12 research outputs found

    Psychological impact of COVID-19 restrictions among individuals at risk of exercise addiction and their socio-demographic correlates: a Saudi Arabian survey study

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    Exercise addiction (EA) has been described as a condition of psychological dysfunction characterized by excessive and obsessive exercise patterns, show withdrawal symptoms when unable to exercise, and experience numerous conflicts and other negative consequences in their social and professional lives, due to the extremely high volumes of exercise. The main objective of the present study was to assess the risk of exercise addiction among a Saudi Arabian sample of regular exercisers and to investigate possible associations between their inability to exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown (due to the closure of public gyms, swimming pools, and health clubs) and depression, anxiety, and loneliness. A total of 388 regular-exercising Saudis participated in an online cross-sectional survey over three months (December to February 2021). The study sample comprised 89.9% (males) and 10.1% (females), with a mean age of 28.59 years (SD ± 6.69). A 36-item online self-report survey was used for data collection. The prevalence of being at risk of exercise addiction among participants of the present study was 13.1%. Positive significant associations were noted between risk of exercise addiction and depression (r = .41; p < .01), risk of exercise addiction and anxiety (r = .20; p < .01), and risk of exercise addiction and loneliness (r = .17; p < .01). The findings of the present study suggest that those individuals at risk of exercise addiction might also be at an elevated risk of developing negative psychological impact owing to the disruption of the amount of exercise engaged in due to COVID-19 pandemic-related restrictions and therefore these high-risk individuals should receive appropriate psychological support to help them overcome the negative impact of the ongoing pandemic

    Suspected inappropriate use of prescription and non-prescription drugs among requesting customers: A Saudi community pharmacists’ perspective

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    Background: Inappropriate use of medications is a global health concern, and this is attributed to the increased accessibility to prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) drugs at community pharmacies. We investigated the inappropriate use of prescription and non-prescription drugs in community pharmacies based on the perspectives of the community pharmacists in Saudi Arabia. Methods: This was a questionnaire-based, cross-sectional survey which employed convenient sampling (snowball technique) to recruit participants. Being a licensed practicing pharmacist in a retail chain or an independent community pharmacy was the inclusion criteria. Participants were asked to report the drugs they suspected of being inappropriately used along with the frequency, age and gender of the suspected customers. Pharmacists were also asked to mention the action taken to limit inappropriate use at their pharmacy. Results: A total of 397 community pharmacists completed the questionnaire (86.9 % response rate). 86.4% of the pharmacists suspected some level of abuse or misuse to have occurred. After receiving the questionnaire, the pharmacists reported suspected inappropriate use as encountered during the past three months. Cumulative inappropriate use was reported 1069 times (prescription drugs – 530; non-prescription drugs – 539). The top three inappropriately used prescription-drug categories were gabapentinoids (22.5%), antipsychotics (17.5%) and topical corticosteroids (12.1%). Among non-prescription drugs, cough products (33.2%) ranked first, followed by cold and flu products (29.5%) and first-generation antihistamines (10.8%). The cross tabulations revealed that being in the age range of 26–50 years and being a male was significantly associated (p < 0.001) with abuse/misuse of antipsychotics, antidepressants, gabapentinoids, cough products and first-generation antihistamines. Eye products (Bimatoprost) and skin products abuse/misuse had significant association with female gender (p < 0.001) Conclusion: The results of our study provide crucial information to the healthcare authorities regarding the medications that can be inappropriately used at the community pharmacies in Saudi Arabia which necessitates implementation of stringent dispensing regulations. Educational programs can be implemented to increase the awareness among public regarding the harmful effects of inappropriate use of drugs

    Migrant workers, migrants, internally displaced persons, asylum seekers and refugees - The silent sufferers of the COVID-19 pandemic: A brief review of media reports

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    Like other vulnerable groups, the pandemic has severely and negatively impacted marginalized groups, including migrant laborers, documented and undocumented migrants, internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and asylum seekers. The present study briefly reviewed cases of attempted and completed suicide while also examining their causality among national and international migrant workers, migrants, IDPs, refugees, and asylum seekers during the ongoing pandemic. This study utilized retrospective extraction of suicide-related information from earlier published press reports. With regards to COVID-19- related suicides, this method has had widespread acceptability and has previously been extensively used in countries of South-East Asia for reporting suicides in academic journals. The authors located 26 relatively complete details of migrant worker suicides and suicide attempts from India and Singapore and 46 cases of migrant suicides from Malaysia with partially complete details. Lockdown-related health, job, and financial uncertainties coupled with pandemic-related emotional as well as mental stressors were some of the reported reasons for the alleged suicides and suicide attempts. Considering the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of mental health services becomes increasingly important. Governments should take the lead in safeguarding the financial, physical, and mental well-being of all its citizens with special emphasis on the most vulnerable populations and high-risk groups for the entire period of the pandemic, to avert any unneeded loss of life related to suicides

    Healthcare professionals' awareness, attitudes and practices towards pharmacovigilance and spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting in Jazan Province, Saudi Arabia: A survey study

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    Background: Globally, adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are the foremost cause of morbidity as well as mortality. This necessitates a system of surveillance that can effectively and efficiently monitor the effect of drugs on the general population. The role of pharmacovigilance (PV) is paramount in ensuring drug safety through spontaneous ADR reporting. Methods: Data collection in the current research was carried out by an anonymous, online 36-item self-report questionnaire amongst a sample of 351 working healthcare professionals (HCPs) across different regions of Jazan Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The current sample comprised 54.4% males and 45.6% females, having an age range of 26–57 years, and was conducted between August 21 and October 21, 2022. Participants were recruited using the convenience snowball sampling technique. Results: The participants' awareness of PV as well as spontaneous ADR reporting, had a significant association with having <40 years of age (χ2 = 27.40; p < 0.001), being pharmacists (χ2 = 212.20; p < 0.001), with more than five years of experience (χ2 = 40.80; p < 0.001), having Masters (or) Doctorate/Fellowship (χ2 = 171.94; p < 0.001), and having their practice located in an urban area (χ2 = 50.30; p < 0.001). It was also observed that most participants with excellent awareness of PV and spontaneous ADR reporting also demonstrated excellent attitudes (χ2 = 147.70; p < 0.001). Similarly, it was also seen that almost all (97%) of the study sample with excellent attitudes towards PV and spontaneous ADR reporting also demonstrated excellent practices (χ2 = 250.73; p < 0.001). Conclusion: Our results demonstrate a need for designing and conducting educational programs, providing training and conducting workshops for all the HCPs to improve their awareness towards PV and spontaneous ADR reporting while also highlighting the need and importance of having positive attitudes towards spontaneous ADR reporting. Cooperation between different HCPs should be encouraged to improve their practices towards spontaneous ADR reporting

    Knowledge and Attitude of First-Aid Treatments for Snakebites, and the Perception of Snakes among the Students of Health Sciences at Jazan University, Saudi Arabia

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    First aid is the most basic and life-saving service provided before emergency care is received. This study aimed to assess students’ knowledge and attitudes about performing first aid for snakebite emergencies and their perception of snakes. A cross-sectional study was conducted between January and March 2019 among upper-level students (3rd year and above) of health-related courses at Jazan University, Saudi Arabia. Three hundred and nine students from four programs responded to the self-administered questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0. The highest percentage of the study sample comprised pharmacy students (44%), followed by nursing (25.2%), medical (16.8%), and emergency medicine students (13.9%). Overall, the emergency medicine students exhibited greater knowledge of snakebite first aid. However, over three-fourths of the students were unaware of dry bites. Around two-thirds were sure that they should not massage the bite site, while nearly one-fourth were not sure about the use of a tourniquet. The fifth- and sixth-year students had extremely diverse perspectives on snakes. The majority of the participants (92.8%) did not feel good about snakes. However, most of the students (95.2%) wanted to learn about snakebite first aid and overcome their fear of snakes. Overall, the students had a positive attitude towards first aid but lacked knowledge of snakebite emergencies. Public health awareness is required to dispel first-aid myths about snakebites and misconceptions regarding snakes

    Phytochemical and antitrypanosomal investigation of the fractions and compounds isolated from Artemesia elegantissima

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    Trypanosoma brucei brucei (T.b. brucei) infection causes death in cattle, while the current treatments have serious toxicity problems. However, natural products can be used to overcome the problems associated with parasitic diseases including T.b. brucei. Objective: Artemisia elegantissima Pamp (Asteraceae) was evaluated phytochemically for its constituents and antitrypanosomal potential against T.b. brucei for the first time. Scopoletin isolated from A. elegantissima has shown better potential then the standard drug suramin, used against T.b. brucei. Materials and methods: The ethanol extract of the aerial parts of A. elegantissima was fractionated by column and preparative thin-layer chromatography into six fractions (A-F) yielding 13 compounds, these were evaluated for their antitrypanosomal activity against T.b. brucei at different concentrations. Results: Thirteen compounds were isolated from A. elegantissima: (Z)-p-hydroxy cinnamic acid, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol, betulinic acid, bis-dracunculin, dracunculin, scopoletin, apigenin, dihydroluteolin, scoparol, nepetin, bonanzin, and 3',4'-dihydroxy bonanzin. The fractions D-F were found to be active at the concentration of 20 µg/ml and three compounds isolated from these fractions, scopoletin (MIC ≤0.19 µg/ml), 3',4'-dihydroxy bonanzin (MIC = 6.25 µg/ml) and bonanzin (MIC = 20 µg/ml), were found to be highly active. Discussion and conclusion: Artemisia elegantissima was phytochemically and biologically explored for its antitrypanosomal potential against T.b. brucei. The number and orientation of phenolic hydroxyl groups play an important role in the antitrypanosomal potential of coumarins and flavonoids. The compounds 3',4'-dihydroxy bonanzin and scopoletin with low MIC values, hold potential for use as antitrypanosomal drug leads

    Age–sex differences in the global burden of lower respiratory infections and risk factors, 1990–2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background: The global burden of lower respiratory infections (LRI) and corresponding risk factors in children older than five years and adults has not been studied as comprehensively as in children under five years old. We assessed the burden and trends of LRI and risk factors across all age groups by sex for 204 countries and territories. Methods: We used clinician-diagnosed pneumonia or bronchiolitis as our case definition for lower respiratory infections. We included ICD9 codes 073.0-073.6, 079.82, 466-469, 480-489, 513.0, and 770.0 and ICD10 codes A48.1, J09-J22, J85.1, P23-P23.9, and U04. We used the Cause of Death Ensemble modelling strategy to analyse 23,109 site-years of vital registration data, 825 site-years of sample vital registration data, 1766 site-years of verbal autopsy data, and 681 site-years of mortality surveillance data. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, to analyse age-sex-specific incidence and prevalence data identified via systematic review, population-based surveys, and claims and inpatient data. Additionally, we estimated age-sex-specific LRI mortality that is attributable to the independent effects of 14 risk factors.Results: Globally, we estimated LRI episodes of 257 million (95% UI 240–275) for males and 232 million (217–248) for females in 2019. In the same year, LRI accounted for 1.3 million (1.2–1.4) deaths among males and 1.2 million (1.1–1.3) deaths among females. Age-standardised incidence and mortality rates were 1.2 times and 1.3 times greater in males than in females in 2019. Between 1990 and 2019, LRI incidence and mortality rates declined at different rates across age groups while an increase in LRI episodes and deaths was estimated among all adult age groups, with males aged 70 years and older experiencing the highest increase in LRI episodes (126.0% [121.4–131.1]) and deaths (100.0% [83.4–115.9]). During the same period, LRI episodes and deaths in children younger than 15 years were estimated to have decreased, and the greatest decline was observed for mortality among males under the age of five (70.7% [61.8–77.3]). The leading risk factors for LRI mortality varied across age groups and sex. More than half of global LRI deaths among males and females younger than five years were attributable to child wasting, and more than a quarter of LRI deaths among those aged 5–14 years were attributable to household air pollution in 2019. For males aged 15–49, 50–69, and 70 years and older, 20.4 (15.4-25.2), 30.5% (24.1–36.9), and 21.9% (16.8–27.3), respectively, of estimated LRI deaths were attributable to smoking in the same year. For females aged 15–49 and 50–69 years, 21.1% (14.5–27.9) and 7.9% (5.5–10.5) of estimated LRI deaths were attributable to household air pollution in 2019. For females aged 70 years and older, the leading risk factor, ambient particulate matter, was responsible for 11.7% (8.2–15.8) of LRI deaths in the same year.Interpretation: The patterns and progress in reducing the burden of LRI and key risk factors varied across age groups and sexes.. The progress seen in under five children was clearly a result of targeted interventions, such as vaccination and reduction of exposure to risk factors. Similar interventions for other age groups could contribute to achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals targets, including promoting well-being at all ages and reducing inequalities. Interventions, including addressing risk factors such as child wasting, smoking, ambient particulate matter pollution, and household air pollution, would mean preventable deaths and millions of lives saved, as well as reduced health disparities