27 research outputs found

    Kereskedelemelmélet és magyar agrárkereskedelem = International trade theory and the Hungarian agricultural trade

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    CMS modell azt mutatja, hogy Magyarország általános versenyképessége az EU-ban és a világpiacon csökkent, Az agrárkereskedelem speicalizációja vegyes képet mutat. Eredményeink szerint a vizsgált időszakban a kereskededelem szerkezete konvergált Csehországban, Magyarországon, Litvániában, Lengyelországban és Szlovéniában, míg a polarizálódott Észtországban, Lettországban és Szlovákiában. Az egyes csoortokban a B indexek nagyobb változékonyságot mutattak. Meglehetősen nagy annak a valószínűsége, hogy egy termékcsoport specializációja csökkenjen, míg annak növekedésére az esély változó. A kutatás ágazaton belüli kereskedelmet vizsgálta Magyarország és az Eu között. Az ágazaton belüli kereskedelmet horizontális és vertikális összetevőire bontjuk az egységértékek alapján. Eredményeink azt mutatják, hogy a vertikális típusú kereskedelem meghatározó a teljes ágazaton belüli kereskedelemben a mezőgazdasági termékek esetében. Pozitív kapcsolatot találunk a tényezőellátottság és a vertikális ágazaton belüli kereskedelem között. Megmutatjuk továbbá, hogy a jövedelemelosztásnak nincs szignifikáns hatása, míg a távolság csak az N típusú vertikális differenciált modellt befolyásolja. Továbbá, a regressziós elemzésben az ágazaton belüli kereskedelem különböző mérőszámai közül az ágazaton belüli kereskedelem szintje jobb függő változónak bizonyult, mint az ágazaton belüli kereskedelem foka, illetve aránya. | Constant Market Share analysis indicates that Hungary?s general competitiveness in EU and world markets fell. The extent of trade specialisation exhibits a mixed trend; Our results suggest that trade pattern has converged in Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia, while it polarised in Estonia, Latvia, and Slovakia over the period. For particular product groups, the indices display greater variation. They are stable for product groups with comparative disadvantage, but product groups with weak to strong comparative advantage show significant variation. The research investigates intra-industry trade (IIT) in agri-food products between Hungary and the EU. Intra-industry trade is separated into its horizontal and vertical components on the basis of differences in unit values. Results show vertical type trade is predominant in total IIT of agri-food products. We find a positive relationship between factor endowment and vertical IIT. It is also shown that variation in income distribution has no significant effect, and distance affects significantly only N models of vertical IIT. More importantly, using a measure of IIT that reflects the level of trade produces better regression results than those based on the degree or share of IIT. The model relating to Hungary?s vertical IIT in agri-food products yields the most promising results in terms of explanatory power

    A gyermek 9 (1915) 01-02

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    A gyermek A Magyar Gyermektanulmányi Társaság közlönye 9. évfolyam, 01-02. szám Budapest, 1915. A folyóirat 1908-ig a Gyermekvédelmi lap mellékleteként, 1909-től mint önálló lap jelent meg

    Fractional flow reserve in below the knee arteries with critical limb ischemia and validation against gold-standard morphologic, functional measures and long term clinical outcomes.

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to assess the applicability of fractional flow reserve measurement (FFR) in below-the-knee (BTK) arteries and to evaluate its correlation with non-invasive functional parameters before and after angioplasty. METHODS: We enrolled 39 patients with severe BTK arterial lesions. Inclusion criteria were critical limb ischemia (Rutherford 4-6) and angiographically proven arterial stenosis of the distal lower limb (percent diameter stenosis >/=70%). Exclusion criteria were chronic total occlusion, diabetic foot syndrome and non-viable distal lower limb. The transstenotic distal/proximal pressure ratio was measured under resting (Pd/Pa) and hyperemic (FFR) conditions induced by 40mg intra-arterial Papaverin and was compared with quantitative angiography-, laser Doppler- and duplex ultrasound-derived measurements before and after percutaneous angioplasty (PTA). RESULTS: Comparing measurements before and after PTA, we found significant improvements in the resting Pd/Pa values (0.79 [0.67-0.90] vs 0.90 [0.85-0.97]; p<0.001) and FFR values (0.60+/-0.19 vs 0.76+/-0.15; p<0.001), respectively. At baseline, Pd/Pa ratio and FFR were significantly albeit weakly correlated with % area stenosis (r:-0.31, p=0.05 and r:-0.31, p=0.05, respectively). After PTA, neither Pd/Pa nor FFR remained correlated with % area stenosis. Similarly, prior PTA, Pd/Pa ratio and FFR were significantly correlated with TcO2% and perfusion unit change (r:0.48, p<0.01 and r:0.34, p<0.05, respectively), but after intervention, these significant correlations vanished. Pd/Pa and FFR values did not show correlation with duplex ultrasound-derived measurements. At 1year, major adverse events (MAEs) and major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular (MACCEs) were observed in 7 (17.9%) and in 9 (23.1%) patients, respectively. CONCLUSION: CLI due to severe BTK arterial disease was associated with several impediments of baseline pressure measurements which were significantly improved after successful PTA and stenting. Significant relationships between pressure data and functional and imaging parameters existed prior intervention but vanished after. Further studies are required to determine the clinical value of pre- and post-PTA pressure measurements in BTK arterial disease

    A gyermek 7 (1913) 05

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    A gyermek A Magyar Gyermektanulmányi Társaság közlönye 7. évfolyam Budapest, 1913. A folyóirat 1908-ig a Gyermekvédelmi lap mellékleteként, 1909-től mint önálló lap jelent meg

    Likelihood Confidence Intervals When Only Ranges Are Available

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    Research papers represent an important and rich source of comparative data. The change is to extract the information of interest. Herein, we look at the possibilities to construct confidence intervals for sample averages when only ranges are available with maximum likelihood estimation with order statistics (MLEOS). Using Monte Carlo simulation, we looked at the confidence interval coverage characteristics for likelihood ratio and Wald-type approximate 95% confidence intervals. We saw indication that the likelihood ratio interval had better coverage and narrower intervals. For single parameter distributions, MLEOS is directly applicable. For location-scale distribution is recommended that the variance (or combination of it) to be estimated using standard formulas and used as a plug-in

    Focused Information Criterion for Restricted Mean Survival Times: Non-Parametric or Parametric Estimators

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    Restricted Mean Survival Time (RMST), the average time without an event of interest until a specific time point, is a model-free, easy to interpret statistic. The heavy reliance on non-parametric or semi-parametric methods in the survival analysis has drawn criticism, due to the loss of efficacy compared to parametric methods. This assumes that the parametric family used is the true one, otherwise the gain in efficacy might be lost to interpretability problems due to bias. The Focused Information Criterion (FIC) considers the trade-off between bias and variance and offers an objective framework for the selection of the optimal non-parametric or parametric estimator for scalar statistics. Herein, we present the FIC framework for the selection of the RMST estimator with the best bias-variance trade-off. The aim is not to identify the true underling distribution that generated the data, but to identify families of distributions that best approximate this process. Through simulation studies and theoretical reasoning, we highlight the effect of censoring on the performance of FIC. Applicability is illustrated with a real life example. Censoring has a non-linear effect on FICs performance that can be traced back to the asymptotic relative efficiency of the estimators. FICs performance is sample size dependent; however, with censoring percentages common in practical applications FIC selects the true model at a nominal probability (0.843) even with small or moderate sample sizes