7 research outputs found

    In-lab ALOHA mid-infrared up-conversion interferometer in the photon counting regime @λ = 3.39 µm

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    International audienceAstronomical Light Optical Hybrid Analysis ([email protected] µm) is a new instrumental concept designed for high angular resolution astronomical imaging in the L Band. The originality of our experimental device is to include a frequency conversion process in each arm of the interferometer that frequency shifts the mid infrared signal to the near infrared domain. This method relaxes the stringent limitations due to the thermal noise background radiated by the instrument itself. The aim of this paper is to estimate the current sensitivity limit of the instrument and validate the ability to provide calibrated contrasts with a quasi monochromatic signal. We demonstrate the possibility to measure fringe contrasts greater than 94.5% with a signal-to-noise ratio close to 7. The flux level at the input of each arm of the interferometer is then equal to 100 fW. This would correspond to a zero magnitude star in the L Band for a 1 m 2 telescope surface and a 3 nm converted spectral bandwidth

    Interféromètre à somme de fréquences dédié à l'imagerie haute résolution pour l'astronomie en bande L

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    Stellar interferometers are high angular resolution devices, allowing for detailed research of the Universe. This thesis describes the in-lab implementation of a sum frequency generation interferometer dedicated to the infrared detection in the L band : [email protected]. In the aim of limiting thermal noise due to the room radiation, and benefit mature detectors and fibered components, this device includes a sum frequency generation non-linear process on each of its arms. Stellar radiations around 3.39 ÎĽm are transposed to around 810 nm thanks to PPLN cristals powered by a single pump signal at 1064 nm. The first part presents our global experimental context and theoretical elements about this thesis. The second part deals with the conception, the implementation and characterisation of the test bench [email protected]. The third part tables in-lab experimental results. Repeated measurements of the fringe contrast on high flux regime allow to calibrate the instrumental contrast of the set-up. First measurements on photon counting regime show we are currently able to detect interference fringes with high contrast with only 100 fW at the input of each arm. Finally, our research led us to realise interference fringes detection via the [email protected] prototype, observing a thermal source, considered as a black body. This thesis concludes on an estimation of the limiting reachable magnitude, and on the future use of new PPLN technologies.Les interfĂ©romètres stellaires sont des dispositifs Ă  très haute rĂ©solution angulaire, permettant une Ă©tude approfondie de l’Univers. Cette thèse dĂ©crit la mise en place en laboratoire d’un interfĂ©romètre Ă  somme de frĂ©quences dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la dĂ©tection de rayonnement infrarouge en bande L :[email protected]. Afin de pouvoir limiter le bruit gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par les rayonnements thermiques ambiants et de pouvoir bĂ©nĂ©ficier des technologies matures en terme de dĂ©tection et de transport cohĂ©rents de la lumière collectĂ©e, ce système intègre sur chacune des voies interfĂ©romĂ©trique un processus non linĂ©aire de somme de frĂ©quence. Les rayonnements autour de 3.39 ÎĽm sont transposĂ©s autour de 810 nm via des cristaux de PPLN alimentĂ©s par une pompe unique Ă  1064 nm. Une première partie prĂ©sente le contexte expĂ©rimental et thĂ©orique de la thèse. La deuxième partie concerne la conception, la rĂ©alisation et la caractĂ©risation du banc [email protected]. La troisième partie prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux obtenus en laboratoire. La mesure rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©e du contraste en rĂ©gime de fort flux permet de calibrer le contraste instrumental du montage. Les premières mesures en rĂ©gime de comptage de photons montrent que nous sommes actuellement capables de dĂ©tecter des franges d’interfĂ©rence avec de hauts contrastes en ne disposant que de 100 Fw Ă  l’entrĂ©e de chacune des voies. Enfin, nos investigations nous ont amenĂ© Ă  la dĂ©tection de franges d’interfĂ©rences via le prototype [email protected] Ă  partir d’une source thermique, assimilable Ă  un corps noir. Cette thèse conclue sur une estimation de la magnitude limite accessible, et sur l’utilisation de nouvelles technologies de PPLN

    Up conversion interferometer dedicated to high resolution imagery for astronomy into the L band

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    Les interfĂ©romètres stellaires sont des dispositifs Ă  très haute rĂ©solution angulaire, permettant une Ă©tude approfondie de l’Univers. Cette thèse dĂ©crit la mise en place en laboratoire d’un interfĂ©romètre Ă  somme de frĂ©quences dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la dĂ©tection de rayonnement infrarouge en bande L :[email protected]. Afin de pouvoir limiter le bruit gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par les rayonnements thermiques ambiants et de pouvoir bĂ©nĂ©ficier des technologies matures en terme de dĂ©tection et de transport cohĂ©rents de la lumière collectĂ©e, ce système intègre sur chacune des voies interfĂ©romĂ©trique un processus non linĂ©aire de somme de frĂ©quence. Les rayonnements autour de 3.39 ÎĽm sont transposĂ©s autour de 810 nm via des cristaux de PPLN alimentĂ©s par une pompe unique Ă  1064 nm. Une première partie prĂ©sente le contexte expĂ©rimental et thĂ©orique de la thèse. La deuxième partie concerne la conception, la rĂ©alisation et la caractĂ©risation du banc [email protected]. La troisième partie prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux obtenus en laboratoire. La mesure rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©e du contraste en rĂ©gime de fort flux permet de calibrer le contraste instrumental du montage. Les premières mesures en rĂ©gime de comptage de photons montrent que nous sommes actuellement capables de dĂ©tecter des franges d’interfĂ©rence avec de hauts contrastes en ne disposant que de 100 Fw Ă  l’entrĂ©e de chacune des voies. Enfin, nos investigations nous ont amenĂ© Ă  la dĂ©tection de franges d’interfĂ©rences via le prototype [email protected] Ă  partir d’une source thermique, assimilable Ă  un corps noir. Cette thèse conclue sur une estimation de la magnitude limite accessible, et sur l’utilisation de nouvelles technologies de PPLN.Stellar interferometers are high angular resolution devices, allowing for detailed research of the Universe. This thesis describes the in-lab implementation of a sum frequency generation interferometer dedicated to the infrared detection in the L band : [email protected]. In the aim of limiting thermal noise due to the room radiation, and benefit mature detectors and fibered components, this device includes a sum frequency generation non-linear process on each of its arms. Stellar radiations around 3.39 ÎĽm are transposed to around 810 nm thanks to PPLN cristals powered by a single pump signal at 1064 nm. The first part presents our global experimental context and theoretical elements about this thesis. The second part deals with the conception, the implementation and characterisation of the test bench [email protected]. The third part tables in-lab experimental results. Repeated measurements of the fringe contrast on high flux regime allow to calibrate the instrumental contrast of the set-up. First measurements on photon counting regime show we are currently able to detect interference fringes with high contrast with only 100 fW at the input of each arm. Finally, our research led us to realise interference fringes detection via the [email protected] prototype, observing a thermal source, considered as a black body. This thesis concludes on an estimation of the limiting reachable magnitude, and on the future use of new PPLN technologies

    Effect of spectral sampling on the temporal coherence analysis of a broadband source in a SFG interferometer

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    International audienceIn the frame of sum frequency generation of a broadband infrared source, we aim to enlarge the converted bandwidth by using a pump frequency comb while keeping a high conversion efficiency. The nonlinear effects are simultaneously induced in the same nonlinear medium. In this paper, we investigate the spectral filtering effect on the temporal coherence behavior with a Mach-Zehnder interferometer using two pump lines. We show that joined effects of quasi-phase matching and spectral sampling lead to an original coherence behavior

    Comment l’utilisation de PPLN peut révolutionner l’astronomie moyen infrarouge

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    International audienceALOHA est un projet visant à utiliser les technologies de l’optique non linéaire et guidée dans le domaine de l’imagerie haute résolution en astronomie infrarouge. Notre démarche consiste à inclure un processus de conversion de fréquence sur chaque bras de l’interféromètre<br&gtpour transposer le signal infrarouge moyen vers le proche infrarouge. Cette méthode permet de relâcher les contraintes sur le bruit thermique de l’instrument et de disposer des composants matures de l’optique guidée. Les premiers tests en laboratoire ont permis de réaliser des franges d’interférence avec un contraste supérieur à 95% avec 100 fW à l’entrée de chaque bras. L’utilisation de PPLN ridge pourrait significativement améliorer ces résultats

    ALOHA—Astronomical Light Optical Hybrid Analysis

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    International audienceThis paper gives an overview of the Astronomical Light Optical Hybrid Analysis (ALOHA) project dedicated to investigate a new method for high resolution imaging in mid infrared astronomy. This proposal aims to use a non-linear frequency conversion process to shift the thermal infrared radiation to a shorter wavelength domain compatible with proven technology such as guided optics and detectors. After a description of the principle, we summarise the evolution of our study from the high flux seminal experiments to the latest results in the photon counting regime

    In-lab ALOHA mid-infrared up-conversion interferometer with high fringe contrast @λ = 3.39 μm

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    International audienceWe report on the implementation of a mid-infrared (MIR) interferometer prototype for furthermore application in the framework of high-resolution imaging in astronomy. This paper demonstrates the possibility to extend to the L band our experimental study performed on the up-conversion interferometer in H band. This in-laboratory preliminary experiment allowed us to get the first fringes with the MIR Astronomical Light Optical Hybrid Analysis (ALOHA) @3.39 μm up-conversion interferometer with a bright quasi monochromatic source (HeNe 3.39 μm). A stable contrast greater than 98 per cent has been reached. This opens the possibility to propose an alternative instrument for the demanding domain of high resolution imaging in the MIR domai