22 research outputs found

    Gombatermesztés foglalkozási betegségei

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    A gombatermesztésben dolgozó emberek ki vannak téve különböző veszélyeknek. biológiai, kémiai és fizikai értelemben egyaránt. Legnagyobb kockázata a légúti allergiás megbetegedést kiváltó hiperszenzitív pneumonitist (HP)-nek van. Jellemző munkahelyi ártalom a tüdő megbetegedése, allergiás reakció. Az allergiás túlérzékenység öt különböző típusba sorolható. A túlérzékenységi tüdőgyulladást kiváltó anyagok, panaszok, tünetek és kórisme kerül bemutatásra. Az ágazatban leggyakrabban előforduló munkahelyi ártalom a farmertüdő és a gombatermesztő tüdő

    Investigation of biological plant protection in protected culture of pepper

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of regularly applied biological control by continuous monitoring of pests with the help of color traps (sticky sheets) and flower tests with joint species identification of the useful insect to determine the extent to which native useful insects can settle next to the introduced predatory ones. The latter process is to be facilitated by growing a flowering mixture of annual plants at one of the experimental sites, which provides adequate feeding and hiding place for beneficial insects.The experiment was performed in one pepper forcing period. The main pest insects are: western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), tobacco thrips (Thrips tabaci).Useful insects in the experiment: predatory mites (Amblyseius spp.) and predatory flower bugs (Orius laevigatus)

    Investigation of biological plant protection in protected culture of pepper

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of regularly applied biological control by continuous monitoring of pests with the help of color traps (sticky sheets) and flower tests with joint species identification of the useful insects to determine the extent to which native useful insects can settle next to the introduced predatory ones. The latter process is to be facilitated by growing a flowering mixture of annual plants at one of the experimental sites, which provides adequate feeding and hiding place for beneficial insects. The experiment was carried out in Szentes. The peppers in protected cultivation were grown in two unheated polytunnels. The color traps were laid out in three different places in politunnels. A total of 11 color traps were collected from the experimental area (from April till September). During the experimental period, the main pests damaging peppers were western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) and tobacco thrips (Thrips tabaci). The highest thrips number (F. occidentalis, 40 pieces) was counted on 9th June in 2020. Useful insects in the experiment: predatory mites (Amblyseius spp.), predatory flower bugs (Orius laevigatus) and the banded thrips (Aeolothrips spp.). The highest useful insect’s number (Aeolothrips spp., 11 pieces) was counted in the 20th September in 2020

    Pollen concentration of invasive tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) on the Northern Great Plain, Hungary

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    In areas where the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) appears and multiplies, the original vegetation degrades and transforms. The invasive tree of heaven is also of great importance in urban environments, where it causes building damage, static problems and endangers utilities. Ailanthus pollen concentration was measured during the 3-year period (2016-2018) at three county capitals (Szolnok, Debrecen, Nyíregyháza) of the Northern Great Plain, Hungary (JászNagykun-Szolnok county, Hajdú-Bihar county and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county), with a 7-day Hirst-type (Burkard) pollen trap. The highest total pollen count of A. altissima was measured in all three years in Nyíregyháza (1114 pollen m-3 in 2016; 788 pollen m-3 in 2017; 635 pollen m-3 in 2018), while the lowest values were measured in Szolnok in all three years (99 pollen m-3 in 2016; 78 pollen m-3 in 2017; 93 pollen m-3 in 2018). In Debrecen, the annual total pollen concentration varied between 109-127 pollen grains m-3 in the studied period. The extent of the prevalence of A. altissima can be deduced from its pollen concentrations. For this purpose, multi-year pollen data is displayed on a map in which areas characterized by different pollen concentrations are represented by colour codes. Pollen monitoring provides information on the size of A. altissima stands and provides a basis for proposals and plans for measures to control this invasive tree species and mitigate the damage caused by it

    Spontaneous Ventilation Combined with Double-Lumen Tube Intubation during Thoracic Surgery: A New Anesthesiologic Method Based on 141 Cases over Three Years

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    Background: Non-intubated thoracic surgery has not achieved widespread acceptance despite its potential to improve postoperative outcomes. To ensure airway safety, our institute has developed a technique combining spontaneous ventilation with double-lumen tube intubation (SVI). This study aimed to verify the feasibility and limitations of this SVI technique. Methods: For the SVI method, anesthesia induction involves fentanyl and propofol target-controlled infusion, with mivacurium administration. Bispectral index monitoring was used to ensure the optimal depth of anesthesia. Short-term muscle relaxation facilitated double-lumen tube intubation and early surgical steps. Chest opening preceded local infiltration, followed by a vagal nerve blockade to prevent the cough reflex and a paravertebral blockade for pain relief. Subsequently, the muscle relaxant was ceased. The patient underwent spontaneous breathing without coughing during surgical manipulation. Results: Between 10 March 2020 and 28 October 2022, 141 SVI surgeries were performed. Spontaneous respiration with positive end-expiratory pressure was sufficient in 65.96% (93/141) of cases, whereas 31.21% (44/141) required pressure support ventilation. Only 2.84% (4/141) of cases reversed to conventional anesthetic management, owing to technical or surgical difficulties. Results of the 141 cases: The mean maximal carbon dioxide pressure was 59.01 (34.4–92.9) mmHg, and the mean lowest oxygen saturation was 93.96% (81–100%). The mean one-lung, mechanical and spontaneous one-lung ventilation time was 74.88 (20–140), 17.55 (0–115) and 57.73 (0–130) min, respectively. Conclusions: Spontaneous ventilation with double-lumen tube intubation is safe and feasible for thoracic surgery. The mechanical one-lung ventilation time was reduced by 76.5%, and the rate of anesthetic conversion to relaxation was low (2.8%)