305 research outputs found

    Arahan Penanganan Kawasan Rawan Banjir Berbasis Gis (Geography Information System) Di Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar

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    Banjir merupakan bencana yang sering terjadi di Kota Makassar.Penentuan langkah yang tepat dalam menyelesaikan masalah banjir dapat dibantu dengan pemetaan kerentanan banjir.Daerah studi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar sebagai salah satu daerah yang rawan banjir di Kota Makassar. Penelitian difokuskan pada zonasi daerah rawan banjir berdasarkan tingkat kerawanan banjir untuk arahan penanganan kawasan rawan banjir.Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder berupa data topografi, kemiringan lereng, geologi dan struktur tanah, hidrologi dan sumber daya air, vegetasi, klimatologi dan penggunaan lahan yang ada di Kecamatan Tamalate selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Untuk mengolah data tersebut digunakan Tools atau alat analisis spasial tingkat kerawanan bencana banjir, dan analisis analisis model visual pemetaan.Hasil proses analisis diperoleh Tingkat Kerawanan Banjir di Kecamatan Tamalate menghasilkan tige kelas tingkatan yaitu kerawanan banjir rendah (aman), kerawanan banjir sedang (waspada), kerawanan banjir tinggi (berbahaya). Dengan tiga tingkat kerawanan banjir tersebut maka Arahan penanganan kawasan rawan banjir di Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar dilakukan dengan beberapa kriteria yaitu kerawananan tinggi untuk penanganannya menggunakan sistem pembuangan terpadu.Pembuangan dengan sistem terpadu merupakan system yang memadukan antara fungsi drainase yang dimaksimalkan, sistem biopori dan sistem sumur resapan di kawasan terbangun yang sudah padat

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Critical Incident pada Murid Kelas IV SDN No. 169 Inpres Parambaddo Kecamatan Polongbangkeng Utara Kabupaten Takalar

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    The problem in this research is the low level of writing skills at the grade IV pupil SDN No. 169 of presidential instruction Parambaddo Sub Polongbangkeng Northern District Takalar. Formulation of the problem in this research is how improved writing skills through learning strategies Critical Incident on the disciple class IV SDN No. 169 of presidential instruction Parambaddo Sub Polongbangkeng Northern District Takalar?. The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement of writing skills through learning strategies Critical Incident on the disciple class IV SDN No. 169 of presidential instruction Parambaddo Sub Polongbangkeng Northern District Takalar. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. This type of research is the research action class. The focus in this research is the application of learning strategies Critical Incident and writing skills. The subject of this research is the teacher and student class IV SDN No. 169 of presidential instruction Parambaddo Sub Polongbangkeng Northern District Takalar, as many as 17 students which consists of 11 disciples male and 6 female students, who are actively enrolled in the semester odd years teaching 2018/2019. Data collection techniques used in this research is the observation, tests, and documentation. The data obtained, analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Results of research writing skills pupils on a cycle I for the average value of classes and ketuntasan of classical learning was at category enough. This suggests that the study has not yet reached the success indicators that is 65, so research proceeded to cycle II. As for the results of the research on cycle II for the average value of classes and ketuntasan of classical learning was increased to a category. This indicates that the results of the writing skills pupils have qualified from the indicators of the success of the research action class is expected, so there is no need to proceed to the next cycle

    Pengembangan Media Tutorial Pembelajaran IPA Berbasis Web Untuk Peserta Didik Kelas VIII SMPN 5 Pallangga

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian & pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk melihat profil media tutorial berbasis web. Prosedur penelitian menggunakan model yang diadopsi four-D (4-D) yang terdiri dari : tahap pendefinisian mencakup analisis awal, analisis perserta didik, analisis konsep, dan analisis tugas. Tahap perancangan mencakup pemilihan media, pemilihan format, dan rancangan awal. Tahap pengembangan, dilakukan validasi oleh para ahli dan direvisi sehingga didapatkan hasil yang layak untuk digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media tutorial berbasis web dinyatakan valid oleh dua orang pakar dan persepsi praktisi/guru terhadap media tutorial berbasis web adalah 80,65% berarti diterima positif sehingga layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran, begitu pula respon peserta didik adalah 80,47% berarti diterima dengan positif. Kata kunci: Media tutorial berbasis webResearch and Development had been conducted which aimed at discovering the profile of web-base tutorial media. The procedure of the research employed four-D (4-D) model, which consisted of defining phase included preliminary analysis, student analysis, concept analysis, and task analysis; designing phase that the valudation was conducted by the experts and revision was done to obtain feasible result to be used. The result of the study reveal that the web-based tutorial media is confirmed as valid by two experts and the practitioners/teachers' perception on the web-based tutorial media developed is feasible as well as the students' perception on web-based media is on very good category

    Dakwah Dalam Perspektif Modernisme Antisipasi Menuju Postmodernisme

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    Dakwah in the age of postmodernism has faced serious challenge due to the high tempo of information exchange which transform communication and cultural landscape of society. Postmodernism essentially rejected the universality of science and ideology. Postmodernism also challenge the neutrality of technology. Postmodernism challenge toward dakwah is aimed to the concept of dakwah itself. Is it possible to communicate Islamic messages in postmodernism era? The author offers five principles for dakwah strategies consisted of synergy, accumulation, convergence, totality, and inclusiveness

    Menegakkan Kode Etika Profesi Guru Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Citra Profesi Guru Dan Jiwa Korps Keguruan: Wawasan Dan Pengalaman Filsafat Pendidikan

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    Appreciating the code of ethics is a foundation to implement and maintain the teachers profession. The code of profession ethics bears values, motivations, and internal control generating teachers' spirit of obedience and increasing their confidence and prestige in holding the profession. Teachers' awareness of this normative principle will be able to develop their moral insights and establish the teachers' personalities and profession which will, in turn, increase the teachers' obedience to build qualified human resources and to ensure the spirit of the corps. Discussions on the code of profession ethics could also generate motivation to think of the lecturers' profession at universities

    Sistem Media Massa Indonesia Di Era Reformasi: Perspektif Teori Normatif Media Massa

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    Social control as a means of mass media becomes very crucial in a democratic country. Within this function, mass media has positioned itself to control executive decisions in development process. But the functions of mass media are much more than to be a watchdog. As explored by this article, many theories concerning mass media functions from normative perspective are formulated by mass communication scholars. There are at least 6 (six) theories concerning mass media system through which the function of mass media is derived: (1) Authoritarian; (2) Free Press; (3) Social Responsibility; (4) Soviet Press; (5) Development Press; (6) Democratic-Participant. As for Indonesia, in order to achieve national goals based on democratic process, the press system must develop in ways that respected the diversity of multicultural perspective and public opinion pluralism

    Consumer-Producer Interaction: A Strategic Analysis of the Market for Customized Products

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    This paper focuses on the process by which consumers and producers interact to create better value for consumers. This happens in many situations but is arguably most prominent in mass-customization, an area that has recently gained a lot of popularity among manufacturers (Business Week, March 20, 2000). In terms of communications, such interaction entails a shift from the one-way communication (usually from seller to buyer) of traditional markets, to a two-way communication. Specifically, potential producers need to elicit preference (and other) information from consumers. They then have to provide a product that correctly incorporates such information. This brings up many strategic issues. In particular, we are interested in answering the following questions: (1) What is the 'economic value' of consumers' information? (2) Are there any strategic implications for producers, if they depend on consumer input and have to pay for consumers' information? (3) In what way does pricing for customized products differ from pricing for similar standardized products? (4) Is the strategic relationship between consumers and producers different in the market for customized goods as compared to more traditional markets? The main contribution of this paper is to bring into focus the issues surrounding mass-customization via an analysis of consumer-producer interaction, which is the facilitating process. This paper is the first attempt in marketing to analytically model this emerging area and should be of interest to academics. Practitioners should be interested in the marketing and strategic perspective on mass-customization that this paper adopts. The trade press has approached mass-customization from a manufacturing/production cost angle, while its marketing implications have largely been left open (Wind and Rangaswamy, 2000). To answer the above questions we build a game-theoretic model, which analyses the interaction between consumers and producers in an agency-theoretic framework. The main features of our model are the following. Consumers vary in their desire for customization, with some consumers having a higher need for and willingness to pay for customized goods. Producers vary in the ability to 'successfully customize' according to consumer specifications. Producers first solicit consumers' suggestions/preferences and attempt to screen consumers who are willing to pay for customized products (stage 1: 'Information market'). They then try to provide a product, which correctly incorporates consumers' input and set prices for such customized products (stage 2: 'Product market'). The main question for consumers at this stage is whether the producer has been able to successfully incorporate their input given in the first stage. We start first with the monopoly case to isolate the strategic issues in consumer-producer interaction. Later we incorporate competition between firms. In the latter case, both the information market (where firms compete for consumers' information) and the product market (where firms compete to sell the final product) come into their own and have interesting interactions. We find that, in equilibrium, firms will pay consumers for their information in the first stage. Intuitively, consumers provide costly input, but any commitment by the firm to provide surplus through a lower price of the product in the second stage, lacks commitment. Moreover, the producer's payment can act as a signal of high quality for the skillful customizer who tries to separate from a 'ghost firm', which cannot customize well. Under monopoly, the price of customized products is the same as that of non-customized products, contrary to common wisdom as reflected in the trade press (Anderson, 1997). Thus, our analyses could explain why some manufacturers find that they cannot charge a premium for customized products (Wind and Rangaswamy, 2000). We find that equilibrium prices of customized products are at the high end of the price range for similar non-customized products, consistent with casual observation.Under duopoly, when firms compete for consumers' information, the prices of customized products are in fact less than the price of non-customized products. This counter-intuitive result occurs because firms try to avoid being heldup by consumers who may withhold purchase, after first getting the firm to produce a very individually tailored product which the firm might not be able to sell to other consumers. Since, first stage competition for information gives consumers a high price for their information, it increases their incentive to holdup the firm. The firm, therefore, has to charge a lower price to induce consumers to purchase the product.Finally, we show that, in the market for customized goods (stage 2), consumers can be better off with less competition between firms. When firms compete in the product market in the second stage, they earn less equilibrium profits. Thus, they compensate consumers less for their information in the first stage, and this may yield consumers less overall utility. This finding could be of interest to manufacturers who increasingly attempt to build deep, long lasting ties with consumers. Often such ties are perceived as conflicting with the consumers' desire to retain the flexibility to compare and opt for the offerings of different producers. Our results suggest that such misalignment of interests need not exist, at least in the market for customized goods
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