145 research outputs found

    The Tourist Value of the Jewish Material Culture Objects in the Area of Central Poland

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    Artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia rozmieszczenia oraz stanu ilościowego żydowskich obiektów kulturowych zachowanych do czasów obecnych na obszarze Polski Środkowej. Zawiera ponadto ocenę jakościową ww. obiektów z punktu widzenia ich przydatności w turystyce jako miejsc o specyficznych walorach krajoznawczych

    Endovascular treatment of post-traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulae with latex detachable balloons

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    Carotid cavernous fistula (CCF) is an abnormal connection between the carotid artery and the cavernous sinus. The CCF's are usually classified in three ways: 1. Pathologically, as spontaneous or traumatic; 2. Hemodynamically, into high-flow or low-flow; or 3. Angiographically, as direct or indirect. The Barrow angiographic classification is most commonly used. It is based on the pattern of arterial supply and has therapeutic implications

    Endovascular treatment of post-traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulae using latex detachable balloons

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    Objective. To determine the efficiency of latex detachable balloons in the treatment of post-traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulae (CCF). Methods. Management and outcome were reviewed for 34 consecutive patients with post-traumatic CCF personally treated by one of the authors (PS) using latex detachable balloons during the 4-year period 1996 - 2000. Results. Endovascular embolisation of 34 CCFs was attempted in 33 patients. In 1 patient where the fistula was a result of rupture of an intracavernous aneurysm, the fistula thrombosed spontaneously before embolisation was attempted. In the 33 treated patients, the fistula was occluded in 30 cases (91%). Patency of the internal carotid artery was preserved in 16 cases (53%). Conclusion. A high percentage (91%) of direct CCFs were successfully occluded with latex detachable balloons. There were no permanent neurological complications in any of the patients treated

    Multiplier effect and comparative statics in global games of regime change

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    This paper provides a general analysis of comparative statics results in global games. I show that the effect of a change in any parameter of the global game model can be decomposed into the direct effect, which captures the effect of a change in parameters when agents' beliefs are held constant, and the multiplier effect, which captures the role of adjustments in agents' beliefs. I characterize conditions under which the multiplier effect is strong and relate it to the strength of strategic complementarities and the publicity multiplier emphasized in earlier work. Finally, I use the above insights to identify when comparative statics can be deduced from the model's primitives, when they do not depend on the information structure, and when they coincide with predictions of the complete information model

    Kreatorzy kolonizacji turystycznej przestrzeni wypoczynku indywidualnego w zachodnim sektorze strefy podmiejskiej Lodzi

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    The article presents the demographic, social and spatial characteristics of the colonisers of available recreational space to the west of Łódź. The descriptions are based on a survey carried out among owners of plots who are treated as being representative. One method for modelling the 'spatial migration' of the places of permanent residence of the owners over time was innovation diffusion.W artykule zaprezentowano demograficzną, społeczną. i przestrzenną charakterystykę kolonizatorów przestrzeni wypoczynku indywidualnego w zachodnim sektorze strefy podmiejskiej Łodzi. Charakterystyki oparto na wynikach ankiet przeprowadzonych z właścicielami działek letniskowych - respondentów wyłoniono na zasadzie doboru próby reprezentacyjnej. Jedną z metod modelowania przemieszczania się przestrzennego zjawiska w czasie była metoda dyfuzji innowacji

    Allotment Gardens (AG) in the days of the covid-19 pandemic. The case of “Żeromskiego” AG in Łask-Kolumna and “Wolinka” AG in Zduńska Wola (Poland)

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    Family Allotment Gardens (AG) are a place of rest and recreation for residents of mainly large cities. The COVID-19 pandemic, which started in China in January 2020, launched a major crisis affecting various types of human activity, including tourism and hospitality, and limited travel opportunities. For many people, especially the poorer and professionally inactive ones (including retirees and pensioners), activities on plots of Family Allotment Gardens have become the only form of active recreation. On November 5, 2020, on the official website of the international organization Office International du Coin de Terre et des Jardins Familiaux, operating since 1926, representing national organizations and associations of gardeners from 14 European countries, the following information was published: “The pandemic has confirmed it: allotment gardens are more important than ever”. This article is an attempt to verify this thesis by answering the question: If and to what extent did the COVID-19 pandemic influence the behavior and recreation of allotment garden users? This was verified by a questionnaire survey conducted among users of two gardens located in the western part of the suburban area of Łódź. The analysis showed that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the behavior and rest of allotment garden users; however, the impact in the case of the studied gardens was not as large as could be expected