8 research outputs found

    Efek Ekstrak Daun Ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels) Sebagai Antidiabetes Terhadap Tikus Putih Yang Di Induksi Aloksan

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    Increased levels of glucose in blood plasma beyond normal limits (hyperglycemia) is one of the basics for diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease caused by high blood sugar levels due to impaired insulin secretion. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Phyllanthus leaf extract as antidiabetic against alloxan-induced white rats and to determine the optimal dose as antidiabetic against white rats. The test material used was Phyllanthus Leaf which was extracted by Maceration with Ethyl Acetate as solvent. This study used 15 white rats which were divided into 5 treatment groups, each group consisted of 3 white rats, namely group I (Na.CMC), group II (extract dose 100 mg/KgBB), group III (extract dose 200 mg /KgBW), group IV (extract dose of 400 mg/KgBW), and group V (Glibenclamide). The results showed that the administration of Phyllanthus Leaf extract could reduce the blood glucose levels of White Rats with an average value where the extract dose of 100 mg/kgBW was 54.71%, the extract dose of 200 mg/kgBW was 61.14% and the extract dose was 400 mg/kg. kgBB by 74.53%. Phyllanthus Leaf Extract at a dose of 400 mg/kgBW had a non-significant effect on the positive control of Glibenclamide. However, the average percentage of decrease in blood glucose levels that was greatest was in the positive control group (Glibenclamide) which was 81.47%

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Aseton Daun Teh Hijau (Camellia sinensis L.) Terhadap Isolat Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi Resisten

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    Abstract: Handling and treatment of typhoid fever is becoming increasingly difficult because Salmonella typhi is found to be resistant to antibiotics, especially first line drugs such as Chloramphenicol, Amoxicillin, Tetarcycline and Cotrimoxazole. Research has been conducted on the Activity Test of Green Tea Leaf Acetone Extract (Camellia sinensis L.) against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi Resistant isolates. This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of Green Tea Leaf acetone extract against S. Typhi Resistant isolates. Green Tea leaves were extracted by maceration using acetone as a solvent. Initial sensitivity testing was carried out using paperdisk Chloramphenicol 30 ÎĽg, Tetracycline 30 ÎĽg, and Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim 75 ÎĽg. The results of the sensitivity test showed that Chloramphenicol 30 ÎĽg and Tetracycline 30 ÎĽg were resistant while Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim 75 ÎĽg were sensitive to S. Typhi resistance. Furthermore, the antibacterial inhibition test of Green Tea Leaf Extract with a concentration of 0.05% w/v; 0.75% w/v; 0.1 % w/v; 0.25 % w/v; 0.5 % w/v ; 0.75% w/v and 1% w/v in DMSO 10% w/v. The results showed that Green Tea Leaf extract showed a weak category of antibacterial inhibitory activity against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi Resistant isolates


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the antifungal activity of a combination of Piper leaf extract and Pluchea leaf compared to a single extract on the growth of Candida albicans. This research is an experimental laboratory research conducted at the Phytochemical-Pharmacognosy Laboratory and the Microbiology Laboratory of the Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Pancasakti University. The extraction method used is maceration using 96% ethanol as a solvent. This study consisted of 7 treatment groups, namely Klp I (Negative Control), Klp II (Piper Leaf 10% w/v), Klp III (Pluchea leaf 12.5% ​​w/v), Klp IV (Combination 1:1) , Klp V (combination 2:1), Klp VI (combination 1:2) and Klp VII (Positive Control), antifungal activity testing by paper disk diffusion method with incubation period of 3 x 24 hours then followed by observation with 4 x 24 hours for determine the antifungal activity of the combination of Piper leaf and Pluchea leaf. The results showed that the antifungal activity of a combination of Piper leaf and Puchea leaf extract with a combination of 2:1 with an average inhibition zone of 23.67 mm was more effective than the administration of a single extract of Piper leaf and a single extract of Pluchea leaf. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan aktivitas antifungi ekstrak kombinasi daun sirih merah dan daun beluntas dibandingkan ekstrak tunggal  terhadap pertumbuhan Candida albicans. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorium yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Fitokimia-Farmakognosi Dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Prodi Farmasi F-MIPA Universitas Pancasakti. Metode ekstraksi yang digunakan adalah maserasi dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol 96 % sebagai cairan penyari. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 7 kelompok perlakuan yaitu Klp I (Kontrol Negatif), Klp II (Daun Sirih Merah 10 % b/v), Klp III (Daun Beluntas 12,5 % b/v), Klp IV (Kombinasi 1:1), Klp V (Kombinasi 2:1), Klp VI (kombinasi 1:2) Dan Klp VII (Kontrol Positif), pengujian aktivitas antifungi dengan metode difusi paper disk dengan masa inkubasi 3 x 24 jam kemudian dilanjutkan pengamatan dengan 4 x 24 jam untuk mengetahui aktivitas antifungi dari kombinasi daun Sirih Merah dan daun Beluntas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antifungi ekstrak kombinasi daun sirih merah dan daun beluntas dengan kombinasi 2:1 dengan rata-rata zona hambat 23,67 mm lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pemberian ekstrak tunggal daun sirih merah dan ekstrak tunggal daun belunta

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Fraksi Etil Asetat Daun Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala Lamk.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus Dan Escherichia coli

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    This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of the ethyl acetate fraction of Leucaena leucocephala leaves on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and to determine at what concentration the ethyl acetate fraction of Leucaena leucocephala leaves has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The research design used was an experimental laboratory carried out at the Pharmaceutical Microbiology Laboratory, Pancasakti University, Makassar. Leucaena leucocephala leaves were extracted by maceration using 96% ethanol and then fractionated using a separating funnel using ethyl acetate solvent. Lamtoro leaf fractions were prepared with concentrations of 5 mg/ml, 10 mg/ml, and 15 mg/ml and Na-CMC as a negative control and Ciprofloxacin as a positive control. Antibacterial activity testing was carried out by the agar diffusion method using paper disks on NA medium with an incubation period of 1 x 24 hours and 2 x 24 hours at 370C. The results showed that the ethyl acetate fraction from Leucaena leucocephala leaves had antibacterial activity against the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The ethyl acetate fraction of Leucaena leucocephala leaves at a concentration of 15 mg/ml gave the greatest inhibition, namely Staphylococcus aureus 13.84 mm while Escherichia coli 12.28 mm. The two way ANOVA statistical test showed that there was a significant difference between the antibacterial activity of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli with a sig value of p <0.05


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    Ekstrak Herba Pegagan (Centella asiatica L.) adalah tanaman obat potensial yang dapat mengatasi berbagai jenis penyakit.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui toksisitas ekstrak herba pegagan terhadap larva udang (Artemia salina Leach) dengan metode BSLT.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental laboratorium, yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Biokimia Fakultas MIPA Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar.Konsentrasi bahan uji yang digunakan yaitu 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60 ppm, 80 ppm, dan 100 ppm, dengan menggunakan media air laut. Kemudian dihitung data kematian larva udang berdasarkan jumlah larva udang yang mati, terhadap total larva yang digunakan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada konsentrasi 100 ppm ekstrak herba pegagan (Centella asiatica L.) sudah mempunyai tingkat kematian yang tinggi terhadap larva udang (Artemia salina Leach), sehingga berdasarkan analisis probit diperoleh nilai LC50 77 ppm <1000 ppm dengan kategori toksik sedang

    The Effect of God's Crown Fruit Extract and Cinnamon Extract On Decrease Total Cholesterol Levels In Rats White Male

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    God’s Crown contains chemicals that can cure various diseases including detoxification, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, lowering sugar levels, blood clotting in the body, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, reducing fat deposits and cholesterol content in blood vessel walls. Cinnamon bark can lower blood glucose levels, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, and on the other hand can increase HDL levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving God’s Crown Fruit Extract (Pheleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl) and Cinnamon Extract (Cinnamomum burmanii) on the reduction of total cholesterol levels in male white rats (Rattus norvegicus). The research method was Experimental Laboratory which was carried out at the Pharmacology and Phytochemical Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Pancasakti University. The method used was propylthiouracil induction and high fat administration by measuring total cholesterol levels in male white rats using a glucometer. 15 male rats used were divided into 5 groups, namely negative control (CMC.Na 1% w/v), God’s Crown Fruit Extract and Cinnamon Extract, God’s Crown Fruit Extract 0.6% w/v, Wood Extract Sweet 1.2% w/v, positive control (Atorvastatin). Observations on the decrease in total cholesterol levels were carried out 1 day after treatment. Based on the results of the analysis using ANOVA with SPSS 25, the percentage reduction in total cholesterol levels showed that the administration of God’s Crown fruit extract and cinnamon extract, God’s Crown fruit extract 0.6% w/v, cinnamon extract 1.2% w/v , and atorvastatin showed the effect of reducing total cholesterol levels in male white rats and the administration of the fruit extract of God’s Crown and cinnamon extract which showed the best effect on reducing total cholesterol levels in male white rats.Keywords: Cholesterol, cinnamon, god's crown fruit

    Pengaruh Pemberian Sirup Kulit Buah Naga (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Sebagai Imunostimulan Terhadap Covid-19

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    Penyebaran virus Covid-19 secara global menimbulkan kecemasan masyarakat dunia khususnya Indonesia.. Buah naga mengandung flavonoid, polifenol dan vitamin C sebagai antioksidan yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ekstrak kulit buah naga dapat membantu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh terhadap Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah uji fagositosis makrofag terhadap sediaan sirup ekstrak kulit buah naga. Kulit buah naga diekstraksi dan dibuat formulasi sirup untuk memudahkan dalam penggunaannya. Sediaan sirup dibuat menjadi 3 formula yaitu FI 5%b/v, FII 10% dan FIII 15% b/v. Sirup kulit buah naga terlebih dahulu di uji mutu  fisik   meliputi   pH,   organoleptik,   homogenitas, viskositas dan stabilitas sebelum dan sesudah penyimpanan dipercepat. Hasil pengujian mutu fisik semua sediaan stabil dan menenuhi persyaratan. Perlakuan diberikan per oral pada mencit selama tujuh hari dan pada hari kedelapan semua kelompok diinfeksikan Escherichia coli secara intraperitonial. Hasil penelitian pengujian fagositosis makrofag dari semua formula sirup yang berefek imunostimulan yaitu FIII dengan persentase 95,51% dan efeknya hampir sama dengan kontrol positif yaitu 96,811%  dan tidak berbeda nyata secara statistik dengan nilai sig 0,008<0,05

    Potensi Antihiperglikemik Ekstrak Kulit Buah Semangka (citrullus lanatus linn.) terhadap Diabetes Mellitus Melalui Penghambatan Aktivitas Enzim Alfa Glukosidase

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    Diabetes Mellitus merupakan gangguan metabolisme endokrin yang ditandai dengan abnormalitas kadar glukosa dalam aliran darah karena aktivitas gaya hidup yang tidak sehat. Pendekatan terapeutik yang dapat digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit Diabetes Mellitus yaitu dengan cara penghambatan enzim yang berhubungan dengan penyerapan glukosa di tubuh, seperti enzim alfa-glukosidase.  Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui potensi antihiperglikemik ekstrak Kulit Buah Semangka melalui penghambatan aktivitas enzim alfa-glukosidase dengan menentukan  persen inhibisi dan IC50 ekstrak Kulit Buah Semangka sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai antidiabetes terhadap Diabetes Mellitus. Ekstrak Kulit Buah Semangka diperoleh dengan cara maserasi menggunakan pelarut Etanol 96 %. Enzim alfa-glukosidase yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berasal dari Saccharomyces cerevisae dan p-nitrofeni –?-D-glukopiranosid (pNPG)  yang berfungsi sebagai substrat. Ekstrak Kulit Buah Semangka  dibuat dengan variasi konsentrasi 20, 40, 60, 80 dan 100 ppm.. Aktivitas enzim diukur berdasarkan hasil absorbansi p-Nitrofenol yang absorbansinya terukur pada panjang gelombang 410 nm menggunakan  microplate reader. Hasil pengujian inhibitor ekstrak Kulit Buah Semangka konsentrasi 20 ppm. 40 ppm, 60 ppm dan 80 ppm terhadap enzim alfa-glukosidase menunjukkan rata-rata persen inhibisi 7,904 %, 17,937 %, 24,757 %, 32, 894 % dan 41,840 % sedangkan baku Akarbose diperoleh persen inhibisi 50,115 %, 60,000 %, 69,152 %, 73,837 % dan 79,179 %.  Nilai IC50 ekstrak Kulit Buah Semangka 120,212 ppm dan baku Akarbose 13,055 ppm, Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak Kulit Buah Semangka dapat memberikan efek penghambatan (inhibitor) terhadap enzim alfa-glukosidase