23 research outputs found
Wittenberg neveltjei és a Tiszántúl reformációja
The Students of Wittenberg and the Transtibiscan Reformation. The three generations of Hungarian ministers which returned from the University of Wittenberg each walked a different path in spreading the Reformation. Some of them remained followers of Luther (Mátyás Dévai Bíró, Imre Ozorai, István Gálszécsi, Sebestyén Károlyi Boldi). The next group represented a shift in the teachings, and they established church administration after the Swiss model, while still being direct students of Melanchthon. Later, they became bishops and deans, the elite of church leadership (Benedek Bánffyhunyadi Mogyoró, György Czeglédi, Ferenc Czeglédi, Péter Méliusz Juhász, György Gönczi Kovács alias György Fabricius). It is safe to state that both the Lutheran and the Calvinist forms of Reformation were distributed by students of Wittenberg, in which Melanchthon played a crucial role. His work was characterised by temperance and tolerance: he proclaimed fidelity in cases where it was necessary, and in the rest – for the sake of unity –, compliance. Many believe that this was what allowed the Swiss school of Protestantism to spread quickly across Hungary in the second half of the century. Concerning the dispersion and the positions of the Lutheran and the Calvinist branches throughout Hungary, however, not only confessional issues should be examined but contemporary politics, too. It was the Wittenberg generation that came after the death of Melanchthon (but was still educated in the spirit of Melanchthonian theology and humanism) which brought about the establishment of a church from the Swiss branch, organised along political lines and firmly dependent on them. This generation included Péter Károlyi and Lukács Hodászi Pap. 16th-century Hungarian Reformed theology was characterised by eclecticism which did not originate from Wittenberg alone, but Wittenberg provided it with the ground where it could develop
Források és módszerek a Debreceni Református Kollégium diáknévsorainak feldolgozásához
SOURCES AND METHODS FOR PROCESSING STUDENT LISTS OF THE DEBRECEN REFORMIST COLLEGE. In commemoration of the 475th anniversary of the existence of the Debrecen Reformist College a long expected, two volume resource guide was published in 2013 under the title „History sources of the institution int he archive of the Debrecen Reformist College.” It contains student lists between 1588 and 1850 cataloguing 20 000 registrations. his essay summarizes the history of this research and lists the sources used in the process
Studia Litteraria
Bitskey István: Előszó 5-6.
Imre Mihály: A Querela Hungariae toposz retorikai gyökerei 7-22.
Németh Béla: Az antik hadvezérjellemzés toposzai Oláh Miklós
Athilájában 23-30.
Szabadi István: Humanista toposzok Erdély földrajzi
leírásaiban 31-42.
Havas László: Az antik organikus történelem-felfogás elemei
Nadányi Jánosnál 43-52.
Lőkös István: Magyar történelmi toposzok a 16-17. századi
horvát epikus költészetben 53-62.
Amedeo Di Francesco: Toposz és formula a magyar históriás
énekekben 63-72.
Kecskeméti Gábor: Toposzok és exemplumok a história hasznairól
a 17. században 73-90.
Papp Andrea: „Példákbul faragott tükörök" (Utak és lehetőségek
az exemplumkutatásban) 91-98.
Bárczi Ildikó: Ars compilandi 99-116.
Dömötör Ákos: A Gesta Romanorum történetei mint exemplumok 117-126.
Tüskés Gábor: Az exemplumok használata és típusai Nádasi János
műveiben 127-144.
Gábor Csilla: Káldi György exemplumai 145-156.
Győri L. János: Az exemplumok szerepe a 17. századi református
prédikációinkban 157-170.
S. Sárdi Margit: Két rabló, aki hűségével megmentette életét 171-194
Magic and History in Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
I intend to define
Clarke’s novel in terms of a postmodern pseudo-historical genre, as “historiographic
metafiction”, based on Linda Hutcheon’s theory. As the issues of history and historical representation are crucial for the genre and for postmodernism as well, I discuss the way they
are presented in Clarke’s novel, applying the theories of Hayden White and Frank Ankersmit.
I shall also analyse the manner in which magic and history are intertwined in Jonathan
Strange and Mr Norrell and examine how the novel juxtaposes possible approaches to the
issue of magic. I propose a reading of the Strangite approach as similar to primitive magic in
the anthropological sense and then I describe Gilbert Norrell’s attitude in terms of magic
considered as an institution with its specific cultural role; in terms of alchemy rather than
“primitive” magic. Finally, I shall give an interpretation of the difference between these
approaches based on the dichotomy of Nature and Culture in the sense in which it is discussed
by Jacques Derrida.Mscanglisztik