9 research outputs found

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    Az esély január 27-én háromszáz fős szakmai közönség előtt háromórás vitát rendezett a 2007–2013 közötti időszakra vonatkozó II. Nemzeti Fejlesztési Tervről. A társadalmi kohéziós politika fejlesztéspolitikai összefüggéseiről Ferge Zsuzsa akadémikus, az ELTE egyetemi tanára, Krémer Balázs, a Debreceni Egyetem docense, Lantos Gabriella, a Nemzeti Fejlesztési Hivatal munkatársa, Sziklai István, az ICSSZEM főosztályvezető-helyettese, valamint Szivós Péter, a Tárki ügyvezető igazgatója mondta el véleményét. A vitát Gyulavári Tamás, a Pécsi Tudományegyetem docense vezette. Az alábbiakban a vita rövidített, szerkesztett szövegét olvashatják

    Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for COVID-19 associated severe respiratory failure: Case series from a Hungarian tertiary centre

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    Introduction Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (V-V ECMO) is recommended for the support of patients with severe COVID-19 associated severe respiratory failure (SRF). We report the characteristics and outcome of COVID-19 patients supported with V-V ECMO in a Hungarian centre. Methods We retrospectively collected data on all patients admitted with proven SARS CoV-2 infection who received V-V ECMO support between March 2021 and May 2022. Results Eighteen patients were placed on ECMO during this period, (5 women, age (mean +/- SD) 44 +/- 10 years, APACHE II score (median (interquartile range)) 12 (10-14.5)). Before ECMO support, they had been hospitalised for 6 (4-11) days. Fifteen patients received noninvasive ventilation for 4 (2-8) days, two patients had high flow nasal oxygen therapy, for one day each. They had already been intubated for 2.5 (1-6) days. Prone position was applied in 15 cases. On the day before ECMO initiation the Lung Injury Score was 3.25 (3-3.26), the PaO2/FiO(2) ratio was 71 +/- 19 mmHg. The duration of V-V ECMO support was 26 +/- 20 days, and the longest run lasted 70 days. Patients were mechanically ventilated for 34 +/- 23 days. The intensive care unit (ICU) and the hospital length of stay were 40 +/- 28 days and 45 +/- 31 days, respectively. Eleven patients were successfully weaned from ECMO. The ICU survival rate was 56%, the in-hospital survival was 50%. All patients who were discharged from hospital reported a good health-related quality of life Rankin score (0-2) at the 5-16 months follow-up. Conclusions During the last three waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, we achieved a 56% ICU and a 50% hospital survival rate at our low volume centre

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    Welfare support and poverty in Hungary, 1992-1997

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