1,752 research outputs found

    Solid state radiographic image amplifiers, part B Final report, 1 Jun. 1968 - 30 Nov. 1969

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    Solid state image amplifiers for fluoroscopic screens and X ray film used in radiographic analysi

    Fabrication and characteristics of experimental radiographic amplifier screens

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    The fabrication process and transfer characteristics for solid state radiographic image transducers (radiographic amplifier screens) are described. These screens are for use in realtime nondestructive evaluation procedures that require large format radiographic images with contrast and resolution capabilities unavailable with conventional fluoroscopic screens. The screens are suitable for in-motion, on-line radiographic inspection by means of closed circuit television. Experimental effort was made to improve image quality and response to low energy (5 kV and up) X-rays

    Solid state radiographic image amplifiers Final report, 1 Jul. 1967 - 30 Apr. 1968

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    Solid state radiographic image amplifier for direct viewing of image

    A pénzügyi világválság néhány eddigi tanulsága II.

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    A tanulmány a jelenlegi pénzügyi és világgazdasági válság hátterét elemzi. Elsőként az észak-amerikai jelzáloghitel-piac vizsgálatán keresztül mutatja be a válság kiindulását és gyökereit, a jelzáloghitelek értékpapírosodására koncentrálva. A cikk bevezeti az árnyékbankrendszer fogalmát, majd a második részben azt bizonyítja, hogy ennek bukása felelős elsősorban a jelenlegi válság elhúzódásáért, illetve a reálszférába történő átgyűrűzéséért. A tanulmányt két részletben közöljük

    Neuropathological studies in cerebrovascular diseases. Cell death mechanisms and haemorrhagic transformation in ischaemic stroke, prognostic factors in cerebral haemorrhage

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    ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS Tanulmányunkban cerebrovascularis kórképek post-mortem neuropathológiai vizsgálatát tűztük ki célul. Vizsgálatainkat a Debreceni Egyetem és a Helsinki Egyetem Neurológiai Klinikáján kezelt és ott elhunyt betegekből származó mintákon végeztük. Mindkét intézet stroke centrumként működik, nagyszámú acut stroke beteg ellátásáért felelős, kiváló munkakapcsolattal a neuropathológiai munkáért felelős egységekkel (Debreceni Egyetem Pathológia Intézet, Neuropathológiai Laboratórium, Helsinki Egyetem Pathológia Intézet, Biomedicum Helsinki). Ez tette lehetővé, hogy ischaemiás stroke-ben vizsgáljuk a HT-k gyakoriságát, valamint immunhisztokémiai módszerekkel tanulmányozzuk a neuronalis sejthalál mechanizmusokat, haemorrhagiás stroke-ban pedig kutassuk a 30 napos mortalitást prognosztizáló faktorokat. Tanulmányunk bizonyítékokkal szolgált a post-mortem neuropathológiai vizsgálatok fontosságát és létjogosultságát illetően, melyek a klinikai diagnózisok megerősítésén túl sok esetben tisztázatlan klinikai kérdésekre adhatnak választ. Eredményeinkből az is kiderül, hogy az ischaemiás infarctusok HT-ja a stroke ellátásra szakosodott kezelés mellett is viszonylag nagy arányban fordul elő és a gondos klinikai követés, valamint a képalkotó eljárások nyújtotta lehetőségek ellenére is csak autopsiával igazolható az esetek döntő többségében. Tanulmányunk demonstrálja a PARP-1 neuronalis overexpresszióját, hasítását és annak subcellularis transzlokációját, valamint az ACA-3 neuronalis overexpresszióját humán ischaemiás stroke-ban. Humán post-mortem mintán igazoltuk a necrosis és apoptosis egyidejű, de az ischaemiás neuronalis károsodás kiterjedésétől függő jelenlétét ischaemiás stroke-ban és felmerült az órák helyett akár napokig tartó terápiás ablak reménye is a későbbi terápiás próbálkozások tekintetében. Igazoltuk, hogy a systolés vérnyomásérték, a serum kálium- és glükózszint, a thrombocytaszám, az abszolút és relatív haematoma térfogat, a haematoma növekedési index, valamint a haematoma intraventricularis jelenléte és mérete a primer supratentorialis állományvérzések 30 napos túlélésének független prediktorai. Kifejlesztettük a SUSPEKT pontozó skálát, mely a későbbiekben, nagyobb esetszámú anyagon validálva segítséget nyújthat a várható prognózis figyelembevételével kialakított optimális individuális terápia megtervezésében vagy klinikai vizsgálatok során a megfelelő betegek kiválasztásában.SUMMARY We aimed to study cerebrovascular diseases by post-mortem neuropathological analysis. We performed our study using brain samples from the Department of Neurology, University of Debrecen and from the Department of Neurology, University of Helsinki. Both departments are regional stroke centres, responsible for the treatment of many of acute stroke cases and have excellent cooperation with the pathological and neuropathology units. Based on this we had an excellent possibility to study the frequency of haemorrhagic transformations, the cell death mechanisms in ischaemic stroke, and the predictors of 30-day fatal outcome in primary supratentorial intracerebral haemorrhage. In conclusion, our study provided solid evidence that post-mortem neuropathological examination is important not only in confirming the clinical diagnosis but also reveals in a high proportion of patients undisclosed clinically relevant brain pathologies. We demonstrated that neuropathological evaluation could reveal much higher proportion of haemorrhagic transformation of ischaemic stroke than it was expected by careful clinical monitoring and use of imaging techniques in the routine neurological practice. Our study demonstrated neuronal overexpression, cleavage, and subcellular translocation of PARP-1 along with neuronal overexpression of ACA-3 in human ischaemic stroke. We demonstrated the concomitance of necrosis and apoptosis and their relation to the extent of ischaemic neuronal damage in human ischaemic stroke. Moreover, the induction of several cell death mediators described originally in animal experiments (ACA-3, PAR, PARP-1) was translated to human ischaemic stroke and importantly, with a prolonged window of therapeutic opportunity lasting up to several days instead of hours. We have demonstrated that systolic blood pressure, serum potassium and glucose levels, platelet count, absolute and relative haematoma volumes, haematoma growth index, and presence and size of intraventricular haemorrhage independently predict 30-day fatal outcome in primary supratentorial ICH. We developed the SUSPEKT score which after validation on large independent datasets may be applicable in clinical practice for patient selection to optimize individual management and for assessment of eligibility for clinical trials.d

    Géniuszok párharca. Milton Friedman és J. M. Keynes vitája Tim Congdon és Robert Skidelsky előadásában = War of the geniuses. The debate between Milton Friedman and J. M. Keynes as presented by Tim Congdon and Robert Skidelsky

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    Tavaly ünnepelte a közgazdász-társadalom Milton Friedman Nobel-díjas közgazdász születésének századik évfordulóját. A jubileumi megemlékezésnek különös aktualitást ad, hogy a 2008 óta tartó pénzügyi világválság hátterében ismét fellobbant a 20. századi közgazdaságtan két meghatározó irányzata - a Friedman nevével fémjelzett monetarizmus és a Keynes és követői által követett keynesizmus - közötti vita. E szerteágazó vitasorozat egyik "gyöngyszeme" két nemzetközileg ismert és elismert közgazdász, Tim Congdon és Robert (Lord) Skidelsky, összecsapása a Standpoint hasábjain 2009-ben. A szerző megmutatja, hogy a vita valójában nem a pénz fontosságáról vagy a mennyiségi pénzelmélet igazságáról folyt, hanem egyrészt egy sokkal elvontabb fogalomról: a bizonytalanság közgazdasági szerepéről, másrészt gyakorlati, gazdaságpolitikai kérdésekről: a monetáris és a fiskális politika lehetséges hatékonyságáról. A máig is tartó vitában "az inga többször kilengett", hol a keynesiánusok, hol a monetaristák javára, de még semmi nem dőlt el. ____ Last year economists marked the centenary of the birth of genius among them, Milton Friedman. The commemoration was especially topical because the world financial crisis that erupted in 2008 has brought sharply into focus again the old division in 20th-century economics between monetarism and Keynesianism. One highlight in this series of disputes was the 2009 clash between two internationally known and appreciated economists Tim Congdon and Robert (Lord) Skidelsky in the columns of Standpoint. The central element in the discussion is the role of money: what kind of economic policy to pursue, monetary or fiscal, to pull troubled economies out of crisis. The question closely resembles a decisive dilemma for Keynes in the 1930s. Though Keynes turned against some basic propositions of neoclassical economics, he never challenged the importance of money to the functioning of the economy, or the validity of the quantity theory of money. The author argues here that the issue is not about the formal category of money or demand for it, but about the far deeper economic concept of the role of uncertainty in economics. Another aspect concerns the relative efficiency of various kinds of economic policy, i. e. the strengths and weaknesses of monetary and fiscal policies

    Role of salicylic acid pre-treatment on the acclimation of tomato plants to salt- and osmotic stress

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    The alleviation of oxidative damage and increased resistance to salt stress and to non-ionic osmotic stress induced by 100 mM NaCl or 100 mOsm polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatments, respectively, often correlate with a more efficient antioxidative defence systems and detoxification mechanisms. Pre-treatment of plants with salicylic acid (SA) enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities in concentration dependent manner and increased the stress tolerance of seedlings. Improved acclimation of SA-pre-treated plants to salt stress depended on the previous activation of the antioxidative enzymes and accumulation of ionic and non-ionic osmolytes, but increased resistance to non-ionic osmotic stress could be achieved in those plants which showed reduced antioxidative enzyme activities at the initial stage of the stress. The present work deals with the possible role of the osmotic adaptation and oxidative defence mechanisms during long-term pre-treatment of tomato plants with low concentrations of SA

    Interaction between salicylic acid and polyamines and their possible roles in tomato hardening processes

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    Long-term pre-treatment of tomato plants with low concentration of salicylic acid can induce abiotic stress tolerance by activating enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defense system. Changes of antioxidant defense system and catabolism of polyamines in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants were investigated. Our results suggest that by affecting the polyamine catabolism salicylic acid can contribute to plant abiotic stress tolerance

    Cryptocurrency exchange landscape in the EU How regulation impacts success of cryptocurrency exchanges

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    Ever since the emergence of digital assets, bitcoin (BTC) and other crype to currencies created huge debates and discussions globally. Demand has transformed trading opportunitis in the digital era, and anew ecosystem has been created around cryptocurrencies. Not only the coins, but the underlying technology has found many applications worldwide as well, especially in the financial markets.However, since the market infrastructure is growing expeditiously,regulations have a hard time keeping up with the speed of innovation. Merging this complex and fast evolving area into the established traditional legal framework has already proved to be a difficult and lengthy process. Due to the absence of a global harmony in the regulatory frameworks, digital service providers can take advantage of the regulatory arbitrage. In order to maximize profitability, the decision on how to cope with the regulatory framework can be crucial for any service provider.The attitude towards regulation in this environment is just as fragmented as the legislations itself. Founder and CEO of bit Flyer, Yuzo Kano made an announcement at the opening of the European office of bitFlyer:”When I set up bit Flyer in 2014, I did so with global ambitions and the belief that approved regulatory status is fundamental to the long-term future of Bitcoin and the virtual currency industry. I am proud that we are now the most compliant virtual currency exchange in the world; this coveted regulatory status gives our customers, our company and the virtual currency industry as a whole a verypositive future outlook[1].”A completely different approach was expressed by the CEO of Binance,Chang peng Zhao:“If you do fiat to crypto [. . . ] you have to have a bank account that can accept money,” he says. “That has its own advantages and problems. You have to deal with regulatory issues and usually you’retied to one country.”The more you deal with fiat, the more[authorities] can control you,” says Zhao. “The bank will freeze your bank account. They can make the wire transfer slow”[44].The strategical decisions of digital currency exchanges can be de-rived from their view on regulation. This paper will examine some of the top exchanges with a regional footprint in the European Union(EU). Furthermore, the impact of regulation on crypto exchanges will be analysed, based on the exchanges’ strategy and different success factors. The diversity of jurisdictions covered by this paper provides also an overview how various governments have approached regulat-ing digital exchanges. Even though the cryptocurrency market out-side of Europe should not be underestimated, this paper focuses on the comparative analysis on digital exchanges operating within the EU. Including other exchanges would alter the conclusion since the quoted crypto-fiat pairs, users, and many other factors diverge from the European landscape.The expectation is to conclude that regulatory compliant digital exchanges are more successful on a long-term perspective

    Influence of exogenous salicylic acid on antioxidant enzyme activities in the roots of salt stressed tomato plants

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    Up-regulation of the antioxidant system provides protection against NaCl-induced oxidative damage in plants. Activities of antioxidant enzymes and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels in the roots of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. L.) plants were investigated to assess the antioxidant protection offered by long-term (3 weeks) exogenous salicylic acid (SA)pre-treatment against 100 mM NaCl induced salt stress. Our results suggest that 10-4 M SA was effective in increasing the activities of enzymes involved in the antioxidant system