36 research outputs found

    A rendőrök lelkipásztori ellátásának kánonjogi lehetőségei

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    The authors provide an overview of the canonic framework of military ordination that could also be applied to law enforcement forces.A szerzők áttekintést nyújtanak a katonai ordináció kánoni keretrendszeréről, amelyet a rendvédelmi erőknél is alkalmazhatnának

    Munkahelyteremtő beruházások közösségi közlekedési kihívásai az Északkelet-magyarországi régióban

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    A szakirodalmi megállapítások alapján a társadalmi-gazdasági fejlődés a regionális mobilitás folyamatos alkalmazkodásának igényével jár együtt.1 Az elmúlt évek jelentős hazai kihívása a gazdaság regionális motorjainak újraindítása, a fejlődésükhöz kapcsolódó feltételek biztosítása. A közforgalmú közösségi közlekedés kiemelt fel-adata a gazdasági folyamatok támogatása, a munkaerő foglalkoztatási helyekhez történő eljutásának igényekhez szabott biztosításával. A hazai munkavállalók alacsony mobilitási hajlandóságára, illetve az ágazat szabályzórendszerére tekintettel, a megfelelő közösségi közlekedési kínálat biztosítása az országosnál rosszabb foglalkoztatottsági mutatókkal rendelkező térségek felzárkóztatásához elengedhetetlen. A vizsgált térségben a BOSCH cégcsoport folyamatos innovációja jelentett kihívást a közösségi közlekedés számára. Jelen tanulmány célja a társadalmi-gazdasági fejlő-dés és a regionális mobilitás egymásra gyakorolt hatásának, valamint a munkahely-teremtéshez kapcsolódó regionális közlekedésszervezési megoldások és azok lehetséges mobilitási, gazdasági és társadalmi tényezőinek bemutatása. További cél annak elemzése, hogy a közösségi közlekedési kínálat milyen színvonala és mennyisége szükséges a hivatásforgalmi utazási igények ellátásához, figyelembe véve annak folyamatos, piaci trendeknek megfelelő változásait

    Investigation of public attitude towards renewable energy sources using word association method in Hungarian settlements

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    In the framework of a questionnaire survey an attitude examination was conducted among inhabitants of 3-3 settlements of Hajdú-Bihar and Heves county in connection with the renewable energy sources. With the help of the word-association method authors tried to assess whether the population of the examined settlements is aware of the meaning of the renewable energy sources and its utilisation opportunities. Authors tried to determine the attitude of the inhabitants to the renewable energy sources. It turned out that the conceptual picture of the inhabitants about the renewable energy sources is quite superficial, but at the same time their attitude unambiguously positive. It turned out, that the inhabitants with higher educational level and the younger people have the most accurate knowledge about the renewable energy sources

    Preparation and investigation of mefenamic acid-polyethylene glycol-sucrose ester solid dispersions

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    Mefenamic acid (MA) is a widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug. The adverse effects typical of NSAIDs are also present in the case of MA, partly due to its low water solubility. The aim of this study was to increase the water solubility of MA in order to influence its absorption and bioavailability. Solid dispersions of MA were prepared by the melting method using polyethylene glycol 6000 and different types (laurate, D-1216; palmitate, P-1670; stearate, S-1670) and amounts of sucrose esters as carriers. The X-ray diffraction results show that MA crystals were not present in the products. Dissolution tests carried out in artificial intestinal juice showed that the product containing 10 % D-1216 increased water solubility about 3 times. The apparent permeability coefficient of MA across human Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cell layers was high and, despite the difference in solubility, there was no further increase in drug penetration in the presence of the applied additives

    Kutatási füzetek 04.

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    Szerkesztők: Harsányi Iván; Flodung János; Szabó Lóránd | További szerzők: Kolnhofer Vince; Ormos Mária; Flodung János; Vonyó József; Melega Miklós | Cím: Kutatási füzetek 4. | Alcím: Történelem doktori program | Fordító: Flodung János | Megjelenési adatok: Janus Pannonius Tudományegyetem, Pécs, 1998. | Megjegyzés: A Kutatási Füzetek a Janus Pannonius Tudományegyetem Európa és Magyarország a 19-20. században című történelem doktori (Ph.D.) programjának sorozata.Tanulmány: (1) Kolnhofer Vince: A moson megyei határkijelölés [3]-15 | (2) Kolnhofer Vince: Az 1922. évi osztrák-magyar határcsereegyezmény és következményei [16]-32 | Forrásközlés: (1) Ormos Mária: Bánffy-Csicserin találkozó(k) Genovában 1922 [33]-39| (2) Flodung János: A Magyarországi Német Néppárt (MNNP) Programja és a Magyarországi Németek Katekizmusa - Adalékok a magyarországi németek mozgalma történetéhez (1905-1910) II.[40]-46 | (3) Vonyó József: A Magyar Élet Pártjának Szervezete [47]-83 | Könyvismertetés: (1) Melega Miklós: Várostervezés és polgári rend Németországban /1860-1914/ - Brian Ladd: Urban planning and civic order in Germany, 1860-1914 [84]-9

    Integrated stratigraphy of the Gusterita clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

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    The Neogene Transylvanian Basin (TB), enclosed between the eastern and southern Carpathians and the Apuseni Mountains in Romania, is a significant natural gas province with a long production history. In order to improve the (bio) stratigraphic resolution, correlations and dating in the several 100-m-thick upper Miocene (Pannonian) succession of the basin, the largest and most fossiliferous outcrop at Gusterita (northeastern part of Sibiu) was investigated and set as a reference section for the Congeria banatica zone in the entire TB. Grey, laminated and massive silty marl, deposited in the deep-water environment of Lake Pannon, was exposed in the similar to 55-m-high outcrop. The uppermost 25 m of the section was sampled in high resolution (sampling per metres) for macro- and microfossils, including palynology; for authigenic Be-10/Be-9 dating and for magnetostratigraphy; in addition, macrofossils and samples for authigenic Be-10/Be-9 isotopic measurements were collected from the lower part of the section as well. The studied sedimentary record belongs to the profundal C banatica mollusc assemblage zone. The upper 25 m can be correlated to the Hemicytheria tenuistriata and Propontoniella candeo ostracod biozones, the uppermost part of the Spiniferites oblongus, the entire Pontiadinium pecsvaradense and the lowermost part of the Spiniferites hennersdorfensis organic-walled microplankton zones. All samples contained endemic Pannonian calcareous nannofossils, representing the Noelaerhabdus bozinovicae zone. Nine samples were analysed for authigenic Be-10/Be-9 isotopic measurements. The calculated age data of six samples provided a weighted mean value of 10.42 +/- 0.39 Ma. However, three samples within the section exhibited higher isotopic ratios and yielded younger apparent ages. A nearly twofold change in the initial Be-10/Be-9 ratio is a possible reason for the higher measured isotopic ratios of these samples. Magnetostratigraphic samples showed normal polarity for the entire upper part of the outcrop and can be correlated with the C5n.2n polarity chron (11.056-9.984 Ma, ATNTS2012), which is in agreement with the biostratigraphic data. Based on these newly obtained data and correlation of the biozones with other parts of the Pannonian Basin System, the Guterita section represents the similar to 11.0-10.5 Ma interval, and it is a key section for correlation of mollusc, ostracod, dinoflagellate and calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphic records within this time interval

    The Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate, a Beneficial Adjuvant Molecule in Cystic Fibrosis, on Bronchial Epithelial Cells Expressing a Wild-Type or Mutant CFTR Channel

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    International audienceClinical and experimental results with inhaled sodium bicarbonate as an adjuvant therapy in cystic fibrosis (CF) are promising due to its mucolytic and bacteriostatic properties, but its direct effect has not been studied on respiratory epithelial cells. Our aim was to establish and characterize co-culture models of human CF bronchial epithelial (CFBE) cell lines expressing a wild-type (WT) or mutant (deltaF508) CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel with human vascular endothelial cells and investigate the effects of bicarbonate. Vascular endothelial cells induced better barrier properties in CFBE cells as reflected by the higher resistance and lower permeability values. Activation of CFTR by cAMP decreased the electrical resistance in WT but not in mutant CFBE cell layers confirming the presence and absence of functional channels, respectively. Sodium bicarbonate (100 mM) was well-tolerated by CFBE cells: it slightly reduced the impedance of WT but not that of the mutant CFBE cells. Sodium bicarbonate significantly decreased the more-alkaline intracellular pH of the mutant CFBE cells, while the barrier properties of the models were only minimally changed. These observations indicate that sodium bicarbonate is beneficial to deltaF508-CFTR expressing CFBE cells. Thus, sodium bicarbonate may have a direct therapeutic effect on the bronchial epithelium

    Sucrose esters increase drug penetration, but do not inhibit P-glycoprotein in Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells

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    Sucrose fatty acid esters are increasingly used as excipients in pharmaceutical products, but few data are available on their toxicity profile, mode of action, and efficacy on intestinal epithelial models. Three water-soluble sucrose esters, palmitate (P-1695), myristate (M-1695), laurate (D-1216), and two reference absorption enhancers, Tween 80 and Cremophor RH40, were tested on Caco-2 cells. Caco-2 monolayers formed a good barrier as reflected by high transepithelial resistance and positive immunostaining for junctional proteins claudin-1, ZO-1, and -catenin. Sucrose esters in nontoxic concentrations significantly reduced resistance and impedance, and increased permeability for atenolol, fluorescein, vinblastine, and rhodamine 123 in Caco-2 monolayers. No visible opening of the tight junctions was induced by sucrose esters assessed by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy, but some alterations were seen in the structure of filamentous actin microfilaments. Sucrose esters fluidized the plasma membrane and enhanced the accumulation of efflux transporter ligands rhodamine 123 and calcein AM in epithelial cells, but did not inhibit the P-glycoprotein (P- gp)-mediated calcein AM accumulation in MES-SA/Dx5 cell line. These data indicate that in addition to their dissolution-increasing properties sucrose esters can enhance drug permeability through both the transcellular and paracellular routes without inhibiting P-gp