9 research outputs found

    Water and energy saving bioprocess for bioethanol production from corn grain applying stillage liquid part recirculation

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    The distillery stillage is a major and arduous byproduct generated during ethanol production in distilleries. The liquid part of this stillage was proved that can be recycled in the ethanol production from corn, without disturbing the fermentation process. The corn seeds were fermented employing the conventional non-pressure method for gelatinizing as well as including a novelty: Recirculation system of distillery stillage liquid part instead of process water. The efficiency of fermentation and main chemical parameters of stillage were estimated. The liquid part of stillage was recycled 28 times. At these conditions distillery yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae efficiently produced ethanol yielding 79.80% of the theoretical, keeping the vitality and quantity on the same level. However, recirculation of the liquid part of stillage caused protein and potassium increase in the wet cake what makes this product more attractive for fodder supplementation. It was proven that the addition of stillage liquid fraction to the mashing process instead of process water and 28 recirculation cycles in ethanol production from corn constitutes the way which could significantly reduce the water and energy consumption, what essentially reduce whole general production costs without ethanol efficiency decreasing.Keywords: Corn, stillage liquid part, recirculation, ethanol yieldAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(40), pp. 5950-595

    Use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis for bioethanol production from sugar beet pulp and raw juice

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    Biofuels have received great attention as an alternative energy source mainly due to limited oil reserves. Bioethanol can be produced from wide range of raw materials like starch, sucrose and cellulosic based sources. Sugar beet and raw juice, as its intermediate product, constitute very profitable substrates for bioethanol production, considering content of easy available fermentable sugars. In this study, sugar beet pulp and raw juice were fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae distillery yeasts and bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. Different medium dilution rate as well as yeasts preparations (Fermiol, Safdistil C-70) were investigated. Fermentation was run for 72 h at 30°C. Quality of obtained raw distillates was evaluated using GC method. S. cerevisiae distillery yeasts turned out to be more favourable microorganism than bacterium Z. mobilis for sucrose material fermentation. The ethanol yield obtained from sugar beet pulp and raw juice was 84 and 95% of theoretical yield, respectively. Fermentation of sugar beet raw juice obtained by pressing without enzymatic treatment yielded higher ethanol efficiency as compared to raw juice pressed with enzyme. Dilution ratio 1:1 for fermentation medium appeared to be profitable for effective fermentation process.Keywords: Sugar beet roots, raw juice, fermentation, bioethanol, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zymomonas mobilisAfrican Journal of BiotechnologyVol. 12(18), pp. 2464-247

    Interdyscyplinarna opieka nad pacjentem z chorobą nowotworową

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperZ przyjemnością przekazujemy Państwu kolejny tom monografii Interdyscyplinarna opieka nad pacjentem z chorobą nowotworową, która powstała przy współpracy Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Pielęgniarek Onkologicznych z Wydziałem Zdrowia i Nauk Medycznych Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego. Problematyka przedstawiona w publikacji dotyczy wieloaspektowej opieki nad chorym na nowotwór. Opracowania są doniesieniami z badań naukowych, w których autorzy przedstawiają wnioski i kierunki działań dla praktyków. Równie dużą wartość mają rozdziały, w których praktycy dzielą się swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem z pracy z chorymi i ich rodzinami. Tematyka monografi i dotyczy m.in.: edukacji zdrowotnej, komunikowania się, opieki nad chorym poddawanym chemioterapii, leczeniu chirurgicznemu, radioterapii i rehabilitacji. Pragniemy, aby ta książka swoją merytoryczną zawartością stała się istotnym wkładem w uczczenie tak ważnych dla pielęgniarstwa rocznic, obchodzonych w 2011 r

    Sorghum – agricultural and industrial potential

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    Tropikalne sorgo jest atrakcyjnym zbożem z punktu widzenia paszowego, żywieniowego i energetycznego. Jako roślina uprawna również ma szereg zalet. Jest wyjątkowo odporne na suszę i silne nasłonecznienie oraz wysoką temperaturę. Ma małe wymagania glebowe. Jednak uprawa i wykorzystanie sorgo w Europie, również w Polsce, ma charakter niszowy. Przyczyną jest chłodny klimat umiarkowany i związana z tym konieczność pozyskania odmian odpornych na występujące ewentualne ochłodzenia i o wczesnej dojrzałości. Sorgo jest szczególnie wrażliwe na przymrozki, co opóźnia termin siewu kosztem okresu wegetacji i potencjału plonowania. Jednak postępujące ocieplenie klimatu w Polsce, a także wyraźny spadek poziomu wód gruntowych oraz stepowienie gleb sprawia, że zainteresowanie uprawą sorgo w naszym kraju wzrasta. Celem pracy było przedstawienie możliwości uprawy sorgo w Polsce oraz możliwości rolniczego i przemysłowego wykorzystania tej roślinyTropical sorghum is an attractive grain from the nutritional, fodder and energy point of view. As a cultivated plant, it also has a number of advantages. It is extremely resistant to drought, strong sunlight and high temperature. It has low soil requirements. However, the cultivation and use of sorghum in Europe, including Poland, is of a niche sector. The reason is the cool temperate climate and the related need to obtain varieties resistant to possible cooling and with early maturity. Sorghum is particularly sensitive to frost, which delays the sowing date at the expense of the vegetation period and yield potential. However the progressive warming of the climate in Poland, as well as a clear decrease in the level of groundwater and the stepping of soils, make the interest in sorghum cultivation in our country increasing. The aim of the work was to present the possibilities of sorghum cultivation in Poland and the possibilities of agricultural and industrial use of this plant

    Topinambur – a plant with a wide range of uses

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    Topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus L.) stał się w ostatnich latach obiektem rosnącego zainteresowania jako surowiec spożywczy, paszowy i przemysłowy. Do bezpośredniego wykorzystania tej rośliny nadają się zarówno bulwy bogate we fruktany, jak i część nadziemna. Bulwy o jasnej skórce chętnie są wykorzystywane do celów kulinarnych w formie surowej, jak i po obróbce. Duże znaczenie ma także użytkowanie pastewne topinamburu, czy to w postaci bulw czy np. kiszonki z łodyg, którymi mogą być skarmiane zwierzęta. Natomiast zapotrzebowanie na bogate w węglowodany, odnawialne surowce roślinne spowodowało, że topinambur posiada coraz większe znaczenie jako źródło energii. Celem pracy było wykazanie, że topinambur ze względu m.in. na swój skład chemiczny, wysoką wydajność bulw i części nadziemnej, minimalne wymagania uprawowe, stanowi atrakcyjny surowiec do wykorzystania w przemyśle spożywczym, farmaceutycznym czy do produkcji etanolu, przy równoczesnej możliwości wykorzystania wszystkich części roślinyJerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) has become an object of growing interest in recent years both as a food, feed and industrial raw material. Both the inulin-rich tubers and the above-ground part are suitable for direct use of this plant. The light-skinned tubers are readily used for culinary purposes in raw form as well as after processing. Also of great importance is the forage use of Jerusalem artichoke, whether in the form of tubers or, for example, stem silage, which can be fed to animals. On the other hand, the demand for carbohydrate-rich, renewable plant materials has made Jerusalem artichoke increasingly important as an energy source. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.), due to, among other things, its chemical composition, high yield of tubers and above-ground parts, and minimal cultivation requirements, is an attractive raw material for use in the food industry, pharmaceutical industry or for ethanol production, while at the same time all parts of the plant can be used

    Bioethanol Production Efficiency from Sorghum Waste Biomass

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    The problem of global warming is still a major issue, alongside shrinking oil reserves. A great alternative to fossil fuels is offered by biofuels, such as bioethanol from lignocellulosic plants. The sorghum biomass can be effectively used in many industrial directions. It is possible to use every part of this plant; the grain can be used for food production and straw can be used for energy purposes, i.e., for bioethanol. The aim of this study was to analyze the possibilities of bioethanol production from five varieties of sorghum biomass, which is a waste product of seed harvesting. The yields of sorghum cultivars in a three-year vegetation period; the amount of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in the biomass of sorghum; and the amount of ethanol obtained per hectare were evaluated. It was observed that the highest average yield for all cultivars, except GK Emese, was found in the second year of the study. The bioethanol yield per hectare from this biomass was the highest for Sweet Caroline and was 9.48 m3∙ha−1. In addition, significant differences were found in the content of lignin and hemicellulose for the varieties tested in all years of the study and for the content of cellulose in the first and third years. The discussed results were confirmed by detailed statistical analyses, including combined matrices of Pearson correlation coefficients (crp) varieties and cluster analysis. In summary, the usefulness of the biomass of the studied sorghum varieties for the production of bioethanol was demonstrated

    Bioethanol Production Efficiency from Sorghum Waste Biomass

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    The problem of global warming is still a major issue, alongside shrinking oil reserves. A great alternative to fossil fuels is offered by biofuels, such as bioethanol from lignocellulosic plants. The sorghum biomass can be effectively used in many industrial directions. It is possible to use every part of this plant; the grain can be used for food production and straw can be used for energy purposes, i.e., for bioethanol. The aim of this study was to analyze the possibilities of bioethanol production from five varieties of sorghum biomass, which is a waste product of seed harvesting. The yields of sorghum cultivars in a three-year vegetation period; the amount of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in the biomass of sorghum; and the amount of ethanol obtained per hectare were evaluated. It was observed that the highest average yield for all cultivars, except GK Emese, was found in the second year of the study. The bioethanol yield per hectare from this biomass was the highest for Sweet Caroline and was 9.48 m3∙ha−1. In addition, significant differences were found in the content of lignin and hemicellulose for the varieties tested in all years of the study and for the content of cellulose in the first and third years. The discussed results were confirmed by detailed statistical analyses, including combined matrices of Pearson correlation coefficients (crp) varieties and cluster analysis. In summary, the usefulness of the biomass of the studied sorghum varieties for the production of bioethanol was demonstrated

    Supplementation of beer with Pinus sylvestris L. shoots extracts and its effect on fermentation, phenolic content, antioxidant activity and sensory profiles

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    Background: The aim of this study was to determine the role of Pinus sylvestris L. shoots in the development of antioxidant and sensory features of wheat beer. Results: After storage, the alcohol content of the experimental beer was 4.04%v/v, and its bitterness was 15.83 IBU (bitterness units). Higher levels of bitterness were found compared to the control beer. Other analyzed fermentation parameters (extract, degree of fermentation) and physicochemical parameters (pH, titratable acidity, color) were similar for both types of beer. The addition of pine shoots at the brewing stage affected the profile of biologically active compounds - both polyphenolic acids and flavonols. The content of both groups of those compounds was almost 30% higher in the sample with pine shoots compared to the control sample. The sensory evaluation confirmed the high attractiveness of the beer with pine shoots. During the three-month storage period, the tested samples were microbiologically stable. Conclusions: It was concluded that pine shoots may be an attractive functional addition to flavored craft beer. It can increase both sensory attractiveness and quantity of bioactive compounds, which results in functional properties such as antioxidant potential.How to cite: Dziedziński M, Stachowiak B, Kobus-Cisowska J, et al. Supplementation of beer with Pinus sylvestris L. shoots extracts and its effect on fermentation, phenolic content, antioxidant activity and sensory profiles. Electron J Biotechnol 2023;63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2023.01.001