23 research outputs found

    Vivax malaria and chloroquine resistance: a neglected disease as an emerging threat

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    In Pakistan, Plasmodium vivax contributes to major malaria burden. In this case, a pregnant woman presented with P. vivax infection and which was not cleared by chloroquine, despite adequate treatment. This is probably the first confirmed case of chloroquine-resistant vivax from Pakistan, where severe malaria due to P. vivax is already an emerging problem

    The effectiveness of Technology-assisted Cascade Training and Supervision of community health workers in delivering the Thinking Healthy Program for perinatal depression in a post-conflict area of Pakistan - study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Rates of perinatal depression in low and middle income countries are reported to be very high. Perinatal depression not only has profound impact on women’s health, disability and functioning, it is associated with poor child health outcomes such as pre-term birth, under-nutrition and stunting, which ultimately have an adverse trans-generational impact. There is strong evidence in the medical literature that perinatal depression can be effectively managed with psychological treatments delivered by non-specialists. Our previous research in Pakistan led to the development of a successful perinatal depression intervention, the Thinking Healthy Program (THP). The THP is a psychological treatment delivered by community health workers. The burden of perinatal depression can be reduced through scale-up of this proven intervention; however, training of health workers at scale is a major barrier. To enhance access to such interventions there is a need to look at technological solutions to training and supervision. METHODS/DESIGN: This is a non-inferiority, single-blinded randomized controlled trial. Eighty community health workers called Lady Health Workers (LHWs) working in a post-conflict rural area in Pakistan (Swat) will be recruited through the LHW program. LHWs will be randomly allocated to Technology-assisted Cascade Training and Supervision (TACTS) or to specialist-delivered training (40 in each group). The TACTS group will receive training in THP through LHW supervisors using a tablet-based training package, whereas the comparison group will receive training directly from mental health specialists. Our hypothesis is that both groups will achieve equal competence. Primary outcome measure will be competence of health workers at delivering THP using a modified ENhancing Assessment of Common Therapeutic factors (ENACT) rating scale immediately post training and after 3 months of supervision. Independent assessors will be blinded to the LHW allocation status. DISCUSSION: Women living in post-conflict areas are at higher risk of depression compared to the general population. Implementation of evidence-based interventions for depression in such situations is a challenge because health systems are weak and human resources are scarce. The key innovation to be tested in this trial is a Technology-assisted Cascade Training and Supervision system to assist scale-up of the THP. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registered with ClinicalTrials.gov as GCC-THP-TACTS-2015, Identifier: NCT02644902

    The Reliability of Parafoveal Cone Density Measurements

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    Background Adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) enables direct visualisation of the cone mosaic, with metrics such as cone density and cell spacing used to assess the integrity or health of the mosaic. Here we examined the interobserver and inter-instrument reliability of cone density measurements. Methods For the interobserver reliability study, 30 subjects with no vision-limiting pathology were imaged. Three image sequences were acquired at a single parafoveal location and aligned to ensure that the three images were from the same retinal location. Ten observers used a semiautomated algorithm to identify the cones in each image, and this was repeated three times for each image. To assess inter-instrument reliability, 20 subjects were imaged at eight parafoveal locations on one AOSLO, followed by the same set of locations on the second AOSLO. A single observer manually aligned the pairs of images and used the semiautomated algorithm to identify the cones in each image. Results Based on a factorial study design model and a variance components model, the interobserver study\u27s largest contribution to variability was the subject (95.72%) while the observer\u27s contribution was only 1.03%. For the inter-instrument study, an average cone density intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of between 0.931 and 0.975 was calculated. Conclusions With the AOSLOs used here, reliable cone density measurements can be obtained between observers and between instruments. Additional work is needed to determine how these results vary with differences in image quality

    Higher entropy observed in SARS-CoV-2 genomes from the first COVID-19 wave in Pakistan

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    Background: We investigated the genome diversity of SARS-CoV-2 associated with the early COVID-19 period to investigate evolution of the virus in Pakistan.Materials and methods: We studied ninety SARS-CoV-2 strains isolated between March and October 2020. Whole genome sequences from our laboratory and available genomes were used to investigate phylogeny, genetic variantion and mutation rates of SARS-CoV-2 strains in Pakistan. Site specific entropy analysis compared mutation rates between strains isolated before and after June 2020.Results: In March, strains belonging to L, S, V and GH clades were observed but by October, only L and GH strains were present. The highest diversity of clades was present in Sindh and Islamabad Capital Territory and the least in Punjab province. Initial introductions of SARS-CoV-2 GH (B.1.255, B.1) and S (A) clades were associated with overseas travelers. Additionally, GH (B.1.255, B.1, B.1.160, B.1.36), L (B, B.6, B.4), V (B.4) and S (A) clades were transmitted locally. SARS-CoV-2 genomes clustered with global strains except for ten which matched Pakistani isolates. RNA substitution rates were estimated at 5.86 x10-4. The most frequent mutations were 5\u27 UTR 241C \u3e T, Spike glycoprotein D614G, RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) P4715L and Orf3a Q57H. Strains up until June 2020 exhibited an overall higher mean and site-specific entropy as compared with sequences after June. Relative entropy was higher across GH as compared with GR and L clades. More sites were under selection pressure in GH strains but this was not significant for any particular site.Conclusions: The higher entropy and diversity observed in early pandemic as compared with later strains suggests increasing stability of the genomes in subsequent COVID-19 waves. This would likely lead to the selection of site-specific changes that are advantageous to the virus, as has been currently observed through the pandemic

    Revamping of Chronic Respiratory Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

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    Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) endure an asymmetrically high burden of worldwide disease and death caused by chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs), i.e., asthma, emphysema, bronchiectasis, and post-tuberculosis lung disease (PTLD). CRDs are firmly related with indigence, infectious diseases, and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and add to complex multi-disease with great impact on the lives and livelihood of those affected. The pertinence of CRDs to health and demographic wellbeing is relied upon to increment in the long time ahead, as expectations of life rise and the contending dangers of right on time youth mortality and irresistible infections level. The WHO has distinguished the counteraction and control of NCDs as an earnest improvement issue and crucial for the sustainable development goals (SDSs) by 2030. In this review, we center on CRDs in LMICs. We examine the early life roots of CRDs, challenges in their avoidance, identification and administration in LMICs, and the pathways to resolve for accomplish valid widespread wellbeing inclusion

    Fluconazole-resistant Candida parapsilosis complex candidemia and analysis of mutations in the ERG11 gene from Pakistan

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    Background: Recent reports of the emergence of fluconazole resistance in Candida parapsilosis species complex poses a challenge, more specifically in settings where echinocandin-based treatment regime is not feasible.Objective: This study reported emergence of fluconazole resistance in C. parapsilosis species complex strains isolated from blood cultures.Materials and methods: This retrospective observational study was conducted from 2018 to 2020 at a tertiary care laboratory from Pakistan. Fluconazole-resistant C. parapsilosis species complex fungemia cases were identified from laboratory database and clinical details were collected. Identification of C. parapsilosis species complex was done using API 20C AUX and Cornmeal Tween80 agar morphology. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined using Sensititre YeastONE and interpretation was done with CLSI M60 ED1:2017. ERG11 gene region was amplified and sequenced by Sanger sequencing and analysed by MEGA 11 Software.Results: A total of 13 (8.5%) fluconazole-resistant isolates were identified from 152 C. parapsilosis species complex candidemia cases. Fluconazole MICs of resistant isolates ranged between 8 and 256 μg/mL. Analysis of ERG11 gene revealed nonsynonymous mutations at position Y132F in 86% of the fluconazole-resistant isolates. Diabetes and hospitalization were important risk factors for candidemia with fluconazole-resistant C. parapsilosis complex.Conclusion: This is the first report of the emergence and molecular mechanisms of fluconazole resistance in C. parapsilosis species complex from Pakistan. Y132F mutation in the ERG11 gene was the most common mutation in fluconazole-resistant strains. These findings are concerning and necessitate better diagnostics, newer antifungals, ongoing surveillance and further insights on resistance mechanisms in the country