59 research outputs found

    Modification of Hemodialysis Membranes for Efficient Circulating Tumor Cell Capture for Cancer Therapy

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    Background: It is well known that more than 90% of cancer deaths are due to metastases. However, the entire tumorigenesis process is not fully understood, and it is evident that cells spreading from the primary tumor play a key role in initiating the metastatic process. Tumor proliferation and invasion also elevate the concentration of regular and irregular metabolites in the serum, which may alter the normal function of the entire human homeostasis and possibly causes cancer metabolism syndrome, also referred to as cachexia. Methods: We report on the modification of commercially available hemodialysis membranes to selectively capture circulating tumor cells from the blood stream by means of immobilized human anti-EpCAM antibodies on the inner surface of the fibers. All critical steps are described that required in situ addition of the immuno-affinity feature to hemodialyzer cartridges in order to capture EpCAM positive circulating tumor cells, which represents ~80% of cancer cell types. Results: The cell capture efficiency of the suggested technology was demonstrated by spiking HCT116 cancer cells both into buffer solution and whole blood and run through on the modified cartridge. Flow cytometry was used to quantitatively evaluate the cell clearance performance of the approach. Conclusions: The suggested modification has no significant effect on the porous structure of the hemodialysis membranes; it keeps its cytokine removal capability, addressing cachexia simultaneously with CTC removal

    Effect of Base Curve Radius of Therapeutic Lenses on Epithelial Healing after Laser-Assisted Subepithelial Keratectomy

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    PURPOSE: To determine the effect of the base curve radius (BCR) of therapeutic soft contact lens (T-lens) on epithelial healing after laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK). METHODS: Ninety-two eyes in 47 patients with myopia were prospectively evaluated after LASEK. All the patients wore T-lenses with the BCR (R1) randomly chosen after LASEK. The T-lenses were removed after complete healing of the epithelial wounds. We calculated an estimated BCR (R2) from postoperative topography using a diopter conversion table. The patients were divided into two groups according to the differences between the BCR (R1) and the estimated BCR (R2). The flat fitting group was R1 > R2 (Group A), and the steep fitting group was R1R2) had 53 eyes, and Group B (R1<R2) had 39 eyes. Group A showed a shorter epithelial healing time than Group B (5.8+/-1.7 days vs. 6.7+/-2.1 days, p=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: The flat fitting group showed a shorter epithelial healing time than the steep fitting group after LASEK

    Increased Corneal Epithelial Turnover Contributes to Abnormal Homeostasis in the Pax6(+/-) Mouse Model of Aniridia

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    We aimed to test previous predictions that limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) are quantitatively deficient or qualitatively defective in Pax6(+/-) mice and decline with age in wild-type (WT) mice. Consistent with previous studies, corneal epithelial stripe patterns coarsened with age in WT mosaics. Mosaic patterns were also coarser in Pax6(+/-) mosaics than WT at 15 weeks but not at 3 weeks, which excludes a developmental explanation and strengthens the prediction that Pax6(+/-) mice have a LESC-deficiency. To investigate how Pax6 genotype and age affected corneal homeostasis, we compared corneal epithelial cell turnover and label-retaining cells (LRCs; putative LESCs) in Pax6(+/-) and WT mice at 15 and 30 weeks. Limbal BrdU-LRC numbers were not reduced in the older WT mice, so this analysis failed to support the predicted age-related decline in slow-cycling LESC numbers in WT corneas. Similarly, limbal BrdU-LRC numbers were not reduced in Pax6(+/-) heterozygotes but BrdU-LRCs were also present in Pax6(+/-) corneas. It seems likely that Pax6(+/-) LRCs are not exclusively stem cells and some may be terminally differentiated CD31-positive blood vessel cells, which invade the Pax6(+/-) cornea. It was not, therefore, possible to use this approach to test the prediction that Pax6(+/-) corneas had fewer LESCs than WT. However, short-term BrdU labelling showed that basal to suprabasal movement (leading to cell loss) occurred more rapidly in Pax6(+/-) than WT mice. This implies that epithelial cell loss is higher in Pax6(+/-) mice. If increased corneal epithelial cell loss exceeds the cell production capacity it could cause corneal homeostasis to become unstable, resulting in progressive corneal deterioration. Although it remains unclear whether Pax6(+/-) mice have LESC-deficiency, we suggest that features of corneal deterioration, that are often taken as evidence of LESC-deficiency, might occur in the absence of stem cell deficiency if corneal homeostasis is destabilised by excessive cell loss

    Booth Library On-Line Circulation System (BLOC)

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    An on-line circulation system developed at a relatively small university library demonstrates that academic libraries with limited funds can develop automated systems utilizing parent institution's computer facilities in a time-sharing mode. In operation since September 1968, using an IBM 360/50 computer and associated peripheral equipment, it provides control over all stack books

    Indikatorensysteme nachhaltiger Regionalentwicklung auf unterschiedlichen raeumlichen Massstabsebenen

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    Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, anhand von allgemeinen und spezifischen Selektionskriterien fuer Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren aus den bislang verfuegbaren Indikatorenkonzepten Schlussfolgerungen und Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten fuer ein regionales Nachhaltigkeitsindikatorenkonzept in Nordrhein-Westfalen abzuleiten. Auf internationaler Ebene liegen das Umweltindikatorensystem der OECD, der Indikatorenansatz der UN-Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) und der Wohlstands-Index der Weltbank vor. Ein Anwendungsbeispiel auf nationaler Ebene ist das Umwelt-Barometer Deutschland, als Beispiele auf regionaler Ebene werden Nachhaltigkeitsindikatorenkonzepte fuer Heidelberg und den Rhein-Neckar-Kreis sowie fuer Seattle vorgestellt. Die dargestellten Konzeptionen werden abschliessend anhand der erarbeiteten Selektionskriterien in Bezug auf eine Uebertragbarkeit auf Nordrhein-Westfalen bewertet. Es wird gezeigt, dass regionale Besonderheiten eine solche Uebertragung nur eingeschraenkt moeglich machen. (ICE2)Available from UuStB Koeln(38)-20000106015 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman


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    A vizsgálatok, a költség-haszon elemzés alapján a következő rangsor állítható fel a vizsgált három technológia költségeinek és hasznainak hosszú távon történő figyelembevétele alapján: • A legkedvezőbb a víztelenített iszap mezőgazdasági hasznosítása, de a kezdeti időszakban ez az előny nem jelentkezik, csak a 13. évtől kezdődően. • Az alapesetként tekintett folyékony iszap injektálásos mezőgazdasági hasznosítása a második helyet foglalja el. • Mind rövid, mind pedig hosszú távon a víztelenített iszap deponálása jelenti a legkedvezőtlenebb megoldást abban az esetben, ha a társadalom szintjén jelentkező költségek és hasznok egy része is szerepel az elemzésekben. ----------------------------------------------- According to cost-return analysis on long term basis the three technologies examined can be ranked as follows: • The utilization of dehydrated sewer sludge in agriculture is the most favourable method of disposal, although its advantages are apparent only after 13 years of application. • The second place goes to the agricultural utilization of liquid sewer sludge by injection techniques regarded as the basic method. The agricultural disposal of dehydrated sludge represents the most favourable approach if costs and returns to the entire society in parts at least are included into the analysis