167 research outputs found

    Recent Advances and Potential Future Applications of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry for Identification of Helminths

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    Helminth infections caused by nematodes, trematodes, and cestodes are major neglected tropical diseases and of great medical and veterinary relevance. At present, diagnosis of helminthic diseases is mainly based on microscopic observation of different parasite stages, but microscopy is associated with limited diagnostic accuracy. Against this background, recent studies described matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry as a potential, innovative tool for helminth identification and differentiation. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is based on the analysis of spectra profiles generated from protein extracts of a given pathogen. It requires an available spectra database containing reference spectra, also called main spectra profiles (MSPs), which are generated from well characterized specimens. At present, however, there are no commercially available databases for helminth identification using this approach. In this narrative review, we summarize recent developments and published studies between January 2019 and September 2022 that report on the use of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for helminths. Current challenges and future research needs are identified and briefly discussed

    Evaluation of the Qvella FAST System and the FAST-PBC cartridge for rapid species identification and antimicrobial resistance testing directly from positive blood cultures

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    Blood culture diagnostics require rapid and accurate identification (ID) of pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST). Standard procedures, involving conventional cultivation on agar plates, may take up to 48 hours or more until AST completion. Recent approaches aim to shorten the processing time of positive blood cultures (PBC). The FAST System is a new technology, capable of purifying and con centrating bacterial/fungal pathogens from positive blood culture media and produc ing a bacterial suspension called “liquid colony” (LC), which can be further used in downstream analyses (e.g., ID and AST). Here, we evaluated the performance of the FAST System LC generated from PBC in comparison to our routine workflow includ ing ID by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry using Sepsityper, AST by automatized MicroScan WalkAway plus and directly inocula ted disk diffusion (DD), and MICRONAUT-AM for yeast/fungi. A total of 261 samples were analyzed, of which 86.6% (226/261) were eligible for the comparative ID and AST analyses. In comparison to the reference technique (culture-grown colonies), ID concordance of the FAST System LC and Sepsityper was 150/154 (97.4%) and 123/154 (79.9%), respectively, for Gram positive; 67/70 (95.7%) and 64/70 (91.4%), respectively, for Gram negative. For AST, categorical agreement (CA) of the FAST System LC in comparison to the routine workflow for Gram-positive bacteria was 96.1% and 98.7% for MicroScan and DD, respectively. Similar results were obtained for Gram-negative bacteria with 96.6% and 97.5% of CA for MicroScan and DD, respectively. Taken together, the FAST System LC allowed the laboratory to significantly reduce the time to obtain correct ID and AST (automated MicroScan) results 1 day earlier and represents a promising tool to expedite the processing of PBC

    Programme d’AccĂ©lĂ©ration de la Cadence de l’Agriculture SĂ©nĂ©galaise (PRACAS) et dynamique des espaces agricoles sĂ©nĂ©galais: Cas du bassin de l’Anambe

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    The PRACAS, which was designed as a part of the agricultural policy of the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE) as the main tool for public policy planning in Senegal, was based on participatory and inclusive approach. It was initiated in 2014 by the Senegalese government with a view to increasing agricultural production and thus achieving national food self-sufficiency. This program has led to dynamics across the Anambe basin. The program, which is designed to implement annual irrigated dual crop, is a privileged area for this program to achieve food self-sufficiency, particularly in the upper Casamance. This study assesses the impacts of PRACAS on the agricultural environment of the Anambe basin. It is based on field surveys, interviews with resource persons (technicians, managers of hydraulics union and the economic interest group) but also an analysis of agricultural statistics collected from the agricultural and industrial development society of Senegal (SODAGRI). It is clear from this work that PRACAS, despite the persistence of food insecurity, has allowed the rehabilitation of the land area, the reception of agricultural equipment and the increase in areas and production of rice. These results prompted the State of Senegal to extend the SODAGRI intervention zone to the entire southern region of the country. Keywords: PRACAS, rural area dynamics, food insecurity, rice production, Anambe BassinLe Programme d’AccĂ©lĂ©ration de la Cadence de l’Agriculture SĂ©nĂ©galaise (PRACAS), conçu comme une dĂ©clinaison de la politique agricole du Plan SĂ©nĂ©gal Émergent (PSE) principal outil de planification des politiques publiques sĂ©nĂ©galaises, tĂ©moigne d’une rupture de par sa dĂ©marche participative et inclusive. Il a Ă©tĂ© initiĂ© en 2014 par le gouvernement sĂ©nĂ©galais dans l’optique d’accroĂźtre les productions agricoles et par consĂ©quent d’atteindre une autonomie alimentaire nationale. Ce programme a entraĂźnĂ© des dynamiques Ă  l’échelle du bassin de l’AnambĂ©. Ce dernier, amĂ©nagĂ© dans une perspective de double culture irriguĂ©e annuelle, constitue un terrain privilĂ©giĂ© de ce programme pour l’atteinte de l’autosuffisance alimentaire, notamment en Haute Casamance. Cette Ă©tude Ă©value les impacts du PRACAS sur l’environnement agricole du bassin de l’AnambĂ©. Elle s’appuie sur des enquĂȘtes de terrain, des entretiens auprĂšs de personnes ressources (techniciens, responsables d’Unions hydrauliques et de Groupement d’IntĂ©rĂȘt Économique) mais Ă©galement sur une analyse de statistiques agricoles collectĂ©es au niveau de la SociĂ©tĂ© de DĂ©veloppement Agricole et Industriel du SĂ©nĂ©gal (SODAGRI). Il ressort de ce travail que le PRACAS, malgrĂ© la persistance de l’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, a permis la rĂ©habilitation du pĂ©rimĂštre, la rĂ©ception de matĂ©riel agricole et l’augmentation des superficies et des productions rizicoles dans la zone. Ces rĂ©sultats ont incitĂ© l’État du SĂ©nĂ©gal Ă  Ă©tendre la zone d’intervention de la SODAGRI Ă  toute la zone Sud du pays. Mots clĂ©s: PRACAS, dynamique des espaces ruraux, insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, productions rizicoles, bassin de l’Anamb

    VulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s et stratĂ©gies d’adaptation des paysans face aux changements socio-environnementaux en Haute Casamance (Sud-SĂ©nĂ©gal)

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    La sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire a toujours Ă©tĂ© le vƓu des plus hautes autoritĂ©s politiques sĂ©nĂ©galaises. De l’indĂ©pendance Ă  nos jours, diffĂ©rentes politiques agricoles ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es pour satisfaire au moins la demande alimentaire du pays. La Haute Casamance constitue l’une des rĂ©gions devant permettre l’atteinte de cet objectif. Toutefois, dans cette rĂ©gion, les perspectives de dĂ©veloppement de l’agriculture sont trĂšs incertaines du fait de la conjonction de nombreux alĂ©as pĂ©doclimatiques, socio-Ă©conomiques, technologiques, organisationnels et politiques qui empĂȘchent encore de porter la production et la productivitĂ© agricoles Ă  des niveaux satisfaisants. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’analyser la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et l’adaptabilitĂ© des paysans face aux dynamiques socio-environnementales en Haute Casamance. L’ampleur des changements est mesurĂ©e grĂące Ă  une approche gĂ©ographique globale et multi-scalaire, qui intĂšgre Ă  la fois des outils de la gĂ©omatique et des travaux de terrain (observations directes, enquĂȘtes auprĂšs de 441 mĂ©nages rĂ©partis dans 12 communes et analyse de perceptions). Cette approche a conduit Ă  l’identification des facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© qui tournent autour des obstacles pĂ©doclimatiques, des contraintes politico-techniques et organisationnelles. Aussi, l’analyse des stratĂ©gies dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour remĂ©dier Ă  la baisse des productions agricoles a montrĂ© que la rotation et la jachĂšre effectuĂ©es respectivement par 91 % et 38 % des producteurs, l’association culturale ainsi que les amĂ©nagements hydroagricoles sont les techniques culturales utilisĂ©es pour redresser l’agriculture.Food security is an old wish of the highest political authorities in Senegal. From independence to the present day, various agricultural policies have been proposed to satisfy at least the country’s food demand. The Upper Casamance is one of the regions which should enable this objective to be achieved. However, in this region the prospects for agricultural development are very uncertain due to the combination of many soil, socio-economic and technological hazards. The European Union is also committed to the development of the European Agricultural Area. The objective of this study is to analyse the vulnerability and adaptability of farmers in the face of socio-environmental dynamics in Upper Casamance. The magnitude of change is measured through a comprehensive and multi-scaled geographic approach that integrates both geomatics tools (GIS, GPS point surveys) and fieldwork (direct observations, surveys of 441 households in 12 communes and analysis of perceptions). This approach led to the identification of vulnerability factors that revolve around soil-climatic obstacles, political-technical and organisational constraints. Also, analysis of mitigation strategies showed that rotation (91%), fallow land (38%), crop association, hydroagricultural development are the techniques used to increase production

    VariabilitĂ© pluviomĂ©trique et dĂ©veloppement de l’activitĂ© agricole dans la rĂ©gion de Kolda (SĂ©nĂ©gal)

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    L’agriculture familiale s’affiche indĂ©niablement comme un pilier de la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire nationale sĂ©nĂ©galaise. Elle reprĂ©sente prĂšs de 80 % des exploitations en Afrique sub-saharienne et emploie 75 % des actifs. Elle se caractĂ©rise par l’importance des cultures pluviales (96 % des plantes cultivĂ©es), tĂ©moignant ainsi de sa dĂ©pendance Ă  la pluviomĂ©trie saisonniĂšre. Or, le climat est sujet Ă  une variabilitĂ© interannuelle et certains parlent mĂȘme de changement climatique. Cette Ă©tude analyse la variabilitĂ© pluviomĂ©trique et permet d’identifier les stratĂ©gies d’adaptation mises en Ɠuvre pour tenter de maintenir un niveau de production permettant de satisfaire les besoins alimentaires des populations. L’étude s’appuie sur le traitement de donnĂ©es agro-climatiques, sur des travaux de terrain (enquĂȘtes et entretien) et sur des tests de corrĂ©lation (nuage de points et Analyse en Composantes Principales). Les rĂ©sultats l’ACP rĂ©vĂšlent que l’influence de la pluviomĂ©trie sur la variation des productions est faible, car le R2 (pluviomĂ©trie et rendements agricoles) est infĂ©rieur Ă  0,1. Globalement, l’analyse comparative entre les deux pĂ©riodes de rĂ©fĂ©rences (1951-1980 et 1981-2010) rĂ©vĂšle un raccourcissement de la durĂ©e de la saison des pluies Ă  la station de Kolda. Des stratĂ©gies telles que l’adoption de variĂ©tĂ©s Ă  cycle court, le recalage du calendrier cultural selon le contexte climatique en vigueur ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es.Family farming is undeniably a pillar of Senegalese national food security. It accounts for nearly 80% of farms in sub-Saharan Africa and employs 75% of the workforce. It is characterized by the importance of rain fed crops (96% of cultivated plants), thus testifying to its dependence on seasonal rainfall. However, climate is subject to inter-annual variability and some even talk about climate change. This study analyses rainfall variability and identifies adaptation strategies implemented to try to maintain a level of production that allows them to meet their food needs. The study is based on agro-climatic data processing, fieldwork (surveys and maintenance) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results show that rainfall was in surplus from 1951 to 1970, in deficit from 1971 to 1990 and irregular (alternating between dry and wet years) from 1991 to the present. As for exits from the ACP, it turns out that rainfall is not the only factor responsible for the variation in production. Strategies such as the adoption of short-cycle varieties, the recalculation of the crop calendar according to the current climate context have been identified

    Evaluating Different Storage Media for Identification of Taenia saginata Proglottids Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

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    Taenia saginata is a helminth that can cause taeniasis in humans and cysticercosis in cattle. A species-specific diagnosis and differentiation from related species (e.g., Taenia solium) is crucial for individual patient management and disease control programs. Diagnostic stool microscopy is limited by low sensitivity and does not allow discrimination between T. saginata and T. solium. Molecular diagnostic approaches are not routinely available outside research laboratories. Recently, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) was proposed as a potentially suitable technique for species-specific helminth diagnosis. However, standardized protocols and commercial databases for parasite identification are currently unavailable, and pre-analytical factors have not yet been assessed. The purpose of this study was to employ MALDI-TOF MS for the identification of T. saginata proglottids obtained from a human patient, and to assess the effects of different sample storage media on the technique’s diagnostic accuracy. We generated T. saginata-specific main spectral profiles and added them to an in-house database for MALDI-TOF MS-based diagnosis of different helminths. Based on protein spectra, T. saginata proglottids could be successfully differentiated from other helminths, as well as bacteria and fungi. Additionally, we analyzed T. saginata proglottids stored in (i) LC–MS grade water; (ii) 0.45% sodium chloride; (iii) 70% ethanol; and (iv) 37% formalin after 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 weeks of storage. MALDITOF MS correctly identified 97.2–99.7% of samples stored in water, sodium chloride, and ethanol, with log-score values ≄2.5, thus indicating reliable species identification. In contrast, no protein spectra were obtained for samples stored in formalin. We conclude that MALDI-TOF-MS can be successfully employed for the identification of T. saginata, and that water, sodium chloride, and ethanol are equally effective storage solutions for prolonged periods of at least 24 weeks

    Évaluation organisationnelle des institutions faibles à potentiel : rapport final

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