149 research outputs found

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    Nyelvérzék és hátrányos helyzet

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    The examination of markets of organic foods

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    The Examination of Markets of Organic Foods

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    Nowadays the consumption of organic foods has an outstanding importance from the aspects of health and environmental consciousness. In this study the habits of organic food consumption in Debrecen are examined by the help of a questionnaire-based survey and a personal interview. On the basis of our results the supply of organic foods in the local markets satisfies the requirement of the consumers, and this tendency is expected to be maintained for the future. The most popular products are vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat and honey. Generally the consumers are very satisfied with these products. Most of the buyers choose organic foods not only because these products are healthy, but for the fact that they are aware of the environmental-friendly technology by which the production happens. Consumers visiting the markets buy organic foods mainly at a weekly occasion, thus their consumption is conscious, and the healthy way of life is relevant for them. Many people do not know that there are such markets in Debrecen, in this way the promotion of these places is outstandingly important

    Az Európai Külügyi Szolgálat szerepe – út a szorosabb európai integráció felé?

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    This essay examines the impact of the European External Action Service (EEAS) on the development of the European integration. First, the historical and institutional precedents, and the development of external institutional system of the EC (EU) are presented. Then it is mentioned in greater details which factors led to the establishment of the institution of the High Representative (HR) and its assisting European External Action Service. The EEAS’s role is analyzed and assessed primarily from the standpoint that – given its operation and power – how the creation of this institution can strengthen the achievement of a closer European integration. This issue is analyzed especially in relation with cooperation, and division of tasks and power with the other EU bodies and institutions that play decisive role in the implementation of the EU’s external actions.This essay examines the impact of the European External Action Service (EEAS) on the development of the European integration. First, the historical and institutional precedents, and the development of external institutional system of the EC (EU) are presented. Then it is mentioned in greater details which factors led to the establishment of the institution of the High Representative (HR) and its assisting European External Action Service. The EEAS’s role is analyzed and assessed primarily from the standpoint that – given its operation and power – how the creation of this institution can strengthen the achievement of a closer European integration. This issue is analyzed especially in relation with cooperation, and division of tasks and power with the other EU bodies and institutions that play decisive role in the implementation of the EU’s external actions

    Az Európai Külügyi Szolgálat szerepe – út a szorosabb európai integráció felé?

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    This essay examines the impact of the European External Action Service (EEAS) on the development of the European integration. First, the historical and institutional precedents, and the development of external institutional system of the EC (EU) are presented. Then it is mentioned in greater details which factors led to the establishment of the institution of the High Representative (HR) and its assisting European External Action Service. The EEAS’s role is analyzed and assessed primarily from the standpoint that – given its operation and power – how the creation of this institution can strengthen the achievement of a closer European integration. This issue is analyzed especially in relation with cooperation, and division of tasks and power with the other EU bodies and institutions that play decisive role in the implementation of the EU’s external actions.This essay examines the impact of the European External Action Service (EEAS) on the development of the European integration. First, the historical and institutional precedents, and the development of external institutional system of the EC (EU) are presented. Then it is mentioned in greater details which factors led to the establishment of the institution of the High Representative (HR) and its assisting European External Action Service. The EEAS’s role is analyzed and assessed primarily from the standpoint that – given its operation and power – how the creation of this institution can strengthen the achievement of a closer European integration. This issue is analyzed especially in relation with cooperation, and division of tasks and power with the other EU bodies and institutions that play decisive role in the implementation of the EU’s external actions

    Kisebbségi önkormányzatok a 2006-os önkormányzati választások után - A roma, német, görög és ruszin kisebbségi autonómiák működése az átalakult viszonyok között = Minority self-governments after municipal elections in 2006 - Roma, German, Greek and Rusin autonomies among the new conditions

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    Az 1993-ban elfogadott és 2005-ben módosított kisebbségi törvény lényegét tekintve egyfajta gesztus az erőteljesen elmagyarosodott nemzetiségek felé: imaginárius viszonyokat képez le és soft law típusából fakadóan nem tartalmazza a jogok kikényszerítésének eszközeit. Cserében az identitás megválasztásának hamis illúziójával kecsegtető, és a gyakorlatban a kisebbségi etnobiznisz elburjánzásához vezető módón teszi lehetővé, hogy kisebbségivé az egyén önkéntes és önkényes nyilatkozatával lehessen válni a nyilatkozat minden jogi és anyagi előnyével, de mindenfajta jogi konzekvenciája nélkül. Ezek a törvényi anomáliák megkérdőjelezik a kisebbségi önkormányzatok létét. Két területen látszanak nagy gondok: a választás és a működés, ill. a feladatok csak jelzésszerű meghatározásának szintjén, amelyek elvégzése opcionális. Olyan kisebbségi törvényre van szükség, amely önkéntes, nyilvános önmeghatározás és a kisebbségi közösségek által kontesztálható identitásvállalás alapján teszi lehetővé a kisebbségi önkormányzatok létrehozását. Abban az esetben, ha a törvényalkotó megfontolná, ténylegesen szükség van-e az önkormányzati státusra, és ha úgy dönt, igen, akkor az önkormányzati kereteket tényleges tartalommal, más által el nem végezhető feladatokkal kell kitöltenie és biztosítania kell hozzá a szükséges eszköztárat. | The minority law having been accepted in 1993 and modified in 2005 in its very substance is a courtesy towards the highly assimilated minorities living in Hungary. It maps imaginary conditions and resulting in its soft law type does not contain guaranteed instruments for forcing the minority rights. In change it makes possible on the basis of the free choice of identity to be identified as minority subject on the basis of a voluntary and arbitrarily declaration of the self with its legal and financial profits without any legal consequences. This uncontrolled process has lead to the etnobusiness. The anomalies of the minority law in establishing minority self-government and in the many unclear paragraphs as to functioning, and tasks of this self-government query its existence. There are serious problems mostly on two fields: regulation of the elections of minority self-government representatives and defining the special tasks of a minority self-government, which as to the decision of the representatives – will be done or not. A really new minority law is needed if the politics decides on the favor of the minority self-governments: free but overt declaration of identity for those who want be acknowledged as minority subject to be able to establish a self government. If politics decides for minority self-governments, real tasks has to be specified and the necessary financial founds has to be guaranteed to manage them

    The applicability of photoacoustic measurement technique for qualitative investigation of diesel emission

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    In our work parallel measurement of wavelength dependent optical absorption, size distribution and number-concentration were produced using multi wavelength photoacoustic spectrometer (4λ-PAS) and scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). For comparative study two different fuel type was tested at three different working points of the engine. The thermal evolution of the emission was also examined using thermodenuder (TD) unit. Bimodal size distribution of emissions at reference temperature was achieved using pure petroleum-based fuel (B0). The OAC values measured at the operating wavelengths of the instrument decreased with increasing rev and rated torque at all wavelengths. The wavelength dependence quantified by Aerosol Angström Exponent (AAE) can be used here for qualitative analysis of carbon emission and showed increased volatility of organic particles towards higher temperatures