43 research outputs found

    Fundamentalisme dalam Agama Budha (suatu Penelusuran Awal)

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    The following article explains that it is very difficult to find the characteristics fundamentalism of Buddhism because the fundamentalism movement denotes the reaction to superficiality of spiritual values because of the modernization process. It invites the followers of religion back to the tenet of Holy Scripture. It is not only the superficiality of spiritual values but also the deconstruction of spiritual values themselves. If the fundamentalism emerges because of the disappointing of the secular modern society, the Buddhism at some countries tends to cooper ate with the regime of the state to support the modernization i.e. Srilangka and Thailand. Whereas at some states i.e. South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore the doctrine of Buddhism is understood from the modernism perspective, but, the spiritual values of the scripture complete the secular modem society. To save society with Holy Book indicates that the responsibilities of social, politic, and culture were regarded as Buddhism fundamentalism, in accord with social change that carried out by Soka Gakkai to overcome the frustration of society

    Pengetahuan Ekologi Masyarakat Lokal Sebagai Indikator Penilaian Potensi Lamun (Seagrass) Di Tanjung Luar Lombok Timur

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    Seagrass is a kind of higher plants that have been known for a long time by the people in thecoastal areas . The purpose of this article is to formulate a conceptual form of local ecologicalknowledge as an instrument of change in the condition assessment of seagrass . The samplingtechnique used was quota sampling criteria respondents aged ≥ 40 years and the main job as afisherman . Moreover, to obtain more detailed information and in-depth use snowballsampling technique . Data analysis was done in descriptive . The results of this study indicatethat local ecological knowledge quite comprehensively . on seagrass . Classification ofseagrass by local communities into 4 types: seagrass Kaken ( Enhalus acoroides ) , seagrassRanten ( algae ) , seagrass and seagrass pupak green ( grass ) . Distribution and function ofeach type of seagrass seagrass on fish and marine life in the perspective of society notdissimilar to that described by scientific sources . The conclusion of this study is localecological knowledge can be instrumental seagrass management , especially in the detectionof changes in the condition of seagrass due to interference from both natural andanthropogenic

    Islam, Etnisitas, Dan Politik Identitas: Kasus Sunda

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    :Islam, Ethnicity and the Politics of Identity: The Sundanese Case. In the framework of structural-functionalist thought, society is depicted to constitute from structures belonging to separate function that create harmonious equilibrium based on social solidarity founded in collective norms and values. Accordingly, the Sundanese community is also bound by their communal cultural values received through their ancestors. The majority of the Sundanese are Muslims which indicate that their social culture originates from, or in line with, the values of Islamic teachings that led to the expression that “Sunda is Islam”. The fact that there exist groups of Sundanese who are non-Muslim but they still belong to and convicted to be Sundanese show the shortcomings of the above-mentioned model of thought. This writing is an attempt to discuss “Sunadanese Is Islam” discourse by utilizing identity theory as an ethnic category, problems and implication that minght be drawn there in

    Konservasi Lamun Untuk Keberlanjutan Sumberdaya Ikan Di Perairan Pesisir Indonesia

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    Seagrass has a vital role in providing habitat diversity of fish species, especially those who are in the juvenile mass. This article aims to describe the seagrass conservation value to the sustainability of fish resources in the coastal waters of Indonesia. Source data used are secondary data from relevant dokemen. The data were analyzed descriptively. The analyzed data is data about the ecological function of seagrass to the sustainability of fish resources and data on the conservation status of seagrass in the coastal waters of Indonesia. The analysis showed that the existence of seagrass required by the diversity of fish species, especially at crucial stages, namely the juvenile stages, especially of demersal fish species. In addition seagrass conservation efforts, especially in areas outside of protected areas seagrass yet operational standards to reduce the level of exploitation that have been threatening the survival of seagrass. The conclusion is required seagrass conservation standards outside the water conservation areas that already exist today as a sustainable fishery management strategies based on the ecology of coastal waters of Indonesi

    Gerakan Dakwah Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Dini Terhadap Penyebaran Dan Penerimaan Islamisme Kelompok Radikal- Terorisme Di Lampung

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    DA\u27WAH AS THE EARLY PREVENTION EFFORTS AGAINST THE SPREAD AND ACCEPTANCE OF ISLAMISM IN RADICAL TERRORISM IN LAMPUNG: This paper is set out from the anxiety if the anarchism in term of acceptance and the spread of Moslem which is done by certain group of salafi in Lampung as the response of the democracy process after reformation era in order to face the political ideology that is pro- democracy and contra with democracy. With a practical analysis, the authors found that the construction of narrative Islamism developed by radical groups in society Lampung only radical Moslem didn\u27t lead to radicalism and terrorism. The number of the radical group is small. The narratives Islamism spread by radical groups with different patterns of deployment and distribution factors by which identifying and facilitating the transmission of Islamism is generally not accepted by the majority of the Islamic community in Lampung. Most of Lampung people lead the moderate Islamic and cultural Lampung Piil Pesanggiri and Adat Muakhi which are rejected the terrorism

    Islam, Tradisi Lokal, Dan Konservasi Alam: Studi Kasus Di Kampung Dukuh Kabupaten Garut

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    Kampung Dukuh di Kecamatan Cikelet, Kabupaten Garut merupakan salah satu kampung adat yang ada di Jawa Barat. Selain tradisi warisan Islam yang masih kuat, masyarakat Kampung ini mempunyai tradisi tersendiri seperti kepercayaan terhadap mitos-mitos leluhur, sanksi gaib, dan ritual-ritual tertentu terkait kepercayaan tersebut. Masyarakat Kampung Dukuh juga memiliki kearifan lokal yang berkaitan dengan pelestarian lingkungan dan sumber daya alam lewat mana mereka turut serta dalam menghadapi isu-isu pemanasan global (global warming) dan Perubahan iklim (climate change). Keberhasilan warga Kampung Dukuh dalam melestarikan alam bukan karena pengaruh doktrin Islam tetapi lebih disebabkan oleh tradisi dan kearifan lokal warisan nenek moyang. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat Kampung Dukuh cenderung memahami Islam sebagai seperangkat aturan/hukum berkaitan dengan sistem peribadatan (fiqih ibadah), tidak sampai menyentuh aspek-aspek lain di luar sistem itu