325 research outputs found


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    The "PlV" high level PLC language developed in the Department of Measurement Engineering, Technical University of Budapest, ensures bit, byte and word processing, the possibility of symbolic I/O and internal variable names, single line expressions, IF-THEN- ELSEIF-ELSE conditional structures and state transition graph structures. The development system makes the line-by-line correction possible and ensures a PlY language level debugger with built in LSS (logic state store)

    A talajbonitációs módszertan továbbfejlesztése a diagnosztikai szemléletű természettudományos talajosztályozás alapján = Developing soil bonitet methodology on the basis of soil classification of diagnostic approach

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    A kutatás a földminősítés jelenleg használt pontosítására irányult. A hazánkban jelenleg elfogadott és használt természettudományos talajosztályozás értékeinek elismerése mellett, megfontolandó annak diagnosztikai szemléletű tovább-fejlesztése és a diagnosztikai talajparaméterek figyelembevétele a földminősítés folyamatában. Az egyes osztályozási egységek elhatárolásának alapját képező folyamattársulások felismerése nagymértékben függ a vizsgálódó szakember tapasztalatától. Ezért szükséges az egyes folyamatok eredményeként kialakuló talajszintek és tulajdonságok mérhető, jól definiált fogalmakkal illetve határértékekkel (dignosztikai kritériumokkal) való kiegészítése. A megváltozott felhasználói igények (földminősítés, precíziós mezőgazdaság, stb), valamint a hagyományos talajtérképeket kiegészítő vagy felváltó digitális adatbázisok, számszerű paramétereket igényelnek, tehát a talajosztályozási egységek ?információ tartalmát? e tekintetben is mérhető tulajdonságokkal kell pontosítanunk, kiegészítenünk. Statisztikai vizsgálataink során megállapítottuk, hogy a jelenleg használatban lévő genetikus talajosztályozás, illetve talajtérképezés által kódolt talajtulajdonság kategóriák nem adnak egészen pontos alapot a talajtermékenység becslésre. Az általunk vizsgált változati talajtulajdonságok (pH, humusz, fizikai talajféleség) esetében eltérések mutatkoztak a térképi kategória és a mért valós tulajdonság értékek produkciós maximuma között. | The results of this research complete the previous studies of the field of land evaluation in order to improve the bonitation method of the land evaluation indices. Agreeing with the values of the officially recognized soil classification system in Hungary, a new diagnostic soil classification system that based on site specific soil properties is required nowadays. The definition of soil formation processes on a given soil profile depend on the skill of the expert. Therefore the soil horizons and soil properties developed as a result of the effects of this processes are needed to be completed with measurable and well defined values of soil properties (criteria of the diagnostic soil properties). The new needs of users (land evaluation, precision agriculture, etc.) as well as the digital soil mapping and database that complements the traditional soil maps (paper based) demand numerical attributes and well defined values, so the soil classification units need to be supplemented and precised by measurable soil properties. As a result of the statistical analysis it can be concluded that the currently used genetic soil classification method and the categories of soil properties of maps provide not enough information for soil productivity assessment. In case of the studied soil properties (pH, humus, texture), differences were observed between the level of soil fertility according to the soil map categories and the real measured values


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    E. H. MISUSZTIN,A. V. K. SILNIKOVA: A légköri nitrogén biológiai megkötése (könyvismertetés)

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    Black and white 8x10 acetate negativehttps://digitalmaine.com/arc_george_french_photos_f/1592/thumbnail.jp

    VIII. Talajbiológiai Tudományos Ülés

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    The aim of this essay is to provide an analysis of Foucault's use of the notion of revolution in the reports he wrote for "Il Corriere della Sera" during his two trips to Iran in September and November 1978. Foucault critically frames the historical and philosophical concept of revolution, in order to oppose it to the spreading revolts against the Shah, which embody the simple and negative opening of the possibility of a transformation in history. Yet is it possible to reactivate the notion of revolution in a nonrestrictive sense in order to think about the role and the possibility of political revolts and freedom today

    The examination of humic substances in soils and composts with high organic content with different methods

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    The organic materials, especially the complex structural humic substances are acid-characteristic polymers which are key elements of soils. Despite their relatively small quantity, humic substances have beneficial effects on soil nutrient management, development of optimal soil structure, regulation of soil temperature, and proper water management. The application of the UV-VIS spectrophotometry for describing humic substances in soils and determining of humifical state is nowadays a widespread method. The E4/E6 procedure (which were determined between 465 and 665 nm wavelength) and the Hargitai-method (the extinction of extracts measured between 400 and 750 nm at 9 wavelength) are procedures that have become the general tool for determining the quality of humic matters because of its easy accessibility and smaller need of instrumentations. Nevertheless, their usefulness has been criticized in scientific communities because of the high human error factor and the technical limitations of the simpler spectrophotometric instruments. Nowadays the spreading light scattering photometric examinations using lasers as the Static Light Scattering (SLS) or the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) could be a new way of measuring the quality of the humic matters. This study is based on the examination of different quality soil and compost samples which were extracted from different Hungarian sites like Trizs, Szárítópuszta and Csobánc. Additionally, not only the soils and composts were analyzed but also any soil conditioners (biochar, bone charcoal) which were applied and affected their properties. The main goal of the research was to measure the soil and compost samples with the E4/E6 and the Hargitai-method and with also using Zetasizer Nano ZS device that could lead to more detailed results about the weight and the size of the humic molecules. Based on the summarized analytic results the outcomes of the E4/E6 procedure is applicable for drawing relevant conclusion regarding the humic quality of the given sample. On the contrary, the applied Hargitai-method has not proved to be effective. Although the measurement of the molecule’s size and weight with the Zetasizer Nano ZS device has brought out exciting results and displayed similarities with the E4/E6 outcomes, only it’s tendencies proved to be informative because of its methodological background. &nbsp
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