5 research outputs found

    Synthesis and functionalization of protease-activated nanoparticles with tissue plasminogen activator peptides as targeting moiety and diagnostic tool for pancreatic cancer

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    Background: Functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) are one promising tool for detecting specific molecular targets and combine molecular biology and nanotechnology aiming at modern imaging. We aimed at ligand-directed delivery with a suitable target-biomarker to detect early pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Promising targets are galectins (Gal), due to their strong expression in and on PDAC-cells and occurrence at early stages in cancer precursor lesions, but not in adjacent normal tissues. Results: Molecular probes (10-29 AA long peptides) derived from human tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) were selected as binding partners to galectins. Affinity constants between the synthesized t-PA peptides and Gal were determined by microscale thermophoresis. The 29 AA-long t-PA-peptide-1 with a lactose-functionalized serine revealed the strongest binding properties to Gal-1 which was 25-fold higher in comparison with the native t-PA protein and showed additional strong binding to Gal-3 and Gal-4, both also over-expressed in PDAC. t-PA-peptide-1 was selected as vector moiety and linked covalently onto the surface of biodegradable iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs). In particular, CAN-doped maghemite NPs (CAN-Mag), promising as contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were selected as magnetic core and coated with different biocompatible polymers, such as chitosan (CAN-Mag-Chitosan NPs) or polylactic co glycolic acid (PLGA) obtaining polymeric nanoparticles (CAN-Mag@PNPs), already approved for drug delivery applications. The binding efficacy of t-PA-vectorized NPs determined by exposure to different pancreatic cell lines was up to 90%, as assessed by flow cytometry. The in vivo targeting and imaging efficacy of the vectorized NPs were evaluated by applying murine pancreatic tumor models and assessed by 1.5 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The t-PA-vectorized NPs as well as the protease-activated NPs with outer shell decoration (CAN-Mag@PNPs-PEG-REGAcp-PEG/tPA-pep1Lac) showed clearly detectable drop of subcutaneous and orthotopic tumor staining-intensity indicating a considerable uptake of the injected NPs. Post mortem NP deposition in tumors and organs was confirmed by Fe staining of histopathology tissue sections. Conclusions: The targeted NPs indicate a fast and enhanced deposition of NPs in the murine tumor models. The CAN-Mag@PNPs-PEG-REGAcp-PEG/tPA-pep1Lac interlocking steps strategy of NPs delivery and deposition in pancreatic tumor is promising

    Hombres de Terranova: la pesca del bacalao 1926-2004

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    El hilo conductor del libro es el aspecto subjetivo, la experiencia vivida de estos Hombres que participan en los hechos. Éste es, en definitiva, el propósito de este trabajo: mostrar, siguiendo a Halbwachs, la existencia de unas memorias colectivas que se entretejen con la historia general. El comienzo de esta actividad industrial en 1926 obedece a la necesidad de abastecer el mercado nacional de pescado seco, que en este caso es bacalao salado. Los acontecimientos de la guerra civil española o la Segunda Guerra Mundial, constituyen grandes hitos a tener en cuenta, ya que aportan planificaciones económicas en los países donde se potencia una gran concurrencia internacional, y, del mismo modo, el hecho de pasar de un Mare Liberum, a un mar gestionado por los países ribereños, que extienden su jurisdicción a doscientas millas marinas aguas adentro, determinará la desaceleración de la expansión de la flota bacaladera. Se analizan manipulaciones de conceptos y se reflexiona sobre la génesis y el desarrollo de la sobrepesca, la situación interna de Terranova, como la emergencia de sus propios símbolos, la llegada de la moratoria en 1992 y la no recuperación de la especie del bacalao después de una moratoria vigente durante más de una década