15 research outputs found

    Islam (Di) Nusantara; Esensi, Genealogi Serta Identitasnya Islam (in) Archipelago; Its Essence, Genealogy, and Identity

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    This paper tries to explain about the details of Islam of Archipelago which is now getting the momentum back, even though the initial idea about Islam of Archipelago is not really new. Islam of Archipelago attempts to make a dialogue from religious text which comes from the revelation with local contents on earth, to actualize limited text of religion with unlimited social phenomenon in society. Islam of Archipelago is on the effort to find the possible various interpretations without changing the law itself. Because the existence of text is limited whereas a social phenomenon is unlimited, even it is dynamically developing, the process of dynamic dialectic proves that Islam is appropriate in any place and everlasting any time

    Stasiun Kereta Api Layang Yang Terkoneksikan Dengan Fungsi Terminal Bandara

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    Juanda adalah bandara tersibuk kedua di Indonesia. Bandara ini diperkirakan mampu menampung 6 juta hingga 8 juta penumpang per tahun dan 120.000 ton kargo/tahun. Terminal 1 Bandara Juanda dibuka pada tahun 2006. Terminal ini terletak di sebelah utara landasan pacu. Kapasitas sebenarnya hanya 6 juta penumpang/tahun. Namun pada tahun 2013, jumlah penumpang yang berangkat dan datang menjadi 17 juta penumpang/tahun. Terminal 2 mulai dibangun sejak tahun 2011. Terletak di terminal lama bandara Juanda. Seharusnya setiap bandara yang angka penumpangnya mencapai 10 ribu setiap harinya harus diimbangi dengan infrastruktur yang memadai. Sedangkan satu – satunya akses masuk ke bandara Juanda ini adalah melalui jalan kendaraan bermotor. Kendaraan yang dimaksud adalah melalui bus, taxi, sepeda motor, dan kendaraan pribadi. Ada dua jalur utama yang menuju bandara ini yaitu jalan tol Waru – Juanda dan jalan raya dari bundaran Aloha ke Sedati sampai ke Juanda. Tidak ada penghubung lain selain jalur kendaraan bermotor tersebut. Mengutip data dari pengelola bandara Juanda, naiknya pergerakkan penumpang pada tahun 2008 – 2012 tidak sebanding dengan banyaknya angka pergerakkan pesawat. Sehingga terjadi overload pada pesawat. Oleh karena itu objek infrastruktur baru sangat dibutuhkan untuk menampung penumpang yang akan menggunakan jasa bandara Juanda yang sangat sibuk

    Respon Struktur Portal Baja Akibat Beban Gempa dengan Analisis Riwayat Waktu Nonlinier

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    Earthquakes are dynamic loads that greatly affect the state of the building structure. If the strength of the building can not withstand the dynamic load, then the building will be damaged even will collapse. The purpose of this study was to identify the structural response in the Indonesian quake region by using nonlinear dynamic analysis. Structural modeling using Banda Aceh, Bengkulu and Pekanbaru earthquake locations with medium soil condition on a 10-storey building made of steel with a constant inter-floor height of 4 m. Time history analysis in earthquake plan using 3 accelerated earthquake accelerator, namely: Kobe, Imperial Valley and Chichi earthquake. Each earthquake accelerator was given three treatments: 1). The earthquake scale is decreased by 50% (0.5 g), 2). Normal earthquake scale (1 g), and 3). The scale of the earthquake is increased by 200% (2 g). The analysis results show that the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of earthquake-load structures in each region are directly proportional to the increasing or decreasing of the earthquake-scale in buildings that do not occur in plastic joints

    A Comparative Study of Different Blood Vessel Detection on Retinal Images

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    Detection of blood vessel plays an important stage in different medical areas, such as ophthalmology, oncology, neurosurgery, and laryngology. The significance of the vessel analysis was helped by the continuous overview in clinical studies of new medical technologies intended for improving the visualization of vessels. In this paper, several local segmentation techniques which include such as Vascular Tree Extraction, Tyler L. Coye and Line tracking, Kirsch’s Template and Fuzzy C Mean methods were studied. The main objective is to determine the best approaches in order to detect the blood vessel on the degraded retinal input image (DRIVE dataset). A few Image Quality Assessment (IQA) was obtained to prove the effectiveness of each detection methods. Overall, the result of sensitivity highest came from Kirsch Templates (96.928), while specificity from Fuzzy C means (77.573). However, in term of accuracy average, the Line Tracking method is more successful compared to the other methods

    Revitalisasi Benteng Vastenburg sebagai Mal Pelayanan Publik Surakarta dengan Pendekatan Inclusive Public Space Design

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    Based on the Surat Keputusan Walikota Surakarta, there are 69 cultural heritage buildings, one of which is Vastenburg Fort, which is a BCB Colonial General Building Group. In its current development, Vastenburg Fortress as a city public space, although in less optimal utilization, is still always a reference for the Solo community when holding large events throughout the year. Unfortunately the impression of exclusivity is still strong because the values of Vastenburg Fort are not optimal as a public space. The decline in 'publicity' and 'inclusiveness' of public open space itself is a result of policies regarding supply and management that exclude the public from the physical space and design process from the development and management of public spaces; compared to creating an inclusive space for all. Therefore, the decline of 'inclusiveness' public open space itself is one of the main reasons behind the decline in 'publicity' of public open space. Public Service Mall is a place for the implementation of activities or activities in the implementation of public services for goods, services and / or administrative services which are an expanded function of integrated services both central and regional, as well as the services of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) or Regional (BUMD) and Private Enterprises (Swasta) in providing services fast, easy, affordable, safe and comfortable. Integration of the services of the central, provincial, regency / city government authorities, BUMN / BUMD and private sector in one building. The product produced is a concept of planning and designing the Surakarta Public Service Mall using adaptive-reuse of an object that is revitalized with the guidelines of UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 Tentang Cagar Budaya. It is expected that the product of the concept of planning and design can become an example or benchmark in future learning related to efforts to revitalize cultural heritage which is manifested into an inclusive public space in urban society

    Strategy Optimizing Profit by Customer Equity Model in XYZ Life Insurance Company

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    Strategy Optimizing Profit by Customer Equity Model in XYZ Life Insurance Compan

    Panduan Navigasi Virtual Tour Pulau Kumala Kutai Kartanegara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat aplikasi video panduan navigasi virtual berkeliling Pulau Kumala, Kutai Kartanegara sebagai media promosi, mengenalkan Pulau Kumala dan memberikan panduan jalur wisata Pulau Kumala. Tujuan dari penelitian ini dapat dicapai melalui perpaduan antara teknologi Video Virtual Reality (VR) dan teknologi mobile Android yang dimiliki oleh hampir semua lapisan masyarakat sehingga memungkinkan pengguna aplikasi untuk melihat video dalam 360 °. Hasil pengujian pada perangkat Android menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan cocok digunakan pada versi Android 5.1 ke atas dengan aspek rasio layar 16: 9, 18: 9 dan 19: 9. Sedangkan hasil pengujian aplikasi berdasarkan kuesioner menggunakan simple random sampling dengan jumlah 60 responden yang disebarkan menunjukkan bahwa setiap pertanyaan dari kuesioner mendapat jawaban setuju dan sangat setuju yang menandakan respon positif tentang aplikasi yang penulis rancang dari pengguna aplikasi.&nbsp

    A Comparative Study of Different Blood Vessel Detection on Retinal Images

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    Detection of blood vessel plays an important stage in different medical areas, such as ophthalmology, oncology, neurosurgery, and laryngology. The significance of the vessel analysis was helped by the continuous overview in clinical studies of new medical technologies intended for improving the visualization of vessels. In this paper, several local segmentation techniques which include such as Vascular Tree Extraction, Tyler L. Coye and Line tracking, Kirsch’s Template and Fuzzy C Mean methods were studied. The main objective is to determine the best approaches in order to detect the blood vessel on the degraded retinal input image (DRIVE dataset). A few Image Quality Assessment (IQA) was obtained to prove the effectiveness of each detection methods. Overall, the result of sensitivity highest came from Kirsch Templates (96.928), while specificity from Fuzzy C means (77.573). However, in term of accuracy average, the Line Tracking method is more successful compared to the other methods

    Efektivitas Perpustakaan Keliling dalam Meningkatkan Indeks Literasi Baca Kota Cirebon

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    Tujuan dan kajian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan indeks literasi baca sebagai inovasi peningkatan layanan perpustakaan daerah kepada masyarakat di kota Cirebon. Kajian ini menggunakan studi literatur dan lapangan yang bersumber dari data primer dan data sekunder tahun 2019-2020. Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa perpustakaan keliling sangat penting dilakukan di kota Cirebon yaitu sebagai upaya peningkatan layanan perpustakaan daerah dan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan indeks literasi baca masyarakat Kota Cirebon. Kata kunci: Efektivitas, Perpustakaan Keliling, Indeks Literasi &nbsp

    Teknologi Pengolahan Kandungan Kromium dalam Limbah Penyamakan Kulit Menggunakan Proses Adsorpsi: Review

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    Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada industri-industri saat ini adalah pengolahan limbah yang tidak sempurna. Salah satu jenis industri yang memerlukan perhatian serta pengolahannya adalah limbah yang mengandung kromium seperti pada industri penyamakan kulit. Limbah penyamakan kulit masih menyisihkan logam-logam berbahaya dalam limbahnya seperti logam berat kromium (Cr). Kromium yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan olahan kulit yang lebih halus. Sekitar 30-40% kromium akan terbawa dalam limbah cair penyamakan. Tingginya kadar kromium yang tersisa dan terbawa dalam limbah dapat menyebabkan toksisitas akut dan kronis terhadap lingkungan bahkan juga sangat berbahaya terhadap mahluk hidup. Salah satu penanganannya adalah dengan menggunakan metode adsorpsi yang dimana merupakan salah satu metode alternatif dengan berbagai keuntungan yang ada. Biaya penanganan yang relatif murah, proses yang sederhana, dan kemungkinan dapat didaur ulang merupakan beberapa keuntungan dari proses adsorbsi. Selain itu, proses adsorbsi dapat dimaksimalkan dengan menggunakan adsorben yang memiliki spesifikasi potensi tertentu terhadap penyerapan kromium. Artikel ini me-review perbandingan metode adsorbsi batch dan kontinyu pada proses pengolahan kandungan kromium dalam limbah penyamakan kulit.The waste management issue is one of the biggest problems in the industries recently. Every industry has a high probability of releasing toxic by-product to the environment in the form of waste. One example is in the leather tanning industry. Leather tanning waste still removes harmful metals in its waste, such as heavy metal chromium (Cr). Chromium is used to produce finer skin products. About 30-40% chromium will be carried in the tanning liquid waste. The high chromium levels remaining and carried away in the waste can cause acute and chronic toxicity to the environment and even very harmful to living things. Adsorption is one of the highly recommended methods available to overcome this problem. Relatively low handling costs, simple processes, and the possibility of being recycled are some of the adsorption process's advantages. In addition, the adsorption process can be maximized by using adsorbents that have specific potential specifications for chromium absorption. This article reviews batch and continuous adsorption methods in the processing of chromium content in tannery waste