79 research outputs found

    Weighted trace cochains; a geometric setup for anomalies

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    We extend formulae which measure discrepancies for regularized traces on classical pseudodifferential operators to regularized trace cochains, regularized traces corresponding to 0-regularized trace cochains. This extension from 0-cochains to nn-cochains is appropriate to handle simultaneously algebraic and geometric discrepancies/anomalies. Algebraic anomalies are Hochschild coboundaries of regularized trace cochains on a fixed algebra of pseudodifferential operators weighted by a fixed classical pseudodifferential operator with positive order and positive scalar leading symbol. In contrast, geometric anomalies arise when considering families of pseudodifferential operators associated with a smooth fibration of manifolds. They correspond to covariant derivatives (and possibly their curvature) of smooth families of regularized trace cochains, the weight being here an elliptic operator valued form on the base manifold. Both types of discrepancies can be expressed as finite linear combinations of Wodzicki residues.We apply the formulae obtained in the family setting to build Chern-Weil type weighted trace cochains on one hand, and on the other hand, to show that choosing the curvature of a Bismut-Quillen type super connection as a weight, provides covariantly closed weighted trace cochains in which case the geometric discrepancies vanish

    A Canonical Trace Associated with Certain Spectral Triples

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    In the abstract pseudodifferential setup of Connes and Moscovici, we prove a general formula for the discrepancies of zeta-regularised traces associated with certain spectral triples, and we introduce a canonical trace on operators, whose order lies outside (minus) the dimension spectrum of the spectral triple

    The logarithmic residue density of a generalised Laplacian

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    We show that the residue density of the logarithm of a generalised Laplacian on a closed manifold defines an invariant polynomial valued differential form. We express it in terms of a finite sum of residues of classical pseudodifferential symbols. In the case of the square of a Dirac operator, these formulae provide a pedestrian proof of the Atiyah-Singer formula for a pure Dirac operator in dimension 44 and for a twisted Dirac operator on a flat space of any dimension. These correspond to special cases of a more general formula by S. Scott and D. Zagier announced in \cite{Sc2} and to appear in \cite{Sc3}. In our approach, which is of perturbative nature, we use either a Campbell-Hausdorff formula derived by Okikiolu or a non commutative Taylor type formula.Comment: 24 pages, no figure

    Nested sums of symbols and renormalised multiple zeta functions

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    We define discrete nested sums over integer points for symbols on the real line, which obey stuffle relations whenever they converge. They relate to Chen integrals of symbols via the Euler-MacLaurin formula. Using a suitable holomorphic regularisation followed by a Birkhoff factorisation, we define renormalised nested sums of symbols which also satisfy stuffle relations. For appropriate symbols they give rise to renormalised multiple zeta functions which satisfy stuffle relations at all arguments. The Hurwitz multiple zeta functions fit into the framework as well. We show the rationality of multiple zeta values at nonpositive integer arguments, and a higher-dimensional analog is also investigated.Comment: Two major changes : improved treatment of the Hurwitz multiple zeta functions, and more conceptual (and shorter) approach of the multidimensional cas