10 research outputs found


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    This study is entitled Negation in Indonesia and English. Traditionally, people differentiate positive and negative sentences by identifying ā€˜notā€™ in BahasaĀ  and ā€˜tidakā€™ as negation markers in English. These negation markers can be presented with words, phrases and clauses that form negation sentences in Bahasa Indonesia and English.Ā Ā Ā  This paper tries to describe and compare the other negation markers in these both languages. The data are writen and unwritten from that taken from daily conversation

    EFL studentsā€™ responses to learning basic reading and writing skills

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    This research presents the responses from Indonesian EFL students to teaching-learning basic reading and writing skills in the context of Indonesian higher education. The 120 respondents, who completed questionnaires, were students enrolled in Writing 1 and Reading 2 courses in the English Education Study Program of the Teachers Academy in West Sumatra [STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat]. There were four findings from the survey, namely: 1) EFL students preferred studying reading (37%) more than writing (27%), 2) EFL students read about the same amount of literary texts (25%) as they did popular texts (23%) and academic texts (22%), 3) grammar and spelling are the most difficult aspects for EFL students to learn with 33% having difficulty with basic reading skills, and 53% with basic writing skills, and finally 4) EFL students prefer to open a dictionary when they encounter difficult words in reading a text (62%) and do the same when they have difficulties in expressing their thoughts in writing English (38%). These findings show that EFL students have a variety of responses in terms of learning basic reading and writing in EFL English. In addition, the findings show that the tendency of EFL students to prefer reading to writing is relatively high


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kurangnya kemampuan membaca siswa SMP N 4 Batang Anai kelas 8. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan mengetahui kemampuan membaca siswa SMP N 4 Batang Anai. Adapun jenis dan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah (descriptive research). Jenis dan pendekatan penelitian ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisis kemampuan membaca siswa, tingkat kemampuan membaca siswa yang kurang baik yaitu dengan cara melihat kemampuan membaca dengan menggunakan tes. Penelitian ini menunjuk 75 siswa kelas delapan SMP N 4 Batang Anai yang diberikan tes menggunakan metode (total sampling) yang mana sample yang dibutuhkan adalah keseluruhan siswa. Selanjutnya pada proses pengumpulan data, untuk mengetahui kemampuan membaca siswa, peneliti menggunakan tes sebanyak 2 kali yang pertama try out untuk melihat reliabilitas dan validitas item. Alat penggumpulan datanya yaitu berupa dokumen hasil test siswa dan dinilai dengan menggunakan rumus yang telah ditentukan oleh peneliti dan peneliti menganalisis hasil tes dari siswadengan menggunakan rumus yang telah ditetapkan oleh peneliti. Dengan demikian peneliti mendapatkan hasil bagaimana kemampuan membaca siswa SMP N 4 Batang Anai, apakah kemampuan membaca nya very good, good, fair, low and very low. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan kemampuan membaca siswa SMP N 4 Batang Anai khususnya kelas 8 adalah fairdengan nilai 83. Maka untuk itu guru bisa meningkatkan lagi kemampuan membaca siswa SMPN 4 Batang Anai.

    Computational Linguistics Models and Language Technologies for Indonesian

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    The purpose of this research is to describe computational linguistics as a study of science that should pay full attention to linguistics researches improvement. The type of research is a literature review and experimental research by designing a software model for Bahasa. The result of the research shows that computational linguistics is a field of linguistics that can be used as a solution to overcome a problem related to spelling correction and grammar for language users. This field of linguistics is related to software engineering designed to educate the public in producing languages; it can be Bahasa, regional language, and English language as the foreign language for Indonesian. The public can know the standardization of writing a language and equivalence translation between the target language and the source language that can also be precisely acquired. Also, the writer provides several practical examples of how computational linguistics can be applied to the development of writing skills. For instance, the concordance enables us to see any word or phrase in context so that one can see what sort of company it keeps. Thus, the users can, for example, see the correct form based on Bahasa Indonesia rules between the words which they often confuse (e.g., gadget vs. gawai)

    Homonymy Analysis in Taylor Swiftā€™s Songs

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    This research aims to determine the types of ambiguous words and the meanings of ambiguous words in Taylor Swift's songs. The researcher uses Ullmann's theory to determine the type of ambiguous word. The research design is a qualitative research. The research instrument is the researcher himself. The data sources for this study are the audio and lyrics of Taylor Swift's songs The data of this study are ambiguous words contained in Taylor Swift's songs. In collecting the data, the researcher applies the non-participant observation method and the note taking technique as a follow-up technique. Data analysis conducts the referential method with the language references as the determinant. The researcher finds out homonyms in the songs whose meanings were not related and the actual meanings matched the context in the song lyrics. This research also focuses on homograph and homophone


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    Peran guru profesional dalam pembelajaran sangat penting sebagai kunci keberhasilan belajar peserta didik dan menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas. Guru profesional adalah guru yang kompeten dalam membangun dan mengembangkan proses pembelajaran yang baik dan efektif sehingga dapat menghasilkan peserta didik yang pintar dan pendidikan yang berkualitas. Kualitas pembelajaran juga perlu diukur dengan penilaian yang berorientasi pada Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi atau Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS). Berdasarkan hasil riset dan observasi yang telah dilakukan oleh beberapa ahli, ditemukan bahwa guru-guru masih kesulitan dalam menciptakan dan membuat soal-soal yang dapat meningkatkan daya nalar siswa dan kemampuan berfikir tingkat tinggi siswa atau yang berbasis HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill). Oleh karena itu pembekalan mengenai konsep task berorientasi HOTS masih perlu dilaksanakan. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di SMP N 21 Padang kepada guru-guru Bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam 2 tahap yaitu pemberian materi mengenai teknik penilaian berbentuk task yang berorientasi HOTS serta perancangan teknik penilaian berbentuk task yang berorientasi HOTS. Kegiatan ini bermanfaat bagi guru terutama guru Bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mereka mengenai bentuk dan teknik penilaian berorientasi HOTS.


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    This thesis is entitled English Loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia : Morphological and Semantic Analysis which analyzing English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia based on morphological and semantic analysis. The data are some terrms used especially in economical, political and cultural fields found in newspaper. The theory of borrowing which consists of morphological and semantic analysis is applied in this research. HaugenĆ¢ļæ½ļæ½s theory (1972) about the process of borrowing that can be classified into importation and substitution process become the main reference. This research is aimed at classifying the types and forms of English loanwords, describing the semantic changes and identifying the reasons of using loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia. There are some conclusion can be stated after analyzing the dat


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    This research is to investigate the conversational strategies employed by teacher-students in classroom interaction from conversational analysis (CA) perspective. This research employs a documentary method of interpretation in order to seek answer(s) to the research question. Specifically, Sacks, Schegloff and Jeffersonā€™s (1974) model of conversation analysis is adopted to explore turn-taking strategies used in classroom interaction. The data was taken based on the recording of classroom interaction in one of the senior high school in Padang. The analysis reveals that interaction between teacher and students employed a variety of turn-taking strategies; taking the floor and holding the floor. As the findings, the researcher finds out that the teacher mostly dominates to start the conversation and raises up the starter verbal filler. Ā On the other hand, the students are more interruptive and put silences to hold the floor


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    This research is about gratitude strategies inĀ Rachel Getting MarriedĀ Movie.Ā GratitudeĀ is a word or sentenceĀ that someone says when they say thank you to someone else.Ā The purpose of this research is to find the gratitudeĀ strategies. It is used Cheng's theory in determining the gratitude strategies that spoken by the main character in Ā Rachel Getting MarriedĀ Movie. Ā This research is a qualitative research. There are three steps that are used in this research, they are collecting data, analyzing data and presenting the result of analyzing. In the collecting data, data were collected by observational method. This method was followed by non-participatory observational, recording and note taking technique. After collecting data, data were analyzed by using identity and distributional method. In addition, the results of data analysis were described by using formal and informal method. In this research, the researchers Ā found 5 gratitude strategies, they are:thanking, recognition of imposition, apology,otherĀ andĀ attention getter

    Cultural Equivalence In Translation On Solok Tourism Brochures

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    Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis tipe prosedur penerjemahan atau tingkatan padanan makna yang digunakan untuk mengartikan kata-kata budaya dari brosur Dinas Pariwisata Kota Solok. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan tipe-tipe padanan kata budaya pada brosur pariwisata Kota Solok. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori prosedur penerjemahan dari Newmark dan kesetaraan arti dari Bell. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif yang mana peneliti memaparkan isu secara deskriptif. Setelah melakukan analisis, peneliti menyimpulkan terdapat 22 kata budaya yang mencakup ekologi, budaya material, budaya sosial, kebiasaan, dan organisasi yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini. Kata budaya yang sering digunakan adalah ekologi dan material budaya dan kelas kata yang sering digunakan adalah kata benda. Selain itu, peneliti juga menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat tingkatan kesepadanan arti yaitu sepenuhnya setara, sebagian setara, dan berbeda arti. Tingkatan kesepadanan arti yang paling sering adalah sepenuhnya setara