74 research outputs found

    Elaboração do plano de desmonte de uma embarcação do tipo ferry boat utilizada nas travessias litorâneas do estado de São Paulo

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Joinville, Engenharia Naval.O desmonte de embarcações consiste no processo de desmantelamento de seus elementos e constituintes com o objetivo de reaproveitar seus equipamentos e componentes. Esta atividade envolve a presença de diversos materiais, dentre eles, os perigosos, que oferecem riscos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente. Com a isso, no decorrer dos anos foram propostas regulamentações e leis trabalhistas rigorosas referentes a essa prática, aplicada ao território de países desenvolvidos. Porém, como reflexo, a indústria de desmonte e reciclagem de embarcações teve seu polo gradativamente transferido para nações em que estas regulamentações e leis não são abrangidas. Desta forma, armadores passaram a enviar navios para estas regiões onde as atividades são realizadas de maneira irregular, oferendo riscos ao meio ambiente e saúde dos trabalhadores. O Brasil é um país onde este mercado de reciclagem de embarcações é extremamente reduzido, devido à falta de experiência e preparação por parte dos estaleiros regionais. Portanto, embarcações nacionais geralmente são exportadas aos destinos comuns de reciclagem ou abandonadas às margens de rios e cais, gerando danos ambientais, sociais e ocasionando acidentes. Diante deste cenário, o presente trabalho apresenta detalhadamente as etapas definidas de um plano de desmonte de uma embarcação tipo ferry boat, atuante no transporte marítimo nacional, baseada em diretrizes e recomendações de processos apresentadas por órgãos internacionais regulamentadores, como a IMO, Convenção de Hong Kong e Convenção da Basileia. A partir de um levantamento quantitativo dos equipamentos e materiais da embarcação em estudo, analisou-se os processos a serem utilizados para o desmonte, segregação, armazenamento e destinação destes materiais presentes de maneira correta. De acordo com o estudo, a embarcação apresenta um alto potencial de reciclagem, com cerca de 77% do seu peso leve representado por aço, além do reaproveitamento dos acessórios incluídos a bordo. Considerando este fato, a exploração desta prática na indústria naval brasileira, pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento dos mercados regionais apresentando uma nova vertente de atividade para execução nos estaleiros nacionais

    A TRPA1-dependent mechanism for the pungent sensation of weak acids

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    Acetic acid produces an irritating sensation that can be attributed to activation of nociceptors within the trigeminal ganglion that innervate the nasal or oral cavities. These sensory neurons sense a diverse array of noxious agents in the environment, allowing animals to actively avoid tissue damage. Although receptor mechanisms have been identified for many noxious chemicals, the mechanisms by which animals detect weak acids, such as acetic acid, are less well understood. Weak acids are only partially dissociated at neutral pH and, as such, some can cross the cell membrane, acidifying the cell cytosol. The nociceptor ion channel TRPA1 is activated by CO2, through gating of the channel by intracellular protons, making it a candidate to more generally mediate sensory responses to weak acids. To test this possibility, we measured responses to weak acids from heterologously expressed TRPA1 channels and trigeminal neurons with patch clamp recording and Ca2+ microfluorometry. Our results show that heterologously expressed TRPA1 currents can be induced by a series of weak organic acids, including acetic, propionic, formic, and lactic acid, but not by strong acids. Notably, the degree of channel activation was predicted by the degree of intracellular acidification produced by each acid, suggesting that intracellular protons are the proximate stimulus that gates the channel. Responses to weak acids produced a Ca2+-independent inactivation that precluded further activation by weak acids or reactive chemicals, whereas preactivation by reactive electrophiles sensitized TRPA1 channels to weak acids. Importantly, responses of trigeminal neurons to weak acids were highly overrepresented in the subpopulation of TRPA1-expressing neurons and were severely reduced in neurons from TRPA1 knockout mice. We conclude that TRPA1 is a general sensor for weak acids that produce intracellular acidification and suggest that it functions within the pain pathway to mediate sensitivity to cellular acidosis

    Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals the coordinated mechanisms of Populus × canadensis ‘Neva’ leaves in response to cadmium stress

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    Cadmium (Cd), a heavy metal element has strong toxicity to living organisms. Excessive Cd accumulation directly affects the absorption of mineral elements, inhibits plant tissue development, and even induces mortality. Populus × canadensis ‘Neva’, the main afforestation variety planted widely in northern China, was a candidate variety for phytoremediation. However, the genes relieving Cd toxicity and increasing Cd tolerance of this species were still unclear. In this study, we employed transcriptome sequencing on two Cd?treated cuttings to identify the key genes involved in Cd stress responses of P. × canadensis ‘Neva’ l induced by 0 (CK), 10 (C10), and 20 (C20) mg/L Cd(NO3)2 4H2O. We discovered a total of 2,656 (1,488 up-regulated and 1,168 downregulated) and 2,816 DEGs (1,470 up-regulated and 1,346 down-regulated) differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the CK vs C10 and CK vs C20, respectively. Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analyses in response to the Cd stress indicated that many DEGs identified were involved in the catalytic activity, the oxidoreductase activity, the transferase activity, and the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Based on the enrichment results, potential candidate genes were identified related to the calcium ion signal transduction, transcription factors, the antioxidant defense system, and transporters and showed divergent expression patterns under the Cd stress. We also validated the reliability of transcriptome data with the real-time PCR. Our findings deeper the understanding of the molecular responsive mechanisms of P. × canadensis ‘Neva’ lon Cd tolerance and further provide critical resources for phytoremediation applications

    The Effect of Alfalfa Mineral Fertilization and Times of Soil Sampling on Enzymatic Activity

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    This study examined changes in soil enzymatic activity caused by constant mineral fertilization with NPK and diversified fertilization with Fe and Mo micronutrients. A field experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with four replications in Siedlce (central-eastern Poland) between 2012 and 2014. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was used as the test plant. The first factor consisted of fertilization treatments: control; NPK; NPKFe1; NPKMo1; NPKFe1Mo1; NPKFe2; NPKMo2, and NPKFe2Mo2. The second factor was composed of the time of soil sampling (15 August 2012, 20 September 2012, 17 June 2013, and 20 July 2014). Mineral fertilization was applied: N-20; P-22; K-124.5; Fe1-0.5; Mo1-0.5; Fe2-1.0; Mo2-1.0 kg ha−1. Application of molybdenum (Mo2-1.0 kg ha−1) in alfalfa fertilized with NPK was optimal for obtaining the beneficial nitrogenase activity. The applied NPKFe1Mo1 fertilization in alfalfa cultivation was optimized to achieve high dehydrogenases activity, alkaline phosphatase activity, and acid phosphatase activity. The highest of soil urease activity was determined in soil fertilized with NPKFe2Mo2. The biochemical index (BCHI) of soil fertility reached its highest mean value (254.9) after applying the NPKFe1Mo1. A high BCHI soil fertility index indicates the possibility of generating high alfalfa yields and maintaining good soil culture

    Influence of brown coals, sludge and their mixtures and fym on the content of cadmium and lead in subsoil and italian ryegrass

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    W latach 1998-2000 przeprowadzono doświadczenie wazonowe, którego celem było określenie wpływu węgli brunatnych, osadów ściekowych oraz ich mieszanin i obornika na zawartość Cd i Pb w podłożu glebowym i życicy wielokwiatowej odmiany Kroto. W doświadczeniu wykorzystano piasek gliniasty lekki (jako podłoże), węgiel brunatny odmiany ziemistej z Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego w Sieniawie i Koninie, osady ściekowe z oczyszczalni w Siedlcach, Łukowie i z Drosedu oraz obornik mieszany. W każdym roku badań zbierano po cztery pokosy trawy. Całkowitą zawartość Cd i Pb w podłożu glebowym i suchej masie trawy oznaczono metodą ICP-AES, po uprzedniej mineralizacji „na sucho” badanych prób. Średnia zawartość kadmu i ołowiu w podłożu glebowym przed rozpoczęciem doświadczenia wynosiła odpowiednio 0,44 i 8,42 mg·kg-1, natomiast po zakończeniu badań 0,33 i 7,09 mg·kg-1 s.m. W suchej masie życicy wielokwiatowej oznaczono średnio od 0,27 do 0,33 mg·kg-1 s.m. kadmu i od 3,33 do 5,14 mg·kg-1 s.m. ołowiu.The pot experiment was carried out over 1998-2000 which aimed at defining the effect of brown coals, sludge as well as their mixtures and farmyard manure (FYM) on the content of cadmium and lead in subsoil and ‘Kroto’ ryegrass. Pots were filled with light loamy sand (as subsoil). Brown coal from the Sieniawa and Konin mines, sludge from waste treatment plants in Siedlce, Łuków, and Drosed, and mixed farmyard manure were added. In each experiment year ryegrass was harvested 4 times (4 cuts). A total content of cadmium and lead in subsoil and dry matter of ryegrass was determined with the ICP-AES method, following the ‘dry’ mineralization of the samples. The average content of cadmium and lead in subsoil before the experiment was, respectively, 0.44 and 8.44 mg・kg-1, and after the experiment – 0.33 and 7.09 mg・kg-1 d.m. On average, from 0.27 to 0.33 mg・kg-1 d.m. of cadmium and from 3.33 to 5.14 mg・kg-1 d.m. of lead were found

    Ilościowe możliwości biologicznej redukcji azotu przez bakterie Rhizobium galegae współżyjące z rutwicą wschodnią

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    The field experiment (microplots) was carried out in 2005-2007 in the experimental site belonging to the University of Podlasie in Siedlce. Nitrogen 15N at 10.3 at. % enrichment was applied in a form of (15NH4)2S04 at the amount of 1.66g per 1 m2 in early spring. In parallel to goats rue (Galega orientalis Lam.) cultivation, also plant that did not show the ability of biological N2 reduction (spring barley (Hordeum sativum) was grown, and it was also fertilized with 15N in the form of (15NH4)2SC>4 at 10.3 at. % enrichment. The quantitative abilities of biological nitrogen reduction for Rhizobium galegae cultures living together by goat's rue (Galega orientalis Lam.) was determined by means of isotope dilution method. The abundance of at. % 15N was determined by spectroscopic method on the spectrophotometer NOI - 6E, then the amount of nitrogen transferred from the air due to biological N2 reduction process, was calculated. The yield of as a sum from three cuts of dry matter of tested plant in subseąuent study years was [kg o m-2]: 2005 - 1.092; 2006 - 0.831; 2007 - 0.509. The quantity of biologically reduced nitrogen reached up the mean value for three experimental years at the level of 28.863 g N o m2 but in each year as follows [g N o m-2]: 2005 - 37.603; 2006 - 26.080; 2007 - 22.906 during the whole vegetation period.Doświadczenie polowe mikropoletkowe przeprowadzono w latach 2005-2007 na polu należącym do Akademii Podlaskiej w Siedlcach. Azot 15N o wzbogaceniu 10,3 at. % stosowano w formie 15(NH4)2SO4 w ilości 1,66 g na 1 m2 wczesną wiosną. Równolegle z uprawą rutwicy wschodniej (Galega orientalis Lam.) uprawiano roślinę niemającą zdolności biologicznej redukcji N2 (jęczmień jary - Hordeum sativum), którą również nawożono 15N w formie 15(NH4)S04 o wzbogaceniu 10,3 at. %. Ilościowe możliwości biologicznej redukcji azotu przez kultury bakterii Rhizobiimt galegae współżyjące z rutwicą wschodnią (Galega orientalis Lam.) określono po zastosowaniu metody izotopowego rozcieńczenia. Na spektrofotometrze NOI - 6E oznaczono at. % 15N, a następnie obliczono ilość azotu pochodzącego z powietrza w wyniku biologicznej redukcji N2. Sumaryczny plon suchej masy rośliny testowej w kolejnych latach badań wynosił [kg o m-2]: 2005 - 1,092; 2006 - 0,831; 2007 - 0,509. Ilość biologicznie zredukowanego azotu osiągnęła średnią wartość z trzech lat badań na poziomie 28,863 g N o m-2, a w kolejnych latach kształtowała się następująco [g N o m-2]: 2005 - 37,603; 2006 - 26,080; 2007 - 22,906 w ciągu okresu wegetacyjnego

    Dynamic of calcium and magnesium uptake by biomass of goat’s rue (Galega orientalis Lam.)

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    Wapń i magnez należą do makroelementów, których optymalna zawartość w paszy korzystnie wpływa na jej jakość. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było prześledzenie zmian w zawartości wapnia i magnezu w biomasie rutwicy wschodniej w zależności od roku uprawy i fazy rozwojowej. Wyniki badań uzyskano na podstawie dwóch doświadczeń polowych prowadzonych trzeci i siódmy rok. Podczas zbioru pobrano próbki z 1 m2 w następujących fazach rozwojowych: pąkowanie, początek kwitnienia, pełnia kwitnienia, koniec kwitnienia i dojrzałość pełna. Następnie próbki te wysuszono i rozdrobniono. Wapń i magnez oznaczono metodą ICP-AES po mineralizacji „na sucho”. Obliczenia statystyczne wykazały istotne zróżnicowanie w zawartości wapnia i magnezu w biomasie rutwicy wschodniej (Galega orientalis Lam.) w zależności od roku uprawy i fazy rozwojowej. Średnia zawartość wapnia w suchej masie rośliny testowej wynosiła 15,57 g · kg–1, a magnezu 2,54 g · kg–1. Rozpatrując poszczególne fazy rozwojowe rutwicy wschodniej, należy stwierdzić, że w fazie koniec kwitnienia oznaczono najwięcej wapnia, natomiast magnezu w fazie dojrzałości pełnej.The calcium and magnesium belong to the macroelements which the optimal content in the fodder have positive influence on their quality. The aim of this investigation was estimation of the year of cultivation and the growth phase. The presented results were obtained on the base of two field experiment carried out in the third and seventh year of cultivation. During the harvesting samples of the goat rue biomass were taken from the area of 1 m2 in the following growth phase: budding, begin of flowering, full flowering and of flowering and full ripeness. After that the samples were dried and crushed. Calcium and magnesium were determinated by ICP-EAS method in solution obtained after dry combination method of biomass. The content of calcium and magnesium were significiantly differentiated in the biomass of goat rue upon the influence of year cultivation and the growth phase. Statistical calculations showed significant differences in calcium and magnesium content in the biomass goat’s rue east, depending on the year of cultivation and development phase. The mean content of calcium in the dry mass of goat rue biomass reached 15.57 g · kg–1 and magnesium 2.54 g · kg–1. Considering the different development phases eastern goat’s rue, you should say in the end of flowering phase, marked the largest calcium and magnesium in the phase of full ripeness