7 research outputs found

    Understanding the link between trafficking in persons and HIV and AIDS risk in Tanzania

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    The magnitude of trafficking in persons in Tanzania is unknown. Consequently, available information on health risks of persons trafficked for different forms of exploitation is extremely scanty. We conducted a baseline study in eight administrative regions of Tanzania using both qualitative and quantitative methods to generate data on the health conditions of trafficked persons to inform trafficking in persons control measures through HIV and AIDS interventions. Study participants included the national, regional and district community development officers, district medical officers, local government leaders, managers or representatives of non-governmental organizations involved in anti-trafficking in persons activities, members of the community and victims. Findings indicated that common forms of labour into which persons are trafficked include domestic services, agriculture (farming), construction, mining/quarrying, fishing, lumbering and manufacturing. Trafficked persons are reported to be exposed to risks like overcrowding, long working hours, psychological problems, physical injuries, impotence, breathing problems and sexually transmitted infections including HIV. It is concluded that the reported occupational hazards in industries where trafficked persons are forced into are not specific to trafficked persons as they affect all labourers. However, the underground nature of the trafficking in persons process increases health problems and risks, including the vulnerability to HIV infection. More tailored research is needed, especially to find means of how to reach out and provide services to this particular vulnerable population, validate labour forms of exploitation into which persons are trafficked to enable the integration or mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS and trafficking in persons at the policy and programmatic levels. In addition, findings would facilitate the understanding of the link between increased risk of HIV and trafficking in persons

    Mothers’ Willingness to Deliver at Health Facilities in Dodoma Region, Tanzania

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    Introduction: Maternal morbidity and mortality are a public health concern in most developing countries. It has been shown that skilled attendance at birth can be the single most effective intervention in preventing maternal death. However, limited studies have updated current knowledge on why some women prefer to deliver at health facilities and others do not. The study was aimed to explore mother’s willingness to deliver at the health facilities and attitudes toward service providers in Dodoma Region, Tanzania Methods and Materials: This was a qualitative cross-sectional study design conducted in four districts of the Dodoma region. The study population was women of reproductive age with their (spouses) who had children aged less than two years, health care providers, TBAs, and community leaders. We conducted eight focused group discussions (FGDs) and fourteen In-depth interviews (IDIs) using interview guides and an IDI checklist respectively. Data were transcribed and translated from Kiswahili to English. The transcribed documents were then exported into NVivo 10 software to facilitate the coding process and analyzed through a thematic approach. Results: The study participants reported that the majority of women were willing to deliver at health facilities but some still preferred home delivery due to different reasons including positive or negative attitudes toward service provided by nurses and traditional birth attendants. Conclusions: Our findings suggest for health care providers customize respectful maternity care to all women. This may encourage all women to deliver at the health facilities; hence, decreasing the risk of maternal morbidity and mortality

    Factors associated with child sexual abuse in Tanzania: a qualitative study

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    Background: Child sexual abuse (CSA) is one of the most pervasive occurrences which are reported all over the world. It often goes unnoticed and undocumented due to surrounding taboos; its sensitivity in nature and affects the less powerful population. Anecdote information is available on the nature and extent of sexual abuse among children in Tanzania. The aim of this study was to explore factors, forms, context of abuse and perpetrators of child sex abuse in selected regions of Tanzania.Methods: Key informant interviews were conducted among adults including parents of the victims to explore factors associated with sexual abuse of children under 10 years old in Tanzania. The interview guide centred on factors for child sexual abuse, the type of perpetrators and the context into which these abuses take place.Results: There were incidences of child sexual abuse in Tanzania and the major forms were anal and vaginal penetration, and the most affected were girls. The abuses were rarely reported due to shame and embarrassment faced by the affected children and parents. The causes of child sexual abuse were poverty, ambitions and moral degradation, myths and beliefs, urbanization, foreign culture and poor parental care. Incidents of CSA were reported to occur in perpetrators’ homes and in semi-finished housing structures, madrassa and recreational venues where children can freely access entertainment by watching movies. These acts were committed by people in position of power, close relationship and trusted by the children. Contexts where child sexual abuses occur included overcrowded living spaces and social activities that go on late into the night.Conclusion: We recommend for strengthened interventions at different levels within the society to address the root causes and different contexts in which child sex abuse occurs. Increased awareness of the root causes should go hand in hand with measures to encourage parents and survivors to report incidents to relevant authorities timely as they occur

    From papers to practices: district level priority setting processes and criteria for family planning, maternal, newborn and child health interventions in Tanzania

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    Contains fulltext : 97928.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Successful priority setting is increasingly known to be an important aspect in achieving better family planning, maternal, newborn and child health (FMNCH) outcomes in developing countries. However, far too little attention has been paid to capturing and analysing the priority setting processes and criteria for FMNCH at district level. This paper seeks to capture and analyse the priority setting processes and criteria for FMNCH at district level in Tanzania. Specifically, we assess the FMNCH actor's engagement and understanding, the criteria used in decision making and the way criteria are identified, the information or evidence and tools used to prioritize FMNCH interventions at district level in Tanzania. METHODS: We conducted an exploratory study mixing both qualitative and quantitative methods to capture and analyse the priority setting for FMNCH at district level, and identify the criteria for priority setting. We purposively sampled the participants to be included in the study. We collected the data using the nominal group technique (NGT), in-depth interviews (IDIs) with key informants and documentary review. We analysed the collected data using both content analysis for qualitative data and correlation analysis for quantitative data. RESULTS: We found a number of shortfalls in the district's priority setting processes and criteria which may lead to inefficient and unfair priority setting decisions in FMNCH. In addition, participants identified the priority setting criteria and established the perceived relative importance of the identified criteria. However, we noted differences exist in judging the relative importance attached to the criteria by different stakeholders in the districts. CONCLUSIONS: In Tanzania, FMNCH contents in both general development policies and sector policies are well articulated. However, the current priority setting process for FMNCH at district levels are wanting in several aspects rendering the priority setting process for FMNCH inefficient and unfair (or unsuccessful). To improve district level priority setting process for the FMNCH interventions, we recommend a fundamental revision of the current FMNCH interventions priority setting process. The improvement strategy should utilize rigorous research methods combining both normative and empirical methods to further analyze and correct past problems at the same time use the good practices to improve the current priority setting process for FMNCH interventions. The suggested improvements might give room for efficient and fair (or successful) priority setting process for FMNCH interventions

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices on tuberculosis infection prevention and associated factors among rural and urban adults in northeast Tanzania: A cross-sectional study.

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    Almost 10 million of the global population was infected with tuberculosis (TB) in 2017. Tanzania is among countries with high incidence of TB. Although control measures of TB are multi factorial, it is important to understand the individual's knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) in order to control TB infection. We conducted a cross-sectional study in northeast Tanzania; recruited and interviewed 1519 adults from two districts, one rural and another urban. We scored each participant using several questions for each construct of KAP. A study participant scoring at least 60% of the possible maximum scores was considered as having a good knowledge, positive attitude or good practices. And herein, a participant having positive TB attitude would mean they acknowledge TB exist, recognizes its impact on health and would seek or advise TB-infected individuals to seek the correct remedies. We applied multiple linear regression analysis to assess independent individual-level factors related to TB on KAP scores in the rural and urban populations. Overall, less than half (44%) of the study participants had good overall knowledge about TB infection and significantly more urban than rural adult population had good overall knowledge (p<0.001). Almost one in ten, (11%) of all study participants had positive attitudes towards TB infection. More urban study participants, (16%) had positive attitudes than their rural counterparts, 6%). Almost nine in ten (89%) of all study participants had good practices towards TB prevention and control; significantly more adults in urban, (97%) than the rural populations (56%) (p<0.01). Predictors of KAP scores were individual's education and main source of income. Adults in rural and urban northeast Tanzania have poor knowledge, attitudes and practices for TB infection and prevention. Strategies focusing on health education are important for control of TB, especially among rural communities

    Women’s determinant factors for preferred place of delivery in Dodoma region Tanzania: a cross sectional study

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    Abstract Background Skilled birth attendance is one of the key factors in improving maternal health but less than 50% of women in sub-Saharan African countries do not have the opportunity to be attended to by skilled personnel during childbirth. The aim of the study was to assess the factors determining women’s preference for a place to give birth in Dodoma Region, Tanzania. Methods This study employed a cross-sectional survey design using quantitative data collection and analysis methods. Data were collected using structured questionnaire administered to 800 women obtained through multistage random sampling. Multivariable logistic regression model was applied to determine the predictors of place of delivery. Results More than three quarters 629(78.6%) respondents had their last delivery in the health facilities while 171(21.4%) had their last delivery at home/on the way to hospital. Reasons for delivering at home include: abrupt occurrence of labour pain, long distance to the health facilities, lack of money to pay for transport and unfriendly experience with the health care providers. Simple logistic regression model indicate that mothers’ education level, number of children, cost of transport the estimated distance to the nearby health facility and occupation were strong predictors of the preferred place of delivery. However, after controlling the potential confounder, the multivariable logistic regression model demonstrated a significant association between delivery at the health facility and the number of children and transport cost. Conclusion Our findings suggest a need for health care providers to enhance health education to women and their spouses about birth preparedness and the importance of delivering at the health facility. There is also a need for the government to increase the number of health facilities including maternity waiting homes and well trained health workers in both rural and urban areas