42 research outputs found

    Aberrant location of inhibitory synaptic marker proteins in the hippocampus of dystrophin-deficient mice

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disease that arises from mutations in the dystrophin-encoding gene. Apart from muscle pathology, cognitive impairment, primarily of developmental origin, is also a significant component of the disorder. Convergent lines of evidence point to an important role for dystrophin in regulating the molecular machinery of central synapses. The clustering of neurotransmitter receptors at inhibitory synapses, thus impacting on synaptic transmission, is of particular significance. However, less is known about the role of dystrophin in influencing the precise expression patterns of proteins located within the pre- and postsynaptic elements of inhibitory synapses. To this end, we exploited molecular markers of inhibitory synapses, interneurons and dystrophin-deficient mouse models to explore the role of dystrophin in determining the stereotypical patterning of inhibitory connectivity within the cellular networks of the hippocampus CA1 region. In tissue from wild-type (WT) mice, immunoreactivity of neuroligin2 (NL2), an adhesion molecule expressed exclusively in postsynaptic elements of inhibitory synapses, and the vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT), a marker of GABAergic presynaptic elements, were predictably enriched in strata pyramidale and lacunosum moleculare. In acute contrast, NL2 and VGAT immunoreactivity was relatively evenly distributed across all CA1 layers in dystrophin-deficient mice. Similar changes were evident with the cannabinoid receptor 1, vesicular glutamate transporter 3, parvalbumin, somatostatin and the GABAA receptor alpha1 subunit. The data show that in the absence of dystrophin, there is a rearrangement of the molecular machinery, which underlies the precise spatio-temporal pattern of GABAergic synaptic transmission within the CA1 sub-field of the hippocampus

    Localization of NG2 immunoreactive neuroglia cells in the rat locus coeruleus and their plasticity in response to stress

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    The locus coeruleus (LC) nucleus modulates adaptive behavioural responses to stress and dysregulation of LC neuronal activity is implicated in stress-induced mental illnesses. The LC is composed primarily of noradrenergic neurons together with various glial populations. A neuroglia cell-type largely unexplored within the LC is the NG2 cell. NG2 cells serve primarily as oligodendrocyte precursor cells throughout the brain. However, some NG2 cells are in synaptic contact with neurons suggesting a role in information processing. The aim of this study was to neurochemically and anatomically characterise NG2 cells within the rat LC. Furthermore, since NG2 cells have been shown to proliferate in response to traumatic brain injury, we investigated whether such NG2 cells plasticity also occurs in response to emotive insults such as stress. Immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy revealed that NG2 cells were enriched within the pontine region occupied by the LC. Close inspection revealed that a sub-population of NG2 cells were located within unique indentations of LC noradrenergic somata and were immunoreactive for the neuronal marker NeuN whilst NG2 cell processes formed close appositions with clusters immunoreactive for the inhibitory synaptic marker proteins gephyrin and the GABA-A receptor alpha3-subunit, on noradrenergic dendrites. In addition, LC NG2 cell processes were decorated with vesicular glutamate transporter 2 immunoreactive puncta. Finally, ten days of repeated restraint stress significantly increased the density of NG2 cells within the LC. The study demonstrates that NG2 IR cells are integral components of the LC cellular network and they exhibit plasticity as a result of emotive challenges

    Spatiotemporal distribution of GABA<sub>A</sub> receptor subunits within Layer II of mouse medial entorhinal cortex:implications for grid cell excitability

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    GABAergic parvalbumin-expressing (PV+) interneurons provide powerful inhibitory modulation of grid cells in layer II of the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC LII). However, the molecular machinery through which PV+ cells regulate grid cell activity is poorly defined. PV+ interneurons impart inhibitory modulation primarily via GABA-A receptors (GABAARs). GABAARs are pentameric ion channels assembled from a repertoire of 19 subunits. Multiple subunit combinations result in a variety of receptor subtypes mediating functionally diverse postsynaptic inhibitory currents. Whilst the broad expression patterns of GABAAR subunits within the EC have been reported, those expressed by individual MEC LII cell types, in particular grid cells candidates, stellate and pyramidal cells, are less well described. Stellate and pyramidal cells are distinguished by their selective expression of reelin (RE+) and calbindin (CB+) respectively. Thus, the overall aim of this study was to provide a high resolution analysis of the major (α and Îł) GABAAR subunits expressed in proximity to somato-dendritic PV+ boutons, on RE+ and CB+ cells, using immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy and quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR). Clusters immunoreactive for the α1 and Îł2 subunits decorated the somatic membranes of both RE+ and CB+ cells and were predominantly located in apposition to clusters immunoreactive for PV and vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT), suggesting expression in GABAergic synapses innervated by PV interneurons. Although intense α2 subunit-immunopositive clusters were evident in hippocampal fields located in close proximity to the EC, no specific signal was detected in MEC LII RE+ and CB+ profiles. Immunoreactivity for the α3 subunit was detected in all RE+ somata. In contrast, only a sub-population of CB+ cells was α3 immunopositive. These included CB-α3 cells which were both PV+ and PV−. Furthermore, α3 subunit mRNA and immunofluorescence decreased significantly between P 15 and P 25, a period implicated in the functional maturation of grid cells. Finally, α5 subunit immunoreactivity was detectable only on CB+ cells, not on RE+ cells. The present data demonstrates that physiologically distinct GABAAR subtypes are selectively expressed by CB+ and RE+ cells. This suggests that PV+ interneurons could utilize distinct postsynaptic signaling mechanisms to regulate the excitability of these different, candidate grid cell sub-populations

    Specific Dystrophins Selectively Associate with Inhibitory and Excitatory Synapses of the Mouse Cerebellum and their Loss Alters Expression of P2X7 Purinoceptors and Pro-Inflammatory Mediators

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    open access articleDuchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients, having mutations of the DMD gene, present with a range of neuropsychiatric disorders, in addition to the quintessential muscle pathology. The neurobiological basis remains poorly understood because the contributions of different DMD gene products (dystrophins) to the different neural networks underlying such symptoms are yet to be fully characterised. While full-length dystrophin clusters in inhibitory synapses, with inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors, the precise subcellular expression of truncated DMD gene products with excitatory synapses remains unresolved. Furthermore, inflammation, involving P2X purinoceptor 7 (P2RX7) accompanies DMD muscle pathology, yet any association with brain dystrophins is yet to be established. The aim of this study was to investigate the comparative expression of different dystrophins, alongside ionotropic glutamate receptors and P2RX7s, within the cerebellar circuitry known to express different dystrophin isoforms. Immunoreactivity for truncated DMD gene products was targeted to Purkinje cell (PC) distal dendrites adjacent to, or overlapping with, signal for GluA1, GluA4, GluN2A, and GluD2 receptor subunits. P2X7R immunoreactivity was located in Bergmann glia profiles adjacent to PC-dystrophin immunoreactivity. Ablation of all DMD gene products coincided with decreased mRNA expression for Gria2, Gria3, and Grin2a and increased GluD2 immunoreactivity. Finally, dystrophin-null mice showed decreased brain mRNA expression of P2rx7 and several inflammatory mediators. The data suggest that PCs target different dystrophin isoforms to molecularly and functionally distinct populations of synapses. In contrast to muscle, dystrophinopathy in brain leads to the dampening of the local immune system

    Syndapin-2 mediated transcytosis of amyloid-ÎČ across the blood-brain barrier

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    A deficient transport of amyloid-ÎČ across the blood-brain barrier, and its diminished clearance from the brain, contribute to neurodegenerative and vascular pathologies, such as Alzheimer's disease and cerebral amyloid angiopathy, respectively. At the blood-brain barrier, amyloid-ÎČ efflux transport is associated with the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1. However, the precise mechanisms governing amyloid-ÎČ transport across the blood-brain barrier, in health and disease, remain to be fully understood. Recent evidence indicates that the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 transcytosis occurs through a tubulation-mediated mechanism stabilized by syndapin-2. Here, we show that syndapin-2 is associated with amyloid-ÎČ clearance via low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 across the blood-brain barrier. We further demonstrate that risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, amyloid-ÎČ expression and ageing, are associated with a decline in the native expression of syndapin-2 within the brain endothelium. Our data reveals that syndapin-2-mediated pathway, and its balance with the endosomal sorting, are important for amyloid-ÎČ clearance proposing a measure to evaluate Alzheimer's disease and ageing, as well as a target for counteracting amyloid-ÎČ build-up. Moreover, we provide evidence for the impact of the avidity of amyloid-ÎČ assemblies in their trafficking across the brain endothelium and in low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 expression levels, which may affect the overall clearance of amyloid-ÎČ across the blood-brain barrier

    During postnatal development endogenous neurosteroids influence GABA-ergic neurotransmission of mouse cortical neurons

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    AbstractAs neuronal development progresses, GABAergic synaptic transmission undergoes a defined program of reconfiguration. For example, GABAA receptor (GABAAR)-mediated synaptic currents, (miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents; mIPSCs), which initially exhibit a relatively slow decay phase, become progressively reduced in duration, thereby supporting the temporal resolution required for mature network activity. Here we report that during postnatal development of cortical layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons, GABAAR-mediated phasic inhibition is influenced by a resident neurosteroid tone, which wanes in the second postnatal week, resulting in the brief phasic events characteristic of mature neuronal signalling. Treatment of cortical slices with the immediate precursor of 5α-pregnan-3α-ol-20-one (5α3α), the GABAAR-inactive 5α-dihydroprogesterone, (5α-DHP), greatly prolonged the mIPSCs of P20 pyramidal neurons, demonstrating these more mature neurons retain the capacity to synthesize GABAAR-active neurosteroids, but now lack the endogenous steroid substrate. Previously, such developmental plasticity of phasic inhibition was ascribed to the expression of synaptic GABAARs incorporating the α1 subunit. However, the duration of mIPSCs recorded from L2/3 cortical neurons derived from α1 subunit deleted mice, were similarly under the developmental influence of a neurosteroid tone. In addition to principal cells, synaptic GABAARs of L2/3 interneurons were modulated by native neurosteroids in a development-dependent manner. In summary, local neurosteroids influence synaptic transmission during a crucial period of cortical neurodevelopment, findings which may be of importance for establishing normal network connectivity

    Diversité et origine génétique des espÚces de la sous famille des Aurantioideae et décryptage des structures interspécifiques des génomes des agrumes modernes

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    L'Ă©tude de l'espaceur intergĂ©nique tmL-tmF chez les espĂšces tunisiennes du genre Citrus montre la prĂ©sence d'une seule copie du pseudogĂšne tmF chez toutes les variĂ©tĂ©s analysĂ©es. Les valeurs positives et non significatives des tests de neutralitĂ© plaident en faveur d'un modĂšle d'Ă©volution neutre et supportent l'hypothĂšse d'un scĂ©nario dĂ©mographique stable. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent clairement la contribution des pools gĂ©nĂ©tiques de C. reticulata et C. maxima dans le dĂ©veloppement des espĂšces secondaires tunisiennes. L'analyse basĂ©e sur les sĂ©quences nuclĂ©otidiques de huit rĂ©gions gĂ©nomiques chloroplastiques de 79 variĂ©tĂ©s de la sous famille des Aurantioideae rĂ©vĂšle, via les marqueurs SNPs, une diffĂ©renciation taxonomique au niveau des tribus, des soustribus, des genres et des espĂšces. 166 SNPs diagnostiques des 54 clades analysĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s suivis d'une sĂ©lection de 40 KASPars. L'application de ces marqueurs chez 108 variĂ©tĂ©s montre un haut taux de transfĂ©rabilitĂ© au sein de la sous famille des Aurantioideae et une cohĂ©rence avec les analyses gĂ©nĂ©tiques antĂ©rieures du gĂ©nome chloroplastique 21 clĂ©s marqueurs de clade catĂ©goriquement diagnostique de 19 clades ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es. L'analyse GBS des 55 variĂ©tĂ©s d'agrumes par sĂ©quençage ILLUMINA H1SEQ2000 s'avĂšre efficace dans d'identification des polymorphismes diagnostiques (12564 SNPs/lnDels) de la diffĂ©renciation C. reticulata/C. maxima couvrant l'ensemble du gĂ©nome nĂ©cessaire au dĂ©chiffrage de l'origine phylogĂ©nomique tout au long des neuf chromosomes des 55 variĂ©tĂ©s. L'approche adoptĂ©e confirme les analyses rĂ©centes basĂ©es sur des donnĂ©es de sĂ©quence de gĂ©nome complet pour la clĂ©mentine, l'orange douce et amĂšre et la mandarine 'Ponkan'. La technique GBS couplĂ©e Ă  la dĂ©tection des points polymorphes diagnostiques s'avĂšre trĂšs efficace dans le dĂ©cryptage des caryotypes phylogĂ©nomiques des variĂ©tĂ©s qui dĂ©rivent d'une mosaĂŻque de deux espĂšces ancestrales. Le mĂ©lange C. reticulata/C. maxima doit ĂȘtre l'Ă©lĂ©ment majeur de la variabilitĂ© phĂ©notypique rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e Ă©levĂ©e de ces ressources. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Identification of intraneuronal amyloid beta oligomers in locus coeruleus neurons of Alzheimer's patients and their potential impact on inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors and neuronal excitability

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    The author's final peer reviewed version can be found by following the URI link. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Aims Amyloid ÎČ oligomers (AÎČO) are potent modulators of Alzheimer’s pathology, yet their impact on one of the earliest brain regions to exhibit signs of the condition, the locus coeruleus (LC), remains to be determined. Of particular importance is whether AÎČO impact the spontaneous excitability of LC neurons. This parameter determines brain‐wide noradrenaline (NA) release, and thus NA‐mediated brain functions, including cognition, emotion and immune function, which are all compromised in Alzheimer’s. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine the expression profile of AÎČO in the LC of Alzheimer’s patients and to probe their potential impact on the molecular and functional correlates of LC excitability, using a mouse model of increased AÎČ production (APP‐PSEN1). Methods and Results Immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy, using AÎČO‐specific antibodies, confirmed LC AÎČO expression both intraneuronally and extracellularly in both Alzheimer’s and APP‐PSEN1 samples. Patch clamp electrophysiology recordings revealed that APP‐PSEN1 LC neuronal hyperexcitability accompanied this AÎČO expression profile, arising from a diminished inhibitory effect of GABA, due to impaired expression and function of the GABA‐A receptor (GABAAR) α3 subunit. This altered LC α3‐GABAAR expression profile overlapped with AÎČO expression in samples from both APP‐PSEN1 mice and Alzheimer’s patients. Finally, strychnine‐sensitive glycine receptors (GlyRs) remained resilient to AÎČ‐induced changes and their activation reversed LC hyperexcitability. Conclusions The data suggest a close association between AÎČO and α3‐GABAARs in the LC of Alzheimer’s patients, and their potential to dysregulate LC activity, thereby contributing to the spectrum of pathology of the LC‐NA system in this condition

    Neurosteroid Modulation of Synaptic and Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors of the Mouse Nucleus Accumbens

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    The recent approval of formulations of the endogenous neurosteroid allopregnanolone (brexanolone) and the synthetic neuroactive steroid SAGE-217 (zuranolone) to treat postpartum depression (PPD) has encouraged further research to elucidate why these potent enhancers of GABAAR function are clinically effective in this condition. Dopaminergic projections from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens are associated with reward/motivation and brain imaging studies report that individuals with PPD show reduced activity of this pathway in response to reward and infant engagement. However, the influence of neurosteroids on GABA-ergic transmission in the nucleus accumbens has received limited attention. Here, we investigate, in the medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of the mouse nucleus accumbens core, the effect of allopregnanolone, SAGE-217 and other endogenous and synthetic steroids of interest on fast phasic and tonic inhibition mediated by synaptic (α1/2ÎČÎł2) and extrasynaptic (α4ÎČÎŽ) GABAARs, respectively. We present evidence suggesting the resident tonic current results from the spontaneous opening of ÎŽ-GABAARs, where the steroid-enhanced tonic current is GABA-dependent. Furthermore, we demonstrate local neurosteroid synthesis in the accumbal slice preparation and reveal that GABA-ergic neurotransmission of MSNs is influenced by an endogenous neurosteroid tone. Given the dramatic fluctuations in allopregnanolone levels during pregnancy and postpartum, this neurosteroid-mediated local fine-tuning of GABAergic transmission in the MSNs will probably be perturbed