12 research outputs found
A carvedilolterápia előnyei magas cardiovascularis kockázatú betegek kezelése során
A kardiológiai gyógyszeres terápia eszköztárában a béta-blokkolók kiemelkedő
helyen szerepelnek. Ennek több oka van. Egyrészt számos indikációs körrel
rendelkeznek, annak ellenére, hogy a szakmai vezérfonalak a korábbiakhoz képest
a társbetegséggel vagy szövődménnyel nem járó hypertonia kezelésében háttérbe
szorították. Azonban a különböző kardiális szövődményekkel társuló hypertoniás
esetek mellett az ischaemiás szívbetegség különböző klinikai megnyilvánulási
formáiban (stabil angina pectoris, posztinfarktusos állapot), a szívelégtelenség
és a szívritmuszavarok kezelésében alapvető szereppel bírnak. A gyógyszercsoport
több évtizedes fejlődése során hemodinamikai hatásaik egyre kifinomultabbak
lettek. Emellett nem szabad megfeledkeznünk arról sem, hogy újabb és újabb olyan
tulajdonságokra derült fény, amelyek kedvezően befolyásolják a cardiovascularis
betegségek kimenetelét. Ez utóbbi tulajdonságok igazolása számos multicentrikus
tanulmányban rávilágított arra, hogy béta-blokkoló kezelés során miként érhető
el a túlélésre kifejtett, a hemodinamikai hatástól is független kedvező
effektus. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(26), 1029–1034
Analysis of a Special, 3D Metal-Printed HPDC Tool Material
High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) is still the most productive metal-casting method of our time, however the more demanding are the industrial expectations, the more challenging it becomes to ensure the creation of the difficult cavity geometries and the thermal balance of the die-cast tool. New perspective is required, thus we can utilize high heat-conductivity tool steels and additive manufacturing technology
Járványok térbeli terjedése : A Covid19-járvány öt hullámának térbeli relációi Győr-Moson-Sopron megye példáján = Spatial spread of pandemics : Spatial relations of the five wave of the Covid-19 pandemic on the example of Győr-Moson-Sopron County
A járványok terjedésének elemzésével számos diszciplína foglalkozik. A térbeli relációk, regionális egyenlőtlenségek meghatározó változói egy-egy járvány terjedési intenzitásának, kiterjedésének, súlyosságának, elengedhetetlenek tehát a regionális szempontú vizsgálódások. A területi elemzésekben használt módszertani arzenál változatos: matematikai, statisztikai, hálózati, illetve térbeli szimulációs modellekkel találkozhatunk a járványok térbeli terjedésének vizsgálatakor. Jelen tanulmány a statisztikai módszereket veszi alapul. A járványok súlyossága – legyen szó egészségügyi vagy éppen gazdasági hatásról – a terjedés intenzitásának a fékezésével mérsékelhető. Ennek érdekében folytattuk le azt a retrospektív kutatást, amely tanulmányunk alapjául szolgált, és GyőrMoson-Sopron megyét abban az időszakban vette górcső alá, amikor a SARS-CoV-2-koronavírus okozta pandémia a legintenzívebben volt jelen hazánkban, ugyanúgy, ahogyan a világ legtöbb országában is. = Many disciplines deal with the analysis of the spread of epidemics (or pandemics). Spatial relations and regional inequalities are the determining variables of the intensity, extent and severity of the spread of an epidemic, so it is essential to investigate epidemics from a regional perspective. Mathematical, statistical, network, and spatial simulation models can be used in spatial analysis for investigating the spread of epidemics. In this study, statistical methods are used as a basis. A possible way to reduce the severity of epidemics – be it health or economic effects – is to slow down the intensity of the spread. To this end, we carried out the retrospective study and examined the Győr-Moson-Sopron county during the period when the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus was most intense in our country, just as it was in most countries of the world, too
Kinetics of Targeted Phage Rescue in a Mouse Model of Systemic Escherichia coli K1
Escherichia (E.) coli K1 strains remain common causative agents of neonatal sepsis and meningitis. We have isolated a lytic bacteriophage (Phi IK1) against E. coli strain IHE3034 and tested its specificity in vitro, as well as distribution and protective efficacy in vivo. The phage was shown to be specific to the K1 capsular polysaccharide. In the lethal murine model, a high level of protection was afforded by the phage with strict kinetics. A single dose of 1 x 10(8) phage particles administered 10 and 60 minutes following the bacterial challenge elicited 100 % and 95 % survival, respectively. No mice could be rescued if phage administration occurred 3 hours postinfection. Tissue distribution surveys in the surviving mice revealed that the spleen was the primary organ in which accumulation of active Phi IK1 phages could be detected two weeks after phage administration. These results suggest that bacteriophages have potential as therapeutic agents in the control of systemic infections
"Less Invasive" Fractional Flow Reserve Measurement From 3-Dimensional Quantitative Coronary Angiography and Classic Fluid Dynamic Equations
Aims: To develop a simplified model of FFR calculation (FFRsim) deriving from 3-dimensional (3D) coronary angiographic data and classic fluid dynamic equations without using finite element analysis.
Methods and results: Intracoronary pressure measurements were performed by pressure wire sensors. Lumens of the interrogated vessel segments were reconstructed in 3D. The coronary artery volumetric flow was calculated based on the velocity of the contrast material. Pressure gradients were computed by classic fluid dynamic equations. The diagnostic power of the simplified computation of the FFR (FFRsim) was assessed by comparing the results with standard invasive FFR measurements (FFRmeas) in 68 vessels with single stenosis. We found a strong correlation between the FFRsim and the FFRmeas (r=0.86, p 0.88 and the FFRsim ≤ 0.8 ranges. In our patient population, these ranges were found in 69% of the cases.
Conclusions: According to our simplified model the invasive FFR measurement can be omitted without misclassification in pre-specified ranges of the calculated FFRsim
Empyemát, haemorrhagiás pericarditist és acalculosus cholecystitist okozó Eikenella corrodens szepszis | Empyema thoracis, hemorrhagic pericarditis and acalculous cholecystitis caused by Eikenella corrodens sepsis
A szerzők 29 éves nőbetegük esetét ismertetik, akinél a garatmandulák sebészi eltávolítása után egy hónappal bal oldali empyemával szövődött tüdőgyulladás és pericarditis alakult ki. Kórokozóként Eikenella corrodenst azonosítottak a thoracotomiából végzett dekortikáció és empyemakiürítéssel nyert mellkasi folyadék tenyésztése során. A beteget célzott antibiotikus kezelést követően tünet- és panaszmentesen emittálták. Kórházi távozását követő egy hónap után heveny felhasi panaszokkal került sürgősséggel a sebészeti osztályra. Ekkor acalculosus cholecystitis mellett pericardialis punkciót igénylő haemorrhagiás pericarditist észleltek. A polyserositisszel járó kórképet a ritkán előforduló Eikenella corrodens okozta szepszissel magyarázták. A beteg két alkalommal végzett pericardiocentesis és célzott antibiotikus, nem szteroid gyulladáscsökkentő és mycosis kialakulása miatt antimycoticus kezelés mellett egy hónap után gyógyultan hagyta el az intézményt, és azóta is tünet- és panaszmentes. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154(47), 1873–1876.
The authors present a case of a 29-year-old woman who was diagnosed with pneumonia in the left side complicated with pleural effusion and hemorrhagic pericarditis one month after she had undergone tonsillectomy. Eikenella corrodens was identified as pathogenic agent when the empyema was removed during thoracotomy. After the patient was given antibiotic treatment she was discharged from the hospital without any symptoms or complaints. However, one month after she had left the hospital she was readmitted to the surgical unit as an emergency because of acute abdominal complaints. On admission acalculous cholecystitis as well as hemorrhagic pericarditis requiring pericardiocentesis were also observed. A rare cause of sepsis, Eikenella corrodens was identified which resulted in a severe disorder including polyserositis. Pericardiocentesis was performed two times and the patient was given targeted antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. She was also treated with antimycotics as she had developed mycosis. After one month the patient recovered and was discharged from the hospital. No further recurrence of symptoms or complaints was observed during follow up. Orv. Hetil., 154(47), 1873–1876
Scrutinizing functional patterns and assembly rules estimated from transect data
Transect sampling is routinely used in vegetation science. Yet, the reliability of this type of
sampling for assessing community assembly rules has not been scrutinized. Local interactions and limited dispersal have essential role in the organization of plant communities. Information about vegetation patterns in the neighbourhood is probably crucial for assessing and
understanding community assembly rules. The "one-dimensional" transect sampling does not
provide information about adjacent vegetation patterns in the neighbourhood, therefore vegetation characteristics and assembly rules might be incorrectly estimated from transect data.
In this study, alkaline, loess and sand grasslands were sampled. Presence of plant species
was recorded in large elongated grids of 10 x 1040 units of 5x5cm resolution, which corresponded to a spatial extent of 50 cm x 5200 cm. Vegetation characteristics (taxon-based alpha
and beta diversity and trait-based functional diversity) derived from the central 1x1040 units
long transect were compared to characteristics derived from the full grid data. In the second
analysis the central transect was analyzed by variography and then the patterns in the neighbouring transects were approximated by kriging. These simulated patterns were compared to
the original patterns of the neighbouring transects. Community assembly rules were assessed
by comparing realized patterns of functional diversity to null models.
The main vegetation characteristics were similar between sampling types. Abundances
and patterns of abundant species were reliably estimated from transects while the patterns of
rare species varied between sampling types. Functional diversity (expressed by Rao index)
was also properly estimated from transects. Local vegetation characteristics were autocorrelated within 50cm in each grasslands. Consequently, the patterns of adjacent transects, running in the close neighbourhood, could be well approximated by geostatistics. The strongest spatial dependence appeared in alkaline grasslands. Due to differences in the abundance estimates of rare species, null models derived from grids and transect were slightly different with
more power in the case of grid-based data. However, the spatial structure of the dominant
species and the related assembly rules did not differ between sampling types. Due to strong
autocorrelations at fine spatial scales, transect sampling proved to be effective for estimating
functional patterns and assembly rules