15 research outputs found

    Results of the investigation of the otolith function in manned space flights

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    The effects of conditions of long term and short term space flights on the otolith function of cosmonauts were investigated via pre and post examinations. The results show that after long term flight, the intensity of the otolith reflex increased and asymmetry occurred in the indicators of the otolith function. Large changes in terms of expression and duration in the indicators of the otolith function after long term flight as compared with short term flight were also noted

    The Late Pleistocene–Early Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution in the SE Baltic region: a new approach based on chironomid, geochemical and isotopic data from Kamyshovoye Lake, Russia

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    © 2020 Collegium Boreas. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd The Kamyshovoye Lake sedimentary record in the southeastern Baltic Sea region was studied to reconstruct climatic fluctuations and the abiotic responses to them during the Lateglacial and Early Holocene. New results from chironomid, isotopic, palaeomagnetic and geochemical data analyses were correlated with earlier evidence of lithological and palynological changes in the Kamyshovoye Lake record. The section of the record that was studied covered the interval between 15 200 and 6500 cal. a BP. Palaeoclimatic reconstructions showed that during the Younger Dryas there was a two-step decrease in the mean July temperature. The temperature dropped by 3 °C in the period from ̃12 650 to 12 300 cal. a BP, and then it dropped by another 0.5 °C to a minimum of 11.5 °C at 11 900 cal. a BP. During the Younger Dryas–Holocene transition, a temperature increase of 3 °C can be seen over a period of several centuries, inferred from the chironomid data. Further, the temperature curve showed that significant fluctuations continued until ̃9500 cal. a BP. During the coolings, the average July temperature dropped to values that were typical for the Younger Dryas, while values characteristic for the Allerød were only reached at around 9700 cal. a BP. After 9500 cal. a BP, a more stable, gradual increase in temperature was recorded. The short-term Early Holocene climatic oscillations are clearly traced in the Kamyshovoye sequence, although the responses of the natural components are sometimes asynchronous. In the case of the Kamyshovoye study, the geochemical data seem to be a sensitive indicator of the climatic and environmental changes despite the absence of an evident response to the Holocene onset at ̃11 700 cal. a BP. Considerable changes in the geochemical pattern are recorded later, at ̃11 500 cal. a BP, coinciding with noticeable changes in the development of vegetation. The results obtained in this study contribute to a deeper understanding of how global climatic trends are manifested on a local scale

    Climate, glacial and vegetation history of the polar Ural Mountains since c. 27 cal ka bp, inferred from a 54 m long sediment core from Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye

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    Because continuous and high-resolution records are scarce in the polar Urals, a multiproxy study was carried out on a 54 m long sediment succession (Co1321) from Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye. The sedimentological, geochemical, pollen and chironomid data suggest that glaciers occupied the lake's catchment during the cold and dry MIS 2 and document a change in ice extent around 23.5–18 cal ka bp. Subsequently, meltwater input, sediment supply and erosional activity decreased as local glaciers progressively melted. The vegetation around the lake comprised open, herb and grass-dominated tundra-steppe until the Bølling-Allerød, but shows a distinct change to probably moister conditions around 17–16 cal ka bp. Local glaciers completely disappeared during the Bølling-Allerød, when summer air temperatures were similar to today and low shrub tundra became established. The Younger Dryas is confined by distinct shifts in the pollen and chironomid records pointing to drier conditions. The Holocene is characterised by a denser vegetation cover, stabilised soil conditions and decreased minerogenic input, especially during the local thermal maximum between c. 10 and 5 cal ka bp. Subsequently, present-day vegetation developed and summer air temperatures decreased to modern, except for two intervals, which may represent the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period

    Scalable Patterning of One-Dimensional Dangling Bond Rows on Hydrogenated Si(001)

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    Silicon dangling bonds exposed on the monohydride silicon (001) (Si(001):H) surface are highly reactive, thus enabling site-selective absorption of atoms, and single molecules into custom patterns designed through the controlled removal of hydrogen atoms. Current implementations of high-resolution hydrogen lithography on the Si(001):H surface rely on sequential removal of hydrogen atoms using the tip of a scanning probe microscope. Here, we present a scalable thermal process that yields very long rows of single dimer wide silicon dangling bonds suitable for self-assembly of atoms and molecules into one-dimensional structures of unprecedented length on Si(001):H. The row consists of the standard buckled Si dimer and an unexpected flat dimer configuration