54 research outputs found

    General relativistic effects on neutrino-driven wind from young, hot neutron star and the r-process nucleosynthesis

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    Neutrino-driven wind from young hot neutron star, which is formed by supernova explosion, is the most promising candidate site for r-process nucleosynthesis. We study general relativistic effects on this wind in Schwarzschild geometry in order to look for suitable conditions for a successful r-process nucleosynthesis. It is quantitatively discussed that the general relativistic effects play a significant role in increasing entropy and decreasing dynamic time scale of the neutrino-driven wind. Exploring wide parameter region which determines the expansion dynamics of the wind, we find interesting physical conditions which lead to successful r-process nucleosynthesis. The conditions which we found realize in the neutrino-driven wind with very short dynamic time scale τdyn∼6\tau_{\rm dyn} \sim 6 ms and relatively low entropy S∼140S \sim 140. We carry out the α\alpha-process and r-process nucleosynthesis calculation on these conditions by the use of our single network code including over 3000 isotopes, and confirm quantitatively that the second and third r-process abundance peaks are produced in the neutrino-driven wind.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Supernovae versus Neutron Star Mergers as the Major r-Process Sources

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    I show that recent observations of r-process abundances in metal-poor stars are difficult to explain if neutron star mergers (NSMs) are the major r-process sources. In contrast, such observations and meteoritic data on Hf182 and I129 in the early solar system support a self-consistent picture of r-process enrichment by supernovae (SNe). While further theoretical studies of r-process production and enrichment are needed for both SNe and NSMs, I emphasize two possible direct observational tests of the SN r-process model: gamma rays from decay of r-process nuclei in SN remnants and surface contamination of the companion by SN r-process ejecta in binaries.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in ApJ

    Video and Photometric Observations of a Sprite in Coincidence with a Meteor-triggered Jet Event

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    Video and photometric observations of a meteor-triggered “jet” event in association with the occurrence of a sprite were collected during the SPRITES \u2798 campaign. The event raises interest in the question of possible meteoric triggering of upper atmospheric transients as originally suggested by Muller [1995]. The event consisted of three stages: (1) the observation of a moderately bright meteor, (2) the development of a sprite in the immediate vicinity of the meteor as the meteor reached no lower than ∼70 km altitude, and (3) a slower-forming jet of luminosity that appeared during the late stages of the sprite and propagated back up the ionization trail of the meteor. The event is analyzed in terms of its geometry, its relevance to the meteor, and the implications to existing theories for sprite formation

    Relativistic electron beams above thunderclouds

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    Non-luminous relativistic electron beams above thunderclouds have been detected by the radio signals of low frequency ∼40–400 kHz which they radiate. The electron beams occur ∼2–9 ms after positive cloud-to-ground lightning discharges at heights between ∼22–72 km above thunderclouds. Intense positive lightning discharges can also cause sprites which occur either above or prior to the electron beam. One electron beam was detected without any luminous sprite which suggests that electron beams may also occur independently of sprites. Numerical simulations show that beams of electrons partially discharge the lightning electric field above thunderclouds and thereby gain a mean energy of ∼7 MeV to transport a total charge of ∼−10 mC upwards. The impulsive current ∼3 × 10<sup>−3</sup> Am<sup>−2</sup> associated with relativistic electron beams above thunderclouds is directed downwards and needs to be considered as a novel element of the global atmospheric electric circuit

    Neutrino signatures and the neutrino-driven wind in Binary Neutron Star Mergers

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    We present VULCAN/2D multi-group flux-limited-diffusion radiation hydrodynamics simulations of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers, using the Shen equation of state, covering ~100 ms, and starting from azimuthal-averaged 2D slices obtained from 3D SPH simulations of Rosswog & Price for 1.4 Msun (baryonic) neutron stars with no initial spins, co-rotating spins, and counter-rotating spins. Snapshots are post-processed at 10 ms intervals with a multi-angle neutrino-transport solver. We find polar-enhanced neutrino luminosities, dominated by νˉe\bar{\nu}_e and ``νμ\nu_\mu'' neutrinos at peak, although νe\nu_e emission may be stronger at late times. We obtain typical peak neutrino energies for νe\nu_e, νˉe\bar{\nu}_e, and ``νμ\nu_\mu'' of ~12, ~16, and ~22 MeV. The super-massive neutron star (SMNS) formed from the merger has a cooling timescale of ~1 s. Charge-current neutrino reactions lead to the formation of a thermally-driven bipolar wind with ~10−3^{-3} Msun/s, baryon-loading the polar regions, and preventing any production of a GRB prior to black-hole formation. The large budget of rotational free energy suggests magneto-rotational effects could produce a much greater polar mass loss. We estimate that ~10−4^{-4} Msun of material with electron fraction in the range 0.1-0.2 become unbound during this SMNS phase as a result of neutrino heating. We present a new formalism to compute the νiνˉi\nu_i\bar{\nu}_i annihilation rate based on moments of the neutrino specific intensity computed with our multi-angle solver. Cumulative annihilation rates, which decay as t−1.8t^{-1.8}, decrease over our 100 ms window from a few 1050^{50} to ~1049^{49} erg/s, equivalent to a few 1054^{54} to ~1053^{53} e−e+e^-e^+ pairs per second.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ, high resolution version of the paper available at http://hermes.as.arizona.edu/~luc/ms.pd
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