18 research outputs found

    Physical Activity as Prevention of Chronic Illnesses in Seniors

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    Physical activity is of key importance in prevention of chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease or metabolicvdiseases. Lack of regular workout in seniors favors the development of these diseases. It is, therefore, advisable to change one’s lifestyle and engage in regular workout in order to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses and disabilities. The aim of this paper is to present how important physical activity is in prevention of chronic illnesses in seniors

    Socio-demographical and psychosocial determinants of anxiety symptoms in a population of pregnant women in the regions of central and eastern Poland

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    Introduction and objective. Until recently, depression and anxiety during pregnancy were a neglected medical problem. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and depression during pregnancy and identification of the socio-demographic and psychosocial factors. Material and methods. The study was prospective and longitudinal, and the research group consisted of 314 adult pregnant women. To assess the prevalence of anxiety symptoms and depression, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was applied. To assess the psychosocial variables the Rosenberg Self-Assessment Scale, Marital Communication Questionnaire and the Berlin Social Support Scale and authors’ Socio-demographical questionnaire were used. To assess the normal distribution the Shapiro-Wilk test was used. For non-parametric tests the Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis ANOVA were used due to the distribution of the variables tested against the intergroup comparisons that deviate from the normal distribution. Results and conclusions. Co-existence of anxiety and depression in different trimesters amounted relatively to 12.7% in the first trimester, 10.8% in the second trimester and 12.4% in the third trimester of pregnancy. Symptoms of anxiety were often experienced by unmarried women, non-working women, and those respondents who estimated their housing and financial situation as being worse. Those most susceptible to depressive symptoms were tested women with primary education and those who assessed as worse their financial and housing situation. Higher self-esteem, good communication in a relationship, satisfying social support was associated with a lower incidence of anxiety symptoms during pregnancy. Higher self-esteem, good communication in a relationship, and satisfying social support was associated with a lower incidence of anxiety symptoms during pregnancy

    Analysis of the phenomenon of attempted suicides in 1978-2010 in Poland, with particular emphasis on rural areas of Lublin Province

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    The increasing quality of life of modern man should go hand-in-hand with reducing the scale of the problem of attempted suicides. During the last 55 years, the World Health Organization has recorded an increase in the number of suicides by about 60% in the developed and developing countries. In Poland, the highest rate of suicides have been committed by males, and the circumstances depended on gender, age and socio-economic factors. The aim of the presented study is to present the scale of the problem and present results of the analysis of the phenomenon of attempted suicides in 1978-2010, with particular emphasis on a Polish agricultural region - the Lublin Province in eastern Poland. 167,557 attempted suicides were analyzed across the country, included suicide attempts that resulted in death. Brief description of the state of knowledge and summary: Between 1978-2010 in Poland, the number of attempted suicides was higher in urban than in rural areas, especially among men aged between 31-50 years, while the tendency to commit suicide increased in rural areas in comparison to urban areas. Women usually represented a quarter of the people who attempted or committed suicide, with the majority cases reported in 2002. Most attempted suicides were carried out in the cities, but since 1990, the number of attempted suicides in the country is growing by an average of 8 per annum. In the Lublin Province, far more people are attempting to commit suicide in the rural areas. Despite the trend of increasing numbers of attempted suicides (about 4.36 suicides per year), the number of fatal suicides is decreasing, and the number of suicides committed by teenagers under 14 years of age is decreasing more dynamically

    Quality of life and occurrence of depression under chemotherapy in patients suffering from lung carcinoma

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    [b]introduction and objective[/b]. In Poland, lung carcinoma is the most frequent malignant neoplasm in men and the third most frequent in women. The neoplastic disease causes enormous psychic stress and may lead to depressive reactions. The purpose of this research was to assess the quality of life and the occurrence of depression in patients suffering from lung neoplasms and undergoing chemotherapy. [b]materials and method[/b]. The research covered 102 patients (test group TG) with lung carcinoma and undergoing chemotherapy. In the research, standardised questionnaires: EORTC-QLQ-C30, Beck Depression Inventory and a matrix developed by the researcher were applied. The control group (CG) consisted of 60 healthy people who were examined by the Beck Depression Inventory. [b]results[/b]. A highly statistically significant dependency was found (p<0.01) between the general quality of life and the occurrence of depression. 51.5% of those examined with a very low level of general quality of life had the symptoms of severe depression. Those examined who had a very high level of general quality of life did not have features of severe depression. A statistically significant dependency (p<0.01) was ascertained between the occurrence of depression and the health condition of those examined. [b]conclusions[/b]. Depression symptoms occur more frequently and with greater intensity in patients suffering from lung neoplasm, compared to the group of healthy people (p<0.01). A statistically significant connection between marital status, place of residence, and assessment of quality of life was found out (p<0.05)

    Emotional intelligence vs. health behaviour in selected groups in late adulthood

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    Introduction The study deals with the relationship between the emotional intelligence of people in late adulthood and their health behaviour not described in the earlier literature on this subject. The objective of the research was to study the impact of emotional abilities on positive mental attitude, preventive behaviour, correct dietary habits and pro-health practice in selected older persons. Material and Methods The inventory of Pro-Health Behaviour (IZZ) by Juczyński Z was applied, together with the Polish adaptation of the INTE Questionnaire of Emotional Intelligence by Ciechanowicz A, Jaworowska A and Matczak A. A total of 199 people were examined. Two groups were taken into consideration: residents of care homes (DPS group) and attendees of the Third Age University (UTW group). Results Analyses of results showed statistically significant relationships between the variables: emotional intelligence and the individual categories of pro-health behaviour. This correlation had a positive nature: an increase in the intensity of emotional abilities, including the awareness of such abilities, led to the increase of health-care oriented behaviours. The division into DPS and UTW groups proved to be significant for the relationships between emotional intelligence, a positive mental attitude, and correct dietary habits. Conclusions The result of the study show that pro-health activities are directly associated with the abilities to understand and to control the emotions of older people. The data obtained confirm the positive relationship between the high level of emotional intelligence and pro-health behaviour

    Изменение параметров HbA1C и индекса массы тела по ходу лечения диабета в зависимости от частотности обращения к программе физической активности

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    Diabetes is treated as a set of metabolic diseases, which, in light of today’s knowledge, significantly influences the change in the treatment strategy of this disease. Physical exercise has become an indispensable component in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The aim of this paper is to assess changes in HbA1C level and BMI, depending on the frequency of the workout scheme (daily exercises vs. every other day) in the process of diabetes treatment. The research was carried out on a sample of subjects aged 48-75. 82 patients, divided into two groups, took part in the research. In Group I, the workout program was applied daily, while in Group II – every other day. In both groups the session length was 35 minutes. After the analysis of differences between the groups, it was ascertained that no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in the analysis of the BMI mean value can be observed between the women from both groups. Similarly, men from Group I and II did not exhibit any statistically significant differences (p>0.05) as far as the mean value of the BMI was concerned. While analyzing the mean value of HbA1C after completing the research, no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were found between men and women from the respective groups. Conclusions from the study were as follows: no relation between BMI and HbA1C level, and the frequency of exercises was found; patients who participated in the treatment accompanied by physical activity control and close medical supervision, obtained clinical improvement and gained mobilization to undertake physical activity after the study was complete.Cukrzyca traktowana jest jako zespół chorób metabolicznych, co w świetle dzisiejszej wiedzy istotnie wpływa na zmianę strategii leczenia tej choroby. Ćwiczenia fizyczne stały się nieodzownym elementem w leczeniu cukrzycy typu 2. Celem niniejszej pracy jest ocena zmian poziomu HbA1C oraz BMI w zależności od częstotliwości podejmowania programu ćwiczeń fizycznych (ćwiczenia wykonywane codziennie, ćwiczenia wykonywane co drugi dzień) w procesie leczenia cukrzycy. Badaniom poddano osoby w wieku 48-75 lat. Ogółem badaniami objęto 82 pacjentów, których podzielono na dwie grupy. W pierwszej stosowano opracowany program ćwiczeń fizycznych codziennie, a w drugiej co drugi dzień. W obu grupach jednorazowe zajęcia trwały 35 minut. Po dokonaniu analizy różnic między badanymi grupami stwierdzono, że między kobietami z poszczególnych grup nie odnotowano istotnych statystycznie różnic (p>0,05) w analizie średniej wartości wskaźnika BMI. Podobnie u mężczyzn, badani z I i II grupy pod względem średniej wartości wskaźnika BMI nie różnili się istotnie statystycznie (p>0,05). Natomiast analizując średnią wartość wskaźnika HbA1C po zakończeniu badań stwierdzono, że ani pomiędzy kobietami z poszczególnych grup, ani pomiędzy mężczyznami nie odnotowano istotnych statystycznie różnic (p>0,05). Wnioski z badań: nie wykazano zależności poziomu wskaźników BMI i HbA1C od częstotliwości ćwiczeń; pacjenci objęci zastosowanym leczeniem wraz z kontrolą ćwiczeń fizycznych i ścisłą kontrola lekarską po zakończeniu badań uzyskali subiektywną poprawę kliniczną i motywację do kontynuowania ćwiczeń fizycznych.Диабет считают группой метаболических заболеваний, что в свете нынешних знаний существенно влияет на изменение стратегии лечения этой болезни. Физические упражнения стали неотъемлемым элементом в лечении диабета второго типа. Цель статьи – дать оценку изменений уровня HbA1C и ИМТ в зависимости от частотности обращения к программе физических упражнений (упражнения, выполняемые ежедневно, упражнения, выполняемые каждый второй день) в процессе лечения диабета. Обследовали лиц в возрасте 48-75 лет. В общем обследовали 82 пациента, которых разделили на две группы. В первой применяли разработанную программу ежедневных физических упражнений, во второй же – каждый второй день. В обеих группах одноразовые упражнения продолжались 35 минут. После проведения анализа отличий между обследуемыми группами констатировали, что между женщинами из отдельных групп не отметили статистически существенных отличий (p>0,05) в анализе средней величины показателя ИМТ. Так же у мужчин обследуемые из I и II группы не отличались существенно статистически друг от друга по среднему значению ИМТ (p>0,05). Анализируя же среднее значение индекса HbA1C после завершения обследований от- метили, что ни между женщинами из отдельных групп, ни между мужчинами не отметили статистически существенных отличий (p>0,05). Выводы из обследований: не установлена зависимость уровня показателей ИМТ и HbA1C от частотности упражнений; пациенты, охваченные примененным лечением, наряду с контролем за физическими упражнениями и четким врачебным контролем после завершения обследований обрели субъективное клиническое улучшение и мотивировку для продолжения физических упражнений

    Wpływ selenu na zapobieganie nowotworom przewodu pokarmowego i płuc – część II

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    Background. Persistently high incidence of ‘diseases of affluence’ (including cancer) motivates numerous research teams to look for causes of morbidity, as well as to search for preventive methods and effective therapeutic measures. The paper aims to present the literature on effects of selenium (Se) on prevention of gastrointestinal and lung cancer. Material and methods. Based on national and international literature, the paper presents information on the role of selenium (Se) in prevention of cancer – with special consideration given to gastrointestinal and lung cancer. Results. The results of national and international research show the importance of selenium in prevention and treatment of cancerous diseases, including digestive tract cancer and lung cancer. Numerous studies have shown that the risk of cancer for people with low selenium levels is twice as high as for people with high levels of selenium in blood serum. The most prominent relationship between low selenium level in serum and cancer is observed in gastrointestinal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer in women, and prostate cancer. Conclusions. Many clinical and experimental studies carried out nationally and internationally gathered evidence which indicate the vital role played by selenium in prevention and treatment of diseases – especially of cancer. It should be emphasised that the intake of selenium in amounts necessary for proper functioning - given numerous deficiencies (first in the soil, then in food products coming from selenium-deficient soil) – is merely the first step, as it has already been proven in numerous publications that carbohydrates (especially simple sugars, sweets, cakes, etc.) ‘destroy’ selenium in the human body.Wprowadzenie. Wysoka zachorowalność na choroby cywilizacyjne (w tym na choroby nowotworowe) skłania liczne zespoły badawcze do poszukiwania odpowiedzi dotyczącej przyczyn zachorowalności na nowotwory, jak i poszukiwania metod prewencji i skutecznych środków terapeutycznych. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie w świetle literatury przedmiotu wpływu selenu (Se) na zapobieganie nowotworom przewodu pokarmowego i płuc. Materiał i metody. W pracy zaprezentowano na przykładzie dostępnej literatury przedmiotu (krajowej jak i zagranicznej) informacje dotyczące roli selenu (Se) w profilaktyce chorób nowotworowych – ze szczególnym uwzględnienie chorób nowotworowych przewodu pokarmowego i płuc.. Wyniki. Wyniki badań krajowych i światowych pokazują jak ogromne znaczenie ma wpływ selenu w profilaktyce i leczeniu chorób nowotworowych, w tym: przewodu pokarmowego i płuc. Liczne badania wykazały, że ryzyko raka dla osób z niskim poziomem selenu jest dwa razy większe niż dla osób z wysokim poziomem selenu w surowicy krwi. Najwyraźniejszy związek między niskim poziomem selenu w surowicy krwi a nowotworami jest dla nowotworów przewodu pokarmowego, płuc, gruczołu piersiowego u kobiet i prostaty. Wnioski. W wielu badaniach klinicznych i eksperymentalnych przeprowadzonych w kraju i na świecie zebrano dowody wyraźnie wskazujące na dużą rolę, jaką odgrywa Se dla profilaktyki i leczenia, zwłaszcza chorób nowotworowych. Podkreślić należy, że dostarczenie do organizmu Se w ilości niezbędnej do prawidłowego jego działania, w sytuacji licznych niedoborów (najpierw w glebie, potem w produktach spożywczych pochodzących z gleb z niedoborem Se) jest tylko pierwszym krokiem, gdyż udowodniono już w licznych publikacjach, że węglowodany (a zwłaszcza cukry proste, słodycze, ciasta itp.) spożywane – „niszczą” selen w organizmie człowieka

    Lifestyle versus a Person’s Life Span

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    Numerous studies indicate that a person's lifestyle has a positive impact on their health. However, in spite of the predominant anti-health lifestyle, the average length of life in the past few decades has increased. What is the relation between a lifestyle and life expectancy? Does the lifestyle affect human life span? Epidemiological and prospective-retrospective studies were used to evaluate a 20-year long population-based experiment, which involved in-depth studies, analyses and evaluations of three related families who resided in the same community, had the same education level, and the same period of socialization and tradition. To evaluate the collected research material, the authors used their own: Scale for evaluating nutrition habits; Criteria to assess health behaviours of subjects; Criteria for diet assessment. The studied families led a similar lifestyle, with prevalence of anti-health behaviours. Theoretically, subjects should live a similar number of years. However, the length of their lives varied. Members of families with higher number of anti-health factors lived, in fact, longer. The authors confirmed the hypothesis that the lifestyle of the examined families was an important contributor to their health, but certainly it was not the only factor to determine their life expectancy. The length of lives of the examined family members varied despite a similar lifestyle

    Wpływ selenu na zapobieganie nowotworom gruczołu piersiowego u kobiet – część I

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    Background. Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumour in women in Poland. To reduce the risk of breast cancer, appropriate prevention is necessary. Numerous studies conducted over many years in Poland and throughout the world have demonstrated a significant effect of selenium on prevention of disease, including breast cancer in women. The following paper aims to present the literature on effects of selenium (Se) on prevention of breast cancer in women. Material and methods. Based on national and international literature, the paper presents information on the role of selenium (Se) in prevention of breast cancer in women. Results. Numerous studies conducted in research centres in Poland and abroad have shown that female patients with breast cancer and individuals with gastrointestinal cancer have significantly lower selenium concentration in their blood serum and whole blood, as well as significantly lower GSH - Px activity in plasma and red blood cells, compared to healthy women. Low selenium concentration may indicate an increased risk of breast cancer. Selenium is an essential co-factor in the production of antioxidant enzymes and may affect the development of cancer. Clinical trials which assessed selenium content in food showed that its supplementation reduced cancer mortality. Conclusions. Results of numerous national and prospective international studies indicate that low selenium intake and/or concentration in serum/plasma/nails is a high-risk marker of the majority of cancers, including breast cancer in women.Wprowadzenie. Nowotwór gruczołu piersiowego jest najczęstszym nowotworem złośliwym u kobiet w Polsce. Aby zmniejszyć ryzyko zachorowania na raka piersi niezbędna jest odpowiednia profilaktyka. Liczne badania prowadzone od wielu lat w Polsce i na świcie pokazały znaczące działanie selenu w profilaktyce chorób nowotworowych – w tym nowotworów piersi u kobiet. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie w świetle literatury przedmiotu wpływu selenu (Se) na zapobieganie nowotworom gruczołu piersiowego u kobiet. Materiał i metody. W pracy zaprezentowano na przykładzie dostępnej literatury przedmiotu (krajowej jak i zagranicznej) informacje dotyczące roli selenu (Se) w profilaktyce nowotworu gruczołu piersiowego u kobiet. Wyniki. Liczne badania prowadzone w ośrodkach zarówno w Polsce jak i zagranicą wykazały, że u pacjentek z rakiem gruczołu piersiowego oraz u osób z nowotworami przewodu pokarmowego stwierdza się znamiennie niższą koncentrację selenu w surowicy, w pełnej krwi oraz znamiennie niższą aktywność GSH - Px w osoczu i krwinkach czerwonych w porównaniu do kobiet zdrowych. Niska koncentracja selenu może być wskaźnikiem zwiększonego ryzyka raka gruczołu piersiowego. Selen jest ważnym kofaktorem w produkcji enzymów antyoksydacyjnych i może wpływać na przebieg procesu nowotworowego. W próbach klinicznych związanych z oceną zawartości Se w pożywieniu wykazano, że suplementacja Se zmniejsza śmiertelność z powodu raka. Wnioski. Wyniki licznych badań prospektywnych krajowych i zagranicznych wskazują, iż niskie spożycie selenu i/lub stężenia tego pierwiastka w surowicy/osoczu/paznokciach jest markerem wysokiego ryzyka zachorowania na większość nowotworów, w tym nowotworu gruczołu piersiowego u kobiet

    Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) among Employees of Hospitality Venues in the Light of Changes in Anti-Tobacco Legislation in Poland

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    Introduction: Numerous studies conducted in Europe and worldwide have indicated that employees of hospitality venues are the most exposed professional group to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in the workplace. The purpose of this study was to assess the exposure of employees of hospitality venues to ETS in the light of changes in anti-tobacco legislation in Poland. Materials and methods: The study consisted of two stages. The first stage was conducted in 2010, while the second in 2015. The study was conducted among employees of 300 randomly selected hospitality venues in the city of Ł&oacute;dź (Poland). In total, 2607 questionnaires were analysed. The study used two survey questionnaires created and recommended by the Institute for Global Tobacco Control to study exposure to ETS. Statistical analysis was made with Statistica 13.1 PL (StatSoft, Poland). Results: In the group of all nonsmoking employees, individuals exposed to ETS at work in 2010 accounted for 72.6%; while in 2015 it was 51.8%. Factors affecting exposure to ETS in the workplace included, among others: age, marital status, education, position held, presence of a smoking room on the premises, and noncompliance with the provisions of the anti-tobacco laws. Conclusions: The prevalence of tobacco smoking among employees of hospitality venues decreased in 2010&ndash;2015, however, it remained high. More than half of nonsmoking employees were exposed to ETS at work