51 research outputs found

    Hogyan tovább? : magyar almatermesztés a XXI. században

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    Agriculture is a special industry with a lot of external influences that sometimes occur unexpectedly, so full rationalization is almost impossible. Weather is unpredictable, but can be adapted to. The volume of high processed products needs to be increased, while the lower value-added products and low processed products dominate in the Hungarian agrarian export. The problem with precision farming is that not all farmers can afford to use technology. The machines are expensive and require great economies of scale to use them. On the other hand, European agriculture consists of small or very small farms, which are often unable to provide viable income to farmers. The year of 2018 has more and more highlighted the serious problems which are faced by apple farmers in Szabolcs. Buyers suppressed the purchase price of industrial apples, which the producers considered too low, because they would not have covered even the cost price. Negotiations have been conducted and demonstrated, but instantaneous fire-fighting is not an option. What processions led to the autumn apple crisis? In the modern market economy, the focus of the production process is on the farmer who manages his own or rented land, relying heavily on the family's workforce. The main problem with the position of the individual farmer is that his market position is very weak in relation to other market participants and that he is unable to influence it or the price through his market position. The paper introduces the past transformation of the sector, the possible directions for farmers' organization and development, which are absolutely necessary to lay the foundations for the way out

    Risk perception of food additives in Hungary

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    On the basis of international surveys, Hungarian consumers stated serious aversion against food additives. The aim of our work was to get more detailed information about Hungarian consumers' risk perception with special regard to food additives. For this purpose a self-administrated questionnaire was developed. Four hundred respondents completed the questionnaires in 2009. The collected data were analysed by the SPSS 18.0 statistical software. Respondents expressed serious aversion against food additives amongst different risk factors. The responses on different statements highlighted that consumers did not have proper knowledge about food additives. In order to explore the directly not perceptible connections, factor analysis was done, but the "goodness-of-fit test" did not show significant fitting. So with the help of the factor analysis' results 5 principal components were created. According to the results it can be stated that - similarly to previous studies - Hungarian respondents felt food additives to be hazardous. On the basis of the principal components respondents who were not satisfied with the quantity of the information about food additives, had mixed and ambiguous knowledge about food additives. Thus Hungarian consumers need more authentic information to help their food choice to be more established and be more conscious

    Risk perception of food additives in Hungary

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    On the basis of international surveys, Hungarian consumers stated serious aversion against food additives. The aim of our work was to get more detailed information about Hungarian consumers' risk perception with special regard to food additives. For this purpose a self-administrated questionnaire was developed. Four hundred respondents completed the questionnaires in 2009. The collected data were analysed by the SPSS 18.0 statistical software. Respondents expressed serious aversion against food additives amongst different risk factors. The responses on different statements highlighted that consumers did not have proper knowledge about food additives. In order to explore the directly not perceptible connections, factor analysis was done, but the "goodness-of-fit test" did not show significant fitting. So with the help of the factor analysis' results 5 principal components were created. According to the results it can be slated that - similarly to previous studies - Hungarian respondents felt food additives to be hazardous. On the basis of the principal components respondents who were not satisfied with the quantity of the information about food additives, had mixed and ambiguous knowledge about food additives. Thus Hungarian consumers need more authentic information to help their food choice to be more established and be more conscious

    Hogyan tovább? Magyar almatermesztés a XXI. században

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    Agriculture is a special industry with a lot of external influences that sometimes occur unexpectedly, so full rationalization is almost impossible. Weather is unpredictable, but can be adapted to. The volume of high processed products needs to be increased, while the lower value-added products and low processed products dominate in the Hungarian agrarian export. The problem with precision farming is that not all farmers can afford to use technology. The machines are expensive and require great economies of scale to use them. On the other hand, European agriculture consists of small or very small farms, which are often unable to provide viable income to farmers. The year of 2018 has more and more highlighted the serious problems which are faced by apple farmers in Szabolcs. Buyers suppressed the purchase price of industrial apples, which the producers considered too low, because they would not have covered even the cost price. Negotiations have been conducted and demonstrated, but instantaneous fire-fighting is not an option. What processions led to the autumn apple crisis? In the modern market economy, the focus of the production process is on the farmer who manages his own or rented land, relying heavily on the family's workforce. The main problem with the position of the individual farmer is that his market position is very weak in relation to other market participants and that he is unable to influence it or the price through his market position. The paper introduces the past transformation of the sector, the possible directions for farmers' organization and development, which are absolutely necessary to lay the foundations for the way out

    Az ismeret hatása az élelmiszeripari adalékanyagok fogyasztói elfogadottságára = The effect of knowledge on the consumer acceptance of food additives

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    Részben a fogyasztói igények, részben pedig az előállítói és kereskedelmi szempontok miatt élelmiszereink különböző adalékanyagokat tartalmaznak, ami a fogyasztók egy részében aggodalmat kelt. Jelen munkánk célja az adalékanyagokkal kapcsolatos ismeretszint, valamint az észlelt kockázat csökkentése érdekében nyújtott információ hatásának vizsgálata volt. Kérdőíves megkérdezésünk eredménye rámutatott, hogy az információ kedvező hatást gyakorol az élelmiszeripari adalékanyagok fogyasztói elfogadására, így a hiteles és közérthető tájékoztatás rendkívül fontos a hazai fogyasztók tudatos vásárlási döntésének meghozatala érdekében. Partly because of consumer demand, and partly because of manufacturing and commercial aspects, our foods contain different additives, which is worrisome to some of the consumers. The goal of the present work was to study the level of knowledge related to additives, and the effect of the information provided in order to reduce the perceived risk. Results of our questionnaire survey showed that information has a beneficial effect on the consumer acceptance of food additives, and so credible and easy to understand information is extremely important for domestic consumers when making conscious decisions by

    Koren István identitása aszódi éveinek tükrében

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    A tanulmány Aszód városának és helyi értelmiségének 19. századi történetére koncentrál és Koren István irattára alapján gazdag forrásanyag bevonásával készült el. Koren István a Latin Iskola ismert és elismert tanára, Petőfi Sándor oktatója 1833 és 1856 között oktatott Aszódon. A tanulmány a korszak, a reformkor nemzetiségi problematikájával, nyelvharcokkal, magyarosítással foglalkozó vitáinak helyi szinten történő megjelenését is elemzi. Koren István fennmaradt emlékkönyve és kiterjedt levelezése alapján tesz kísérletet a tanár személyiségének, identitásának megrajzolására. A források arra engednek következtetni, hogy Koren életének Aszódhoz köthető szakaszában a tanár szlovák identitása már kirajzolódik. Azonban az is kimutatható, hogy nem akart konfrontálódni a magyar hatóságokkal és környezetével. Baráti köre és kapcsolatai azt bizonyítják, hogy kötődött a szlovák nyelvhez és valamilyen szinten kapcsolatba is kerülhetett a mozgalommal, mindemellett több magyar érzelmű baráttal is rendelkezett. Szlovák önmeghatározása a korszakra jellemző, a nyelvi-nemzeti problémákat áthidalni próbáló hungarus tudattal párosult. A tanulmány végkövetkeztetése szerint az adott korszakban egy olyan szlovák nyelvi környezetből származó és ezzel azonosuló értelmiségiről van szó személyében, aki egzisztenciáját és becsületét féltve nem akart egyértelmű választást hozni, az otthont adó országgal szembefordulni, ugyanakkor anyanyelvének jogaiért és műveléséért minden helyzetben igyekezett kiállni. ----- THE IDENTITY OF ISTVÁN KOREN DURING HIS LIFETIME IN ASZÓD Diána Bozó–Szűcs’s paper analyses the early years of István Koren, a Slovak and Lutheran intellectual, acting as a teacher in the Latin School in Aszód from 1833 until 1856. As the teacher of the famous Hungarian poet, Sándor Petőfi he also enjoyed high respect among his Slovak and Hungarian friends and fellow teachers. In Aszód — a trilingual town in Pest–Pilis–Solt–Kiskun County situated some ten kilometers eastwards from Budapest — national conflicts and the question of the official language were highly sensitive political issues in the 1840s — like it was in the entire country. The debate about the question whether Koren was a supporter of Pan Slavism, unfolded several times during his stay there. All these issues — Pan Slavism, use of the Hungarian language as the official language, and what language should be educated in schools — were often raised and hotly debated by leading political thinkers of the Reform Era (1825–1848) in Hungary. Moreover, this study gives an account of Koren’s views about the nationality issue, and about the use of the national language. By highlighting the causes and main features of local national conflicts between pro Slavic and pro Hungarian intellectual groups, this work explores the social background of Koren as well, how he lived and worked in a multicultural town. The detailed research carried out in Koren’s correspondence by Diána Bozó–Szűcs makes it possible to get information about the circumstances, which led to certain identity choices made by him in a multicultural environment of the Hungarian Kingdom in the middle of the 19th century

    Developing new plasmid for studying histone PTM during DNA repair

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    Cells are threatened by different damaging effects, which cause many errors, so the cell has to defend itself. Repair pathways are responsible for defence and they also keep the cells in healthy state. In order to study the DNA repair mechanism, we developed new plasmid based method, which could help us. Our cells are constantly attacked by diversity of DNA damaging agents, which are able to induce different structural changes in the DNA. For protecting genome integrity, the cell must eliminate the damage and restore the original sequence of DNA. Most of the cases, accumulation of mutations lead to the formation of cancer. During the DNA repair numerous repair factors are responsible for the integrity of the genetic information. On the other side for DNA repair many histone post-translational modification are also requires. The histone PTMs are indispensable, because they ensure the accessibility of DNA and help the communication between DNA repair factors and enzymes. The center of our research is double strand DNA breaks and their repair pathways: Non-homologous End Joining and Homologous Recombination Repair. For the better overview the histone PTMs during the repair we have developed histone cloning vectors (donor and acceptor vectors). With these vectors we could create transgenic animals, and using of an inducible system we can examine the orchestrated protein recruitment at the repair foci around the DNA breaks

    Mesterséges bőrszövetek a kutatásban és a gyógyításban [Tissue engineered skin products in research and therapeutic applications]

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    Összefoglaló. A bőrpótlóknak mind a klinikumban, mind a gyógyszerkutatásokban kiemelt szerepük van. Ezek a kezdetleges mesterséges bőrszövetek segíthetik a bőr regenerálódását, modellezhetik a főbb funkciókat, de megvannak a korlátaik is, mechanikailag sérülékenyek, és nem tartósak. A legtöbb bőrpótló vagy acelluláris, vagy csak egy-két sejttípust tartalmaz. Az eredeti bőrrel megegyező szerkezetű, teljesen funkcionális mesterséges bőrszövet a mai napig nem létezik. A háromdimenziós szövetnyomtatás megoldást kínálhat erre a problémára is, hiszen a bőrszövet minden sejtes eleme felhasználható, megfelelő hidrogélek és biotinták segítségével pedig olyan komplex struktúrák hozhatók létre, amelyek képesek a bőr teljes funkcionális repertoárját biztosítani. Ez nemcsak klinikai szempontból kiemelt jelentőségű, hanem a preklinikai kísérletek esetében kiválthatja az állatmodelleket és számos toxikológiai vizsgálatot is. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(10): 375-385. Summary. Skin substitutes have a prominent role in therapeutic applications and drug research. These simple artificial skin tissues can support skin regeneration, in vitro they can model the main functions of the skin but they also have limitations such as being mechanically vulnerable and not durable enough. Most skin substitutes are either acellular or contain only one or two cell types. Fully functional artificial skin substitute with the same structure as the original skin has not been produced to this day. Three-dimensional tissue bioprinting can also offer a solution to this problem, as all cellular elements of skin tissue can be used, and with the help of appropriate hydrogels and bioinks, complex structures can be created that can provide a complete functional repertoire of the skin. It is important not just in the clinical therapeutic use, but it can also trigger the replacement of animal models and a number of toxicological studies in preclinical trials. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(10): 375-385