39 research outputs found

    Religious Moderation-Based Islamic Education Model by Nahdlatul Ulama at Islamic Boarding Schools in Lampung Province

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    Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has made a substantial contribution to Islamic education, especially in the world of Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools have a significant influence in creating intelligent and great young generations. The focus of this study is to analyze the implementation and the results of Islamic education based on religious moderation in Islamic boarding schools in Lampung province. The Islamic boarding schools that served as objects of study are Islamic boarding schools in Lampung province that have implemented religious moderation, namely the Ushuluddin Islamic Boarding School in South Lampung, Al-Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Bandar Lampung, Al-Hidayat Islamic Boarding School Pesawaran, and Raudhatu Sholihin Islamic Boarding School Central Lampung. This study applied the field research design with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The study results show that Islamic boarding schools in Lampung province have implemented Islamic education based on religious moderation. Islamic boarding schools in Lampung province have similarities in terms of application, namely Tawasuth (taking the middle way) and Tsamuh (tolerance). They also integrate the general curriculum and religious curriculum by studying the Kitab Kuning (Kitab Turath), yasinan, Tabligh Akbar, room placement based on ethnic background, and Bahtsul Masail activities. As a result, the students have a strong base of thought and character by openly responding to differences and thinking


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    Through the development of Islamic religious education teaching materials based on problem based learning, it is expected to further enhance the knowledge of Islamic religion of students, so that it is easier for these students to ward off radicalism. The purpose of this study (i) how is the development of Islamic religious education teaching materials based on problem based learning to counteract radicalism in students? (2) how is the effectiveness of Islamic religious education teaching materials based on problem based learning to ward off radicalism in students? So that the main objective in this research is to develop Islamic religious education teaching materials based on problem based learning, so as to ward off radicalism in high school students in Bandar Lampung City. This study uses research and development design, with a sample of 30 high school students in Bandar Lampung, part of the experimental class as a control class. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and documents. The data obtained were then analyzed using gain analysis and independent sample t test. The conclusions of the study are (1) the realization of the development of Islamic religious education teaching materials based on problem based learning to counteract radicalism in high school students in Bandar Lampung City. (2) there is a difference in the attitude of radicalism of students who use it and those who do not use teaching materials based on problem-based Islamic education in state high schools in Bandar Lampung City.


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    Syafei, Imam. 2017. Penyutradaraan Film Dokumenter Observasional Berjudul Betawi Punya Tari Kreasi. Tugas Akhir. Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual. Fakultas Industri Kreatif Universitas Telkom. Penyutradaraan film dokumenter ini dengan latar belakang kurangnya minat masyarakat terhadap budaya tradisional Betawi. Dari setiap masyarakat khususnya kota DKI Jakarta kurang mengenal kebudayaan tradisional Betawi itu sendiri karena kurangnya pengenalan-pengenalan budaya kepada masyarakat baik dari segi ilmiah maupun alamiah. Maka dari itu perlunya pengenalan-pengenalan budaya tradisional Betawi kepada masyarakat salah satu pengenalannya melalui kesenian tari kreasi Betawi. Film sebagai salah satu media komunikasi yang dapat menyampaikan pesan kepada orang banyak dan salah satu cara yang efektif. Dalam perancangannya penulis menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosial budaya dalam mengurai dan menjelaskan permasalahan. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, serta audio visual. Teori-teori yang digunakan ialah mengenai identitas, minat, kebudayaan, tari, film, sutradara, dan sosial budaya. Perancangan ini menghasilkan sebuah dokumenter televisi yang dapat membangun minat masyarakat terhadap budaya Betawi melalui salah satunya tari kreasi Betawi. Pada tugas akhir, penulis bertugas sebagai sutradara yang mengatur sebuah konsep cerita, jalannya produksi serta memberikan arahan pada tahap penyuntingan gambar. Kata Kunci : Dokumenter, minat masyarakat, penyutradaraan

    SK TIM Penguji Tertutup Imam Syafei

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    Developing Web Enhanced Course in Basic Electronic Course

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