7 research outputs found


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    Teaching English in Indonesia, particularly for students, remains agreat challenge owing to the fact that English is a foreign languagein this country. The challenge could be tackled through teachingliterature. Literature has been a subject of study in many countriesat a secondary or tertiary level, but until recently has not been givenmuch emphasis in the EFL/ESL classroom. It is considered a veryversatile subject and is generally considered one of the most difficult subjects to teach. Central to teaching literature in the classroom is to let students be involved in the experience and let them observe life more closely.Keywords: Teaching English in Indonesia, teaching literatur

    Quakerisme Dalam Film Dan Teater Amerika: The Triumphs Of Love (1795), The Quack Quakers (1916), Dan High Noon (1952)

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    Considering that Quakers have been used as important characters in American performance culture, this essay provides numerous examples of Quakers as represented in American theater and film: John Murdock’s play The Triumphs of Love (1795), Harry F. Millarde’s lost silent film The Quack Quakers (1916), and the Academy Award winning film High Noon (1952).  In a paradoxical manner, in each of these productions ranging from farce to serious drama, Friends are shown as either claiming or as striving for unattainable moral and religious human ideals, but also as an exemplary community of individuals against which other Americans might and should be measured


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    Terrorism should not be a security issue in any part of the world anymore. It truly goes out of mainstream, namely intellectual and cultural dimensions. The dimensions are non security issues, critical education, religious depersonalization, the needs for ambassadors, reconciling liberal and fundamental Muslims and cyber religion. These dimensions constitute major aspects to be viewed when it comes to fathoming religious radicalization and terrorism across the country. Various terrorist attacks have taken place across Indonesia in the past few years. Different approaches ranging from security to cultural modes have been applied. Yet, expected outcome, which is peace, remains far from public hope. Rather than spending physical and financial resources, intellectual approach is seriously pressing. This article attempts to look into the very nature of religious radicalization leading to terrorist acts across the country Terorisme semestinya tidak lagi menjadi masalah keamanan di belahan dunia manapun. Hal tersebut berada dalam sudut pandang di luar mainstrem, yaitu dimensi intelektual dan budaya. Dimensi-dimensi tersebut di antaranya; masalah non keamanan, pendidikan kritis, depersonalisasi agama, kebutuhan akan duta besar, mendamaikan umat Islam yang liberal dan fundamental dan fenomena agama maya. Dimensi-dimensi ini merupakan aspek pembuktian utama yang harus dilihat ketika ingin memahamani radikalisasi agama dan terorisme di seluruh negeri. Berbagai serangan teroris telah terjadi di seluruh Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Pendekatan yang berbeda mulai dari keamanan hingga budaya telah diterapkan, namun hasil yang diharapkan, yaitu perdamaian, masih jauh dari harapan masyarakat. Daripada menghabiskan sumber daya fisik dan keuangan, akan lebih baik menekankan pendekatan intelektual secara serius. Artikel ini mencoba untuk melihat dimensi intelektual dan kebudayaan dalam mencari solusi dari dampak negatif radikalisasi agama bertolak dari pengalaman catatan-catatan tentang terorisme dan radikalisme agama di Indonesia

    Menapaktilasi Kesusasteraan Inggris

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    252 hlm.;20.5 c


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    This article discusses the relationship between humans and the nature in two novels, Anak Bakumpai Terakhir written by Yuni Nurmalia and Fire on the Mountain written by Edward Abbey. While the first deals with Indonesian setting, the latter deals with America’s New Mexico. The two literary pieces reveal how individuals in the two societies behave and react to nature. Human behavior to nature is central to assessing either harmonious or disharmonious relation between human being and nature. The research applies a comparative study regarding environmental issues and humans’ attitudes towards nature in the novels. It serves to see various human’s approaches to nature eventually bringing about a more understanding of complex relation between humans and nature. The concept of eco-criticism is used to explore the damage of ecology resulting from by humans’ anthropocentric view in which humans’ interests sacrifice those of other and non-humans. The damages of forest, sea, river caused by illegal logging and mining waste bode ill to Dayak’s life in Kalimantan and the society of New Mexico. The exploitation occurs because of human greed eventually resulting in the disharmony between humans and nature. The natural destruction is inseparably linked to human beings’ inability to adopt an environmentally-friendly behavior to the nature. Keywords : eco-criticism, anthropocentric, comparative literature, humans and natur


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    This thesis discusses Poe�s incestous desire in his representative short stories, Ligeia, Morella, The Black Cat, and The Fall of the House of Usher. Sigmund Freud�s investigation into human primal fear and desire provides abundant theoretical background for psychoanalysts, such as Joseph Wood Krutch and Marie Bonaparte, to explore the neurotic characters in Poe�s tales. Poe�s characters unconsciously dominated by incestous desire and castration fear basically reflect his own incestous desire. An obsession with incestous desire and castration fear brings about a destructive instinct, also termed by Freud as aggressiveness, and finally becomes a death instinct. Employing Freud�s Totem and Taboo and method of narrative biography, which seeks to explore various pieces of a significant time in a person's life through a particular perspective presented in many documents. The time span of one's life can be explored from a special point of view with a view to providing a more complete picture of given person. The writer examines the origin of horror, explaining that horror, about primal incest desire and primal castration, is universal to all human beings. This research found that Poe�s primal desire is his incestuous desire for Mother, who may merge with a variety of images, including a foster mother and a sister. The search for a maternal figure brings the obsession with incest desire. The mother fixation is perfectly rendered in Poe�s Ligeia and Morella. Both of the stories depict how the maternal image attracts the narrators and how the narrators� psychological state changes from love to fear and then to hate. Being castrated would undoubtedly be the most terrifying punishment for the deadly sin�incest. However, a neurotic person may unconsciously ask for the punishment simultaneously when he commits the deadly sin of incest. That is, he may be driven unconsciously by his death instinct, as illustrated by Poe in The Black Cat and The Fall of the House of Usher. Poe�s tales reflect his unconscious desire and fear. His early experiences and development in life should be taken into account that ensures a better understanding of Poe�s tales, onto which, as Krutch and Bonaparte believe, Poe projects his unconscious incestous desire, castration fear, and death instincts