14 research outputs found


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    Over 15 years the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) had considerably contributed to the determination of temporal variations of geoid heights. In May 2018, GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO) was launched. The aim of this contribution is to assess the suitability of data from non-dedicated gravity satellite missions (N-DGSMs) for the determination of temporal variations of geoid heights and bridging the gap between GRACE and GRACE-FO. The Amazon basin and the area of Poland were chosen as study areas. Monthly Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) developed using N-DGSMs data were utilized to determine temporal variations of geoid heights over the chosen study areas. Then, the obtained temporal variations of geoid heights were evaluated using ITSG-GRACE2016 GGMs. Time series of geoid height variations determined from GGMs of some N-DGSMs were smoothed using a moving average. The main findings reveal that for areas characterized with strong mass transport, e.g. the Amazon basin, correlation coefficients between smoothed temporal variations of geoid heights from GGMs of some NDGSMs and temporal variations of geoid heights from the ITSG-GRACE2016 GGMs reach the level of 0.6. For areas with a weak mass transport signal as for Poland, N-DGSMs-based GGMs investigated seem unsuitable for determining temporal variations of geoid heights

    Phage Therapy:What Have We Learned?

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    In this article we explain how current events in the field of phage therapy may positively influence its future development. We discuss the shift in position of the authorities, academia, media, non-governmental organizations, regulatory agencies, patients, and doctors which could enable further advances in the research and application of the therapy. In addition, we discuss methods to obtain optimal phage preparations and suggest the potential of novel applications of phage therapy extending beyond its anti-bacterial action

    Diabetes of type LADA - definition, diagnostics and treatment

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    Cukrzyca typu LADA to rodzaj cukrzycy o podłożu autoimmunologicznym występujący u osób dorosłych. Od typowej cukrzycy typu 1 odróżnia ją przede wszystkim wolniejszy przebieg procesu autoimmunologicznej destrukcji komórek beta trzustki. Dlatego też, w momencie rozpoznania LADA, zachowana jest częściowa sekrecja komórek beta. Zgodnie z zaleceniami Immunology of Diabetes Society kryteriami niezbędnymi do rozpoznania cukrzycy typu LADA jest wiek powyżej 35 lat, obecność przynajmniej 1 z 4 autoprzeciwciał i brak konieczności leczenia insuliną przez 6 miesięcy od rozpoznania. Bardzo przydatne jest także oznaczenie stężeń peptydu C w dożylnym teście z glukagonem. Opinie na temat terapii cukrzycy typu LADA są nieco rozbieżne. Niektórzy uważają, że insulinoterapię należy włączyć w momencie rozpoznania, a inni, że dopiero w przypadku braku skuteczności doustnych leków hipoglikemizujących.LADA is a form of autoimmune-mediated diabetes inadults. The progression of beta-cell failure is slower than in childhood type 1 diabetes. Patients with LADA present with more preserved beta-cell function than hose with classic type1 diabetes. The diagnosis of LADA according to Immunology Diabetes Society is based on three features: age over 35 years, the presence at least one of four circulating autoantibodies to pancreatic islet cell antigens and lack of requirement for insulin at least 6 month after diagnosis. The level of C-peptide secretion after stimulation with intravenous helped to diagnosis. There are different opinions in relation to treatmen of LADA. Some studies sugest, that insulin treatment is indicated at time of diagosis LADA, some of them - when patients upon failure of oral hypoglycemic treatment

    Accuracy assessment of GOCE-based geopotential models and their use for modelling the gravimetric quasigeoid - A case study for Poland

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    Misja GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) przyczyniła się do znacznego poprawienia znajomości pola siły ciężkości Ziemi. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki oszacowania dokładności anomalii wysokości, wyznaczonych z globalnych modeli geopotencjału opracowanych na podstawie blisko 27 miesięcy pomiarów z satelitarnej misji gradiometrycznej GOCE. Do oszacowania wykorzystano trzy zbiory dokładnych danych satelitarno-niwelacyjnych z obszaru Polski. Omówiono wyniki wpasowania wartości anomalii wysokości otrzymanych z czwartej wersji globalnych modeli geopotencjału wyznaczonych na podstawie danych misji GOCE do danych satelitarno-niwelacyjnych oraz porównano je z wynikami odpowiedniego wpasowania trzeciej wersji globalnych modeli geopotencjału otrzymanych z GOCE oraz z modelu EGM08

    Contribution of GRACE Satellite Mission to the Determination of Orthometric/Normal Heights Corrected for Their Dynamics—A Case Study of Poland

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    Physical heights were traditionally determined without considering the dynamic processes of the Earth induced from temporal mass variations. The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission provided valuable data that allow the estimation of geoid/quasigeoid height changes and vertical deformations of the Earth’s surface induced from temporal mass loading, and thereby temporal variations of physical heights. The objective of this investigation is to discuss the determination of orthometric/normal heights considering mass transports within the Earth’s system. An approach to determine such heights was proposed. First, temporal variations of orthometric/normal heights (ΔH/ΔH*) were determined using the release 6 GRACE-based Global Geopotential Models together with load Love numbers obtained from the preliminary reference Earth model. Then, those variations were modelled and predicted using the seasonal decomposition (SD) method. The proposed approach was tested on the territory of Poland. The main results obtained reveal that ΔH/ΔH* over the area investigated are at the level of a couple of centimetres and that they can be modelled and predicted with a millimetre accuracy using the SD method. Orthometric/normal heights corrected for their dynamics can be determined by combining modelled ΔH/ΔH* with orthometric/normal heights referred to a specific reference epoch

    Accuracy assessment of high and ultra high-resolution combined GGMs, and recent satellite-only GGMs – Case studies of Poland and Ethiopia

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    The launch of dedicated satellite gravity missions (CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE, and GRACE–FO), as well as the availability of gravity data from satellite altimetry and terrestrial/airborne gravity measurements have led to a growing number of Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) developed. Thus, the evaluation of GGMs is necessary to ensure their accuracy in recovering the Earth’s gravity field on local, regional, and global scales. The main objective of this research is to assess the accuracy of recent GGMs over Poland in Central Europe and Ethiopia in East Africa