10 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Commitment to Development Index

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    Analysis of the Commitment to Development Index Miroslav Syrovátka ABSTRACT The Commitment to Development Index aims to measure the effects of wide range of rich countries' policies that support or limit development prospects of poor countries. These policies are grouped into seven components of the index. The thesis analyzes and assesses the methodology of the index construction with the main focus on its environmental component. It is argued that although the environmental component is a legitimate part of the concept behind the index, the difficulties of its implementation limit its information value. This is due to the specific shortcomings of component indicators and the necessity to combine environmental policy indicators with indicators of exploitation of global environmental resources. The scores of Visegrad countries and correlation analysis show the specificity of the environmental component within the whole index and indirectly support the conclusions about its reduced information value. The thesis discusses the options for modification, both at the level of composite index construction and presentation, and at the level of individual indicators of the environmental component.Analýza ukazatele Commitment to Development Index Miroslav Syrovátka ABSTRAKT Index vstřícnosti k rozvojovým zemím se pokouší měřit účinek široké škály politik bohatých zemí, které napomáhají nebo omezují perspektivy rozvoje chudých zemí. Tyto politiky jsou řazeny do sedmi komponent tohoto indexu. Disertační práce analyzuje a hodnotí metodiku konstrukce indexu se zaměřením na jeho environmentální komponentu. Přestože je environmentální komponenta legitimní součástí konceptu tohoto indexu, obtížnost operacionalizace její vypovídací hodnotu omezuje. To je způsobeno jak specifickými problémy jednotlivých ukazatelů komponenty, tak nutností integrace ukazatelů environmentální politiky s ukazateli využívání globálních environmentálních zdrojů. Výsledky visegrádských zemí a korelační analýza poukazují na specifičnost environmentální komponenty v rámci celého indexu a nepřímo podporují závěry o její snížené vypovídací schopnosti. Práce diskutuje možnosti modifikace, a to jak na úrovni konstrukce a prezentace složeného indexu, tak na úrovni jednotlivých ukazatelů environmentální komponenty.PhD Environmental StudiesDoktorský program Environmentální studiaFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie

    How (Not) to Measure Quality of Life

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    The article presents the concept of human development and its measurement using the Human Development Index (HDI). The first three parts explain the evolution of the human development concept and the methodology of the HDI and provide some analysis of HDI results. The focus of the article is to critically discuss the HDI as a measure of human development. Based on critical perspectives of selected authors, the article analyses the weak points (and by implication the strong ones as well) of the HDI, and it also discusses proposed changes in the HDI methodology. The combination of relative comprehensiveness of the scope of the indicator and relative simplicity of its methodology made the HDI more popular than its creators may have expected. Despite all the critical comments on the HDI, it may be used as a summary measure of development. However, it should be noted that it may serve only as a rough measure

    Radiation terrorism

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    Analysis of the Commitment to Development Index

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    Analysis of the Commitment to Development Index Miroslav Syrovátka ABSTRACT The Commitment to Development Index aims to measure the effects of wide range of rich countries' policies that support or limit development prospects of poor countries. These policies are grouped into seven components of the index. The thesis analyzes and assesses the methodology of the index construction with the main focus on its environmental component. It is argued that although the environmental component is a legitimate part of the concept behind the index, the difficulties of its implementation limit its information value. This is due to the specific shortcomings of component indicators and the necessity to combine environmental policy indicators with indicators of exploitation of global environmental resources. The scores of Visegrad countries and correlation analysis show the specificity of the environmental component within the whole index and indirectly support the conclusions about its reduced information value. The thesis discusses the options for modification, both at the level of composite index construction and presentation, and at the level of individual indicators of the environmental component

    Defence planning and position of village in the sphere of focus on elaboration concealment population plan within the frame of village with expanded agency in South Bohemia region

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    In these days of international safety measures there is a small probability of outer attack, which would concern the Czech Republic. A greater risk exists from the side of terrorist attacks or natural disasters and catastrophies of a large extent. An integral part of protection of the population in the situation of threat to the state and state of war is especially a matter of concealment of people from undesirable impacts. The method and content of collective protection of people is determined by the plan of concealment, which belongs to the emergency plan of the region, perchance to outer emergency plans for zones of emergency planning as well as municipality plans. The concealment of people at the state of war in the region territory can be provided in permanent and improvized shelters. They serve for the protection of people from the effects of weapons of mass destruction, they are considerably resistant against direct hits of classic explosives as well as percussion bullets. At present no legislative regulation directs municipalities to work out concealment plans. Public awareness of the character of possible threat, prepared rescue and liquidating works and of protection of people is also insufficient. My thesis shows the present situation and the state of concealment plans at municipalities with extended field of activity in the region of South Bohemia. It compares individual means for concealment of people at municipalities with extended field of activity and their state and applicability in the state of emergency or war. At the same time it shows prospective intentions concerning the protection of people in the Czech Republic until 2013

    Modelování tvarování odstředivým litím

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    Aggregated Indicators in Ecological Economics

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    The aim of the thesis is to analyze three aggregated indicators and put them into the context of Ecological Economics. The second chapter points out that different sustainability perspectives imply distinct sustainability policies. Ecological Economics is outlined in contrast to Environmental Economics. Following three chapters analyze selected aggregated indicators. Aggregated indicators can provide quick insight into complex problems; however, their virtue depends to a large extent on the method of aggregation. Therefore, the interpretation of aggregated indicators should always be conditioned by their specific methodology. The Ecological Footprint is called technologically skeptical indicator of sustainability, applicable rather on a global than a national scale. Even on a lower scale the Ecological Footprint can illustrate demands of a given population for renewable natural resources. A major shortcoming of the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare is the integration of welfare and sustainability into one indicator since it does not allow for a simple interpretation of its results. High correlation between the Human Development Index and the indicators of economic activity limits the usefulness of the former. Yet, it can serve as a basis for further evolution of the concept and measurement of human..

    Geography of Czech aid :where and why Czechia promotes development?

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    This article analyzes the territorial allocation of Czech development assistance. The first part of the article (sections 2 and 3) provides an overview of the historical development and territorial aspects of Czech aid. The second part (section 4) employs regression analysis to examine the determinants of territorial allocation of Czech aid over the period 1998-2013. Czech aid flows to favoured countries in a relative proximity to Czechia and to the countries inherited from the communist era. The results of the regression analysis show that in most cases it was Czech economic and political interests that played a role in determining the allocation of Czech aid as well as some of the factors that reflect the recipients’ needs and aid effectiveness.16918