400 research outputs found

    The influence of the chain length and the functional group steric accessibility of thiols on the phase transfer efficiency of gold nanoparticles from water to toluene

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    The papers were published with the financial support from the budget of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship.This paper describes the influence of the chain length and the functional group steric accessibility of thiols modifiers on the phase transfer process efficiency of water synthesized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to toluene. The following thiols were tested: 1-decanethiol, 1,1-dimethyldecanethiol, 1-dodecanethiol, 1-tetradecanethiol and 1-oktadecanethiol. Nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized in water were precisely characterized before the phase transfer process using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The optical properties of AuNPs before and after the phase transfer were studied by the UV-Vis spectroscopy. Additionally, the particle size and size distribution before and after the phase transfer of nanoparticles were investigated using Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). It turned out that the modification of NPs surface was not effective in the case of 1,1-dimethyldecanethiol, probably because of the difficult steric accessibility of the thiol functional group to NPs surface. Consequently, the effective phase transfer of AuNPs from water to toluene did not occur. In toluene the most stable were nanoparticles modified with 1-decanethiol, 1-dodecanethiol and 1-tetradecanethiol.This work was supported by FP7-NMP-2010-SMALL-4 program (HYMEC), project number 263073. Scientific work supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, funds for science in 2011–2014 allocated for the cofounded international project

    The epidemiological situation of morbidity and mortality on HIV / AIDS cases in Poland and globally in recent years

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    Aim: The aim of this review is to summarize the data on the morbidity and mortality of HIV / AIDS in the years 2000-2020 in Poland and in the world. As a result of continuous insufficient diagnostics, still millions of people are not aware of the disease, which often results in regions or countries with a significantly increased incidence. We were looking for information about the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on the production, distribution, and prices. Availability of drugs, especially in middle and low income countries, was also examined.Materials and methods: PubMed databases and statistics from the National Institute of Public Health (NIZP- PZH) and global data from the websites of WHO, UNAIDS - Global HIV & AIDS statistics and HIV.gov were searched in June and July 2020. The UNAIDS 90-90-90 program was also assessed. This programme was run until 2020. In the PubMed database, we used medical terms "hiv", "aids", "hiv / aids". No language restrictions were added.Conclusion:UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic shows that 2020 targets will not be met because of deeply unequal success; COVID-19 risks blowing HIV progress way off course. Missed targets have resulted in 3.5 million more HIV infections and 820 000 more AIDS-related deaths since 2015 than if the world was on track to meet the 2020 targets. In addition, the response could be set back further, by 10 years or more, if the COVID-19 pandemic results in severe disruptions to HIV services. Currently, the world is plunged into the fight against COVID-19 and people are forgetting that the HIV pandemic also carries a large number of deaths. Nevertheless, the spread of both viruses is different and in developed countries the possibility of significant spread of HIV is much lower than in poor countries. The spread of Sars-Cov2 virus is much more difficult to control. Although the risk of serious illness from COVID-19 for people with HIV is not known, people with HIV may have concerns and questions related to their risk. COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted the AIDS response and could disrupt it more. Progress in prevention of HIV transmission remains too slow and the estimated total number of new infections in 2019 is more than three times higher than the UNAIDS 2020 target. Despite advances in the scientific understanding of HIV and its prevention and treatment, and many years of significant efforts by the global health community and governmental and community organizations, too many HIV-positive people still lack access to prevention, care and treatment. There is still no cure for everybody with HIV / AIDS. Moreover, the HIV epidemic not only affects human health, but also strikes households, communities, and the development and economic growth of nations

    Are we still afraid of influenza during the Sars-Cov2 pandemic? - epidemiological analysis of influenza morbidity and vaccination in the 2019/2020 season

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    Influenza is an infectious respiratory disease that is caused by influenza A and B viruses in humans. Pandemic outbreaks mainly involve type A virus of zoonotic origin. The severity of the pandemic flu depends on many factors, including the virulence of the pandemic virus strain and the level of pre-existing immunity. Symptoms associated with influenza virus infection differ from mild respiratory disease limited to the upper respiratory tract and are characterized by fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, headache, muscle pain and fatigue, as well as severe and in some cases fatal pneumonia due to influenza virus or secondary bacterial infection of the lower respiratory tract. The influenza virus is quite often subject to modifications, which makes it necessary to formulate an influenza vaccine every year to match the circulating strains. These vaccines are not mandatory and, despite the broadly understood promotion among the public, they are not widely purchased. In addition, the vaccine's effectiveness is quite low in the case of an antigenic mismatch between the vaccine and the circulating strain of the virus, which causes a still high level of illness during the year. In the 2019/2020 season, a significant decrease in the number of influenza cases was observed in Poland and in the world. In this work, we will take a closer look at the numerical values of people with influenza and discuss the possible causes of this decline. Did the Covid-19 pandemic favorably affect the incidence of another virus, such as the influenza virus, and cause its decline, or did it just overshadow the real numbers, put society to sleep, and diverted their attention

    The knowledge of mothers in Poland on measles and its prevention - a survey study

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    Introduction and purpose: Measles is a highly contagious childhood rash disease. An effective way to prevent it is to give two doses of MMR vaccine. An increase in both the incidence of measles and vaccine refusal is observed.The aim of the study is to assess the knowledge of mothers having children under 18 years old about measles and MMR vaccination. It was decided to determine whether measles may turn out to be a threat to the population of our country.Material and methods: A survey questionnaire has been made, which was disseminated on social networks in spring 2020. A total of 537 answers were collected. Data analysis was performed using MS Excel and Statistica. The results were compared with the literature from the last 5 years from PubMed and ResearchGate databases.Results: The average test result was 10.33 out of 17 points. The questions with the highest number of correct answers concerned the obligation, the method of vaccine administration, the etiology of the disease and the method of infection. The problematic questions was the symptoms of measles, complications or the ways of preventing the disease. 8.6% of respondents said that they did not vaccinate their childaccording to the vaccination calendar, giving real contraindications and unreasonable reasons. It was shown that education, place of residence and age of the respondent statistically significantly affect the level of knowledge about measles. There was no correlation between the fact of vaccination and the level of knowledge about measles.Conclusions: The level of knowledge of respondents is mediocre. Parents should receive reliable information about the threats of infectious diseases. Considering presented data, the disease may be a threat to the population of our country

    The use of artificial intelligence in interpreting the results of radiological imaging - opportunities and threats

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    Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the system\u27s ability to interpret data, learn from them, and use this knowledge to perform tasks. The development of modern intelligent systems in radiology has enabled us to use them in interpreting RTG, CT, MRI, and USG images

    Tongue hematoma and psychomotor agitation in the course of alcohol use disorder - case report

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    Excessive alcohol consumption can have many repercussions. Cirrhosis, injuries and infectious diseases are the most common. The following case report shows a patient admitted to the emergency department due to swelling of the tongue that prevented speaking. Laboratory tests showed elevated levels of markers of liver damage: AST, GGTP, total bilirubin, CRP. Prolonged INR, APTT and platelet deficiency were also discovered. This indicated bleeding due to alcoholic cirrhosis as a diagnosis. The patient was given, among others, diuretics and corticosteroids, after which a decrease in hematoma has been observed. The patient was transported to the Otolaryngology Department. On the same day he attacked the doctor and freed himself from physical coercion which was applied. As a result of these events he was transferred to a neuropsychiatric hospital. Described case indicates a correlation between a deficiency of coagulation factors and the formation of a hematoma of the tongue. It also emphasizes the importance of being cautious about patients who may experience sudden changes in behavior for neurological reasons

    Retoryczność porównania

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    The paper discusses comparison as a transsemiotic and trans-medial structure of thinking and as a rhetorical figure. It presents epistemological, ontological, axiological and persuasive aspects of this figure, and analyzes the functions it fulfils. As a tool and a method of researching, ordering, and assessing texts, comparison lies at the heart of the development of the humanities. Comparison is also the essential element of forms of interpretation, especially of linguistic, semiotic and medial translations. It makes possible to recognize allusions, paraphrases, adaptations, pastiches, parodies, stylizations, plagiarisms, and forgeries. The rhetorical nature of comparison is particularly visible in comparative interpretations, which emphasize some aspects and neglect others. Advertising and political persuasion exploit persuasive and manipulative functions of comparison.Artykuł charakteryzuje porównanie jako ponadsemiotyczną i ponadmedialną strukturę myślenia oraz narzędzie retoryczne. Wskazuje na wielofunkcyjność i wszechobecność porównania. Ukazuje jego wymiar epistemologiczny, aksjologiczny, ontologiczny i perswazyjny. Jako sposób poznawania, porządkowania, wartościowania porównanie leży u podstaw rozwoju dyskursu nauki. Jest koniecznym elementem każdej interpretacji, ponieważ wpisany w nią jest wymóg kontekstualizacji. Przykładu dostarcza tu przekład językowy, semiotyczny, medialny. Porównanie umożliwia rozpoznanie wszelkich działań intertekstualnych: aluzji, parafrazy, adaptacji, stylizacji, parodii, pastiszu, falsyfikatu, plagiatu. Retoryczność porównania ujawnia się zwłaszcza w interpretacji porównawczej, która wydobywa wybrane aspekty, odsuwając na drugi plan inne. Funkcja perswazyjna i manipulacyjna porównania wykorzystywane są zwłaszcza w reklamie i propagandzie politycznej

    Acupuncture as complementary treatment for lower back pain

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    Abstract Introduction: Lower back pain is one of the most common disorders in the world. Acupuncture is one the methods of treatment, but its efficiency is still researched. Aim of the study: To verify the effectiveness of acupuncture on low back pain. Material and Methods: Search of the PubMed database using the following keywords: acupuncture, lower back pain. Only full-length articles were taken into consideration. Results: The studies show that acupuncture is effective in the treatment of chronic low back pain and is not inferior to the usual care. However its efficiency in treatment of acute low back pain is not satisfactory and patients still require additional pharmacotherapy. Conclusion: Acupuncture is efficient in the treatment of chronic low back pain, however more research is needed on its efficiency in treatment of acute low back pain.   Keywords: acupuncture, lower back pai

    Cervical cancer – risk factors, prevention and diagnostic procedures in HPV infections and cervical carcinoma. Epidemiological analysis of morbidity and mortality in Poland and the world in 2012-2018

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    The following article is an analysis of current literature and the epidemiology of cervical cancer in Poland and the rest of the world over the 2012-2018 period. The analysis is based on reference articles and epidemiological reports from WHO – Cancer Mortality Database, The European Cancer Observatory, The Global Cancer Observatory (Globocan) and from the National Cancer Registry as well as statistical data on HPV vaccination based on the article “Szczepienia ochronne w Polsce” from the Polish National Hygiene Institute (PZH). Additional information on HPV infections, clinical manifestation, diagnostic procedures, treatment and the state of HPV vaccination was sourced from publications found on databases such as: PubMed, Medline and Google Scholar. The increasing accessibility of a variety of sources concerning cervical cancer correlates with an increase in the frequency of gynaecological visits and cytological screenings attended by women. A successful decrease in morbidity and mortality due to HPV infections, which are the cause of cervical cancer and head and neck cancers may lead to the inclusion of HPV vaccination into the national vaccination program. Spreading awareness about the risk amongst young adults and parents, protecting their children through vaccination is necessary in order to achieve a decrease in morbidity and mortality due to cervical cancer