20 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Success of Information Systems based on System Quality, Information Quality and User Satisfaction

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    Computer Information Systems is vital to organizations including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in this era of Big Data and Internet of Things. One example of such system is the Lecturer Information System (LIS). This paper reports the evaluation of LIS success at UC TATI, an HEI in Malaysia based on system quality, information quality and user satisfaction. A survey was administered through the distribution of an online questionnaire to academic faculty members. Results were loaded into the statistical Package for Social Sciences for analysis. An assessment was conducted to test the reliability and validity of the measurements used. Descriptive statistics and reliability analysis were used to analyze the data. Results have demonstrated the feasibility of approach to evaluate IS success. In addition, empirical analysis has indicated positive findings with regards to system quality, information quality, user satisfaction and system success. &nbsp

    Information Security Culture Concept towards Information Security Compliance: A Comparison between IT and Non-IT Professionals

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    This paper examines the factors determining a positive Information Security Culture (ISC) concept and the influence of ISC towards ISP compliance intention (INT) between IT and non-IT professionals in Malaysian public universities. Partial least square structural equation modelling, using PLS MGA, is used to assess the measurement and structural models, and to compare the results between the two groups. Results indicate all factors have significant contribution towards ISC in both groups, with two out of seven ISC factors have significant differences. This study has revealed that although both groups have the same ISC factors, IT and non-IT professionals have significant difference in terms of believe that Top Management Commitment and Information Security Knowledge are required for implementing a positive ISC. In addition, there is a significant difference between these two groups in terms of the influence of ISC towards ISP compliance intention. ISC has less influence towards INT for Non-IT professionals compared to IT professionals within the same ISC. These empirical findings would benefit in formulating better security strategies by providing appropriate efforts for different groups of employees in the organizations. This study also provides a total cyber security solution for improving information security culture and employees’ compliance towards Information Security Policy

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus Erosus) terhadap Karakteristik Cookies yang Dihasilkan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung bengkuang terhadap organoleptik dan karakteristik cookies. Perlakuan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat substitusi tepung bengkuang, yakni tanpa perlakuan (kontrol), penambahan tepung bengkuang 20%, 30% dan 50%. Analisis yang dilakukan terhadap cookies adalah kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar karbohidrat, kadar serat kasar, daya kembang dan uji organoleptik. Substitusi tepung bengkuang memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap kadar protein, kadar karbohidrat dan kadar serat kasar dari cookies yang dihasilkan. Dari hasil uji organoleptik yang dilakukan, substitusi tepung bengkuang yang paling disukai oleh panelis adalah cookies dengan substitusi tepung bengkuang 30% dengan warna 3,92 (agak suka), aroma 3,96 (agak suka), rasa 4,32 (agak suka) dan tekstur 4,40 (agak suka). Cookies dengan penambahan tepung bengkuang sebanyak 30% memiliki kadar air 1,11%, kadar abu 1,86%, kadar protein 8,65%, kadar lemak 24,15%, karbohidrat 64,24%, kadar serat kasar 1,17%, dan daya kembang 51,60%

    Substitusi Tepung Bengkuang pada Pembuatan Brownies

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    Brownies bengkuang merupakan salah satu bentuk pengaplikasian tepung bengkuang pada produk pangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung bengkuang pada pembuatan brownies. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan subtitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung bengkuang dengan perlakuan kontrol, 60%, 70%, 80% dan 100%. Analisa yang dilakukan pada brownis bengkuang adalah analisis proksimat dan analisis organoleptik. Analisis proksimat yang dilakukan meliputi analisis kadar air, kadar karbohidrat, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar abu dan kadar serat kasar. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa substitusi tepung bengkuang pada pembuatan brownies memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata pada karbohidrat, protein dan serat kasar brownies bengkuang. Berdasarkan analisis organoleptik yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa semakin banyak penambahan tepung bengkuang, brownies yang dihasilkan memiliki tekstur yang semakin padat dan berserat. Hasil analisis organoleptik menunjukkan substitusi tepung bengkuang yang paling disukai panelis adalah brownies yang disubstitusi tepung bengkuang 60%, dengan memberikan penilaian terhadap warna 4,20 (agak suka), aroma 3,92 (agak suka), rasa 4,20 (agak suka), dan tekstur 3,96 (agak suka). Brownies dengan substitusi tepung bengkuang 60% memiliki kadar air 31,24%, kadar karbohidrat 43,42%, kadar lemak 14,14%, kadar protein 10,57%, kadar abu 0,63%, dan kadar serat kasar 1,81%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung bengkuang terhadap organoleptik dan karakteristik cookies. Perlakuan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat substitusi tepung bengkuang, yakni tanpa perlakuan (kontrol), penambahan tepung bengkuang 20%, 30% dan 50%. Analisis yang dilakukan terhadap cookies adalah kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar karbohidrat, kadar serat kasar, daya kembang dan uji organoleptik. Substitusi tepung bengkuang memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap kadar protein, kadar karbohidrat dan kadar serat kasar dari cookies yang dihasilkan. Dari hasil uji organoleptik yang dilakukan, substitusi tepung bengkuang yang paling disukai oleh panelis adalah cookies dengan substitusi tepung bengkuang 30% dengan warna 3,92 (agak suka), aroma 3,96 (agak suka), rasa 4,32 (agak suka) dan tekstur 4,40 (agak suka). Cookies dengan penambahan tepung bengkuang sebanyak 30% memiliki kadar air 1,11%, kadar abu 1,86%, kadar protein 8,65%, kadar lemak 24,15%, karbohidrat 64,24%, kadar serat kasar 1,17%, dan daya kembang 51,60%

    On Implementing Usability Evaluation Activities within Agile Environment: A Plan Based-Process

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    In fast-paced software development cycles, poor governance may cause a loss of focus on the overarching objectives and implementation of usability work. We propose a conceptual framework that would assist software development teams in understanding and implementing usability evaluations in the described agile environments. The framework provides a common language that conveys the “big picture” of software development, details the roles needed for usability, and facilitates the analysis, discussion and communication of responsibilities and decision structures. The framework is supported by a visual mapping guideline that eases discussion and simplifies the process of incorporating usability work in companies

    Information Security Culture Concept towards Information Security Compliance: A Comparison between IT and Non-IT Professionals

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    This paper examines the factors determining a positive Information Security Culture (ISC) concept and the influence of ISC towards ISP compliance intention (INT) between IT and non-IT professionals in Malaysian public universities. Partial least square structural equation modelling, using PLS MGA, is used to assess the measurement and structural models, and to compare the results between the two groups. Results indicate all factors have significant contribution towards ISC in both groups, with two out of seven ISC factors have significant differences. This study has revealed that although both groups have the same ISC factors, IT and non-IT professionals have significant difference in terms of believe that Top Management Commitment and Information Security Knowledge are required for implementing a positive ISC. In addition, there is a significant difference between these two groups in terms of the influence of ISC towards ISP compliance intention. ISC has less influence towards INT for Non-IT professionals compared to IT professionals within the same ISC. These empirical findings would benefit in formulating better security strategies by providing appropriate efforts for different groups of employees in the organizations. This study also provides a total cyber security solution for improving information security culture and employees’ compliance towards Information Security Policy

    How to Cultivate Cyber Security Culture? The Evidences from Literature

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    Cyber Security Culture (CSC) is a culture that could produce a secure cyber space and could improve the quality of cyber world engagement. Despite many benefits that could be offered by CSC, there is a lack of models and guidelines on how to cultivate this culture. This paper discusses the concept of CSC model in terms of elements that form the model to suggest how CSC could be cultivated. Information Security Culture (ISC) model developed by [1] is used as a framework in discussing the concept of CSC. A literature search also is conducted to find and analyses the most suitable elements for CSC. A new model of CSC was proposed as a result of this study. The findings could provide better understanding of CSC and could be used as baseline to conduct more research on CSC

    Web Services Software Architecture

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    Abstract. Web services have received widespread attention and acceptance in the software engineering community. Automatic composition of services, to meet user’s requirements, is a powerful mechanism to ensure satisfaction of varied needs and thus enable the vision of Web services. Although Web services are equipped with the fundamental concepts and supporting technologies, the architectural style of the composite service composed from Web services is fixed by the prescriptions of the Service Oriented Architecture, and does not provide the level of flexibility stipulated by alternative service-based approaches such as the Service-Based Software vision. To enable the composition of Web services using alternative architectural styles, the author proposes that software architecture be included as a parameter in the composition process. This is enabled by the use of the Alfa framework to model the desired architectural style, and the use of this information to support service discovery.