109 research outputs found

    Models of architecture of the electronic information and education environment of the University for implementation of requirements of Federal State Educational Standards of the Higher Education

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    In article, the models of architecture of the electronic information educational environment of the university used for implementation of requirements of federal state educational standards of the higher education are considered. Descriptions of architecture of a hardware software complex at implementation of functions of personal accounts of students are provided and examples them implementationВ статье рассматриваются модели архитектуры электронной информационной образовательной среды университета, используемые для реализации требований федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов высшего образовани


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    Рассматриваются подходы к формированию архитектуры программно-технического комплекса электронной информационно-образовательной среды вуза. Приводятся примеры моделей архитектуры и практической ее реализации при разработке личных кабинетов преподавателей и обучающихсяIn article approaches to formation of architecture of a software and hardware complex of the electronic information and education environment of higher education institution are considered. Examples of models of architecture and its practical realization when developing private offices of teachers and students are give

    Experience of introduction of the automated control system of learning process in IT-infrastructure of University

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    Process of implementation of the automated control system for institution of higher education «BIT. VUZ» on the «1C: Enterprise 8» platform, developed by the company «First BIT», in Russian State University for the Humanities is considered in articleВ статье рассматривается процесс внедрения автоматизированной системы управления вузом «БИТ. ВУЗ» на платформе «1С: Предприятие 8», разработанной компанией «Первый БИТ», в Российском государственном гуманитарном университет

    Approaches to forming a model of indicators of digital competences of teachers of higher education

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    In article the model of indicators of digital competences of pedagogical workers of universities, developed taking into account the recommendations of the DigCompEdu is considered. The description of indicators for determining the level of achievements of competence in the use of digital technologies in the evaluation and monitoring of educational activities is given.Представлено описание модели индикаторов цифровых компетенций педагогических работников вузов, разработанной с учетом рекомендаций DigCompEdu. Приводится описание индикаторов для определения уровня достижений компетенций по использованию цифровых технологий при проведении оценки и контроля в ходе образовательной деятельности

    Approaches to Implementing Digital Services for Students in the Electronic Information and Educational Environment of the University

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    Представлено описание структуры функциональных модулей электронной информационно-образовательной среды университета. Определены категории цифровых услуг, предоставляемых через личные кабинеты обучающихся. Приведены примеры реализации цифровых услуг в электронной информационно-образовательной среде университета.Description of structure of functional modules of electronic information-educational environment of educational organization is presented. Categories of digital services provided through personal rooms of trainees are defined. Examples of digital services implementation in the electronic information and educational environment of the university are given

    Satisfaction with aspects of labour as a factor of motivation and the integration of young industrial workers

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    Статья посвящена вопросам мотивации и интеграции молодых работников на промышленных предприятиях, а также их удовлетворенности аспектами трудовой деятельности. Авторы, опираясь на работы уральских ученых, анализируют результаты опроса 300 молодых работников предприятий Свердловской области.The article is devoted to motivation and integration of young workers in industrial enterprises, as well as their satisfaction with aspects of the work. The Authors, building on work of the Ural scientists analyze the results of a survey of 300 young workers of enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region

    Social Responsibility in the Marketing Communications of the Medical Center

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    Today, a special place in the field of marketing and advertising occupy not only commercial projects, but also social ones. Companies pay a lot of attention to current public issues related to solving serious problems. Recently, medical centers have also become interested in helping to solve certain problems through communications. The main mission of medicine is to preserve the health of its patients. But more recently, medical centers involve in their communications such aspects that are of interest to society, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, supporting young people in their choice of the medical profession, and family value. All these aspects of communications are considered by the concept of socially responsible marketing management, which will be discussed in more detail in this article.Сегодня особое место в сфере маркетинга и рекламы занимают не только коммерческие проекты, но и социальные. Компании уделяют большое внимание актуальным вопросам общественности, связанным с решением серьезных проблем. С недавнего времени медицинские центры стали так же интересоваться помощью в решении некоторых задач с помощью коммуникаций. Основная миссия медицины – сохранить здоровье своих пациентов. Но с недавнего времени медицинские центры задействуют в своих коммуникациях и такие аспекты, интересующие общество, как поддержание здорового образа жизни, поддержка молодых людей в выборе профессии медика, семейная ценность. Все эти аспекты коммуникаций рассматривает концепция социально-ответственного маркетинг-менеджмента, более подробно о которой будет рассказано в данной статье

    Experimental and theoretical study on 6-substituted pyridoxine derivatives. Synthesis of Cyclic 2,4,5,6-Tetrakis-(hydroxymethyl)pyridin-3-ol Acetonides

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    © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011. Synthetic approaches to three cyclic 2,4,5,6-tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)pyridin-3-ol acetonides were developed. Among seven possible mono- and diketals, six-membered cyclic ketal incorporating the hydroxymethyl group in the 4-position turned out to be the most thermodynamically favorable. The experimental data were consistent with the results of quantum-chemical calculations of the Gibbs energies of formation of different acetonides. The structure of the isolated compounds was studied by X-ray diffraction

    Synthesis and antibacterial activity of novel phosphonium salts on the basis of pyridoxine

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    A series of 13 phosphonium salts on the basis of pyridoxine derivatives were synthesized and their antibacterial activity against clinically relevant strains was tested in vitro. All compounds were almost inactive against gram-negative bacteria and exhibited structure-dependent activity against gram-positive bacteria. A crucial role of ketal protection group in phosphonium salts for their antibacterial properties was demonstrated. Among synthesized compounds 5,6-bis[triphenylphosphonio(methyl)]-2,2,8-trimethyl-4H-[1,3] dioxino[4,5-c]pyridine dichloride (compound 20) was found to be the most effective towards Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis strains (MIC 5 μg/ml). The mechanism of antibacterial activity of this compound probably involves cell penetration and interaction with genomic and plasmid DNA. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Experience of eradicating parasites of laboratory rats in conventional vivarium

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    The purpose of the research is to test different dehelminthization schemes of laboratory rats infected with cestodes Rodentolepis nana and nematodes Syphacia muris and evaluate the significance of combined environment disinfection measures. The practical experience of eradication (helminth eradication) in animals in a conventional vivarium was described.Materials and methods. Experiments were conducted to study the efficacy of anthelmintics and administration schemes against cestode and nematode infections in laboratory rats. In the first experiment, praziquantel was used at a dose of 10 mg/kg to treat rats infected with R. nana. In the second experiment, the comparative efficacy of fenbendazole, albendazole, and pyrantel was evaluated against syphaciosis at the recommended dosages of 20, 10, and 12.5 mg/kg, respectively. Each drug was given orally, individually, twice with an interval of 7 days. The third experiment tested different schemes for treating syphaciosis with fenbendazole. One group of rats was given the drug orally individually using an esophageal tube at a dose of 20 mg/kg once a day for 7 consecutive days. Other groups were given fenbendazole daily with food for 7 days (150 mg fenbendazole per 1 kg of food). In all three experiments, all animals were divided into groups, and their cells underwent a complex of additional disinfection measures, and those kept in cages without disinfection.Results and discussion. Praziquantel showed 100% efficacy at a single dose of 10 mg/kg in R. nana therapy. In animals without additional disinfection procedures, cestode eggs were again recorded starting from day 14 after the drug administration. In the group of animals with disinfection measures, pathogens were not detected during the experiment. Double administration of fenbendazole, albendazole and pyrantel in the recommended dosages against syphaciosis did not result in eradicated nematodes in the animals. The disinfection did not affect the obtained results. Fenbendazole administered daily for 7 days ensured helminth eradication in animals. However, on day 7 after the therapy, Syphacia sp. eggs were again found in the groups that received the drug individually intragastrically through a tube, regardless of whether their cells were disinfected. The animals that received fenbendazole with food and were regularly disinfested remained free from nematodes throughout the experiment until the additional disinfection measures were cancelled. In the absence of disinfection, released helminth eggs were recorded on day 14 after therapy