6 research outputs found

    Public interest of textual characteristics information of Ministry of Environment and Forestry on social media

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    Media sosial banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat dalam memperoleh informasi, demikian juga lembaga pemerintahan, banyak yang menggunakan media sosial dalam menyebarkan informasi. Salah satunya adalah Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) melalui halaman Facebook fanpage-nya. Informasi yang diberikan pada umumnya berbentuk teks atau video dan gambar disertai penjelasan teks. Untuk itu,penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik informasi tekstual terhadap ketertarikan minat pengunjung pada halaman Facebook fanpage KLHK. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara melakukan scraping dan dilanjutkan pemrosesan bahasa alamiah (Natural Language Processing) untuk mengetahui karakteristik teks. Minat masyarakat diukur berdasarkan likes, shares, dan comments, dan disusun ke dalam klaster dengan metode Kmeans. Frekuensi kata yang sering muncul pada setiap klaster di analisis menggunakan similaritas cosine agar dapat dilakukan inferensi sesuai dengan domain KLHK. Relabeling dilakukan untuk menarik inferensi pada klaster yang terbentuk. Penelitian yang dilakukan dapat membentuk empat klaster. Klaster-klaster tersebut adalah klaster pengelolaan sumber daya alam nasional, pelestarian satwa liar, kegiatan pelestarian satwa liar,dan tim konservasi. Minat masyarakat tertinggi terdapat pada klaster pelestarian satwa liar yang ditunjukan dengan jumlah likes terbanyak. Sedangkan klaster yang paling banyak dibagikan dan dikomentari adalah klaster tim konservasi. Informasi yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan oleh lembaga terkait dalam meningkatkan dan mengembangkan penyebaran informasi melalui media sosial.Social media recently had widely used by public community in obtaining information. Likewise, many government institutions also use social media to disseminate information. One of them is the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) through its Facebook fan page. The information provided is mostly text or video and images accompanied by explanatory text. For this reason, this study aimed to determine the characteristics of textual information on visitor interest of the KLHK’s Facebook fan page. The research was conducted by web scrapping and continued with natural language processing (NLP) to find word characteristics. Public interest was measured based on likes, shares, and comments, and arranged into clusters using Kmeans method. Words frequencies that mostly appeared analysed using cosine similarity, therefore inference could be taken according to organisation's domain. Relabeling was done to draw general clusters inferences. The research conducted had been formed four clusters. The highest public interest was appeared in the wildlife conservation cluster

    Penilaian Sesbania sesban sebagai Spesies yang Diduga Invasif di Daerah Perkotaan Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur

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    Sangatta as the capital of East Kutai Regency is a rapidly growing urban area. The rapid growth and development of Sangatta resulted in the increase of open space. For this reason, the government and local communities tried to reforest the residential areas by planting many plant species. However, generally the chosen species were not the local ones and tended to be chosen based on the easiness of cultivation and aesthetic aspects. The popular species is janti (Sesbania sesban), which can be called as an alien species because of the lacks of records and information about its existence. The alien species spreading freely and uncontrolled could be potentially invasive. To prove it, an assessment needed to be held. One of procedure that can be used is assessment protocol issued by the nature serve organization, which determines the presence of an invasive type or species based on I-rank, which consists of four assessment categories, namely ecological impact, distribution status and abundance, distribution trends and abundance, and management difficulties. The research result showed that the presence status of Janti was invasive in the middle rank

    Konsultasi Publik Pengembangan Taman Botani Sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau Secara Daring di Kutai Timur

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in several government-related activities being carried out online. One of them was a public consultation on the development of the Taman Botani Kutai Timur. This activity aimed to find out the recent conditions and potential developments that can be reached from Taman Botani as a green open area. The activity was carried out through focus group discussions, presenting researchers and practitioners from parties representing the central government, provincial governments, district governments, relevant government institutions, academics, community institutions, and other interested communities. The meetings held revealed that Taman Botani has potential to be developed for the better. One of the suggestions that emerged was to develop it into a regional botanical garden. Otherwise, its successful development requires a strong commitment from the local government regarding policy formulation and funding allocation. In addition, the development of Taman Botani requires monitoring from the community in the form of policy advocacy.The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in several government-related activities being carried out online. One of them was a public consultation on the development of the Taman Botani Kutai Timur. This activity aimed to find out the recent conditions and potential developments that can be reached from Taman Botani as a green open area. The activity was carried out through focus group discussions, presenting researchers and practitioners from parties representing the central government, provincial governments, district governments, relevant government institutions, academics, community institutions, and other interested communities. The meetings held revealed that Taman Botani has potential to be developed for the better. One of the suggestions that emerged was to develop it into a regional botanical garden. Otherwise, its successful development requires a strong commitment from the local government regarding policy formulation and funding allocation. In addition, the development of Taman Botani requires monitoring from the community in the form of policy advocacy

    The Role of Genetics in Domestic Research on Forestry Issues: A Text Mining Analysis

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    As a megadiverse country, Indonesia has plentiful genetic resources. The interest of domestic researchers in it and its relation to forestry scope is the focus of this paper. The objective is to determine the genetics aspects represented in forestry scholarly articles. Text mining analysis is carried out for the abstract articles, followed by topic modeling and trend analysis. Python libraries were used to conduct this research. Garuda website was the main source of the data collection. Natural language Toolkits (NLTK) were used to retrieve article information from Garuda. Sci-kit learn (SKLearn) of Latent Dirichlet Allocation module was used for topic modeling analysis, and pyLDAVis was used to represent it. SKLearn was also used for trending analysis. After article text retrieval, three topic clusters were found: forest diversity, products, and land use. The topics were scattered in 1966 abstract articles that were found during data retrieval. Article growth showed the quadratic pattern known after regression analysis. The trend showed the rapid growth of topics and scholars' interest, but the number of articles was low compared to the total articles on the Garuda portal.  As a megadiverse country, Indonesia has plentiful genetic resources. The interest of domestic researchers in it and its relation to forestry scope is the focus of this paper. The objective is to determine the genetics aspects represented in forestry scholarly articles. Text mining analysis is carried out for the abstract articles, followed by topic modeling and trend analysis. Python libraries were used to conduct this research. Garuda website was the main source of the data collection. Natural language Toolkits (NLTK) were used to retrieve article information from Garuda. Sci-kit learn (SKLearn) of Latent Dirichlet Allocation module was used for topic modeling analysis, and pyLDAVis was used to represent it. SKLearn was also used for trending analysis. After article text retrieval, three topic clusters were found: forest diversity, products, and land use. The topics were scattered in 1966 abstract articles that were found during data retrieval. Article growth showed the quadratic pattern known after regression analysis. The trend showed the rapid growth of topics and scholars' interest, but the number of articles was low compared to the total articles on the Garuda portal

    Karakteristik Tingkat Ancaman Kawasan Konservasi Bernilai Tinggi di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit DSN Group Muara Wahau

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    PT Dewata Sawit Nusantara merupakan perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit salah satu anak perusahaan dari Dharma Satya Nusantara (DSN) Group yang memiliki luas kawasan konservasi bernilai tinggi seluas 646 hektar, di Kecamatan Muara Wahau, Kabupaten Kutai Timur. Berdasarkan penilaian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2012, terdapat 15 ancaman dari 3 kategori Nilai Konservasi Tinggi (NKT), yaitu NKT 1, 3, dan 4. Pengelolaan terhadap kawasan dilakukan oleh pihak perusahaan dan diharapkan terjadi perubahan status ancaman. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk dan tingkat perubahan ancaman terhadap kawasan bernilai konservasi tinggi. Penelitian didasarkan atas laporan penilaian NKT pada tahun 2012 dan kunjungan langsung ke lapangan pada bulan Agustus 2016. Penilaian ancaman dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan pemberiaan skor. Rata-rata skor ancaman meningkat dari 4,4 pada tahun 2012 menjadi 5,47 pada tahun 2016. Hasil Uji – t menunjukkan bahwa perubahan tersebut bersifat nyata yang menunjukkan adanya perubahan dari kategori ancaman tinggi pada tahun 2012 menjadi kategori ancaman sedang pada tahun 2016. Pengelolaan kawasan bernilai konservasi tinggi oleh perusahaan menunjukkan adanya keberhasilan menurunkan tingkat ancaman, namun terdapat ancaman nyata yang perlu dicegah dan ditangani, yaitu terjadinya kebakaran hutan


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    Shorea macrophylla and S. pinanga are species that can produce illipe nuts. Both species can be found at PT Sari Bumi Kusuma�s natural stands area. According to IUCN Redlist criterias, both species can be categorized as vulnerable species. Therefore, genetic diversity and mating system studies are needed to find out genetic resources conservation strategy and silvicultural action. This study has been done using isozyme marker. Electrophoresis ran using leaves extract from seedlings. Samples were seedlings that grown from fruits collected during exploration a year before. Results showed that both species have high expected heterozygosity, but there were several rare alleles that can be extinct in the future. Both species tend to outcross, with tm = 0.971 ± 0.02