439 research outputs found

    Motor Condition Monitoring Using Wireless Sensors

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    The main aim of the project is to develop a wireless system that can be integrated with an existing wired system to monitor several variables/conditions of an electric motor. The objective was to build a prototype wireless motor condition monitoring with the usage of Zigbee modules


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    General daily Republika characteristics as Islamic-based national newspaper. Wisdom column on the first page of the paper on the progress of orientation marks nerupakan Islam. The research was conducted, the first to know Wisdom column from the aspect of content analysis. The second mission to find the essence of the wisdom contained in the column daily Republika general, be formulated as follows: First how content analysis of newspaper columns on the general wisdom of Republika?. Both how the essence of propaganda is contained in the general field Republika daily lessons?, Perspective is descriptive qualitative approach. Analysis of the data using content analysis aimed to describe and include comparison of the content of media, load ratio between the content of media and social reality. Based on the results of analyzes done on the contents of the "Wisdom" in general Replublika published daily from June 1 to May 31, 2011 themes that dominate the appearance and quantity is about morality. Next, followed by the theme of Islamic creed and last theme. The essence of his message lies in the character of its institutional mission and vision


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    This research entitled The Management of Wardah Journal of Dakwah and Communication Faculty State Islamic University Raden Fatah. The problem of this research is how do the management of Wardah Journal of Dakwah and Communication Faculty State Islamic University Raden Fatah? The research approach is qualitative descriptive and the research instruments are interview, observation and documentation. The data analyses are data reduction, data display, and verification. The result is not very good because 7 indicators on the low levels, 4 indicators are average and 2 are in good leve


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    Determination of the petrophysical properties in carbonate reservoirs takes high priority as accurate measurements of the petrophysical properties allow the simulation of the flow of the reservoir. The objective of this project is to determine the petrophysical properties of limestone formation in Gunung Kantan, Sungai Siput, Perak. The petrophysical properties that are involved with the projects are porosity, permeability, sonic velocity, determination of the crystal type and determination of the type of rock. The experimentation of the rock sample begins with collection of the rock sample at Gunung Kantan, Sungai Siput, Perak. A total of 11 samples are taken from 3 different sites around Gunung Kantan. The first experiment is the determination of the porosity and permeability of rock samples. The experiment is done using the mercury porosimeter as the normal poroperm machine could not detect the amount of porosity and permeability that exist within the rock samples. The result of the experiment is that the rock samples contain a small amount of porosity (max. 6 %) and small amount of permeability (max. 0.14 mD). The second experiment is the determination of the type of the rock. In this experiment author prepares several thin section from the rock samples and determine the rock type by microscopic sketch approved by the lab assistant. The rock samples were found to be from packstone type which contains grain-supported structure within the presence of mud. The determination of type of rock also involves an experiment with the X-Ray Diffraction. The experiment uses powder from the rock samples and the result from the experiment is that the rock samples are limestone with the presence of a small amount of magnesium. The third experiment is the determination of the grain shape. In the experiment, author prepares several samples for Scanning Electron Microscope. The experiment objective is to find the type of crystal that exists within the rock samples. The result of the experiment is there are two types of crystal that exists within the rock samples which is compact anhedral crystal and micro rhombic polyhedral crystal

    Numerical Study Of Nanofluids Assisted Thermoelectric Air Conditioner

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    The effect of various type of nanofluids on thermoelectric cooling performance has been investigated numerically. This paper described the effect of nanofluids is used to assist the thermoelectric cooler for heat dissipation at the hot side to improve cooling performance the thermoelectric module. ANSYS Fluent is used to model and simulate the flow of nanofluids in minichannel Heat sink attached to the thermoelectric module hot side. The model described is validated with prior experimental study. The selected nanofluids are TiO2/water, Si02/water, TiO2/EG and Si02/EG, the volume concentration of nanoparticles for each nanofluids varies from 0.01%, 0.02% and 0.04%. The results of present work show that TiO2/water with 0.04% volume concentration as a coolant lead to highest COP of thermoelectric air conditioner. Numerical findings show that increase in volume concentration, improves thermal conductivity and thermal effectiveness between coolant and heatsink

    Peranan Peraturan Daerah dalam Mendukung Iklim USAha (Stud1 Kasus Dl Kabupaten Kudus)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi peran Peraturan Daerah (PERDA) sebagai produk keputusan DPRD terhadap prospek USAha. Secara spesifik penelitian ini bertujuan ; menguji hubungan antara Perda dan prospek USAha; mengekplorasi kriteria-kriteria penting yang terkait dengan PERDA berdasar pendapat responden; dan untuk mengekplorasi dimensi-dimensi penting yang diharapkan oleh pengusaha terkait dengan prospek USAha.Dengan pendekatan legal research dan socio legal research, penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan interview mendalam untuk memperoleh data. Kriteria yang digunakan untuk menentukan responden yang akan dipilih adalah bahwa responden yang bersangkutan merupakan pelaku USAha/USAhawan yang tergabung dalam berbagai asosiasi seperti Kamar Dagang dan Isdustri (KADIN), Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO), atau Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI).Hasil penelitian mi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Perda dengan prospek bisnis. Terdapat lima faktor kunci yang menjadi kriteria penting kualitas Perda, yaitu prinsip transparansi dalam tujuan penetapan Perda; transparansi dalam hal tarif dan denda; tidak ada tumpang tindih antara satu Perda dengan Perda yang lain; Perda yang ramah dalam mendukung lingkungan USAha; dan Perda yang tepat sasaran dalam mendukung dinamika USAha. Penelitian mi juga menghasilkan berbagai dimensi penting tentang prospek USAha menurut pendapat responden


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    E-Commerce merupakan salah satu konsep yang cukup berkembang dalam bidang teknologi informasi. Konsep E-Commerce memberikan banyak kemudahan dan kelebihan jika dibandingkan dengan konsep belanja yang konvensional, diantaranya semua informasi yang diinginkan konsumen dapat diakses lebih detail, cepat tanpa dibatasi tempat dan waktu, serta proses transaksi pun bisa dilakukan menjadi lebih mudah. Sehingga dengan penerapan sistem ini akan sangat mempermudah dan lebih menguntungkan banyak pihak, baik pihak konsumen, maupun penjual. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah menghasilkan aplikasi berbasis website pada kantin Unifa. Dengan penerapan sistem ini akan sangat mempermudah dan lebih menguntungkan banyak pihak, baik pihak konsumen, maupun penjual. Metode pengembangan dalam membangun aplikasi E-Commerce ini didasarkan pada teori model Waterfall. Hasil dari pengujian blackbox yang telah dilakukan, menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi yang telah dibangun sudah berfungsi dengan baik dan sudah dapat menghasilkan keluaran sesuai yang diharapkan dan telah layak digunakan

    Factors that affect Maybank’s lending in Malacca area from 2003 to 2008 / Muhammad Syahir Saleh

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    Maybank is the established bank in Malaysia. Beside that, Maybank Group has over 450 offices in 14 countries namely Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and etc. With the main products include commercial banking, investment banking and many more. Lending is considered by the banking industry as the most important function for the utilization of funds. Therefore, factors that affect Maybank’s lending in Malacca area should highlighted to ensure them excellence. According to the overall result, this study indicates that the most independent variables give an impact to the Maybank lending is customer deposit. It shows a positive relationship between the both variables. While gross domestic product that measure a negative and significant relationship

    Nitriding of X-52 Carbon Steel: Mechanical Characterization

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    Carbon steel is the most cost effective material that being used in oil and gas industry. Although it is widely used, it has some limitation particularly in terms of corrosion resistance. Improving the surface properties can be beneficial to reduce the corrosion rate. Nitriding is one of the methods to improve the surface properties of carbon steel typically done at 495-595°C for 70 hours. Since corrosion resistance is related to the metal surface interaction with the corrosive environment, improving surface by nitriding could increase corrosion resistance of carbon steel. However, typical length of nitriding which is 70 hours is not economical. Only thin nitride layer required to improved carbon steel corrosion resistance. Thus, objective of this research is to conduct nitriding at 450°C, 480°C, and 520°C for 8 hours only. Metallography characterization, surface hardness measurement, and XRD characterization after the treatment were performed to examine the result of the treatment The surface hardness of nitriding at 8 hours is similar with the surface hardness of nitriding at 70 hours. Higher nitriding temperature produces higher surface hardness. Nitriding at 450°C produced surface hardness of302HV. Surface hardness of 344HV is produced when nitriding at 480°C. Nitriding at 520°C produced the highest surface hardness which is 398HV. The only different is the case depth. 70 hours of nitriding can produced case depth around 25 ~m. Nitriding for 8 hours can only produced case depth of3~m to 6~m. Phase transformation does not occur at the core metal due to low temperature heat treatment. X-ray diffraction pattern shows that alloying nitride is form due to nitrogen diffusion. The presence of alloying nitride increases the surface hardness. The conclusion of this project is nitriding is successful at shorter duration of 8 hours but lower nitriding thickness of 3-6 ~m. The mechanical characteristic of the nitriding layer is comparable to the nitriding at 70 hours
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