2,125 research outputs found

    Minimal Number of Steps in Euclidean Algorithm and its Application to Rational Tangles

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    We define the regular Euclidean algorithm and the general form which leads to the method of least absolute remainders and also the method of negative remainders. We are going to show that if looked from the perspective of subtraction, the method of least absolute remainders and the regular method have the same number of steps which is in fact the minimal number of steps possible. This enables us to apply the theory in rational tangles to determine the most efficient way to untangle a rational tangle.Comment: 15 Pages. This project was supervised by Professor David Gauld (University of Auckland). This is my first academic paper, written as an undergraduate. Therefore, I would appreciate pointers and tips. It is going to be published in Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journa

    Humidity control in different building applications; restaurant and operation theatre

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    Air conditioning (AC) in tropical climate required dehumidification of air at a low dew point temperature to meet humidity standard. This increase the required cooling energy and heating energy is needed to raise the supply air temperature to meet the room’s design temperature. This research was carried out to study energy efficiency and indoor environment factor in two different applications that is restaurant and operation theatre (OT). A method was proposed to enhance the humidity control and energy efficiency in the AC system by applying psychrometric analysis based on actual measurement. Three (3) different systems were used in this study that consists of economizer damper, desiccant wheel and heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHX).The economizer damper analysed base on fresh air intake requirement for ventilation purposes on standard ASHRAE 55 (2010). Manufacturing software by Novelaire and HPC were used to perform the psychorometric analysis for desiccant wheel and HPHX. At the restaurant, the grand total loads (Qt) of the existing AC system were 296.1 kW as to meet temperature and humidity level requirement. The Qt was reduced to 153.8 kW for economizer damper, 170 kW with heating 60.38 kW for desiccant wheel and 178.3 kW with heating 4.1 kW for HPHX. In actual measurement for the OT, the existing AC system had a grand total load Qt of 90.1 kW with heating 5.6 kW and it did not meet the humidity level requirement. However, the AC system required Qt 95.9 kW with heating 12.2 kW as to meet the humidity level requirement for an OT. By using the HPHX in the system, a reduced Qt of 81.6 kW with heating 17.7 kW was achieved, where as a Qt of 100.8 kW with heating 39.9 kW was attained by utilizing the desiccant wheel, whilst maintaining the humidity level requirement. The economizer damper was not applicable for the OT because the OT requires 100% fresh air intake. As a conclusion, damper economizer was beneficial for energy efficiency in restaurants with reducing of 48% energy used and HPHX was beneficial for energy efficiency with reduced 9.4% in OT compared with existing AC system

    The Association Between Sanitation, Hygiene, and Stunting in Children Under Two-Years (an Analysis of Indonesia's Basic Health Research, 2013)

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    Background: This study aims to identify the relationship between sanitation, hygiene, and stunting in children under two-years in Indonesia. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that examined 9,688 children under the age of two. We obtained data from Indonesia's Basic Health Research paper that was released in 2013 and applied multiple logistic regression analysis. The prevalence of stunting amongst children under two-years in 2013 was 33.3%. Results: Our analysis showed that stunting is closely related to low birth weight, age, gender, exclusive breastfeeding, socioeconomic status, garbage removal, and waste management. Appropriate sanitation and hygiene had a significant impact on stunting amongst children under two-years in Indonesia, with waste management and low birth weight being the most important indicators. Conclusions: Nutrition, socioeconomic status, and a healthy environment are key to ensure children under two-years meet the recommended growth standards

    Evaluation of Sugarcane Bagasse as Lost Circulation Materials

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    Sincere goes to Mr. Jasmi Abd Talib UTP supervisor that have encourage, support and have spent time to discussing some matters regarding to my final year project. He also supported me and encouraged me to complete this task so that I will not procrastinate in doing it. As my project all about the drilling fluids which evaluates the greenery material as drilling fluid additives in water based system. Lost circulation is defined as the total loss of drilling fluid into the formation. This project is mainly focus on how to prevent unwanted issues by evaluating the lost circulation materials (LCM) in water based mud system which based on green LCM - environmental friendly and has a lower cost than contemporary LCM. Contemporary LCM made from, mica, raw cotton, nut shell, wood fibre, corn cobs and etc. Several of this material can be toxic to environment or take long time to dispose if the drilling company decides to dumb the mud into the sea or the mud lost in to formation. The project involves several experiments such as rheology, permeability plugging test and fluid loss to determine the properties and performance of green LCM. The experiments require several lab equipment such as Fann 35 viscometer, API Filtration Loss, and etc. Hopefully, the green LCM which based on sugarcane can achieve the target successfully

    Students’ Academic Performance Accelerator System: An Online Tutoring System for Accelerating Students Academic Performance Using Moodle

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    Students’ Academic Performance Accelerator System: an Online Tutoring System for Accelerating Students Academic Performance Using Moodle is an educational online webportal which provides four main purposes via a platform known as Moodle; A tool of supplementary teaching for teachers in sharing the resources A tool for teacher in identifying student’s weak points thus accelerating the academic performance A tool for students to encourage self-learning based on their capabilities A tool of informal communication between students and teachers The main target group in this project encompasses of primary school students. The service enables the students to learn in an interactive and enjoyable way via online. This new way of study will promote the concept of learning at own pace as students might have different capabilities in understanding the subject that being taught in class. The features of Students’ Academic Performance Accelerator System: an Online Tutoring System for Accelerating Students Academic Performance Using Moodle are; Online questions or tests Question banks with answer schemes Discussion forums E-report card The objective of the project is to provide benefits to the project’s stakeholders which are; Students Parents Teachers School managemen

    Public Trust Building Strategy Terhadap Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah: Telaah Proses Refocusing dan Realokasi Apbd (Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah) Dalam Upaya Penanganan Pandemi Covid-19

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    Abstract This article attempts to answer and explain how the process of regional financial management runs in a disaster emergency situation, namely the Covid-19 pandemic. In this case, the regional government, through one of its functions in managing regional finances, has full responsibility for being able to carry out the regional financial management process both based on statutory regulations and also taking into account regional needs. In a situation like this, the local government must be able to be careful and precise in carrying out regional financial management, especially in terms of refocusing and reallocation of funds in the APBD. Given that currently this process provides a new legal situation for local governments in managing regional finances. In addition, the government must also be able to build and ensure public trust, especially local communities, when local governments carry out the refocusing and reallocation process and the APBD as an effort to handle the Covid-19 pandemic because it involves the interests of the local community. By using the normative juridical research method, this article provides an analysis of how the process of refocusing and reallocating the Regional Budget in regional financial management can work well in accordance with statutory regulations and in practice. Then how is the public trust building strategy for regional financial management. Therefore, both in the context of regional financial management and the urgency of public trust in a pandemic situation, both must be implemented appropriately and wisely in meeting regional needs. Keywords: Public Trust Building Strategy; Regional Finance; Refocusing; Reallocation, APBD;   Abstrak Artikel ini berusaha menjawab serta menjelaskan bagaimana proses berjalannya pengelolaan keuangan daerah dalam situasi darurat bencana yaitu pandemi covid-19. Dalam hal ini pemerintah daerah melalui salah satu fungsi dalam dalam mengelola keuangan daerah memiliki tanggung jawab secara penuh untuk dapat menjalankan proses pengelolaan keuangan daerah baik berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan maupun memperhatikan juga kebutuhan daerah. Dalam situasi seperti ini pemerintah daerah harus dapat cermat dan tepat dalam melakukan pengelolaan keuangan daerah terutama dalam hal refocusing atau pemusatan kembali dan realokasi dana dalam APBD. Mengingat saat ini proses tersebut memberikan keadaan hukum baru bagi pemerintah daerah dalam melakukan pengelolaan keuangan daerah. Disamping itu, pemerintah daerah juga harus dapat membangun serta meyakinkan kepercayaan publik khususnya masyarakat daerah saat pemerintah daerah melakukan proses refocusing dan realokasi dan APBD sebagai upaya dalam penanganan pandemi covid-19 karena menyangkut kepentingan masyarakat daerah. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, artikel ini memberikan analisis terhadap bagaimana proses refocusing dan realokasi APBD dalam pengelolaan keuangan daerah dapat berjalan baik sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan maupun dalam parktiknya. Kemudian bagaimana public trust building strategy terhadap pengelolaan keuangan daerah. Oleh sebab itu, baik dalam konteks pengelolaan keuangan daerah maupun urgensi kepercayaan publik dalam situasi pandemi keduanya harus dapat dilaksanakan secara tepat dan bijaksana dalam memenuhi kebutuhan daerah. Kata Kunci: Public Trust Building Strategy; Keuangan Daerah; Refocusing; Realokasi, APBD;&nbsp

    Mobile Learning Management System

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    Mobile technology can help to connect people with information faster despite of their location. The author decided to enhance the current Learning Management System by integrating mobility element into it. Mobile Learning Management System (MLMS) is designed to facilitate the communication between parents and teachers which is different from the existing Learning Management System that offered in the market. MLMS is a proposed solution to solve the problems faced by the school and parents as there is less communication between parents and teachers, parents have limited updates regarding their children’s academic performance and also time and distance barrier hinder parents to involve actively in their children’s schooling. This is due to the mobility and functionality of MLMS that provide two ways communication between parents and teachers. Apart from that, this system provides parents with examination records, attendance records and also disciplines records of their children. The objective of this project is to create a Mobile Learning Management System that can facilitate two ways communication between parents and teachers. The application been developed using Rapid Application Development methodology. Android has been chosen as the mobile platform to optimize the capability of the Android technology and to leverage on its market potential

    Development of Chemical Reactivity Hazard Tool For Process Safety System

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    The major hazards with which the chemical industry is concerned are fire, explosion and toxic release. All the hazard in the chemical industry can be relate to their reactivity. The reactivity plays an important role as the chemicals have their specific attributes of their own. So, in assessing the damage potential and causes or errors which have led to these disasters, an analysis has to be done. The impacts of reactivity in the process industries may be predicted based on the database. However, the applications of these models require competency in computer programming. Therefore, the objective of this project is to develop an application called the Chemical Reactivity Hazard System (CRHS), which is able to study the impact of chemical reactivity in the process industry. The CRHS application is developed using Visual Basic (VB) programming language. The develop software utilizing an established database for the chemical reaction in order to generate the result of hazards. With the reaction, the application shows the respective hazard codes and their description. . The software has been tested with few case studies and the results shows a good agreement with the other results from different softwares. The development of this software has been divided into four stages, which are planning the application, collecting the required database, writing the computer programme, and integrate the result into the software. The software is capable to estimate the reactivity hazard of chemicals in the industries and it is designed in a flexible way, so the users can add more chemicals if they did not find their target one. The hazard code will give us the data for tackle such problems if it occurs in the industries. It gives us the first layer of protection against the hazards. The CRHS application is useful and feasible because it is user-friendly, able to function as a stand-alone application and it is compatible with all windows operating system

    Computerized System For Breast Cancer Monitoring And Grading Of Abnormality In Medical Thermogram

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    Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer affecting women in the world. With the advanced improvement in thermal imaging technology, dynamic digital thermography can be applied to medical procedures for early detection of many health conditions including breast cancer often before they can be picked up by standard medical tests. Digital thermography is a totally non-invasive, non-contact clinical imaging procedure that diagnoses abnormal areas in the body by measuring heat emitted from the skin surface and expressing the measurements into a thermal map called thermograms. It could assist in medical imaging procedure for detecting and monitoring of various diseases and physical injuries. The usage of breast thermogram as a detection tool of cancerous cell growth is being investigated nowadays. It can detect the cancerous growth in its early age, then later to be confirmed by mammography or any other technique. Mammography alone cannot detect cancerous cell in its early age and the usage of digital thermography alone cannot pinpoint exactly at where the cancerous cell location for further treatment, thus both of them work in harmony. This project attempts to ease the work of clinician to analyze data extracted from thermogram by developing a computerized system for early detection of breast cancer, monitoring and grading of abnormality in medical digital thermogram
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