly adapt to this novel situation. For instance, the teaching process should be now more focused on the development and evaluation of the cultural competences of prospective health care workers. However, there is still a lack of standardized, valid and reliable instruments to assess cross-cultural competences among healthcare professionals. The purpose of the present paper was to describe, for the first time, the translation, adaptation, and psychometric evaluation of the Polish version of the Cross-Cultural Competence Inventory. Across two studies, we examined psychometric properties of the Cross-Cultural Competence Inventory (CCCI) such as reliability (i.e. internal consistency, test-retest reliability, factor structure) and validity (i.e. theoretical, criteria, convergent). In the first study, 408 participants (75% were healthcare professionals) completed the Polish version of the CCCI and the Positive/Negative Attitude Towards Culturally Divergent People Questionnaire. In the second study, 317 participants (97% were healthcare professionals) completed the CCCI twice, with an interval of at least 22 days. In addition, across two study sessions, participants completed questionnaires constructed to measure (a) cultural intelligence, (b) need for cognitive closure, (c) emphatic sensitiveness, (d) emotional intelligence, (e) self-esteem, (f) social desirability, and (g) personality. Finally, to additionally examine the theoretical validity, 36 professional cross-cultural competence trainers completed the CCCI during a one-session study. Our findings confirm the reliability and validity of the CCCI. More precisely, in study 1 we proved the theoretical validity and reliability (i.e. internal consistency) of the CCCI. While the assumed structure did not fit the data well, all items were significantly related to the general factor, thus providing strong support for the usage of the total score of the CCCI. In study 2, we additionally estimated the test-retest reliability and theoretical, criterion and convergent validity. Across two studies we were able to successfully confirm these psychometric properties. The reliability was satisfactory and ranged from .83 to .86. We also observed a high and significant positive correlation between CCCI and the Cultural Intelligence Scale, which measures a concept similar to the one measured by CCCI. In addition, a significant relationship between intercultural competences (CCCI) and other variables such as personality, empathic sensitivity, emotional intelligence, self-esteem (positive correlations) and the need for cognitive closure (mainly negative correlation) were demonstrated. The obtained results support the usage of the CCCI questionnaire in scientific research, such as, for example, among healthcare professionals (nurses, doctors) and students of medical fields (nursing, medicine)

    The polish version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale : assessment of its reliability and validity among healthcare professionals and medical faculty students

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    Healthcare professionals and students of medical faculties in Poland increasingly encounter culturally diverse patients. It is necessary to support the development of cultural intelligence in order to improve the medical care provided to patients from different cultural backgrounds. At present there are no standardized tools in Poland that can accurately and reliably assess cultural intelligence, which is defined by Ang et al. as “an individual’s capability to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse settings”. As argued in the present paper, this (cap)ability may be important for providing patient-centred care that is culturally adequate and competent. The aim of the research was to show the multistage process of validation of the Polish version of The Cultural Intelligence Scale by Ang et al. and Van Dyne et. al. Across two studies we examined the psychometric properties of the Cultural Intelligence Scale, including reliability (i.e. internal consistency, test-retest reliability, factor structure) and validity (i.e. theoretical, criteria, convergent). In the first two-session study, 349 participants (98% were healthcare professionals, e.g. nurse, student nurse, medical student; mainly women, 89%) completed the Polish version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale twice with an interval of at least 22 days. In addition, across two study sessions participants completed questionnaires constructed to measure (a) cultural competence, (b) need for cognitive closure, (c) emphatic sensitiveness, (d) emotional intelligence, (e) self-esteem, (f) social desirability, (g) personality, and (h) positive/negative attitudes towards culturally divergent people. Finally, to additionally examine the theoretical validity, 36 professional cross-cultural competence trainers completed the Cultural Intelligence Scale during a one-session study. The Cultural Intelligence Scale has been shown to have satisfactory psychometric properties. It has high reliability (Cronbach’s alpha, respectively .94 and .95 in the first and second sessions) and the factor structure seems to approach the postulated one. Theoretical and criterion accuracy are well proven; convergence is less straightforward, but it correlates well with tools that examine variables such as cultural competence, cognitive closure, empathy/emphatic sensitiveness, emotional intelligence, self-esteem, personality, and social desirability. The results suggest that these factors contribute to the development of the cultural intelligence. The Cultural Intelligence Scale can be successfully used in empirical research of cultural intelligence of medical professionals and students of medical majors and their education in Polish conditions

    The assessment of stress reactions of patients with implanted defibrillators

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    Background. Although they save life, implantable defibrillators have psychological side effects and increase the number of patients who experience anxiety, depressive symptoms and, in extreme cases, post-traumatic stress disorder (PT SD). Escalation of PT SD symptoms depends on patients’ ability to cope with stress. Objectives . The aim of this study was to assess the reactions of patients after defibrillator implantation, and their ways to cope with stress, as well as to analyze the relationship between the ways of coping with stress and PT SD symptoms. Material and methods. The study was conducted using the Mini-Cope, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), and the author’s questionnaire. It involved 111 patients with implanted defibrillators at the mean age of 60 years, including 88 (79.3%) men. The majority of the patients had secondary education – 38 (34.2%) and were married – 85 (76.6%). 51 (45.9%) were one year after defibrillator implantation. Results. It was demonstrated that 49 (44.1%) of the surveyed experienced intracardiac discharges, out of whom 8 (17.1%) went through an ‘electrical storm’. This group obtained higher PT SD scores in all three IES-R domains comparing to those without implanted defibrillators. The most common strategy to cope with stress was acceptance of the situation and searching for emotional support. Conclusions . 1. Intracardiac discharges are the vital problem of patients after defibrillator implantation. 2. Searching for emotional support and acceptance of the situation are the most common strategies to cope with stress. 3. There is a relationship between PT SD symptoms occurring in patients after implantation of a defibrillator and their strategies to cope with stress

    The occurrence of spinal pain in trade sector workers

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    Wstęp. Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa są najczęstszym objawem za burzenia struktury i funkcji narządu ruchu. Pracownicy sektora handlowego, są szczególnie narażeni na przeciążenia kręgosłupa. Celem pracy była analiza zależności miedzy występowaniem dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa a wiekiem, płcią, wykształceniem i stażem pracy. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 200 pracowników sektora handlowego sklepów branży spożywczej w 2013 roku w Choszcznie. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, narzędziem był kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający pytania charakteryzujące badaną grupę oraz Wizualną Skalę Analogową. Wyniki. Ból odcinka lędźwiowego oceniono na średnim poziomie, a szyjnego odcinka na słabym poziomie. Osoby deklarujące ból odcinka lędźwiowego (58% ) i odcinka szyjnego (56%), były w wieku 36–55 lat. Ból odcinka lędźwiowego w 78% dotyczył kobiet. Osoby ze stażem pracy 6–15 lat w 44% deklarowały ból. Wnioski: 1. Występowanie dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa jest dość częstym zjawiskiem u handlowców wymagającym przestrzegania zasad ergonomii pracy. 2. Wiek i staż pracy przyczyniają się do nasilenia bólu kręgosłupa u handlowców. 3. Dolegliwości bólowe odcinka lędźwiowego częściej występują u kobiet.Background. Spinal pain is the most common manifestation of the disturbed structure and function of the motor organ. Trade sector workers run a high risk of the spine overload. Objectives was to analyze the relationship between spinal pain and such variables as: age, gender, education, and work seniority. Material and methods. This survey-based study was conducted in 2013, using the Visual Analogue Scale and the questionnaire concerning characteristics of the study group. It involved 200 workers of the trade sector stores the food industry in Choszczno. Results. Lumbar pain was assessed as medium, and neck pain as weak. Respondents complaining of lumbar (58%) and neck pains (56%) were aged 36–5 5 years. In 78% of cases, lumbar pain affected women. Some 44% of respondents with six-fifteen-years’ work experience suffered from pain. Conclusions 1. The occurrence of spinal pain is quite common among trade workers, and requires applying ergonomic principles. 2. Age and work seniority increase spinal pain in trade workers. 3. Lumbar pain is more common among women

    Stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi kobiet w wieku postmenopauzalnym

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    Introduction: Demographic facts and forecasts about lengthening life expectancy motivate to systematize the knowledge of health problems experienced by women at the age of 50 and older. It refers to the whole health policy including health economics. Longer female life spans cause that an increasing number of women suffer from health problems associated with the perimenopausal period, and become health care recipients. Also a shift of retirement age is the reason to take interdisciplinary actions for women’s health and quality of life. This study describes a decline in the levels of many bioelements in hair, urine and blood serum, which progresses with age. It not only correlates with a decrease in the synthesis and secretion of estrogen, but also environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyle and the use of substances. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between serum zinc levels in postmenopausal women and such variables as the use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol) and menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). Material and method: The study was conducted among 152 healthy women being 1-16 years after menopause. The women were divided into study group (MHT users) and control group (MHT non-users). A sub-division criterionwas the use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol). Serum zinc levels were determined in all women. Results: The use of substances significantly contributed to the lowering of serum zinc levels in postmenopausal women. MHT users had statistically higher average zinc levels in blood serum, which referred both to smokers and consumers of alcohol and those who did not use these substances. Conclusions: 1. The use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol) contributes to the lowering of zinc levels in blood serum. 2. MHT positively affects serum zinc levels in postmenopausal women regardless of whether they use substances (cigarettes, alcohol) or not.Wstęp: Fakty i prognozy demograficzne dotyczące stałego trendu wydłużania się średniej długości życia, stają się pilnym postulatem do opracowywania oraz usystematyzowania problemów zdrowotnych kobiet w wieku 50+. Dotyczy to całokształtu polityki zdrowotnej, także w aspekcie ekonomiki zdrowia. Wydłużanie czasu życia kobiet sprawia, że coraz liczniejsza ich populacja doświadcza problemów zdrowotnych związanych ze zjawiskami okresu około-menopauzalnego, co odzwierciedla się dynamiką wzrostu korzystania z opieki zdrowotnej. Opisywane przez Autorów procesy obniżania się stężenia wielu biopierwiastków we włosach, moczu i w surowicy krwi postępują wraz z wiekiem. Zmiany te korelują nie tylko z obniżeniem syntezy i sekrecji estrogenu, ale także zatruciem środowiska oraz niewłaściwym stylem życia, w którym pierwszoplanowym problemem jest rozpowszechnienie stosowania używek. Cel pracy: Określenie zależności pomiędzy stosowaniem używek (papierosy, alkohol) a stężeniem cynku w surowicy krwi u kobiet po menopauzie, oraz wpływu menopauzalnej terapii hormonalnej (MTH) na to stężenie. Materiał i metoda: Badanie przeprowadzone zostało wśród 152 zdrowych kobiet w wieku od 1 roku do 16 lat po menopauzie. Badane podzielono w zależności od tego czy paliły papierosy lub/i spożywały alkohol. U wszystkich oznaczono stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi. Kryterium podziału stanowiło także stosowanie, bądź nie MTH. Wyniki: Stosowanie używek wpływało istotnie na obniżenie stężenia cynku w surowicy krwi kobiet po menopauzie. Kobiety stosujące MTH miały statystycznie wyższe średnie stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi, zarówno te, które paliły papierosy i piły alkohol jak i te, które nie stosowały tych używek. Wnioski: 1. Intensyfikacja edukacji zdrowotnej, mającej na celu zaniechanie stosowania używek może wpłynąć korzystnie na stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi kobiet w wieku postmenopauzalnym, co za tym idzie poprawę ich stanu zdrowia. 2. Upowszechnienie stosowania MHT wpływać może korzystnie na stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi u kobiet po menopauzie zarówno u kobiet stosujących jak i nie stosujących używki (papierosy, alkohol)

    Body Composition and Biological Functioning in Polish Perimenopausal Women with Type 2 Diabetes

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    Background and Objectives: The aim was to compare body composition and levels of biochemical blood parameters and identify relationships between biochemical parameters and body composition of women with type 2 diabetes and healthy ones, both in perimenopausal period (172 women aged between 45 and 65 come from the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland). Materials and Methods: The study consisted of an interview, body composition analysis with Jawon Medical IOI-353 (Yuseong, South Korea) analyser and venous blood biochemical analysis (lipid profile, levels of glucose, insulin, CRP, glycated haemoglobin). Results: The vast majority of body composition measurements varied between study and control groups in a statistically significant way (p < 0.05) except protein and soft lean mass of the torso. Statistically significant differences between the two groups have been observed in case of all biochemical parameters (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Body composition of women suffering from type 2 diabetes significantly varied from body composition of healthy women. Results of the first group were characterised by higher values, especially in case of general parameters, abdominal area, content of adipose tissue and soft tissues. Relationship between body composition and biochemical results may be observed, especially in level of triglycerides, CRP and insulin. Higher concentrations of these parameters were associated with increased values of majority of body composition measurements regardless of type 2 diabetes incidence

    Evaluation of the knowledge of chosen social groups about the prevention of the colorectal cancer

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    Rak jelita grubego jest bardzo rozpowszechnionym nowotworem u obu płci, głównie u osób powyżej 60. roku życia. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była analiza poziomu wiedzy społeczeństwa na temat profilaktyki oraz leczenia chorób nowotworowych jelita grubego w zależności od parametrów socjodemograficznych oraz wystąpienia raka jelita grubego w rodzinie, wykonania badania kolonoskopowego, epizodu krwi w kale u osoby badanej. Materiał i metoda badań. Badania przeprowadzono wśród 215 osób. W badaniu wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, natomiast narzędzie badawcze stanowił autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Pytania sprawdzały wiedzę badanych na temat czynników ryzyka występowania raka jelita grubego, objawów, badań przesiewowych oraz występowania nowotworu jelita grubego w rodzinie. Wyniki badań. Ogólny poziom wiedzy na temat raka jelita grubego można ocenić jako średni wśród osób zamieszkujących obszar miejski i niski dla obszaru wiejskiego. Najwyższy poziom wiedzy na temat nowotworów jelita grubego występował u osób z wykształceniem wyższym. Osoby niepracujące miały niższy poziom wiedzy na temat raka jelita grubego niż osoby pracujące, renciści i emeryci. Epizod obecności krwi w stolcu oraz wykonanie badania kolonoskopowego nie miało większego wpływu na poziom wiedzy na temat profilaktyki nowotworu jelita grubego, podobnie jak płeć i wiek osób badanych. Wnioski. Istnieje duże zapotrzebowanie społeczeństwa na edukację zdrowotną prowadzoną przez profesjonalistów ochrony zdrowia w kierunku raka jelita grubego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem środowiska wiejskiego, osób z niższym wykształceniem i niepracujących.Colorectal cancer is a very common cancer in both genders, occurring mostly in people over 60 years of age. Objective. The aim of the study was to analyze the level of public awareness of the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer, depending on sociodemographic data, family history of colorectal cancer, past colonoscopy, and the presence of blood in faeces. Materials and method. A survey-based study on a group of 215 people, performed using the author’s questionnaire concerning the respondents’ knowledge of risk factors for colorectal cancer, its symptoms, screening, and history of colorectal cancer in the family. Results. The general level of knowledge of colorectal cancer can be assessed as medium in cities and low in rural areas. The highest level of knowledge was observed among subjects with higher education. The unemployed demonstrated lower levels of knowledge than employees and recipients of retirement or disability pension. Neither the presence of blood in faeces and past colonoscopy, nor gender and age of the respondents had significant influence on the level of knowledge of colorectal cancer prevention. Conclusions. There is a great demand for public health education on colorectal cancer issues provided by healthcare professionals with special attention paid to people from rural environments, those with lower education and the unemployed