383 research outputs found

    Sentiment Analysis of Customers

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    Co-operative Transport System and investigation of the co-operation

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    This paper deals with Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and the concept of a Co-operative Transport System (CTS), in which the communication and the knowledge sharing is much more important. This distributed knowledge allows improving road transport operations more safety and efficiency. After showing some issues about development and advantages of a CTS, the communication part is discussed among CTS elements. The most important parts and usefulness of CTSs are shown with some examples, e.g. TRACKSS, which is based on the knowledge sharing sensors on the road network

    Ergodic properties of subcritical multitype Galton-Watson processes

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    We show the existance of the stationary distributions of subcritical multitype Galton-Watson processes without any conditions on the mean matrix of the offspring distributions. Some additional properties of the stationary distribution are also proven.Comment: manuscrip

    Alkotmány és értelmezés

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    Amiről beszélni szeretnék, az az a kutatási program, amelybe idén vágtam bele, s amelynek tárgya az 1989-1993 közötti demokratikus átmenetek Kelet-Közép-Európában, pontosabban e demokratikus átmenetek manifesztálódása az úgynevezett „alkotmányos politikában”, tehát a politizálásnak azokban a szegmenseiben, amelyben Csehszlovákiában, Lengyelországban és Magyarországon az új, demokratikus alkotmányos berendezkedés alapjait lerakták. E kutatási program az, amely eredetileg Alkotmány és értelmezés címet viseli, a projekt két legfontosabb kulcsszavára utalva, s úgy gondoltam, a mai időkben a leghelyesebb, hogy ne a Kolnai-díjat kiérdemlő korábbi vállalkozásról vagy valamilyen egyéb, a szívemhez egyébként közel álló témáról, mondjuk a 18-19. század fordulójának magyar politikai gondolkodásáról, esetleg a parlamenti viták politikai jelentőségéről beszéljek, hanem az „alkotmányos politikáról”

    The abortion of a 'conservative’ constitution-making. A discourse analysis of the 1994-1998 failed Hungarian constitution-making enterprise

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    What are the similarities and the differences between the failed constitution-making enterprise of the left-wing coalition (1994-1998) and the enactment of the Basic Law of Hungary by the right-wing parties (2011-2012)? In my paper, I argue that there is a fundamental difference of political visions underlying the failure of the first enterprise and the controversial nature of the other: the socialists and the liberals represented a consensualist vision of politics that was the heritage of the political culture of the Kádár-regime and the democratic transition; the right-wing coalition, on the contrary, stressed a conflictual vision. The failure of the first enterprise was a result of the weakening of the political culture of political consensus: though no one dared to explicitly refute a consensual way of constitution-making yet, but the rightist parties only half-heartedly participated in the procedure. By contrast to this, the success of the second was a by-product of the qualified (two-thirds) majority of the right-wing parties representing a conflictualist political style in the parliament rather than a result of a capacity (let alone a design) to create a non-partisan agreement on the issue. In my paper, I will describe these two visions, their origins, and their influence on the outcomes of the constitution-making debates

    Multiplicative properties of Morin maps

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    In the first part of the paper we construct a ring structure on the rational cobordism classes of Morin maps (i. e. smooth generic maps of corank 1). We show that associating to a Morin map its singular strata defines a ring homomorphism to \Omega_* \otimes \Q, the rational oriented cobordism ring. This is proved by analyzing multiple-point sets of product immersion. Using these homomorphisms we are able to identify the ring of Morin maps. In the second part of the paper we compute the oriented Thom polynomial of the ÎŁ2\Sigma^2 singularity type with \Q coefficients. Then we provide a product formula for the ÎŁ2\Sigma^2 and the ÎŁ1,1\Sigma^{1,1} singularities.Comment: Corrected some small misprints and made lot of minor (mainly grammatical) alterations. 10 page


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    A methodology for determining models of a soft and ill-defined system is dealt with. The approach outlined is based on the model reconstruction by intelligent agents monitoring the trajectory of model behavior and reconstructing it to obtain models describing the real systems to be simulated. The methodology that has already proven its value by solving problems in various fields by applying it using a simulation system where it was implemented is dealt with. It is shown how effects among the various model elements can be tuned. This methodology may be of significant value in the field of micro- and macro-economy. The application of the procedure is illustrated on a small example utilizing high level Petri nets in an unconventional way

    Benchmark ab initio potential energy surface mapping of the F + CH 3 NH 2 reaction

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    Ab initio computations reveal several stationary points and their relative energies at the relativistic full-configuration-interaction complete-basis-set limit along the abstraction and substitution pathways of the F + CH 3 NH 2 reaction

    The role of trust in Short Food Supply Chains

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the role of trust in Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) through national and international literary analysis. As local products are usually available at higher prices due to the small volume of production, local producers need to convince consumers in other ways. In addition, it is extremely important to retain the acquired consumer base, as small producers often intervene for survival. First, we write about trust as a general idea, then the concept of SFSC will be briefly defined, to create points of contact between the two topics. Next, we discuss the extent of trust through the presentation of various research findings. In general, the level of trust in Hungary lags behind the European average, which requires active communication on the part of small producers. At the same time, consumers’ trust also means positive feedback for producers, strengthening them. Finally, our study summarizes the areas of trust in SFSCs, and in our conclusions we deal with its effects of rural development
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