21 research outputs found

    Wise on your way, a program for underachieving gifted young people from secondary schools

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    In 2012, in the Netherlands and in Belgium, there appeared to be no program available for underachieving young people from secondary schools. The program Wijs op weg [Wise on your way], developed by Sabine Sypré, ECHA-Specialist in Gifted Education, is a program designed for individual guidance of adolescents. It helps gifted students from the age of 12 to 20 years who are underachieving, to feel well and get motivated again. The goal of the program is to re-let the teenagers have fun in school and to make them learn something. The program is based on the workbook The Power in yourself by Jan Kuipers (2011), ECHA-Specialist too, but was fully adapted for adolescents. Specialists in gifted education can use this program as well in schools as in psychologists practices. In this presentation an overview will be given of the various components of the program, clarifying why a component is put in the program for adolescents and why some missing parts that were important to the young people were added to it. One component that gives a new perspective on how the learning process of gifted students in secondary education effects their achievement, will be discussed in detail. The evaluation of this program was subject of the thesis the author had to write for the completion of the ECHA course in Nijmegen, Netherlands. The study examined whether the degree of underperformance after following the program was reduced, and if there was to notice a difference in the attitudes of the youngsters. The results show that the adolescents showed an improvement on an emotional level during the process, which was also observed on an academic level well after the conclusion of the project. According to their parents, the young people had more self-confidence, were less unhappy and felt more understood

    Wise on your way, a program for underachieving gifted young people from secondary schools

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    Sabine Sypré, ECHA-Specialist in Gifted Education, developed a program for underachieving adolescents because there appeared to be no such program available in Belgium and The Netherlands. This program is designed for individual guidance of adolescents. The program is based on the workbook 'The Power in yourself' by Jan Kuipers (2011), ECHA-Specialist too, but was fully adapted for adolescents. The goal of this program 'Wise on your way' is to re-let the youngsters have fun in school and to make them learn something again. Specialists in gifted education can use this program as well in schools as in psychologists practices

    Versnellen zonder drempels : een bruikbaar instrument voor Vlaanderen?

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    Er circuleren heel wat argumenten tegen het overslaan van een schooljaar (versnelling). Nochtans toont onderzoek aan dat er voor deze argumenten meestal geen grond is. Toch voelen leerkrachten zich niet zeker omtrent het beslissen om al dan niet te versnellen. Daarom kan een versnellingswijzer de zorgcoördinator en leerkracht helpen bij het nemen van de beslissing om een leerling wel of niet te laten versnellen. Deze tool, ontwikkeld door het CBO Nijmegen en door project Talent vertaald naar de Vlaamse context, wordt uitvoerig besproken tijdens deze workshop

    Wijs op Weg. 'De kracht in jezelf' van Jan Kuipers vertaald naar hoogbegaafde onderpresterende jongeren in het voortgezet onderwijs

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    De Kracht in jezelf [The Power in yourself] by Jan Kuipers (2010) is a program to enhance well-being and motivation in underachieving pupils from 8 to 12 years. The goal of the program is to re-let the children have fun in school and to make them learn something. For underachieving students from secondary schools, however, there appeared to be no such program available. In the counselingpractice of Hoogbloeier, a program based on the workbook by Jan Kuipers, was developed and adapted to adolescents. Each part of 'De Kracht in jezelf' was analyzed, whether it was appropriate for adolescents and whether anything was lacking for counseling gifted adolescents. In the introduction of this thesis is determined which theoretical model of giftedness Jan Kuipers has used for the development of his program. The debeloped program Wijs op weg [Wise on your way] for adolescents is based on the same model. An overview is given of the various components of the program, which clarifies why a component is kept in or withdrawn from the program for adolescents and why some missing parts that were important to the young people were added to it. Then, the program is evaluated using questionnaires in which the experiences of both parents and adolescents who participated were investigated. The study examined whether the program reduced the degree of underachievement, and if there was to notice a difference in the attitudes of the adolescents. The participants were also asked to provide additional suggestions for improving the program in the future. A number of recommendations are made on the basis of the results

    Hoe een zorgbeleid voor cognitief begaafde leerlingen opstarten?

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    De zorg voor cognitief begaafde leerlingen wordt steeds meer gezien als een onderdeel van het totale zorgpakket. Uit deze ontwikkeling vloeit de behoefte om een beleidsplan over begaafdheid op te stellen. Zo’n beleidsplan bestaat voornamelijk uit een procedure of stappenplan voor het signaleren en begeleiden van begaafde leerlingen in uw school. Maar hoe begin je aan het opstellen van zo’n zorgbeleid? Hoe zorg je dat het hele team mee krijgt hierin? Hoe voorkom je weerstand in een team? En hoe hou je rekening met de draagkracht van de school zodat het geen louter papieren versie wordt

    Voorstelling project TALENT

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    Poster presentation: Wise on your way, a program for underachieving gifted young people from secondary schools

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    Sabine Sypré, ECHA-Specialist in Gifted Education, developed a program for underachieving adolescents because there appeared to be no such program available in Belgium and The Netherlands. This program is designed for individual guidance of adolescents. The program is based on the workbook 'The Power in yourself' by Jan Kuipers (2011), ECHA-Specialist too, but was fully adapted for adolescents. The goal of this program 'Wise on your way' is to re-let the youngsters have fun in school and to make them learn something again. Specialists in gifted education can use this program as well in schools as in psychologists practices.status: publishe

    Uitzonderlijk hoogbegaafde leerlingen

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    Overzicht van wetenschappelijk onderzoek betreffende uitzonderlijk hoogbegaafde leerlingen. Wat betekent dit voor de praktijk in Vlaanderen?Invited lecture, invited by: Hoogbloeier Gifted Academystatus: publishe

    Signaleren van cognitief talent op school

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    Om te vermijden dat ad hoc beslissingen worden genomen voor cognitief begaafde leerlingen is het belangrijk dat scholen een beleid op cognitieve begaafdheid of cognitief sterk functioneren ontwikkelen als onderdeel van een geïntegreerd beleid op leerlingenbegeleiding. Het uitdenken van een systematische signaleringsprocedure maakt hier deel van uit. In deze presentatie wordt één onderdeel van het beleid, namelijk het signaleren van cognitief begaafde leerlingen, onder de loep genomen. Vertrekkend van een aantal uitgangspunten om tot een effectieve en duurzame signaleringsprocedure te komen, belichten we enkele hulpbronnen voor signalering die in de fasen van basiszorg en verhoogde zorg kunnen worden ingezet. Het doel is leerkrachten sterker te maken in het herkennen van cognitief begaafde leerlingen en hun onderwijsbehoeften

    Motivationeel maatwerk: welke leraarstijl is motiverend voor cognitief begaafde leerlingen?

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    Vocabularium aanreiken in het spreken over motivatie en het gebrek aan motivatie bij hoogbegaafde jongeren Inzicht krijgen op de vitamines voor motivatie en groei van hoogbegaafde jongeren Reflecteren over de voor- en nadelen van verschillende leerkrachtstijlen in de omgang met hoogbegaafde jongere