3 research outputs found

    Hospital Shift Hours and Its Effect on Quality of Life among Nurses: A Comparative Study

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    In organizing health services in hospitals, the nursing team is the frontline for achieving service for 24 hours continuously, therefore in some division, like ICU or ER, nurses work with shift hours. There is some evidence of shift work’s psychological and physiological effects that can influence nurses' quality of life. This study aims to obtain an overview of the quality of life in nurses who work into the shift and its comparison with non-shift. This study was an online survey that involving nurses from hospital-based in Bandung. The survey was distributed online, where participants who participated in the survey had certain criteria. Data collection carried out with questionnaires from WHOQOL-BREF, designed using a cross-sectional comparative study model. Forty-five nurses were included in this study with 82% are woman, with 77,7% work with shift and 22,2% no-shift. Overall, the quality of life of nurses works in shift decreased in the physical domain. Specifically, those who perceived themselves had physical pain. Even so, they still perceived good quality of sleep. Nurses work in shift also perceived negative emotion such as feeling blue, anxiety and depression. There were two differences between nurse with shift work and non-shift work in quality of life domains (physical, U= 83,5, p-value= 0,012) and (environment, U= 102,5, p-value= 0,047). Physical pain, less free time to relax, and physical activity such as exercising may influence the lower quality of life. Nurses with shift work and nurses with non-shift work also found significantly different in their overall health (U=84, p-value=0,008). It might be related to how they perceived their health issue


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    Depression is a common psychological problem that is quite significant in early adulthood. Based on several studies, depression is influenced by difficulty in emotion regulation. Based on existing research, still limited, which explained how difficulties to regulate emotions in early adult individuals with moderate depression. This study aims to describe the difficulties in early adults experiencing moderate depression in regulating emotions. The method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. There are 3 participants. Data were obtained through interviews with open questions. The results showed that individuals experiencing moderate depression responded to negative emotions by means of expressive suppression. On the other hand, there is an individual peculiarity, namely the individual's process of perceiving a way of dealing with negative emotions as a problem. Depresi merupakan masalah psikologis umum yang cukup signifikan dialami pada masa dewasa awal. Berdasarkan beberapa penelitian, depresi dipengaruhi oleh kesulitan regulasi emosi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah ada, belum ada yang menjelaskan bagaimana kesulitan regulasi emosi individu dewasa awal dengan moderate depression. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kesulitan pada dewasa awal yang mengalami moderate depression dalam meregulasi emosi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Partisipan berjumlah  3 orang. Data didapatkan melalui wawancara dengan pertanyaan terbuka. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa yang mengalami moderate depression menanggapi emosi negatif dengan cara expressive suppression. Di sisi lain, terdapat kekhasan individual, yaitu proses individu dalam mempersepsikan suatu cara menghadapi emosi negatif sebagai suatu masalah.Depression is a common psychological problem that is quite significant in early adulthood. Based on several studies, depression is influenced by difficulty in emotion regulation. Based on existing research, still limited which explained about how difficulties to regulate emotions in early adult individuals with moderate depression. This study aims to describe the difficulties in early adults experiencing moderate depression in regulating emotions. The method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. There are 3 participants. Data obtained through interviews with open questions. The results showed that individuals experiencing moderate depression responded to negative emotions by means of expressive suppression. On the other hand, there is an individual peculiarity, namely the individual's process of perceiving a way of dealing with negative emotions as a proble

    Khilafah menurut Ali Abdur Raziq

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    Skripsi ini berjudul Khilafah Menurut Ali Abdur Roziq. Dengan rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: pertama, bagaimana pengertian khilafah serta beberapa pemikiran sunni, syiah, khawarij serta muktazilah tentang khilafah. Kedua, bagaimana sistem pemerintahan yang benar serta prinsip- prinsip dasarnya menurut islam dan bentuk- bentuk pemerintahan yang terjadi dalam sejarah Islam. Ketiga, berbagai pemikiran Ali Abdur Raziq tentang khilafah yang meliputi tentang khilafah, hubungan Islam dan negara serta sistem khilafah. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ali Abdur Raziq adalah salah seorang ulama Al Azhar yang hidup pada tahun 1988- 1966. Ia adalah orang alim pertama yang mengemukakan ide liberal tentang sistem pemerintahan Islam. Beliau menentang sistem khilafah yang teah lama ada. Adapun pokok pokok pendapat dan pemikiran Ali Abdur Raziq adalah tentang hubungan Islam dan negara. Beliau mengungkapkan bahwa antara Islam tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan masalah politik kenegaraan. Sementara rasulullah hanyalah seorang pembawa risalah yang diterima melalui wahyu Ilahi. Akan halnya adanya lembaga kekhalifahan sesudah beliau wafat menurut Ali Abdur Raziq tidak ada landasan hukumnya