31 research outputs found


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    Parents who raise exceptional children often find the parenting process more difficult than parents who raise normal children. The burden of caring for exceptional children makes parents vulnerable to parenting stress which can put them at physical or psychological risk. Optimal use of character strength will help parents deal with parenting stress. This research aimed to determine the correlation between character strength and parenting stress in parents with exceptional children. Using a correlational quantitative research design along with non-probability purposive sampling technique, research was conducted on 276 parents, divided into 138 fathers and 138 mothers. The research instruments used were the the Values in Action Inventory of Youth (VIA-Youth) and Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF). Based on the results of the Pearson product moment correlation test, it can be seen that there is a negative correlation between character strength and parenting stress (r = -0.200; p = 0.001 < 0.05). This result indicates that the higher the level of character strength, the lower the level of parenting stress in parents with exceptional children


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    Griseofulvin adalah obat fungistatik yang masuk kedalam golongan Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) kelas II yang memiliki kelarutanyang rendah dan permeabilitas tinggi. Kebaruan penelitian ini karena melakukan uji bioavailabilitas sediaan tablet griseofulvin nanopartikel. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengembangkan sistem penghantaran obat berbasis nanopartikel dan dapat meningkatkan bioavailabilitas griseofulvin. Griseofulvin nanopartikel menggunakan metode ballmilling. Nanopartikel griseofulvin dikarakterisasi dari morfologi, analisis ukuran partikel dan pola difraksi. Nanopartikel griseofulvin di formulasi dalam bentuk tablet dan diuji bioavailabilitasnya dengan parameter tmax, Cmax, dan AUC. Hasil Rerata Cmaks yang diperoleh untuk tablet konvensional (1,28 µg/ml), dan nanopartikel (5,20 µg/ml). Nilai rerata tmakstablet konvensional (3,3 jam), dan tablet nanopartikel (2,6 jam). Pada nilai AUCtotal untuk tablet konvensional (74,745 µg/ml.jam) dan tablet nanopartikel (112,786 µg/ml.jam). Disimpulkan bahwa tablet griseofulvin nanopartikel dapat meningkatkan kelarutan griseofulvin dan Sistem penghantaran obat nanopartikel dengan metode Ballmiling dapat dikembangkan untuk obat griseofulvin


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    Identifikasi Produk Obat yang Berbahan Dasar Alga pada Pasar Tradisional dan Pasar Modern di Kota Medan

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    &nbsp; Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa obat-obatan yang memiliki kandungan alga yang terdapat di pasar modern dan pasar tradisional di kota Medan. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode survei eksploratif. Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai dari Tanggal 13 Mei- 27 Mei 2023. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil pengamatan yang diperoleh bahwa obat-obatan yang terdapat di pasar tradisional dan pasar modern yang ada di kota Medan terdapat kandungan alga ari kelas Rhodophyta. Obat yang ditemukan memiliki kandungan karaginan yang merupakan hasil ekstrak dari rumput laut merah

    Assistive contents for hearing-impaired people

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    This paper reports an ongoing study on designing a learning content for hearing-impaired people. Since teaching hearing-impaired people orally is too burdening, both the teachers and students, an alternative has to be provided. Hence, the idea of providing contents in electronic means came into consideration.It is useful, because the hearing-impaired students could utilize the contents on their own pace.Understanding their limitations, this study attempts to gather the preferences by the hearing-impaired people.Hence, a series of interviews were conducted, assisted by a sign language interpreter.Based on the findings from the interviews, the contents were story-boarded. It was used for gathering feedback from the users. When the most preferred layout was determined, the content was developed, and tested with the users. It was found that the proposed requirements are able to make hearing-impaired happy to learn with the material, which is called Assistive Content for Hearing-impaired (AC4HI) people

    Design of assistive video for hearing-impaired (AV4HI)

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    This paper reports on an initiative that assists hearing-impaired students and their teachers in the teaching and learning activities.Through a preliminary study, it was found that both hearing-impaired students and their teachers face many problems with the existing approach, including difficulties in acquire contents, high tendency of getting stressed, and high potential to miss the syllabus. Based on the identified problem, this study initiates an alternative approach, by introducing a type of specially-designed learning material for the hearing-impaired called Assistive Video for Hearing-impaired (AV4HI).User-centered Design (UCD) approach has been utilized in carrying out the study, in which both hearing impaired and their teachers were involved in the process of coming out with the design. Eventually, it was found that the hearing-impaired students enjoy the prototype very much, and expect to have the AV4HI in their teaching and learning activities

    A concept of assistive courseware for hearing-impaired learners

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    This paper reports on an initiative that develops a concept of teaching and learning material for hearing-impaired learners in higher learning institutions. It describes the needs for the concept. The aim of the paper is to describe about the concept that is developed through User-centered Design approach.It involves observation and interview in three seminars in gathering the components of the concept. In the three seminars, users who are the hearing-impaired learners and their teachers were involved very closely. In the end, the concept has been derived and evaluated. The evaluation further reveal that the concept has been well-accepted by the users

    Comparison of somatotype profiles and dietary intake of football athletes in different playing levels in Indonesia

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    Background: Anthropometry characteristic was significantly correlated with nutrition status, and both factors significantly contributed to athletes' sports performance. Somatotype as one of the anthropometric values can be used as screening or “diagnosis” in selecting new talents. The changes in athletes’ body composition by inadequate dietary intake and over-consumption relate to the performance quality of athletes. Objective: The study aimed to compare football athletes' somatotype profiles and dietary intake in different playing levels in Indonesia. Methods: A total of 112 adolescent football athletes in 4 playing levels; elite national team (ENT), advanced senior team (AST), advanced junior team (AJT), and amateur college athletes (ACT), performed somatotype measurement and dietary intake assessments using 3x24-h food recall. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to illustrate the difference among ENT, AST, AJT, and ACT groups, while a post-hoc test was used to verify pairwise comparison. Results: All groups showed a significant difference in somatotype profiles and dietary intake. The somatotype profile of ENT group, categorized as balanced mesomorph (2.5-5.2-2.2), was the closest to the ideal profile of elite football athletes and was the most mesomorph among other groups. The somatotype of the AST group was the least mesomorph (1.5-3.2-3.0). Adequate energy intake was found only in the ENT group, whereas inadequate (<80%) in other groups. None of the groups consume an adequate amount of carbohydrates. The lowest dietary intake was found in the lowest playing level group, ACT. The somatotype profile and dietary intake of the ENT group were the most optimum compared to other groups, although the excess intake of fat should be noticed. Conclusions: The somatotype profile of elite athletes in the ENT group was the closest to the ideal somatotype of elite football athletes in high-level competition. Dietary intake in the ENT group was also the most adequate, although the excess fat intake should be noticed


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    Skripsi dengan judul “Pengaruh Harga, Selera Konsumen dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen pada Usaha Kerupuk Rambak Kulit Sami Asri Sembung Tulungagung” ini ditulis oleh Syarifah Nadia, NIM. 12405173022, pembimbing Nadia Rosmalita Sari, S. Pd., M. Kom. Harga menjadi prioritas utama pada penelitian ini, karena harga merupakan salah satu keputusan pembelian suatu barang dimana konsumen akan membeli barang dengan harga tertentu dan konsumen juga akan merasakan manfaat dari pembelian barang yang sesuai dengan seleranya. Selera adalah alat ukur yang digunakan perusahaan untuk mengetahui naik turunnya permintaan suatu barang, karena selera konsumen akan berubah- ubah dari waktu ke waktu. Dari naik turunnya permintaan suatu barang maka akan diketahui kualitas produk dari barang tersebut. Kualitas produk adalah penilaian konsumen tentang keunggulan suatu produk secara keseluruhan dilihat dari manfaat produknya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) Untuk menguji pengaruh harga terhadapkepuasan konsumen pada usaha kerupuk rambak kulit Sami Asri Sembung Tulungagung. (2) Untuk menguji pengaruh selera konsumen terhadap kepuasaan konsumn padaa usaha kerupuk rambak kulit Sami Asri Sembung Tulungagung. (3) Untuk menguji pengaruh kualitas produk terhadap kepuasaan konsumn padaa usaha kerupuk rambak kulit Sami Asri Sembung Tuulungagung. (4) Untuk menguuji pengaruh harga, selera konsumen, dan kualitas produk secara simultan terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada usaha kerupuk rambak kulit Sami Asri Sembung Tulungagung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dan jenis penelitiannya asosiatif. Sampel yang digunakan adalah dengan teknik rondom sampel. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 51 responden. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer. Pengukuran dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala likert. Tahap selanjutnya data kuesioner diolah dengan menggunakan analisis linier berganda. Hasil penelitian pada uji t menunjukan bahwa (1) harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada usaha kerupuk rambak kulit Sami Asri Sembung Tulungagung, (2) selera konsumen berpengaruh positif tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada usaha kerupuk rambak kulit Sami Asri Sembung Tulungagung, (3) kualitas produk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada usaha kerupuk rambak kulit Sami Asri Sembung Tulungagung. Sedangkan uji F dapat diketahui bahwa variabel harga, selera konsumen dan kualitas produk berpengaruh signifikan secara bersama-sama terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada usaha kerupuk rambak kulit Sami Asri Sembung Tulungagung. Kata kunci: Harga, Selera Konsumen, Kualitas Produk dan Kepuasan Konsume