13 research outputs found
Аксиология юности в прозе сергея минаева, александра снегирева и Кристины Хуцишвили
Sociologists and psychologists of the beginning of the 21st century, while analyzing
value settings of a post-Soviet person, mark gradual westernization and modernization
on one hand, and formation of neo-traditionalism and neo-conservatism in the
conscience of the youth on the other. How the conflict of the new components of the
axiological pyramid contradicting with its inherent elements of the old code in the
conscience of the youth oftentimes evolved in their conflict with themselves, in disenfranchisement and resentment of the time and their actions, is reflected in the stories and the novels by S. Minayev, A. Snegirev and K. Khoutsishvili, whose works this
article analyze
Ностальгия в системе базовых оппозиций „добро” и „зло” в автодокументальных произведениях Людмилы Улицкой „Детство 45–53: а завтра будет счастье” и Светланы Алексиевич „Время секонд хэнд”
The vision of the world portrayed in L. Ulitskaya’s and S. Alexievich’s books is built upon the basic opposition of good and evil. The category of prosthetic memory is juxtaposed with the personal experience of participants and witnesses of the past epoch who tell us about the past. The memories of the lost paradise of the serene years bring about narrators’ and responders’ nostalgia.The vision of the world portrayed in L. Ulitskaya’s and S. Alexievich’s books is built upon the basic opposition of good and evil. The category of prosthetic memory is juxtaposed with the personal experience of participants and witnesses of the past epoch who tell us about the past. The memories of the lost paradise of the serene years bring about narrators’ and responders’ nostalgia
Устная история как знаковый элемент современной русской документалистики
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach132
Личные записи как надежда на жизнь (Блокадная книга Алеся Адамовича и Даниила Гранина)
In recent years there has been a rise in interest in documentary works based on personal memories of participants and witnesses of different events. A book of the blockade by Ales Adamovich and Daniil Granin is based on the recollections and diaries of Leningrad residents who survived the blockade. It carries great emotional, philosophical and moral weight, and gives an understanding to what the residents of the city believed in and hoped for. Using the materials of A book of the blockade the author of the article aims to analyze how documents and the writers’ side notes affect a reader, and pinpoint the ways of presenting the notion of hope in the authentic diaries of Leningrad residents. As a result of the analysis of the mentioned text, the author reaches a conclusion that in the diaries the feeling and the emotion of hope is continuously updated in the course of creation of personal diaries by Leningrad residents. The concept of hope reflected on in A book of the blockade has a complex content, which can be associated with the triune concept of faith-hope-love. In the discourse of the authors, the concept preserves its Christian meaning – the spiritual salvation of a person. Yet its specifics is that the religious component is initially missing, and is subsequently gained through considerable changes that happen within and without those whose testimonies are collected in the book, and within and without the authors of the text, Adamovich and Granin.In recent years there has been a rise in interest in documentary works based on personal memories of participants and witnesses of different events. A book of the blockade by Ales Adamovich and Daniil Granin is based on the recollections and diaries of Leningrad residents who survived the blockade. It carries great emotional, philosophical and moral weight, and gives an understanding to what the residents of the city believed in and hoped for. Using the materials of A book of the blockade the author of the article aims to analyze how documents and the writers’ side notes affect a reader, and pinpoint the ways of presenting the notion of hope in the authentic diaries of Leningrad residents. As a result of the analysis of the mentioned text, the author reaches a conclusion that in the diaries the feeling and the emotion of hope is continuously updated in the course of creation of personal diaries by Leningrad residents. The concept of hope reflected on in A book of the blockade has a complex content, which can be associated with the triune concept of faith-hope-love. In the discourse of the authors, the concept preserves its Christian meaning – the spiritual salvation of a person. Yet its specifics is that the religious component is initially missing, and is subsequently gained through considerable changes that happen within and without those whose testimonies are collected in the book, and within and without the authors of the text, Adamovich and Granin.In recent years there has been a rise in interest in documentary works based on personal memories of participants and witnesses of different events. A book of the blockade by Ales Adamovich and Daniil Granin is based on the recollections and diaries of Leningrad residents who survived the blockade. It carries great emotional, philosophical and moral weight, and gives an understanding to what the residents of the city believed in and hoped for. Using the materials of A book of the blockade the author of the article aims to analyze how documents and the writers’ side notes affect a reader, and pinpoint the ways of presenting the notion of hope in the authentic diaries of Leningrad residents. As a result of the analysis of the mentioned text, the author reaches a conclusion that in the diaries the feeling and the emotion of hope is continuously updated in the course of creation of personal diaries by Leningrad residents. The concept of hope reflected on in A book of the blockade has a complex content, which can be associated with the triune concept of faith-hope-love. In the discourse of the authors, the concept preserves its Christian meaning – the spiritual salvation of a person. Yet its specifics is that the religious component is initially missing, and is subsequently gained through considerable changes that happen within and without those whose testimonies are collected in the book, and within and without the authors of the text, Adamovich and Granin.In recent years there has been a rise in interest in documentary works based on personal memories of participants and witnesses of different events. A book of the blockade by Ales Adamovich and Daniil Granin is based on the recollections and diaries of Leningrad residents who survived the blockade. It carries great emotional, philosophical and moral weight, and gives an understanding to what the residents of the city believed in and hoped for. Using the materials of A book of the blockade the author of the article aims to analyze how documents and the writers’ side notes affect a reader, and pinpoint the ways of presenting the notion of hope in the authentic diaries of Leningrad residents. As a result of the analysis of the mentioned text, the author reaches a conclusion that in the diaries the feeling and the emotion of hope is continuously updated in the course of creation of personal diaries by Leningrad residents. The concept of hope reflected on in A book of the blockade has a complex content, which can be associated with the triune concept of faith-hope-love. In the discourse of the authors, the concept preserves its Christian meaning – the spiritual salvation of a person. Yet its specifics is that the religious component is initially missing, and is subsequently gained through considerable changes that happen within and without those whose testimonies are collected in the book, and within and without the authors of the text, Adamovich and Granin
Genre syncretism of Bogdan Obraz’s book Kyiv–Paris
Bogdan Obraz’s book Kyiv–Paris. In Search of Frozen Time is non-fiction literature. It is a written testimony of a young resident of Kiev, staying in the capital of France as a student and trainee. The text of this ego-document is a fusion of elements of various genres. The autobiographical reflections of the narrator- protagonist on his identity, his psychological introspection in the course of his walks with his partners in Paris are intertwined with the material of a guide to the two capitals, selected and structured by him. Moreover, the encyclopedism of copious data on the life of the two cities is striking in its abundance of descriptions of loci that were previously out of sight of the authors of books about Paris and Kyiv. Here, excerpts from an undated personal journal appear side by side with mini-essays about famous figures in the history of France and Ukraine, quotes from song, poetry and prose, references to the works of artists, films, performances – intertwined with texts by sociologists,
market analysts, social psychologists, as non-fiction merges with fiction. All this contributes to the transformation of the declared genre forms in the book, and their contamination leads to the emergence of a new borderline [email protected] Jana Kochanowskiego w KielcachAleksandrov O., 2018, Teoretičnì problemi doslìdžennâ sučasnogo ukraïnsʹkogo trevelogu, „Vìsnik lʹvìvsʹkogo unìversitetu”, serìâ: Žurnalìstika, vip. 43, Lʹvìv, [Александров О., 2018, Теоретичні проблеми дослідження сучасного українського тревелогу, «Вісник Львівського університету», серія: Журналістика, вип. 43, Львів], http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/VLNU_Jur_2018_43_9 [12.01.2023].Belimova T., 2015, Vìdstanʹ ne u kìlometrah: Vìd Kiêva do Pariža Bogdan (Bob) Obraz. Kiïv–Pariž (U pošukah zastiglogo času). Roman, Bukvoïd, 22.08.2015 [Белимова Т., 2015, Відстань не у кілометрах: від Києва до Парижа. Богдан (Боб) Образ. Київ–Париж (У пошуках застиглого часу). 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Ольфакционный код прочтения чувственных состояний в Письмовнике Михаила Шишкина
Olfaction code of reading the sensuous conditions inMikhail Shishkin’s Letter BookOlfaction is the science about the language of scents, of the meanings conveyed through scents, and the role of scents in communication. The use of olfaction code in reading M. Shishkin’s Letter Book explains anew its meaning and helps to comprehend more deeply the dynamics of contradictory feelings of its heroes driven by the thirst for life, love, living suffering and the approaching of death.Olfakcyjny kod interpretacji uczuć i przeczuć w utworze Księga listów Michaiła SzyszkinaOlfakcja to nauka o języku zapachów, o intencjach przekazywanych za pomocą zapachów oraz roli zapachów w relacjach międzyludzkich. Wykorzystywanie kodu olfakcyjnego w procesie interpretacji utworu Michaiła Szyszkina Księga listów w nowatorski sposób ukazuje intencje autora i pomaga w rozszyfrowaniu dynamiki sprzecznych uczuć, które przeżywają bohaterowie napędzani żądzą życia, miłością lub przeczuwający bliską śmierć.Olfaction code of reading the sensuous conditions inMikhail Shishkin’s Letter BookOlfaction is the science about the language of scents, of the meanings conveyed through scents, and the role of scents in communication. The use of olfaction code in reading M. Shishkin’s Letter Book explains anew its meaning and helps to comprehend more deeply the dynamics of contradictory feelings of its heroes driven by the thirst for life, love, living suffering and the approaching of death.Olfakcyjny kod interpretacji uczuć i przeczuć w utworze Księga listów Michaiła SzyszkinaOlfakcja to nauka o języku zapachów, o intencjach przekazywanych za pomocą zapachów oraz roli zapachów w relacjach międzyludzkich. Wykorzystywanie kodu olfakcyjnego w procesie interpretacji utworu Michaiła Szyszkina Księga listów w nowatorski sposób ukazuje intencje autora i pomaga w rozszyfrowaniu dynamiki sprzecznych uczuć, które przeżywają bohaterowie napędzani żądzą życia, miłością lub przeczuwający bliską śmierć
Россия, Запад и эмиграция в сборнике Зиновия Зиника Эмиграция как литературный прием
One of the predominant motives in Z.Zinyk’s collection of articles “Emigration as a Literary Technique” is the search by the author/narrator of their own self as seen by them from the inside, in the turned over perspective of the Soviet past, and from the outside, in a detached and estranged way, in the context of the emigrant’s reality.
The purpose of this article is, based on the publications dedicated to Z.Zinyk’s work, and using the complex of methods aimed at analyzing the poetics of prose texts, to:
See how Z.Zinyk construes the existence of an emigrant’s life;
Track how Russia and the West are presented in the collection of articles “Emigration as a Literary Technique”;
Analyze how Z.Zinyk construes the terms “detachment” and “estrangement”, by using in his works the “detachment”, “new optics” and “estrangement” as poetic techniques.
The observations lead to a conclusion that the very opposition of the West vs. Russia is presented in the above collection as a comprehension of emigration not as a protest, but as a voluntary detachment from the country of origin. A change of “optics” of seeing and understanding the world in all of his publications is tantamount to the work of poetic techniques described by V. Shklovsky and Berthold Brecht. By using them, Z. Zinyk analyzes them along with the concepts of “detachment”, “estrangement”, and “defamiliarization”
Аксиология юности в прозе Сергея Минаева, Александра Снегирева и Кристины Хуцишвили
Sociologists and psychologists of the beginning of the 21st century, while analyzing value settings of a post-Soviet person, mark gradual westernization and moderniza-tion on one hand, and formation of neo-traditionalism and neo-conservatism in the conscience of the youth on the other. How the conflict of the new components of the axiological pyramid contradicting with its inherent elements of the old code in the conscience of the youth oftentimes evolved in their conflict with themselves, in disen-franchisement and resentment of the time and their actions, is reflected in the stories and the novels by S. Minayev, A. Snegirev and K. Khoutsishvili, whose works this article analyzes
Particularities of Depicting Foreign Culture Spaces in Elvira Baryakina’s Novel White Shanghai
The novel White Shanghai tells the story of the life of Russian immigrants in China in the 1920s and 1930s. The aim of the article is 1) to examine how the Celestial Empire and one of its metropolitan areas are represented in this text, and 2) to analyse the peculiarities of the representation of multicultural spaces of Shanghai in the novel. As already mentioned in the critical reviews, E. Baryakina wrote a text based on memories, documents, archival data and the works of sinologists, which has the characteristics of historical, adventurist, action, detective and love genres. Our analysis shows that this text can also be classifi ed as women’s prose. The article reveals the reasons for the use of a woman’s view of the world in the text and how exactly it is reflected in the description of the urban spaces, which are a foreign culture for the representatives of the Russian immigration and for the readers, and how E. Bariakina describes Shanghai and the Haipai culture in this novel. The results of this analysis could be used for further study of the ways of depicting the Celestial Empire and Shanghai in the works of contemporary prose writers, and for further analysis of the style of E. Bariakina’s work.
As has been already mentioned in the critics reviews, E. Baryakina, based on memories, documents, archive data and the works of sinologists wrote a text that has the features of historical, adventurist, action, detective and love genres. Our analysis shows that this text can also be classified as a women’s prose. The article euncovers the reasons for using woman’s look at the world in the text, and how exactly it is reflected in depicting the urban spaces that are foreign culture for representatives of the Russian immigration and for the readers, and how E. Bariakina describes Shanghai and the haipai culture in this novel.
The results of this analysis could be used for further study of the ways of depicting the Celestial Empire and Shanghai in the works of contemporary prose writers, and for further analysis of the style of work of E. Baryakina.
Keywords: eastern branch of Russian emigration, spaces of a city, Shanghai, women’s prose