131 research outputs found


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    Kemacetan yang terjadi di beberapa ruas jalan primer Kota Banda Aceh pada saat gempa bumi tanggal 11 April 2012 menunjukkan minimnya persiapan evakuasi masyarakat saat menghadapi kemungkinan terjadinya tsunami. Kejadian gempa tsunami 2004 belum dimaksimalkan sebagai tolok ukur dalam mitigasi bencana. Kajian jalur evakuasi yang memadai perlu dilakukan secara berkelanjutan untuk meminimalisir resiko bencana. Salah satunya adalah di Kecamatan Baiturrahman yang merupakan daerah rawan kemacetan sehingga menyebabkan terhambatnya jalur evakuasi. Kajian jalur evakuasi ini berbasis masyarakat dan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif kualitatif. Jalur evakuasi yang dilalui oleh masyarakat pada saat kejadian gempa bumi 11 April 2012 menjadi tolok ukur dalam penelitian ini. Kecamatan Kutaraja dan Meuraksa menjadi bagian dari kajian ini disebabkan sebagian warganya melewati Kecamatan Baiturrahman untuk melakukan evakuasi. Pada tahap awal penelitian, dilakukan observasi lapangan untuk mengidentifikasi lokasi penelitian. Selanjutnya dilakukan survey terhadap masyarakat dan instansi terkait. Berdasarkan survey tersebut dapat dievaluasi jalur evakuasi yang ditempuh oleh masyarakat pada gempa bumi 11 April 2012. Dari hasil observasi, survey dan evaluasi tersebut didapatkan data pergerakan masyarakat pada gempa bumi 11 April 2012 yang lalu. Data tersebut kemudian menjadi acuan analisa tingkat pelayanan jalan (Level of Service, LoS). Pada jalur evakuasi dengan LoS yang tidak stabil ditambahkan jalur alternatif untuk mereduksi kemacetan. Titik evakuasi vertikal menjadi variabel berikutnya untuk mereduksi kemacetan. Ruas-ruas jalan dan titik evakuasi vertikal tersebut kemudian menjadi peta jalur evakuasi alternatif Kecamatan Baiturrahman. JlnT. Chik Di Tiro, Jln. Moh. Hasan, Jln. Teuku Umar merupakan akses terbaik menuju Jln. Soekarno Hatta untuk mencapati dataran tinggi di wilayah Mata Ie dan sekitarnya. Jalur ini ditopang dengan beberapa jalur sekunder untuk mencegah terjadinya kemacetan seperti Jln. Elang, Jln. Angsa, dan Jln. Adam.Kata kunci : Gempa Aceh 11 April 2012, Tingkat Pelayanan Jalan, Jalur Evakuasi

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Spasial Siswa melalui Penerapan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik

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    Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi peningkatan kemampuan spasial siswa sebagai dampak penerapan pembelajaran Matematika realistik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen, melibatkan seluruh siswa kelas delapan sekolah pada peringkat baik dan sedang. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri atas 152 orang siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes kemampuan spasial. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney U, analisis korelasi, 1way dan 2-way ANOVA dengan menggunakan uji post hoc. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan spasial siswa yang diajar menggunakan pendekatan Matematik realistik lebih baik daripada kemampuan spasial siswa yang diajar dengan pendekatan konvensional. Ada interaksi antara pendekatan pembelajaran dan peringkat sekolah terhadap peningkatan kemampuan spasial siswa

    Increasing of Students’ Achievement in Polynomial by Using Jigsaw Method

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    The aims of this study are to know the increasing of students’ achievement and to improve students’ achievement on polynomial by using cooperative learning type Jigsaw in Indonesia.  The type of this research  was  a Classroom Action Research. The research was conducted in the second grade, State Senior High School of   Kisaran, Indonesia  which consist of 32 students and objects in this study was increasing of students’ achievement in polynomial by using the jigsaw method. The data was taken from  the test of students’ achievement and observation. The form of Achievement test was essay test and it conducted in the end of cycle. The goals of observation to see the ability of researchers in the learning management in the learning process.           The results of observation showed that there was increasing of students’ achievement. The average of student’s achievement in initial formative was 55.78 where there are 21 students who can not achieve the mastery learning or approximately 65.63% of the 32 students. On achievement test I, there was increasing in average student’s  achievement to be 67.56 where there are 9 people who can not achieve the mastery learning or approximately 58.12% of  the 32 students. On achievement test II, there was increasing average of student’s achievement to be 80.09 where there are 4 students who did not complete. This means that there are  87.5% of students who achieved mastery learning. Then we can conclude that the increasing of students’  achievement is enough significant. Based on the observation of each meeting, the ability of researchers are  quite good at classroom management by implementing cooperative learning model jigsaw. Because of that, it suggests  to mathematics teacher in order to use cooperative learning type Jigsaw in learning process as an alternative learning to improve students' achievement. Keywords: Students’  achievement, Jigsaw method, Classroom action researc

    The Development of Learning Model Based on Problem Solving to Construct High-Order Thinking Skill on the Learning Mathematics of 11th Grade in SMA/MA

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    This paper is a summary study of team Postgraduate on 11nd grade. The objective of this study is to develop learning model based on problem solving which can construct high-order thinking on the learning mathematics in SMA/MA. The subject of dissemination consist of Students of 11th grade in SMA/MA in 3 kabupaten/kota in North Sumatera,namely: SMA Swasta Yapim Taruna Stabat Kabupaten Langkat, SMK Negeri 6 Medan, SMA YPK Medan, and MAN Lubuk Pakam Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Instrument of Collecting data used are questionnaires, observation guidelines, interview guides, students mathematics textbooks for 11th grade in SMA/MA, Teacher’s guide book, instrument of pre-test and post-test. Development of model are adopted from Thiagarajan’s model and  Semmel & Semmel’s model. This research has compiled teaching materials in the form of textbooks for 11th grade in SMA/MA and teacher’s guide book that includes the structured steps of solving mathematical problems based on problem solving which can construct high-order thinking. Results of dissemination showed a significant improvement of students problem solving ability at four schools in three kabupaten/kota in North Sumatera. Keywords: Learning Model, High-order thinkin

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Puisi dengan Menggunakan Media Gambar

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    Kajian ini bermaksud untuk mengupgrade skill para penuntut ilmu, terutama dibidang membaca puisi. Melalui media gambar sebagai alat bantu untuk langakah-langkah transfer ilmu . Kata “transfer” menurut KKBI ialah beralih atau berpindah. Sementara ilmu diartikan nur (cahaya), mempunyai maksud ilmu tak akan masuk bagi pelaku kemaksiatan.  Sedangkan kata media awal mulanya bahasa latin bentuk jamak kata medium  dapat dijelaskan sebagai perantara atau pengantar (Tarigan, 2008:204).  Definisi Gambar ialah karya seni yang dinikmati sebab keindahannya. Melewati penghasilan penelitian ditemukan kiranya  pemakaian media gambar bisa menambah pembekalan membaca puisi. Kompetensi belajar meningkat karena adanya sesuatu yang diperhatikan dan langsung terekam diingatan. Sebagai perwujudan bahwa siswa mengetahui yang kita bekali yaitu mengajak siswa maju kedepan kelas untuk membacakan puisi. Sehingga sekeliling  ruangan lebih tertarik dan agenda transfer ilmu menjadi lebih berwarna dan berkualitas

    The Development of Problem Based Learning Model to Construct High Order Thinking Skill Students’ on Mathematical Learning in SMA/MA

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    This research is a development research of learning model that aimed to develop problem based learning model to construct high order thinking skill of students on mathematical learning in SMA/MA. The experiment subject and dissemination were the students in the first grade of SMA/MA in three subprovinces of North Sumatera, those are SMA Swasta Yapim Taruna Stabat subprovince Langkat, SMK Negeri 6 Medan, SMA YPK Medan, and MAN Lubuk Pakam subprovince Deli Serdang. The data collecting instruments in this research are questionnair, observation paper, interview guidance paper, mathematics book for students in the first grade of SMA/MA, mathematics book for teacher guidance and pre- and posttests instrument. This model development was adopted from Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel model. Concretely, learning model was implemented to increase high order thinking skill of SMA/MA students for solving mathematical problem. Moreover, this research aimed to produce mathematics book for students in first grade of SMA/MA and mathematics book for teacher guidance that consist of structured steps for solving mathematical problem based problem solving to construct high order thinking skills. The experiment result shown that there is a significant improvement of mathematical problem solving skills of student. Keywords: Learning Model, High Order Thinking Skill

    Berlakunya Perubahan Ejaan yang Disempurnakan (EYD) menjadi Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (PUEBI)

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    Pedoman ejaan yang ada di Indonesia mengalami banyak perubahan dan perkembangan. Artikel ini membahas dua masalah meliputi bagaimana proses perkembangan ejaan dari masa ke masa? apa saja perubahan pedoman ejaan yang terjadi akibat perubahan EYD menjadi PUEBI? Karya ilmiah ini dibuat guna mengetahui perkembangan yang terjadi dalam pedoman ejaan yang berlaku di Indonesia serta mengetahui perubahan apa saja yang terjadi antara EYD dan PUEBI yang berlaku saat ini. Perkembangan ejaan bahasa Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 1901 hingga tahun 2015. Perubahan yang terjadi dalam pedoman ejaan membuktikan bahwa adanya kemajuan dalam bidang pendidikan dan memantapkan fungsi Bahasa Indonesia

    Students' Metacognitive Awareness in Mathematics Learning

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    Understanding students' level of metacognitive awareness in the process of learning mathematics can assist them in developing their metacognitive abilities and enhancing their mathematical comprehension. Through this research, students' metacognitive awareness is analyzed so that educators can design and develop more effective teaching strategies to address students' difficulties in solving mathematical problems. This study is a descriptive quantitative research conducted to describe the metacognitive awareness of students in the Mathematics Education Study Program at the University of Nias involving a total of 58 students. The data collection technique employed in this research is through the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) questionnaire. The research findings indicate that metacognitive awareness measured from the cognitive regulation aspect obtained higher scores compared to metacognitive knowledge. In terms of metacognitive knowledge aspect, the highest statement values related to procedural knowledge processes, indicating that students have specific goals for each strategy they use, while the lowest values were found in declarative knowledge processes, stating that students are adept at organizing information. The smallest overall percentage value in the assessment of metacognitive awareness is associated with statements such as slowing down when finding important information and using pictures or diagrams to aid understanding while learning

    Student's Perfection Toward Culture Awareness as a Contributing Factor in English Learning (a Study at English Department)

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    The uniqueness of Acehnese culture is not only about celebration, tradition, or custom but also connecting with all of their daily life including education. The religion is the biggest factor and becomes an instruction and guideline since long time ago. Islam and the culture become a unity. This condition makes their perception to outside culture by different point of view although they live in globalization era. Related to the education system, where English becomes a primary subject to learn in any level of education, from elementary to university, but there is still a limit, a measurement to differ the bad and good point from their point of view which is influenced by Islamic concept. In this case especially in University such as UIN Ar-Raniry where the student of English department learning English, they have to learn and know the background culture of English which are differents from their local culture. It is interesting to find out their perception during the process. This research was conducted to analyze students’ perception toward cultural awareness on the student who have been learning cross-cultural understanding and their understanding about cultural awareness. The purposes of this study are to find out their knowledges about culture and language, and the perception toward cultural awareness as a contributing factor, directly or indirectly the have been learning the outside culture from the language. The population of this study were students of academic year 2012, English Education of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Pedagogy UIN Ar-raniry who having class namely cross-cultural understanding. A population of 158 students selected for this study were taken of academic year 2012. Of 158 students, the researcher selected 40 students as research sample. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. In collecting data the researcher used some techniques, they are; questionnaire and interview. The results of this study showed positive perception (62%) of cultural awareness as a contributing factor in learning English and the students agree it is impossible to learn English without cultural awareness. Besides it, they have good knowledge about cultural awareness. However, study of student’s perception toward cultural awareness as a contributing factor was not clear and it is needed more research

    Berlakunya Perubahan Ejaan yang disempurnakan (EYD) menjadi Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (PUEBI)

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    Pedoman ejaan yang ada di Indonesia mengalami banyak perubahan dan perkembangan. Artikel ini membahas dua masalah meliputi bagaimana proses perkembangan ejaan dari masa ke masa? apa saja perubahan pedoman ejaan yang terjadi akibat perubahan EYD menjadi PUEBI? Karya ilmiah ini dibuat guna mengetahui perkembangan yang terjadi dalam pedoman ejaan yang berlaku di Indonesia serta mengetahui perubahan apa saja yang terjadi antara EYD dan PUEBI yang berlaku saat ini. Perkembangan ejaan bahasa Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 1901 hingga tahun 2015. Perubahan yang terjadi dalam pedoman ejaan membuktikan bahwa adanya kemajuan dalam bidang pendidikan dan memantapkan fungsi Bahasa Indonesia
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