114 research outputs found

    Flavonoids and their properties to form chelate complexes

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    The medical properties of naturally occurring compounds such as flavonoids have been well known for many years. However, the discovery that complexes of flavonoids with metal ions are more effective than free flavonoids changed the course of chemistry research. Flavonoids can be effective drugs because of their potent chelating or neuroprotective, radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory properties. Our paper is a literature review about flavonoids and their complexes which are generally used in medicine and pharmacy

    Rozważania wokół księgi jubileuszowej Profesora Józefa Półturzyckiego

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    Artykuł przedstawia rozważania dotyczące księgi jubileuszowej dla Profesora Józefa Półturzyckiego. Autorka tekstu ukazuje wagę doceniania i odkrywania na nowo autorytetów w dzisiejszym świecie, których działania naukowo-dydaktyczne będą realizowane w świetle Pampaedii .The article presents considerations regarding Pampaedia created 400 years ago by John Amos Comenius and implemented today on the basis of pedagogy and Polish theory of teaching by Professor Joseph Półturzycki. The author of the text shows the importance of valuing and reinvention of authorities in today’s world whose educational and scientific research will be carried out in the light of Pampaedia

    Brood hiding test: a new bioassay for behavioral and neuroethological ant research

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    We describe a new bioassay for behavioral and neuroethological ant research, the brood hiding test. A group of adult ants is taken out of the nest, confined together with brood and exposed to strong light. Ants may interact with brood, and, in particular, transport it to the provided shadowed area. The brood hiding test may be accompanied by administration of neuroactive compounds and/or by measurements of their levels in the brain and/or in specific brain structures. During pilot tests with workers of Formica polyctena the values of the score quantifying ant behavior were positively correlated with the group size