601 research outputs found

    Use of etiotropic and pathogenetic medicines for COVID-19 in patients with renal failure and/or on dialysis

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    Impaired kidney function may influence pharmacokinetics of most of the drugs, including the ones used in COVID-19. In this publication, the most important pharmacokinetic parameters and dose adjustment approaches are provided, based on The Renal Drug Handbook и Sanford Guide. In the majority of cases, mild kidney function reduction does not necessitate dose adjustment. Each case should be considered individually, measuring benefits against risks

    Development of risk-oriented technologies of the corporate financial controlling system

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    Financial controlling is one of the functions of financial relations of management system whose main task is to monitor the correct functioning of these relations at the level of a certain managed object with the purpose to decide on sufficiency and effectiveness of managerial decisions. The article considers some peculiarities of creation of a corporate system of financial controlling on the basis of systematization of the existing theoretical and methodical approaches. Also the article presents some directions of improvement of financial controlling tools as well as the results of development of risk-oriented technologies which are aimed at providing financial stability of modern corporations.peer-reviewe

    Assessment of the genetic distances between some species of the family Bradybaenidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata)

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    On the basis of inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) loci and the nucleotide sequences of nuclear (18S and ITS-1) and mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S), a phylogenetic analysis of the three species of terrestrial mollusks of the family Bradybaenidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata), Bradybaena fruticum Mull., Bradybaena schrencki Midd., and Bradybaena transbaicalia Shileyko, was conducted to clarify their taxonomic statu

    Assessment Of the Knowledge of Theoretical Basis of Punching Technique of Army Hand-To-Hand Combat by Students at The Initial Stage of Training

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    The article presents the results of knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the attacking technique of army hand-to-hand combat at the initial stage of training. Methodology. The pedagogical experiment was carried out with the participation of 24 RTU MIREA students. Results. With the help of specially developed questionnaires, it was revealed that as a result of the implementation of the experimental methodology for teaching the technique of attacking actions of army hand-to-hand combat, taking into account the general and specific in its content, there was a significant increase in the level of knowledge among the students of the experimental group. Conclusions. The obtained results of the study confirm the expediency of using active forms (problem learning) as a means of teaching the technique of army hand-to-hand combat, taking into account the general and specific in its content among students of the RTU MIREA university


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    The analysis of 5 cases of carcinoid papillomatosis of the skin Gottron that developed against the background of previous chronic dermatoses. In 2 patients with this pathology is combined with cancer of the internal organs


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    The article presents the results of an analysis of the literature on rationing of chromium in the practice of feeding poultry and study the effectiveness of using chromium chloride (CrCl3 • 6 H2O) as a chromium source when feeding growing quails. The optimum level of chromium in mixed fodder for young quail breed Pharaoh. Studied food intake and body weight quail 1–35–day–old, depending on the chromium content in complete feed. The study was conducted in conditions of bad research laboratory feed additives National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. A total of 500 quails were allocated to 5 treatment groups (supplementation with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 mg of Cr in 1 kg mixed fodder) in a completely randomized design. It is studied body weight parameters of quails depending on levels of Chromium in mixed fodders. It was established that the additional inclusion of a Chromium salt with a content of 1.0 mg/kg feed in mixed fodder for quail increases the body weight by 2.5 %. The dependence between the expenses of forage and Chromium content of the mixed fodder that described a polynomial curve with a fairly high coefficient of reliability of approximation (R2 = 0,9781). Feeding of mixed fodder with optional inclusion of 2.0 mg/g of Chromium had a negative effect on the productivity of quails.В статье представлены результаты литературного анализа по нормированию хрома в практике кормления сельскохозяйственной птицы и исследование эффективности использования хлорида хрома (CrCl3 • 6 Н2О) в качестве источника хрома при кормлении молодняка перепелов.Определен оптимальный уровень хрома в комбикорме для молодняка перепелов породы фараон. Изучено потребление корма и живую массу перепелов 1–35–суточного возраста в зависимости от содержания хрома в полнорационных комбикормах.Установлено, что дополнительное включение соли Хрома в комбикорма для перепелов с содержанием 0,75 мг/кг корма способствует увеличению массы тела на 2,5 %. Установлена зависимость между использованием корма на 1 кг прироста массы тела и содержанием Хрома в комбикорме, которая описана полиномиальной кривой с достаточно высоким коэффициентом достоверности аппроксимации (R2 = 0,9781).У статті подані результати літературного аналізу щодо нормування Хрому у практиці годівлі сільськогосподарської птиці та дослідження ефективності використання хлориду хрому (CrCl3 • 6 Н2О) у якості джерела Хрому при годівлі молодняку перепелів. Визначено оптимальний рівень Хрому в комбікормі для молодняку перепелів породи фараон. Вивчено споживання корму та живу масу перепелів 1–35–добового віку залежно від вмісту Хрому  у повнораціонних комбікормах. Встановлено, що додаткове включення Хром хлориду до комбікорму для перепелів з вмістом 1,0 мг Cr  на 1 кг корму сприяє збільшенню маси тіла на 2,5 %. Встановлена залежність між витратами корму на 1 кг приросту маси тіла та вмістом Хрому  у комбікормі, яка описана поліноміальною кривою з досить високим коефіцієнтом достовірності апроксимації (R2 = 0,9781). &nbsp

    Genetic Risk Factors for Adverse Drug Reactions

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    The use of medicines may in some cases be associated with the development of drug-induced diseases (DIDs) аnd other adverse drug reactions (ADRs), which leads to an increase in morbidity/mortality rates, and/or symptoms forcing a patient to seek medical attention or resulting in hospitalisation. ADRs may develop due to changes in a patient’s genotype, which entail an inadequate pharmacological response. The aim of the study was to analyse and summarise literature data on genetic risk factors that cause DIDs аnd other ADRs. It was shown that the polymorphism of genes encoding enzymes of drug metabolism (CYP, UGT, NAT, TPMT, EPHX, GST, etc.) or carriers (transporters) of drugs (P-gp, BCRP, MRP, OATP, OCT, etc.) can change the pharmacokinetics of drugs, affecting their activity. Polymorphism of RYR1, CACNA1S, MT-RNR1, VKORC1, and other genes encoding receptors targeted by drugs, and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene, may affect drug pharmacodynamics by modifying drug targets or changing the sensitivity of biological pathways to pharmacological effects of medicines. Changes in drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics may cause DIDs аnd other ADRs. The use of pharmacogenetic tests will allow a personalised approach to patients’ treatment and prevention or timely detection of potential ADRs during therapy. Before prescribing some medicines, clinicians should use recommendations on their dosing based on pharmacogenetic tests, which are posted on the official websites of Pharmacogenomics Research Network (PGRN), Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase (PharmGKB), and Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC). The results of ongoing clinical studies on the effect of gene polymorphism on drug safety will soon allow for higher personalisation of the choice of pharmacotherapy and prevention of many ADRs, including DIDs

    Radiatively driven hypersonic wind tunnel

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76604/1/AIAA-12568-479.pd

    Possibility to use barycytinib in patients with COVID-19, including for treatment of «cytokine storm»

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    Until clinical trials of efficacy and safety are obtained, routine use of barycytinib in patients with COVID-19 cannot be recommended