7 research outputs found


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    This study aims to explain the description of the principal's leadership management in improving the spiritual intelligence of students at SMK YP-PGRI I Makassar and to explain the impact of the principal's leadership management in improving the spiritual intelligence of students at SMK YP-PGRI I Makassar. The type of research used in this research is qualitative. The results showed that the principal was able to manage all school resources, including Educators, Education Personnel, Students, infrastructure, finance, administration, planning of learning programs, programs of religious activities (spiritual activities), and others. other. Planning of school learning programs through structured scheduling by the Deputy Head of Curriculum with the involvement of the Principal and Educators in the preparation. The Principal of SMK YP-PGRI I Makassar seeks to organize educators and education staff through the division of tasks to each educator and education staff based on their potential and educational background, namely the distribution of task decrees in the hope that educators and education staff can work according to their job descriptions each

    Bridging the Gap Between Schools and Universities

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    This paper presents critical reflection of academic staff from different fields and universities, and education practitioner, who have been working closely with schools and district government in the field of school management, in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It aims at sharing valuable experiences and lesson learned on issues encountered by schools and its member in developing their schools. Applying the principle of reflective journal, this paper shows that working with schools and district government has helped us to broaden our knowledge, both theoretical and practical knowledge, and to improve our practice as teacher educators and facilitator in the field of school management and school development. It also explores how the Whole School Development approach is used in developing schools. It argues that universities and schools need to learn from each other through continuous collaboration and partnership. A strategic plan of capacity building and mentoring program for school development that involve universities will allow knowledge sharing between schools and universities. It is believed that through continuous collaboration and partnership, will bridge the gap between universities and schools, the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of school management and school development


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    The main issue of this research is how the historical review of Islamic education in Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa in Pattani-Southern Thailand. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative research that uses phenomenological, pedagogical, and psychological approaches. The researcher took the location in Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa Pattani South Thailand. The findings showed that the early history of Islamic education in Pattani Thailand began in 1961 in the government of Sarit Tanarat by proposing a modernization program for Islamic boarding schools which was transformed into a private Islamic education school. After that policy, the growth of Islamic boarding schools is increasing rapidly. One of them is the Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa. The concept of Islamic education institution in Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa initially used the concept of Suffah in the time of its establishment. At present, the madrasa uses the concept of Halaqah and Majelis as the ways for students to learn. Finally, Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa changed the learning system into each class


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    This research discusses the relationship between graphology analysis results and the results of student learning lab of Invertebrate Zoology. The problems of this research that is how the image of graphology analysis of student results, how the image of Invertebrate Zoology lab learning outcomes of students and whether there is a relationship between graphology analysis results with the learning outcomes of Invertebrate Zoology lab. The purpose of this study is to describe the student graphology analysis results, to describe the learning outcomes of Invertebrate Zoology practicum students and to determine whether there is a relationship between the results of graphology analysis of the learning outcomes of Invertebrate Zoology studentpracticum.This research is a correlational study. Research is done in the laboratory of Biology Education and Teaching Faculty of MT, UIN Alauddin Makassar. The population in this study were all students of the Department of Biology force in 2013, amounting to 115 people with a sample of 29 (25%). To obtain data on graphology analysis results, this study uses the full report of Invertebrate Zoology lab as handwriting samples of students were analyzed using graphology assessment instruments. While data on practicum learning outcomes, used assessment instruments of practicum. Data analysis technique used is descriptive and inferential statistics.Graphology analysis results obtained by the average value of 57.4 in the medium category. Practicum learning outcomes obtained by the average value of 65.7 in middle category. The results of inferential statistical analysis with Pearson product moment correlation r value of 0.928 was obtained which showed there was a significant relationship between graphology analysis results with the results of student learning lab


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    The goal of this study was to provide an explanation for how moral akidah teachers at private MTs in Buol Regency were able to help pupils develop their character. The research method applied is qualitative research, the approach used is a psychological approach The informants of this research are the head of Madrasah, teacher of Akidah Akhlak, teacher of Al-Quran Hadith, and other general teachers. The data is collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. While testing the validity of the data is done by triangulation. The findings of this research indicated that although the Akidah Akhlak teachers at MTs Swasta Busak Buol Regency did an excellent job of developing their students' character, character development is still subpar and not at its best. The approach of habituation of everyday activities and spontaneous activities, example, and extracurricular activities used at MTs Swasta Busak Buol Regency to create student character Supporting elements at MTs Swasta Busak that help students develop their character include a dedication to the stringent enforcement of Madrasah laws and time management. Then, the limiting factor is made up of two elements: external ones, such teachers' lack of participation in activities, and internal ones, like the community's and the Madrasah's surroundings, particularly parents, who are not cooperating. The character development will have a major impact, if the Akidah akhlak teacher is prepared to develop students' character in a way that is appropriate for the subject matter. The second implication is that if the teacher of Akidah akhlak exercises management skills with regard to both classes and students as well as using various methods in accordance with the characteristics through character building, there will be an efficient process for fostering the character of students. The third implication will result in significant changes if madrasah leaders consistently carry out quality development activities for teachers, particularly Akidah Akhlak teachers, through coaching and training.The goal of this study was to provide an explanation for how moral akidah teachers at private MTs in Buol Regency were able to help pupils develop their character. The research method applied is qualitative research, the approach used is a psychological approach The informants of this research are the head of Madrasah, teacher of Akidah Akhlak, teacher of Al-Quran Hadith, and other general teachers. The data is collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. While testing the validity of the data is done by triangulation. The findings of this research indicated that although the Akidah Akhlak teachers at MTs Swasta Busak Buol Regency did an excellent job of developing their students' character, character development is still subpar and not at its best. The approach of habituation of everyday activities and spontaneous activities, example, and extracurricular activities used at MTs Swasta Busak Buol Regency to create student character Supporting elements at MTs Swasta Busak that help students develop their character include a dedication to the stringent enforcement of Madrasah laws and time management. Then, the limiting factor is made up of two elements: external ones, such teachers' lack of participation in activities, and internal ones, like the community's and the Madrasah's surroundings, particularly parents, who are not cooperating. The character development will have a major impact, if the Akidah akhlak teacher is prepared to develop students' character in a way that is appropriate for the subject matter. The second implication is that if the teacher of Akidah akhlak exercises management skills with regard to both classes and students as well as using various methods in accordance with the characteristics through character building, there will be an efficient process for fostering the character of students. The third implication will result in significant changes if madrasah leaders consistently carry out quality development activities for teachers, particularly Akidah Akhlak teachers, through coaching and training


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    This article aims to determine the impact of implementing Life Skill Education curriculum in anticipating adolescent problems at Unicef ​​Pilot Project School in Bone. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and documents. The data were analyzed by the stages of data display, data reduction, and data verification. The results showed that the impact of implementing LSE curriculum in anticipating adolescent problems in Bone was seen in independence of meeting personal needs in the form of students being able to be independent, gaining life skills, being able to overcome problems of Menstrual Hygiene Management (MKM), and being able to practice a variety of learning methods. Other independence in terms of meeting social needs are students being able to overcome bullying problems, managing environment, and overcoming child marriage. Therefore, it is expected to the government to issue a policy on the implementation of Life Skill Education curriculum to be applied in the educational environment because it has a positive influence on the prevention of child marriage. Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak implementasi kurikulum Life Skill Education dalam mengantisipasi problematika remaja pada Sekolah Pilot Project Unicef di Kabupaten Bone. Teknik pengumpulan data diperolah meliputi wawancara, observasi dan dukumen. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif lalu diolah dengan tahap display data, reduksi data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dampak implementasi kurikulum Life Skill Education dalam mengantisipasi problematika remaja di Bone terlihat pada kemandirian pemenuhan kebutuhan personal berupa: peserta didik mampu bersikap mandiri, peserta didik memperoleh keterampilan hidup, peserta didik mampu mengatasi masalah Manajemen Kebersihan Menstruasi (MKM), peserta didik mengetahui dan mampu mempraktikkan metode pembelajaran yang bervariasi. Kemandirian lainnya dalam hal pemenuhan kebutuhan sosial, berupa: peserta didik mampu mengatasi masalah bullying, mengelola lingkungan, dan mengatasi persoalan perkawinan anak. Implikasi penelitian diharapkan kepada pemerintah terkait untuk mengeluarkan kebijakan tentang implementasi kurikulum Life Skills education untuk diterapkan di lingkungan pendidikan karena memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap pencegahan perkawinan anak

    Palu Kana Mapande Dalam Pembinaan Perilaku Beragama Pascagempa

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    Palu Kana Mapande (PKM) merupakan salah satu program pembinaan perilaku beragama peserta didik. Program ini dilatar belakangi oleh keinginan pemerintah Kota Palu untuk membangun generasi muda yang berakhlaq mulia, taat beribadah, memiliki kepribadian yang baik, pengendalian diri, dan memiliki kecerdasan. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran mengacu pada kurikulum dan buku ajar yang telah disusun oleh Tim yang dibentuk oleh Dinas Pendidikan Kota Palu. Pembelajaran terdiri dari kegiatan awal, inti dan penutup. pembelajaran diawali dengan doa bersama, asmaul khusna, membaca dan menulis pelajaran, menghafal surah-surah pendek, menghafal bacaan shalat, dan terakhir doa bersama sebelum mengakhiri pembelajaran. Hasil pelaksnanan program PKM terlihat pada meningkatnya kemampuan peserta didik membaca dan menulis al-Qur’an, berakhlak mulia, rajin melaksanakan shalat, tartil juz 30, hafal surah-surah pendek dan doa-doa harian. Hasil ini diperoleh dari tes lisan, tulisan dan tes praktek. Implikasi dari penelitian: a. Pemerintah segera membangun sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran; menetapkan aturan (PERDA) agar program ini berkelanjutan, b. Mengintegrasikan materi PKM dengan ayat al-Qur’an yang berwawasan mitigasi bencana, c. Pentingnya membangun kerjasama dengan perguruan tinggi dalam menyusun kurikulum darurat bencana, pelibatan Volunter (relawan), LSM dan Organisasai keagamaan, kerjasama semua pihak untuk lebih mendorong dan mengasah potensi peserta didik, sehingga terbentuk generasi kuat, dan berakhlak mulia